MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 769 Fandral's invitation

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According to Xalatas' calculations, even if the curse of flesh and blood is fully launched, it will take at least a year to completely turn this steel body into flesh and blood.

This kind of progress is already very fast. You must know that it took thousands of years for Yogg-Saron to corrode the Titan's creation.

This is because this body is completely under the control of Xalatas, and now she has already recovered the strength of her soul in her prime, and even surpassed it, otherwise it would be impossible to compress the long process of flesh and blood into one year. .

Today's Xalatas has the name of the ancient god, but in fact it does not have the power of the ancient **** that most people think.

First of all, she is not parasitic in Azeroth, and it is impossible for her to have the immortality of C'Thun, Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth as long as the soul is immortal.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. After devouring the souls of four ancient gods one after another, Yogg-Saron's soul strength far exceeds that of his colleagues.

Even if this body is destroyed, she can transfer her soul to the Sword of the Dark Empire and wait for Andrea to make a new body for her.

As long as the sword of the Dark Empire is immortal, her soul can exist in an alternative immortal form.

To put it simply, the current Yogg-Saron is basically bound to Andrea, the master of the sword.

Under the witness of Elune, it is impossible for her to do things against Andrea's wishes.

Xalatas, who had died once, was more reluctant to die than N'Zoth, and she herself did not want to be too far away from the sword of the dark empire, so as to avoid being unable to transfer her soul back to the magic sword in time for nurturing in the event of an accident.

Shandris has a clearer view of the overall situation than the little confused Seres. She is the first person to accept this "Terminator Maid" besides Andrea.

Seres, Leticia, and Aurora are still a little bit uneasy. They just fought with N'Zoth to death, but in the blink of an eye, they found out that their new maid is also an ancient god. It is difficult for normal people to accept it easily in a short period of time. .

During the time when Andrea was on vacation to spend time with his family, Xalatas, who was forcibly given the name "Sarah" by him, gradually began to integrate into the lives of mortals.

But speaking of integration, in fact, Xalatas has long been familiar with the living habits of mortals through ten thousand years of observation, and he only needs to spend a short period of time to adapt himself with his own body.

Little Reinhardt also quickly got used to the existence of this faceless personal maid. Compared with those maid sisters who occasionally kneaded his cheeks quietly, this taciturn new maid was more welcomed by him.

The employment system of Moon Shadow Manor is quite special, with both temporary and long-term servants.

The Dark Night Republic has long since abolished the privileges of nobility, and only retains honorary titles. The servants of the Moon Shadow Family are recruited through formal channels, and their salaries are clearly marked.

For them, Andrea is just a boss who provides work, not a master as the aristocracy says.

Temporary servants are only responsible for gardening, cleaning and reception outside the manor, and cannot enter the main house.

The Moon Shadow family only provides them with salary and lunch. These temporary servants clock in and go to and from get off work every day like ordinary employees, and they don't live in the mansion.

The other part is long-term employment.

These servants have a closer relationship with their employers. They live in the manor for a long time and are responsible for all kinds of work inside the mansion. Among them, professional butlers and personal male and female servants have the highest status and treatment.

Although it is said to be an employment system, in fact, most of these carefully selected servants are old antiques who have survived from the era of the Night Empire, and they still retain the concept of the old era towards their employers to a certain extent.

Andrea and Shandris were busy with work all day long, so they didn't have time to correct the three views of these people. Celeste was the eldest lady of the upper elf family, and she was more used to the atmosphere of this old noble house.

For thousands of years, the rules of Moon Shadow Manor have been passed down like this.

Those who are unwilling to accept can choose to hire temporarily. Although the salary is not as good as that of the servants in the inner house, at least they can maintain a large degree of freedom.

The core members of the family, such as Shandris and Celes, each have their own personal maids. After thousands of years of getting along, these maids have already figured out the habits of their respective masters, and Shandris and the others will feel very comfortable in using them.

Compared with those aristocratic lords and wives who liked to be domineering in the old days, the core members of the Moon Shadow family did not have the bad habit of bossing around and frequently beating and scolding servants.

Andrea, who advocates the republic, believes that people are equal, at least in personality.

Even if the type of work is different, the status and income are also very different, but there is no difference in the essence of human beings between the servants of the family and their employers.

The family tradition of the Moon Shadow family continues Andrea's philosophy.

Most of the long-term hired servants are from the establishment of the manor thousands of years ago.

In the era of the Dark Night Empire, servants in the aristocratic circle had their own set of communication channels.

Which family is worthy of allegiance, which family likes to abuse servants, they all have a steelyard in their hearts.

For thousands of years, the Moonsong family has maintained a good relationship with the servants of the family. Many carefree servants have already regarded Moon Shadow Manor as their home.

The chief steward of the Moon Shadow family is named Wilfred, who has no surname. He originally served the Sunstrider family.

When Dath'Rema led the Highborne to the East, he left Seres in Kalimdor. Wilfred, who had watched Seres grow up, was also left behind, and took care of the elders together with a group of maids from the Sunstrider family. Miss.

The core servant group of the Moon Shadow family was originally pulled up by servants of the Sunstrider family such as Wilfred.

Wilfred is capable and emotionally intelligent, knowing what to say and what not to ask himself.

The sudden appearance of Xalatas was taken for granted by him, but he never expressed any opinion on this matter, and accepted the existence of Xalatas as a matter of course.


Andrea looked at Wilfred unexpectedly, "Why is that skinny girl here?"

Estalia Staghelm, granddaughter of Fandral, only daughter of Valstann and Lyanna.

Perhaps because she was doted on by her grandfather since she was a child, Estalia, who has long been an adult, is well-known as a skinny in Anarchis, and in the eyes of Anarchis' children, she is an out-and-out big devil.

Wilfred replied calmly, "According to what Miss Estalia herself said, it was the Arch Druid of Staghelmet who arranged for her to deliver a message, hoping to invite the Moon Shadow Clan to attend the family banquet of the Staghelmet Clan recently."

"Family banquet..."

Andrea pointed his finger on his forehead in confusion, "Will, what do you think? What's up with that Fandral guy?"

Wilfred smiled and analyzed, "Actually, it's not difficult to guess. When Miss Aurora was born, Lord Staghelmet also showed a similar tendency."


Andrea frowned, looked at Reinhardt who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and quickly realized.

"That old boy wants his granddaughter, Lao Niu, to eat tender grass? Want to raise his seniority?!"

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