MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 25

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When the car stopped in front of the A gate, Xin Haoyue felt that he was a little confused.

After she clarified her words, Shen Sinan looked a bit horrible, but what she expected was that he immediately ordered the assistant to turn the car and send her back.

Xin Haoyue wondered: So what is the intention of Shen Sinan to toss this in vain? I can't think of it.

After the car stopped for two or three minutes, Shen Sinan saw that she was still sitting next to the window of the car, and her eyes were empty, and I didn’t know what I was thinking. The eyes of his eyes looked at her, and his heart was full of irritability. He couldn’t help but remind him: "What? Now I can’t bear it anymore?"

"Ah?" Xin Hao month stopped.

The dawn of Shen Si Nan’s glory is somewhat ironic: “Xin Haoyue, all this is what you ask. I hope you won’t regret it in the future.”

Xin Haoyue couldn't help but smile. "What do I regret?"

"It's best." Shen Sinan finished, and coldly said: "As for when I come to City A, how long I want to stay in City A, you have no right to interfere. Xin Xinyue, you are not mine."

Xin Haoyue glanced at him with a glance, and then smiled. When she pushed the car and got off the bus, she returned to him with a faint confession: "I didn't want to be yours."

Her words are light, but naturally it does not fall to the ear of Shen Sinan.

Xin Haoyue did not go back to see his expression, but when the car went away, the heart spit out: This Shen Sinan is really sick!

When she was reading, she felt that some of the people in this novel were really "unusually different", and now they are inexplicably being involved in it. What do they think of these people in the book? There is simply more than nothing!

At least when reading a book, she just felt that the aura of the man was too strong. If there was anything wrong with it, it would probably be more unremarkable.

Today, Xin Haoyue still feels that this person is simply very human. You have to stay away from him, he is still not happy, but also appears in front of you from time to time, let you add a block.


Xin Xin walked to the school and silently prayed in his heart: I hope that his awful attitude today will be maintained.

He is a wise man, she has said this to the point, and he wants to come to understand it. Moreover, from small to large, there are countless girls who are chasing him behind him. Xin Haoyue thinks that he has no place worthy of attracting him. Even if he came to find himself twice, the 80% is because life is boring, find a person and add fun.

So she really can't wait for him to never have anything to do with himself.

On the way back, there was Wang’s assistant silently praying in his heart.

He inadvertently saw the boss getting more and more grim after getting off at Xinyue.

Assistant Wang couldn't help but thank you in the heart of Miss Xin Jia, and the boss's cold iceberg was provoked by several degrees. How can you be embarrassed after going back?

Wang helped the ideal and asked: "Shen Zong, are we going back directly to the hotel or not?"

Shen Sinan sighed and said coldly: "Return to the city only."

“?” Wang assistant was surprised and said quickly: “Are you planning to stay in City A for a few more days? And...”

Assistant Wang’s words were halfway through, and he closed his mouth under the warning of his eyes.

"Shen Zong, I am talking too much." Assistant Wang was busy admitting.

Shen Sinan just licked his lips and did not speak.

And Assistant Wang can only shut up with a close look. In fact, what he wants to know is: Is it going back like this? Regardless of the Miss Xin Jia? After thousands of miles rushed over, I said something like this?

Poor him helped to change the itinerary for so long, and now, it has to be adjusted again. Assistant Wang was silent for a minute.

After going back, until the end of the banquet that night, Xin Xinyue did not see Shen Sinan. She is very happy, this feeling is really beautiful, don't want it.

She was very happy and Gu Yu planned to go back, did not expect to meet the summer bridge on the road.

Xiaqiao has replaced the formal dress, and this time he is wearing a black trousers and a white shirt.

Gu Yu eagerly greeted him when he saw him: "Summer host!"

Xiaqiao smiled slightly. "Don't call me that, call me Xiaqiao."

Gu Yu also followed the smile. "How can this be? Although I have not been able to witness the style of your presiding today, I have heard a lot of students and sisters who are present at the scene. Summer hosted all the way today, and the ability to host the whole line is online. Don't mention how much!"

Xiaqiao still smiles: "Thank you." After that, his sight naturally shifted to Xin Haoyue's body.

Xin Haoyue also greeted him for the time, and he heard him ask: "When I visited the experimental building together in the afternoon, I found something halfway to find you."

"What is it?" Xin Haoyue suddenly remembered that he was taken away by Shen Sinan halfway, and he did not know if there was any accident during the period.

Xiaqiao is shaking his head: "It is not a big deal. Yes, there are also your alumni in the guests who came today. Have you seen it?"

Xin Yuyue’s double hesitation was hesitant, and then he looked at him and replied: “You said Shen Sinan?”

Xiaqiao nodded. Although he didn't know much when he turned around and looked back, but the flash of a white and red figure, he was very sure that the red back is Xinyue.

Later, he carefully studied the accompanying personnel and found that the assistants of Xin Haoyue, Shen Sinan and Shen Sinan were gone.

Such suspicious whereabouts, Xiaqiao subconsciously worried about the safety of Xinyue. But he couldn't get out of the way until he saw her again, and then a whole hanging heart was released.

But he is very curious, how is the relationship between Shen Sinan and Xin Yiyue. But no matter how curious, Xia Qiao told himself: This is a private matter of Xin Haoyue, and he is not qualified enough to ask.

