MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 161

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"I love you~ dear girl~"

This guy is really special.

In a group of smog, a little white.

Qingchuan guessed that it was bad luck, or a bad omen or something. But it was rare for such a thick black air to cover almost the entire face.

And this is not one or two, but a group.

Because of curiosity, he changed the plane.

Yes, he is now sitting on the plane to the crew - a famous film and television city.

About half a month ago, Qingchuan received an official notice, and then he signed a contract with the crew to become the sixth male prince, and also got his part of the script. Now he's on his way to the set.

But it was not this plane before, but the one that took off an hour later, Qingchuan temporarily changed the ticket and forced it on.

, forming a spell of protection.

This is the first time Qingchuan saw the item made by the warlock in this world.

He knows that this world has metaphysics, but he has never encountered it. Maybe it is because he is too housebound, or the warlocks in this world are a little different and can't be seen. However, he often sees some weird colored 'qi'.

The red qi last time has the effect of confusing people, and the black qi is bad luck.

Qingchuan thought that black qi represented death at first, but if black qi is death, the strange thing is that the old man who is dying does not have it either.

He felt that this black gas might be bad luck, and if it covered his face, it was some fatal bad luck. It is an unchangeable natural law that human beings die naturally after their lifespan, but accidents can be eliminated. Perhaps this is the essence of black qi.

Doom that may be altered and eliminated.

So he changed his ticket and now sits on it, by the corridor.

In addition, he is no longer in a wheelchair, can walk normally, and his body has returned to its prime.

The chubby guy next door is very special, he is the only white and has no bad luck. Maybe he won't do any harm, and everyone else will die.

Qingchuan sat with Little Fatty. They sat at the tail of the plane. I heard that sitting at the tail of the plane is the safest, because this is where the black boxes are placed.

If the plane loses power halfway, no one will survive, even if the little fat man has life-saving props in his hand. Going back and pushing backwards, Qingchuan guessed that the accident should have happened during the landing, at least the accident that made everyone unlucky was caused by the landing.

Qingchuan's mind is full of various disaster blockbusters.

"Sir, please don't make any noise." The flight attendant reminded the little brother next door.

"Ah, I'm sorry." He immediately turned off the music and smiled embarrassedly. He saw Qingchuan wearing a mask next door, "Hello."

"Hello." There is a breathing valve next to the mask, which does not affect his speech.

"Are you also going to the film and television city? I went to the film and television city to find a friend. I think you are very good-looking, like a star. Hahaha, just kidding, which star comes out is not the front and the back Yes, you don't see it when you see it." This is a talkative person, with one mouth, there is no room for others to speak.

"Actually, I met him before. I thought I was famous and hired a lot of bodyguards, but in fact I didn't know anyone after I came out. Hahahahaha, it's really funny." This The young man talked to himself and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Zhang Le, a freelance writer."

"My surname is Xia, you can call me Aming." Qing Chuan reached out and shook hands with him.

"Oh, your fingers are very long and beautiful, these are a pair of hands suitable for playing the piano." Zhang Le looked at his short and fat fingers, there was a slender scratch on it, which had healed. It should have been shaved yesterday, "Look, this was caught by my Miaomiao. I said that I would be away for a few days, and it got angry, so I ran to get vaccinated overnight. Oh, Miaomiao is my cat, super Fierce."

Why are you so proud? If you didn't know, you thought you were talking about your girlfriend.

This is a cat slave, Qingchuan is sure.

"Do you have a cat?" Zhang Le asked him.

"No." Qingchuan replied, and thought to himself, but I have an owl.

"I have four cats." He took out his mobile phone and showed it to Qingchuan. There were cats of different colors and breeds. They were well raised and their furs were shiny. Every cat is beautiful, and someone who appreciates them has to take these emotional photos.

This reminds Qingchuan that he has raised a lot of cats and dogs before. The lifespan of cats and dogs is too short. It is an uncomfortable thing to have to give up your feelings, and then you can only watch and leave in the end.

Life is too long and there are too many worlds to experience, so there will be such troubles.

Everyone passed by in a hurry in his life, those people already had a new pure white life, but Qingchuan always remembered that he should carry on these memories forever. Family members, friends, and pets in every world leave a little ink mark in their memory, and the ink mark will gradually fade, but it will never disappear.

Qingchuan is strong enough, he never recalls the past.

He is also lucky enough to leave some in the small world, they, Wei Ge and the system are always there.

"I used to raise them too, but after I sent them away, I stopped raising them." Qingchuan said.


Qing Chuan's eyes bent, although he didn't speak, he could still feel that he was in a good mood.

"I don't want to keep other pets now? Besides cats and dogs, there are other pets." Zhang Le asked again.

