MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-Chapter 19 18. Companion

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   Chapter 19 18. Companions

   "Did the evil orc drive the red dragon to attack my castle?"

   Hearing Nathanos say that their ranger team was following a dragon to Dangarok Castle, Captain Darren Iron Mountain immediately became nervous.

   Given the fact that the castle has been unable to receive reinforcements for a long time, if a red dragon really came to attack, it would be impossible for the dwarves to resist it with the current firepower of the dwarves.

   The dwarf captain who was sitting on the beer barrel blew his beard and scolded:

   "I heard from my cousin who was guerrilla fighting in the wetlands before that the dragonmaw orcs occupied the abandoned city of the Wildhammer wastes and used evil artifacts to raise dragons in it.

   They also attacked the Kul Tiras fleet with dragons.


  Black, aren't you a survivor of Khaz Modan's attack? "

   "Yes, the experience of that day was a nightmare for me."

   The emaciated pirate leaned against the wine barrel on the other side with his arms folded. He shook his head and said in a low and obscure tone:

   "I saw with my own eyes the orcs riding red dragons, descending from the sky, just three-headed dragons, they destroyed our advance fleet. More than 3,000 people, less than one tenth of them survived.

   The entire Khaz Modan Sea is on fire, look at my wounds! These are the 'memorabilia' left by those **** dragons and orcs! "

   He pulled off the face covering under the hood very playfully, and showed Nathanos Maris the terrifying burn on his face, which really startled the young ranger.

  's gaze towards Blake also changed slightly.

   I'm probably curious, how did Black, a human, escape under the raging dragon fire? This orc killer has such a legendary story behind it.

   "It's a miracle I survived."

   Black shook his head and said:

   "Probably my fallen compatriots bless me and keep me alive to avenge the greenskins of the Horde for them, but with all due respect, Maris.

   I came all the way from the wetlands, but I haven’t heard that there are traces of red dragon activity in the hilly area. Did you read it wrong? "


   The dwarf captain smoking a pipe also said:

   "Before the orc cubs besieged us, I also received a battle report. After the orcs successfully crossed the sea, the red dragons only left one or two ships to protect the orcs, and the rest went back to Grim Batol.

   They are about to attack, and they should also attack the closer Stromgarde.

  Although the location of Dangarok Castle is important, it is not important enough to require orcs to ride dragons and travel thousands of miles across the sea to attack, right? "

   "Captain Halduron Brightwing is a seasoned ranger lord who has also dealt with dragons in Quel'Thalas. He can be sure that it is indeed a dragon.

   But not sure if it is a red dragon. "

  Maris shook his head, looked up at the sky, and said:

   "Under the leadership of the captain, we have seen the temporary lair of the dragon with our own eyes. It seems to be injured. Judging from the direction of the blood, it is indeed approaching Dangarok Castle on purpose.

unknown reason.

   But if it's really a red dragon controlled by orcs to destroy the Wall of Thoradin, then we'll set a trap here.

   Give everything and hunt it too!

  Leaving a dragon wreak havoc on the hills will have too much impact on the ongoing war, it will destroy the warriors' will. "

   "There is a high probability that it was the young bronze dragon who escaped from the wetlands and didn't give up! It may have come for me."

  Blake heard this, and he already had an accurate guess in his heart. He took a deep breath, but he didn't panic too much. After all, he already had a countermeasure against it.

   "Must go."

   Black thought:

   "Dangarok Castle was supposed to be smashed by the orcs in the last battle, and all the dwarves would die here, and it was my intervention that kept them alive.

   This may have caused some fluctuations in the world line. It seems that the nasty bronze young dragon came to the door by smell. "

   But before leaving, Blake glanced at the elf rangers not far away. He weighed it for a moment, and seemed to be thinking, sometimes frowning, sometimes stretching.

   After several minutes, a plan emerged in his mind, and he took the blood-stained letter from his magic bag and handed it to Maris.


   "This is a letter I found on an orc scout I just hunted down. I don't know much about orc language, but it has the emblems of two big clans on it.

  I think the content of this letter should be very important, and I am planning to ask some professionals to interpret it. Everyone says that Quel'Thalas elves are knowledgeable and talented.

   Perhaps your comrades, can help me interpret it. "


   Maris, who was tasting the dwarf beer, raised his head and took the blood-stained letter. He winked at Black, opened it, and said:

   "Actually don't have to go to my companions, they are not so friendly to strangers. How to say, and since the outbreak of the war, I have been teaching myself Orcish in my spare time.

   I think I can definitely use it at some point.

   Now is the chance. "

   This guy's humble words made Blake pouted.

   Seeing how fluent he can read orc language, the so-called "self-study" in his spare time must be just modest, this guy may be the kind of "genius" in other people's legends.

Nathanos Maris can join the Farstrider Legion and become a ranger as a human, which has proved his extraordinary talent. In the 2,800 years of human contact with Quel'Thalas to the present , There are only a handful of human rangers recognized by the elves.

   And Maris is definitely the best of them all.

  The fact that he can be looked down upon by the proudest woman in the Windrunner family, and that he trains him personally, also shows that this guy must have real material.

  Black kept watching Nathanos' expression change as he read the letter.

   Not what he expected.