Xin Xinyue saw him mentioning Shen Sinan and smiled. "Oh, he just said that there is something wrong, and he doesn't want to alarm everyone, so let me bring him a low-key way back."

"So? Well, that worked hard." Xiaqiao smiled and said softly: "You are too busy today, go back to rest early."

"Well, okay." After Xin Haoyue finished, Gu Yu also said: "Thank you, Xia is so considerate! You have worked hard! Go to bed early!"

After bidding farewell to Xiaqiao, Gu Yu took the arm of Xin Haoyue and asked: "Well, you, Haoyue, when did you get so familiar with Xiaqiao?"

Xin Xinyue replied: "No, I have met several times in the library and said a few times."

Gu Yuman was surprised: "Wow, is this OK? Then I will go to the library with you next time!"

Xin Haoyue is speechless: "I have called you every time I go out, why don't you see that you have this idea? Now, for your male god, I am going to the library with great interest?"

"Of course! Beauty is current! Naturally, we must go forward!" After that, Gu Yu said again: "Xiaqiao is not a summer bridge, wearing a white shirt is handsome!"

Xin Haoyue just didn't pay much attention, so she returned to her with her mouth: "Alright!"

"You are too cold to react!"

Xin Haoyue laughed, quite helplessly: "Otherwise? Do you want me to react? I have seen wearing a white shirt better than him..."

"Hey." Gu Yule, "I was finally caught by the handle. This person who looks good in a white shirt is Shen Sinan!" She also witnessed it today, and naturally knows.

Xin Xinyue's forehead black line.

Gu Yu also urged: "You hurry, frankly wide, resisting strictness!"

"There is nothing to be frank." Xin Yuyue looked at her and said: "Because there is no relationship at all."

Gu Yu does not believe: "I don't believe it! It doesn't matter if he will ask you to lead the way, can you only lead the way alone?"

Where does Xinyue know the reason, "Would you like, ask him, and then tell me after the road?"

Gu Yu is wondering, "Is it really okay?"

"No." Xin Yuyue smashed the railroad.

Gu Yu looked at her, and yelled at her again and again, it was a pity.

Xin Yanyue looked at her and shook her head. Shen Sinan, where do you know his horror? It is the best policy to stay away from the distance.

Soon, the school is on holiday. Xin Haoyue did not intend to return to Shengshi City. In addition to continuing to learn dance and piano, she also reported herself an English tutoring class and a French class.

Her English in the past life is quite good, so compared to the French in the beginning, it is a lot of effort to learn.

Xinyue’s two-month holiday still didn’t plan to go home, and even set a series of study plans for himself. After a few days of family, this dare to play first. Then, without a doubt, I got all kinds of opposition from the Xin family. Of course, Xin parents are distressed and reluctant.

Xin Haoyue finally understood why the women's match in the book failed so much. Most of the reason may be that she was spoiled from an early age.

Hey, Xin Haoyue, she actually wants to be a rich lady, and she doesn’t touch Yangchun, and she comes to open her mouth.

But when she thought of the impressive ending, she did not dare to relax. At least, after a few years of her graduation, I tried to make myself famous! If the Xin family did not fall, it would be natural, and the icing on the cake. But if the last Xin family still can't avoid the ending, at least she still has a job to support herself.

Xin Xinyue thinks, still feels that relying on mountains and mountains, relying on everyone, so I still try to rely on myself. It’s still young at the moment, and there’s nothing wrong with eating harder and harder.

However, Xin’s Xinmu is a variety of persuasion, and Xinyi City does not agree. “You want to learn these things. I will give you the best teacher in the city. I will not go home for such a long vacation, like what!”

"Brother, you know, I don't want to go back."

"So you plan to stay there forever?"

"Not necessarily, take a step and take a step. Brother, you agree with your parents! Anyway, I have made up my mind, and I have adapted to the new teacher's teaching method, you will help me again, wait for time, I am sure Go back to see your parents!"

"Don't talk nonsense, give me back!"

"Don't go back. Brother, if you continue to let me go back, I will definitely not talk to you after I go back."

"Do you think this can threaten me?" Xinyi City does not eat this set.

Xin Yuyue swears, "Then I cry to her in front of my mother every day."

"You..." Xin Yicheng was speechless. "Are you still a child?"

"No. So I want to be the master, and then do what I like, brother, you will be me!"

Finally, under the insistence of Xin Haoyue, the family had to agree, but she still had to take care of herself while she was studying. Xin Haoyue readily agreed.

The time of study always flies fast, and the busy day of Xinyue makes her have no time to pay attention to others.

Until the end of August, a phone call from Xin family called her back and said that it was very important. She must be rushed back immediately.

Xin Haoyue listened to the tone and thought that something went wrong and hurried back. When I arrived at home, I saw Bai Ning, and she knew what this major emergency was - the birthday banquet of Shen’s father, Shen Jia sent an invitation to the Xin family to invite everyone to attend, Shen’s daughter-in-law, also In the name of Weng Lin, she also specially prepared an invitation letter and solemnly invited Xin Haoyue to attend.

When Xin Haoyue saw the golden invitation, when Weng Yulin’s name had her own name, she felt straight – God! She is going to be killed by her own mom! Why don't you tell her the phone! This way she will not come back to life!