Qingchuan thought for a moment, "I want to raise an owl, do I have to get a breeding certificate?" The three-headed dog is too lively. Will be cute.

Zhang Le's eyes were wrong for a moment, "National second-class protected animal, sit in prison and think about it?"

"Never mind."

"You can think about other things, like me, there are other small animals at home."

The next-door tyrant boy read interesting stories about the animals at home with him all the way. It turned out that in addition to the four cats, he also raised guinea pigs, Chinese tortoises, and a tank of goldfish. Now his most troublesome thing is how to convince the four kittens not to stare at the fish tank and rat cage.

This is too hard, is it possible that you keep a frying lover from eating the fried pork ribs and fried chicken on the table?

The two read from the starting point to the destination all the way. Qingchuan was a little tired. Sitting there, his eyelids were half drooping, and he was drowsy. Suddenly, there was a clear sense of weightlessness on the plane. Is it high?

He lifted his spirits.

There was no obvious bump in the plane, and the flight attendant's service was still considerate and thoughtful. Some passengers on the plane were sleeping, some were reading books, listening to songs, and watching videos downloaded on the computer. There was nothing abnormal.

At this time, the broadcast reminds passengers that they are about to arrive at their destination, please fasten their seat belts, put away the dining board, etc.

Qing Chuan fastened his seat belt, moved his fingers and took a deep breath. In fact, moving your fingers is useless, just a habitual preparation before a major event.

"You look nervous? Do you have a phobia of planes? Don't worry, the plane is safe." The next door boy also fastened his seat belt.

The sense of weightlessness became apparent and the plane was ready to land.


The moment the plane touched the ground, the entire plane suddenly shook violently, and suddenly there was a sharp sound of metal scraping the ground. The people in the front row didn't feel so obvious. Qingchuan in the back row only felt that the whole person was slammed forward. Fortunately, the seat belt was tightly tied to him.

The passengers were still a little confused, and the face of the experienced flight attendant changed slightly.

If there is an accident in the plane, it will be an instant, and there is no preparation time at all, because the plane is so fast that you can't react, and it may explode directly.

However, in the next second, the sharp and harsh sound disappeared, and the plane stabilized, slowing down and taxiing forward.

The invisible wind was like a huge palm supporting the plane, so that it taxied smoothly and slowed down, stopping at the end, and the people on the plane could hardly feel the bump.

It was like a blip that almost no passengers noticed. Even if he noticed, because the plane stopped, he put his doubts behind him. The flight attendant pressed the doubts in her heart and saw off the guest with a smile.

Passengers went directly into the passenger passage after exiting the exit. No one saw the situation under the aircraft, and they did not know that one of the three aircraft wheels was damaged and there were obvious scratches on the bottom. Not to mention, the very light smell of rubber in the air after burning at high temperature, because it is too light, it will only be an illusion if you smell it.

There are more than 100 people in this plane, only the chatter boy next door has nothing on him, and everyone else has black smoke. These smokes are fading, and they are unwillingly entrenched in the air in the shape of evil spirits, lightening little by little and disappearing.

He even saw traces of black smoke from the nearest terminal building, which was dissipating little by little.

The passengers on the plane and everything around them slowly reveal their original appearance.

He can make up the picture.

The moment the plane landed, the rear wheel failed, the weight of the entire plane was unbalanced, one side hit the ground, and the high-speed friction heated up. Its other two wheels will also be damaged because it can't support it, and the plane rushes all the way to the terminal.


Except for the one passenger on the tail who survived, the others, the passengers and the flight attendant, were wiped out.

A trivial matter for the entire human history, but an unforgettable disaster for an individual family.

Qingchuan looked back, no matter whether it was the passengers or the plane, the smoke disappeared.

He pulled his luggage out of the airport gate.

There is a pick-up staff in the waiting area for the pick-up staff. She is a beautiful girl, but she is very serious. He dropped off at the hotel and left.

The rich and powerful crew rented a floor, and the sixth male Qingchuan also had a single room with a good view.

Qingchuan put a small incense on the cabinet, and then closed the translucent curtain.

After arriving, he was going to report to the director. It happened that the director said that the screenwriter was also here today. Let him go, and Qingchuan will pass.

To be honest, he was a little curious about who the screenwriter was.

He has read through all the scripts he sent before, Xiao Shizi is a bit complicated. Not very good.

But it's too sandy, full of modern people, and people will complain about it. This script has a good grasp of that degree.

He guessed that the screenwriter was a middle-aged woman in her forties, with experience, her own views on history, and a bit of humor. Because the descriptions of several feelings in it are very delicate and in place, it looks like a female style.

But he opened the door, and a face he had seen not long ago appeared before him.