  From the lightness at the beginning, to the seriousness in the middle, to the frown at the last moment, it means that Nathanos has discovered the ominous news mentioned in the letter.

   There was a hint of worry in his black eyes, and his chainmailed fingers tightly grasped the letter of the animal skin and looked at Black.


   "This is really important and amazing news! Mr. Black, the letter you found may even change the course of the entire war and save countless people."

  Nathanos put down his glass, and he said to Blake seriously and seriously:

   "Excuse me to retire, I must tell this news to my captain immediately."

   After he finished speaking, he turned around and left regardless of his demeanor. His movements were as dexterous as a monkey, and with a dexterity that was completely unhuman, he climbed up the eaves of the bar next to the dwarf bunker and rushed towards the elves like a swift shadow.

  Black watched Nathanos' back.

   He carefully looked around again, looking for the shadow of the dragon in every cloud in the sky. After several minutes, he did not see a dragon descending from the sky.

   This gave the pirate a long sigh of relief.

   "I hope this letter can set off a wave of the world line in Quel'Thalas, and lead that nasty baby dragon there, bronze dragon, bronze dragon, although you can travel through time.

   But even you.

   You can't be in two places at the same time and deal with two troubles at the same time, right? "

  Black beckoned to the little murloc who was playing with the dwarf quartermaster Tarma Thunderspear not far away, and Burmbo rushed over with a croak and jumped into the hands of the pirates.

   was thrown into the leather bag specially made for the little murloc at his waist, just like the leather pocket of the mother kangaroo.

   He drank the dwarf beer in his hand and fed the last bit to the little murloc.

   The latter hiccups after drinking it, the pirate laughed, reached out and patted the dwarf captain on the shoulder, and said:

   "Darren, thanks for taking care of you these days, but I'm leaving."

   "Huh? So suddenly?"

   The dwarf captain turned his head to look at Blake, above his beautiful beard, his eyes were stunned, he put down his pipe and said:

   "I also plan to assign you the rank of second lieutenant in my army. You deserve the respect of the dwarves. However, now that the hills are so chaotic, as a human being, it is your duty to help your compatriots.

Where are you going? "

   "Maybe to Dunhold Castle."

  Black smiled at the dwarf, a smile appeared on his thin face with burns, he looked north and said;

   "Isn't there a battle report yesterday that Major Blackmoore is recruiting veterans to support the battle at Tarren Mill? I want to go there and try.

   There must be enough orcs out there for me to hunt.

   Just use the weapon you helped me forge. "

   He raised the black blade fist stuck in his left hand and said to the dwarf captain:

   "I will not fail this weapon, my friend, if you and I are still alive after the war, I will definitely invite you to drink.

   Drink the best wine in the world! "

   "Hahaha, that's what you said."

   The dwarves are a group of rough guys, and their friendship is also rough. The captain saw that Black had made up his mind and did not stop him. He took out a pack of tobacco from the bag at his waist and threw it to Black.

   missed the good ebony pipe in his hand, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and threw the pipe to Blake.

He says:

   "Although it is a bad habit for assassins to enjoy tobacco, but look at this castle, the damned orcs have used up all the good things.

  I can only give these as parting gifts to you.

  You said yesterday that you want a good gun, but unfortunately, the gnome engineer in Dangarok Castle was killed by orcs, so I can't satisfy your desire.

   But if, as you say, we all live to the end of the war, I'll definitely get you a good gun. "

   The dwarf captain carried Black on his back and sniffled.

   This short stump waved his hand without looking back, and said:

   "See you after the war, friends of mankind."

   "Goodbye, Captain!"

  Black raised his hand and gave Captain Iron Mountain a Kul Tiran salute.

   waved to quartermaster Talma again, led a murloc from the stable, waved a horse from the stable, and left the castle north of the castle under the wave of the dwarf captain.

   But ten minutes later, in the neighing of the war horses from the rear, Blake looked back and saw a guy wearing an elf cloak and a war bow on his back, galloping up.


   After Nathanos Maris approached, Blake was half surprised and half pretended to ask:

   "Aren't you going to stay in the castle with your companions to hunt dragons? Or go with them?"

   "Because of your Lord Black, the news you brought us is too amazing."

   The human ranger pulled the reins and said to Black:

   "Captain Halduron Brightwing has used magical communication to pass the news to Lady Alleria, who is said to have rushed back to Quel'Thalas to warn her compatriots that the war is coming.

   But this news is equally important to us humans, and I must leave my companions for a while to pass this news to the commanders on the hill front. "

   "Well, so it is."

  Black smiled, looked at Maris, and said:

   "Actually, you can just write a letter, you don't have to run around like that."

   "No, Mr. Black."

   Nathanos answered earnestly:

   "I am a human first, and then I am a far-strider ranger. Although I get along well with the elves, it does not mean that I have forgotten my responsibilities to the motherland and my compatriots.

  I actually want to be like you, to become an orc killer and to do my best for my country.

  I heard Captain Darren say you are going to Dunhold Castle too?

   It seems that we will have to walk together on the next part of the road. Maybe I can learn some practical experience from your actions of hunting orcs, maybe. "

   "You? You learn from me?"

  Blake widened his eyes in surprise, then shook his head again.

He says:

   "Let's learn from each other, don't look at me dressed like an assassin, I'm actually a good hunter too."

   (end of this chapter)