MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-Chapter 20 19. Ranger Black (pseudo)

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   Chapter 20 19. Ranger Black (pseudo)

  By the river in the middle of the Hillsbrad Hills, two horses were tied to the bank and grazing on the grass, and their masters were resting by the river, arranging weapons and chatting.

   Nathanos washed his two handaxes by the river, and Blake sat next to him, doing the same thing, looking at their appearance, they had just experienced a sudden battle.

   The two of them cooperated and killed a small group of seven orc infantry.

  Black's savage assassination from the shadows surprised Maris. He had only seen the same skillful and deadly stealth on those deadly elven assassins.

   And Nathanos's arrowless and quick-firing skills, as well as the dexterous counterattack with two handaxes in melee combat, also made Black shout wonderfully.

  The fighting style of this young human ranger is like a precise and elegant battle dance. Without a trace of violence, the sharp hand axe can always be like a poisonous snake, accurately slashing at the fatal position.

   This should be an elf ranger’s secret fighting skill. Finding fighters in dexterous dodging must take years of training to master.

   "The blood ring orcs of Arathi Highlands are very good hunters, but unfortunately they only got a crushing defeat in the confrontation with the Farstriders, and my elf companions are small in number.

   But each is elite.

   In a one-on-one situation, the Blood Ring Hunters have no advantage at all.

   The demon blood flowing in their bodies strengthens their strength, but weakens their reflexes and dexterity, which is a fatal flaw for hunters. "

  This will be in the spare time of the battle, and Maris will tell Black about his battle story in Arathi Highlands, following the Farstrider rangers and the blood ring orcs.

   "Yes, elves live long, and each elf ranger lives more than ten times as long as a human or an orc."

  Blake was lying on the grass by the river, holding a grass stem in his mouth, resting his hands on his head, watching the little murlocs croaking and playing by the river, and said to Maris beside him:

   "They have enough time to practice, and opponents like the forest trolls to sharpen their combat skills, they must be more powerful than us short-lived species, but the number is indeed their flaw.

   Orcs can pay the price of ten thousand people to conquer a city. But elves can't squander their precious warriors like that. "

   "That's right."

  Nathanos nodded in agreement, and said:

   "The tutor also often said that she has almost harsh requirements for every ranger under her command, but this hard training is not to punish us.

   is to protect us. Only by spending every ounce of energy on polishing combat skills can we fight quantity with quality. "

   "We've only walked for a day, and you've mentioned your mentor more than ten times."

  Black sat up straight.

   He sat there cross-legged and asked in a strange tone:

   "Marris, although I don't know much about your story, I also heard from a dwarf mountain ranger at Dangarok Castle that your mentor seems to be a big man in the Windrunner family.

   is said to be an iceberg beauty who is famous both in the human kingdom and in Quel'Thalas.

   Her name is Sylvanas, the second daughter of the Windrunner family, the sister of Lady Alleria, right?

you like her? "

   "Respect! Respect!"

   Maris, who was drinking water, was almost choked by Black's question. He coughed and waved his hands, not looking at Black's bright eyes.

   He explained:

   "My mentor is a very powerful ranger. In the words of us humans, he is already a powerful hero. It is quite fortunate that I can follow her to learn ranger skills."

   "Just respect?"

   Black asked again:

   "But I heard from you before that when you joined the Farstriders, you were rejected by the elves, and it was your mentor who insisted on bringing you into the Farstrider Legion despite the opposition of others.

   She seems to take you very seriously.

   Even if I don't know much about the system of Quel'Thalas, I can guess that being trained by the famous members of the Windrunner family is not something that any ranger can get. "

   "This is probably because I have talent."

  Nathanos is not a person who likes to boast, but in the face of Blake's questioning, he can only answer this way.

He says:

   "I was born near Darrowshire in Stratholme, and my father was a well-known ranger who had been rewarded by King Terenas for hunting trolls.

   I probably also inherited my father's hunter talent. Occasionally, when I went to Stratholme with my father, I was discovered by an elf ranger who was traveling in Stratholme.

   He said I was talented and suggested that I go to Quel'Thalas for training.

   Later I learned that the old elf wearing a cloak and a scar on his face was also a great man. "

  Maris took a sip of water and said with a look of memory:

   "His name was Hawksbill, a retired ranger-lord who was occasionally hailed by human troubadours as the ranger-king of Quel'Thalas, but that was a misrepresentation.

   Even if Quel'Thalas really had the title of "King of Rangers", it would only belong to the Windrunner family.

   Well, let's not talk about this, there is really no other story between me and the mentor, she. She is like the sun in the sky, you know? Blake.

   Even just getting close will make you feel ashamed. "

  Nathanos' tone was a little low, but he quickly regained his strength. He said:

   "Let's change the subject."

   "Okay, let's not talk about these private matters."

  Black was playing with a dagger, and a light flashed in his eyes, saying:

   "Let's talk about your special combat skills before, that dance-like combat skills, is it the secret of the Farstrider Legion?"


  Maris grabbed the elegant and deadly one-handed axe, and with a flick of his finger, the axe with an elf-style axe was skillfully rotated a few times in his palm, and then he pinned it down with precision.

He says:

   "This combat technique, called the Far Walker's Blade Dance, is an ancient war dance passed down by the High Elf Rangers from their ancient relatives."