Yes, Catman (wrong).

"Ah, it's you!" Zhang Le's expression was even more exaggerated than his, "I just said, you look so good, you look like a star."

Yeah, and then you categorically denied it yourself, impossible.

"You know each other?" The director is a little strange.

Zhang Le's identity is more complicated. He is the grandson of a big man who is in charge of their entertainment industry, but this big man's own son has another love, and he doesn't care about this son. , which led to Zhang Le's psychological problems. People who seem optimistic, have depression, and have gotten better in recent years.

In the matter of Zhang Lejin's crew, the boss even said hello to Director Wang, and hoped that he would take more care of him.

It sounds like a dog blood drama, but it is true, Zhang Le is the biggest coffee in this crew, hidden.

Director Wang looked at Qingchuan silently: He coaxed the biggest hidden character of the crew before he came, what kind of luck is this?

Qing Chuan is still observing other people in the room, one male, two males, one female and three females. Originally, it was quite a big room with a big bed, but it felt crowded when there were too many people, and there was no additional separate small study room for leisure office.

Out of courtesy, everyone stood instead of sitting on the bed. All of them are tall and tall, which makes the director short, and they are obviously of standard height.

Zhang Le came over and patted Qingchuan on the shoulder, "We're on a plane, we're next door, we're cat friends." Cat owners are good people.

"I want to keep owls, not cats." Qingchuan emphasized.

"The owl can't do anything about it, how about Costin? The little prince has a very powerful Costin." Zhang Le rubbed his hands, excited when he talked about animals, he couldn't see it at all He will be the screenwriter of the play.

"Then you two are very destined." Female Yi pursed her lips and smiled.

Pets start and so on.

I was on a plane next door, and they had a good conversation. In the end, I was pleasantly surprised to find out, eh, it turns out that they are still colleagues for a period of time in the future - is this written? I dare not write like that.

If you go back and check again, Qingchuan has changed it. Well, the evidence is conclusive.

Who believes they are just such a coincidence?

This small meeting is basically for everyone to get to know each other. Qingchuan is the youngest, so he obediently calls him brother and sister, and when he meets old actors in the future, he will call him uncle and aunt.

The first man asked him to call him brother, probably feeling kind. His name is Song Wei, he is in his forties, he has acted in TV series and movies, he has won many awards, and he is only one actor away. People can't tell what's going on, the public praise is very good, and there are many friends in the industry.

The second male is called Zhao Hangqi, in his thirties and forties, he looks like a tough guy. He doesn't talk too much, but with a smile on his face all the time, he feels that this person is quite easy to get along with.

Then the female first, Cheng Jiajia.

This drama is a men's drama, the women are just embellishments, the female one is not as good as the male one, and a new generation of flowers is two years older than Qingchuan.

This new generation of Xiaohua debuted a day earlier than him, and was not even as famous as Xia Yueming two years ago. At that time, Xia Yueming could star in movies, and her ability to attract money was very good. She was still in idol dramas.

It seems a little sour?

In fact, Qingchuan felt that the main reason was that nothing had happened, and it would only be better.

However, she has been working hard, so she has kept up with the times and has staying power compared to the traffic of the same period. During the same period, many people who were popular either got married or retired, disappeared on the big screen and played soy sauce everywhere, or were still in idol dramas.

Xia Yueming disappeared for two years, basically starting all over again. No matter how big the fame and the past glory are, they are all past history.

In front of the facts, it is useless to say assumptions and ifs, it is just self-comfort.

This place in the entertainment industry is very serious about seniority, but everything depends on strength. Works, fame, net worth, background, etc., have to be compared. No one in Qingchuan is better now, and they have lost.

He shouted 'Sister Cheng', no one thought there was a problem.

The third woman is also an acquaintance, Zhang Shuyu, a girl with classical beauty, in fact, she is almost thirty, with a baby face and a tender appearance.

Xia Yueming worked with her at the beginning. At that time, he was the second male and Zhang Shuyu was the third female. Now he is the sixth male, and Zhang Shuyu is still the third female. It's not because of lack of talent, or other reasons, but because of marriage and children, the time for filming is short.

She was surprised that Qingchuan's legs had recovered. Such a big news, no one broke it, it doesn't look like the style of the entertainment paparazzi.

Learn about obfuscation?

When they were about to leave, the director sent them an abbreviated version of the script to give them a general understanding of the whole story, similar to 'five minutes to understand the history of a certain dynasty'.

When he went out, he added the contact number of the screenwriter, so that he could ask any questions at any time. Of course, others have also added. The network is so wide, and this circle still attaches great importance to this. It's hard to say if there is any use, at least there is a key to find someone, even if there is more opportunity.