  Maris did not reveal the essence of his combat skills.

  Blake listened with interest. Above the translucent character card in front of him, a line of text was floating.

   "Level 25 Ranger/Level 10 Beastmaster, Nathanos Marris, a human in Lordaeron, is teaching you the skills of a Ranger. You can replace the 'Hunter' class."

   This line is grey.

   stands for no choice, and in fact appears every time Black and Nathanos chat about ranger skills.

  Black guessed that it was not an option because Maris had been revealing the specific ranger combat skills to him, but this also proved Black's previous guess.

   In the world in front of him, there are indeed "hidden occupations".

   For example, the "pirates" based on the shadowy path of thieves and assassins, and the rangers and beastmasters based on the hunting path of hunters.

   These are all new classes that have been extended based on the focus of ordinary classes in a certain direction. It cannot be said that they are more powerful than ordinary classes.

   But definitely more characteristic.

   And the reason why Nathanos Maris was judged to be talented in front of him.

   Probably because he was an ordinary human being, he was able to obtain the two hidden classes on the hunting road, 'Ranger' and 'Beastmaster' at the same time.


   These two classes focus on or even conflict with each other!

   Just like the hunter players in the game, if you choose the shooting talent, there is no way to choose the Beastmaster talent. It can only be said that he is indeed a noble NPC destined to do something great.

   Even the skill tree is specially made.

   A man who can be favored by the future Banshee King is indeed unusual.

   "Quack quack!"

   Just as the two young men were discussing their fighting skills, the little fishman, Pumbleba, who was playing by the river, suddenly shouted, alarming Black and Maris.

   The two stood up, and saw the little fish man running over with his claws, jumping into Black's arms, and shouting at the river.

  Black looked up.

   In the upper reaches of the river, there is a corpse flowing down the river. Looking at the clothes on the corpse, it is the standard leather armor of the human army, which should be a scout.

   "There is a battle upstream!"

  Marris jumped into the river, grabbed the corpse to examine it, and shouted to Black:

   "He died not long ago, the wound was caused by the orc's battle axe, and there were orcs on it!"

"What are you waiting for?"

  The dagger in Blake's hand turned around, and he held it in his hand, saying:

   "Start hunting, Ranger, if you have a pet that is good at tracking, let it go and let it go, I can smell it before, you have a smell of beasts on you."


  Nathanos gave Blake a thumbs up and praised him for his keen senses, so he stopped hiding and took out a collar-like emblem from the ranger's rucksack.

   Touch it a few times.

   With a fierce bark, a sturdy Gilneas Hound appeared at the feet of Maris.

  This thing is the size of a wolf.

   looks very similar to a pit bull, with a short tail, tight skin, muscular muscles, cocked ears, and sharp eyes. The moment he appeared, he grinned at Blake.

   The little murloc in Black's arms was startled, and then he also croaked and waved his fist at the hound.

   "Quiet, barren!"

  Marris made a gesture, and the hound immediately fell silent.

   squatted there obediently, waiting for the master's order, the human ranger squatted down, and gave the hound a sniff of a small piece of orc armor taken from the corpse.

   then command to:

   "Search for enemies!"


   The hound barked, sniffed a few times in the air, and rushed towards the forest upstream of the river. Behind it, Black and Maris turned on their horses and followed closely behind.

   "Your one, is that a magic collar?"

  Black grabbed the reins and asked as he galloped:

   "This thing is very rare on the human side, but are there many on the elves' side?"

   "The Farstrider Legion has a special beast training master."

  Marris explained:

   "This magical item specially used for carrying pets can be exchanged for military merit, but this is not the magic of the high elves. It is said that they learned it from the sentinel troops of the kaldorei elves, their close relatives on the other side of the endless sea.


   This thing is a Druid spell.

  If you can learn animal taming, I can help you get one. As a hunter, you should have a pet to accompany you.

   However, the Windrunner family advocates the orthodox way of being a loner, so I usually don't release 'Desolate' in front of my mentor, so as not to make her unhappy.

   But Desolation is indeed my best buddy.

  It has been with me since I was a child. It means more to me than a pet, and it is more like a family member. You should also find an animal companion for yourself. "

  Nathanos suggests:

   "They are not only the best comrades-in-arms, but also your war vanguard and your best companions. Even in a foreign country, with loyal companions, you will not feel lonely."

   "Makes sense."

  Black nodded. He squinted and looked at the fierce hound running ahead. He said:

   "Beast Taming, you will learn it."

"But if you want to learn, you have to learn the best. If I can meet that person in the future, I won't miss it. Speaking of which, Maris, can I learn the skills of the Farstrider Blade Dance? "


  Nathanos was lying on the horse's back, while taking off the war bow from his back, he said casually:

   "The Farstrider Legion does not stipulate that foreign combat skills are not allowed. I have also tried to teach some human warriors who are interested in this in Arathi Highlands.

   But unfortunately, it is too much a test of talent.

  The fighting skills of the elves are all like this. They are all honed and summed up in thousands of years and tailored for them. If you want to learn, I will teach you the time.

   But whether you can learn it, I can't guarantee it.

   The enemy is ahead, I see it!

  Black, get ready for battle! "

   (end of this chapter)