But Director Wang was very cold and he did not join in. A few of them even set up a small group and posted emojis hilariously. In fact, they went back to their respective rooms as soon as they went out.

There is a saying in Zhou Xingxing's movie: Corrupt officials want to be wicked, and honest officials are more wicked than corrupt officials.

The male protagonist is such an official. He was a stunned young man at first, but he was the first emperor at that time. He favored eunuchs and was obsessed with medicinal pills. He was too upright and offended the eunuch. Then he felt his pain and reflected on himself.

Why did this fail? Because the recognition of people is unclear, the emperor's halo is too great, and he piles his hopes on a rotten person. It is a big mistake to expect the emperor to realize his ambitions.

Then soon after, the first emperor died of drugs, and the second emperor came up. This emperor is also absurd, loves beauty, and has a little bit of snake essence disease. The male protagonist presents a beauty—that is, the third female, who is devoted to the male protagonist.

However, the male protagonist married the first female, the eldest princess.

The emotional drama is secondary, mainly about how the male protagonist deals with the emperor, how he deals with ministers, and how he plays with power, but he still does not forget his original intention and did a lot of good things for the people.

If this role is played well, it will probably attract fans. The villain's comfortable character, coupled with the decent line of enriching the people and strengthening the country, win both ends.

The second male is a general, and the male lead is both an enemy and a friend.

and tangled. It's a test of acting skills.

The second female is more interesting. She is a big businessman who disguises herself as a man. She was raised as a man since she was a child. Because her brother died, she was forced to change from a woman to a man. , and Xiao Shizi are friends. But in fact, she was in love with the general, and finally caught up with him.

As for the little prince, he seems to be the only son of the prince, but in fact, he was born after the previous emperor took too many drugs and grabbed his sister-in-law. Why didn't he get knocked out and become the only son of this prince? Because - this prince is infertile.

However, my mother practiced daily chanting Buddha at home, and my adoptive father didn't care if she didn't watch it, let alone my father.

This is the family background of Xiao Shizi.

The second generation emperor also knew about this matter, and he had the little prince's leg knocked off by him, so it was foolproof. But after knocking it off, the emperor felt guilty, and he was very kind to the little prince, too good to be unnecessary.

So you see, in this environment, Xiao Shizi will not be a normal person.

You, for example, the little prince said that he likes men, he likes them openly, and in that era, he could be deviant.

Actually, he just felt that his blood was dirty, and he didn't want to pass it on to future generations. He also doesn't want to ruin the lives of other girls, and would rather spread the word about his inability to women and dispel the idea of ​​marriage.

So from this aspect, Xiao Shizi's rebellious, arrogant and domineering are just camouflage, in order to protect the soft inner self.

Such a person, his final ending is not very good. Sometimes you have to admit that the more selfish you are, the better you are. The pain in the heart is not painful, I know it, but there is definitely no shortage of material and status.

He's not dead, his adoptive father is still fashionable when he's getting old, he's forcing the palace, it's like a joke, but of course he didn't succeed in the end. Have you become a commoner? Later, he was sent to his hometown to guard the imperial mausoleum.

I don't know if Qingchuan thinks too much. He thinks that this character has the shadow of a screenwriter. He laughs and seems to be funny, but hides a sensitive true self with a story.

Hey, the first trait of the character appeared: melancholy.

Qingchuan closed the curtains, leaving only a dim night light. He closed his eyes and shaped the little prince in the spiritual world.

In the darkness, a thin figure slowly emerged, sitting in a wheelchair, clearly with inconvenient legs and feet, but with a happy face, wearing a gold silk robe and a jasper crown, the corners of the mouth slightly raised as if happy Feixi is full of water, but there are countless stories to be told.

He is clearly a figure of spring flowers, and his whole body seems to be lonely without cold winter.

No relatives, no brothers and sisters, no confidant lover, all alone. Even though the sky is high and noble, and he is surrounded by flowers, he is still lonely.

Xiao Shizi loves animals very much, he keeps birds and horses.

The day when his adoptive father forced the palace, he let the bird go and gave the horse away. He put on plain linen clothes and sat quietly in the yard waiting.

until the dust settles.

In fact, he has always been the most sober one.

"I am now on the edge of the cliff, and I fell down with a slight push from others. The strange peaks here are beautiful, surrounded by clouds and smoke, the sky is like a dome and the ground is like green waves, beautiful. This life is not worthwhile. That's it."

It is also a relief to go to guard the imperial mausoleum at last.

The person formed by the combination of light spots in the darkness has turned into an entity, he raised an eyebrow at Qing Chuan and smiled.

"Master, Gao Xia."

There is a shortage of beautiful jade, which is called 'flaw'.

The author has something to say:The second character~