MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-v2 Chapter 1914 42. Loa Complaints Assembly

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   Chapter 1914 42. Loa Complaints Conference

   Lady Moonberry is very upset.

As the goblin elder of the Meiye Royal Court under the command of Queen Bitter Winter, the ruler of the blazing blue fairyland, she has never suffered so much grievance since she was born. Every time she thinks about what happened to her in the past few days, she can't wait to decorate herself with gems 's claws strangled the **** little murloc to death.

   Even if the other party has no neck, they will strangle to death!

   The big deal is to conjure a neck for it and strangle it to death.

However, the dream is beautiful but the reality is very skinny. After she had signed the beast covenant with the little fishman who had to be wronged because of the death threat, she tried many times secretly, whether it was magical fairy magic, or with the help of Even the power of Faye bestowed by the Eternals cannot break free from this **** soul link.

   The beast-taming skills used by the little murlocs are obviously not the most orthodox life force. This unique "beast-taming protocol" is mixed with some strange powers that Lady Moonberry has never seen before.

  It is obviously specially "encrypted" by a powerful animal trainer.

  As a demigod, when she was analyzing this soul link by herself, Lady Moonberry felt more than once the divine power fluctuations that were no weaker than that of the Bitter Winter Queen, which made her completely rely on herself to get rid of the "devil" murloc's mind.

She now only hopes that the Queen of Bitter Winter finds out the news of her disappearance soon, and then sends a powerful hunting group to rescue her. If it is Her Majesty, who is in charge of the power of life, He will definitely be able to help her unlock this **** soul link. .

But before that, she must be "good", so as not to let the **** neurotic little murloc trouble her. As a contracted pet, the little murloc as a beast trainer has too many ways to torture her. .

   The clever big goblin Moonberry won't ask for trouble.

However, today, driven by the damned little murlocs to the northernmost borderland of the Blazing Blue Immortal Wild, in the tree hole under the Yasha Cliff near where the fairy wood spirits and the Whisperers live, in " After seeing the owner of the little murlocs, the wise, cunning and powerful fairy elder completely despaired.

   "The queen is on top! An exotic evil god! God, I'm finished."

The big butterfly fairy, Moonberry, who was flying around with the little murloc, saw Blake's true identity at a glance. She screamed and covered her face, and in the child-like shouting, she shuddered and turned the arrogant little boy behind her back. The murlocs flew to the ground.

With a thud, the rusher slammed into the ground, making him dizzy. Just as he was about to jump up to find trouble with his ill-behaved pet, he saw Moonberry throw a pretty psychedelic fairy magic to escape. .

  It croaked.

   But before it could use the Beast Covenant to restrain its pet, Blake, who was rubbing his chin, reached out his hand into the suddenly opened Void fissure, and caught the escaped goblin back like magic.

   His fingers were pinched on Moonberry's slender neck, like a cat's nape, which made the big goblin with its teeth and claws become honest all of a sudden.

  Especially when the life force of Lord Moon Shadow penetrated into the body of this naughty goblin, the power of the godhead of life, which is comparable to the Queen of Winter, immediately made Moonberry shudder.

   "Ha, I know you, rascal moonberry!"

  Black put the honest fairy in front of him and looked carefully.

   He saw this goblin's unique horn-shaped eyebrows and brightly colored butterfly wing patterns, as well as the demigod-level anima fluctuations in her body, and quickly recognized her identity.

  The pirate pouted and shook the feared goblin from side to side, just like a fisherman shaking a fish, he stretched his voice and said:

   "I heard that you guys like to rely on the favor of the Queen of Winter to make a fortune. It's really not cute at all when you add insults to those hapless people who plan to leave the Faye Covenant.

  You, the little villain who always likes to bully others, is still there today? How does it feel to be caught as a pet by a murloc? I tell you, my murloc is a famously hungry ghost, be careful that it makes some very excessive demands on you.

   After all, in terms of fairies’ aesthetics, Lady Moonberry is a beautiful fairy who is well-known in the Night Royal Court. "


The murloc knows that Black is frightening the dishonest Moonberry, but it's not happy about Black's comments about calling him a hungry ghost, hey, you damned scum pirate, have you done all the bad things you've done? Put it on my head?

  I'm a very innocent murloc. I only play with murlocs. I'm not like you, as long as you're a female!


  Blake glared at the little idiot at his feet, who immediately bowed his head honestly to show his surrender, okay, okay, you are amazing, okay, you can fight, so what you say is what you say.

"and many more!"

   Until this moment, General Draven, whose reflex arc was quite slow, did not react.

   This stone-born general used to feel that he was well-informed, but in front of this bizarre thing, the stone-born general’s knowledge and three views were almost shattered.

   He pointed at Lady Moonberry who was held by Black in a stunned manner, then glanced at the proud little murloc, and shouted:

   "This! This goblin has been tamed into a war beast by your pet? How is this possible! Goblins are not beasts at all, no matter how powerful a master beast tamer is, can't they be so outrageous?

   This cross species is up!

  Although I, a stone-born warrior, don’t know much about the way of taming beasts, this obviously violates the rules of nature and life, right? "


   The murlocs have seen Stoneborn.

It has a good relationship with General Carl on the boat, and often plays snail contests together, so it doesn't care about General Draven's appearance, but just curiously looks at the pig nose of this powerful stoneborn, which feels ugly and cute. .

However, when General Draven questioned that its animal-handling skills were open, the little murloc was suddenly dissatisfied. It croaked and waved its salted fish hammer, shouting at the unseen stoneborn, telling The outrageous deeds of their own hosts.

  People have tamed an elf demigod Druid both physically and psychologically!

   That is a serious humanoid creature.

   As Black's murloc pet, what's the big deal for me to learn unique animal taming skills from the owner to tame a demigod? At least compared to the elf druid who is soft and fragrant, in addition to his combat duties, he is also responsible for warming the bed. This naughty and cunning fairy is closer to a beast in body shape, right?

  嘁, this group of stone brains just don't know anything.

   "Okay, it's not a glorious deed, I'm a little blushing all the while touting for me."

  Blake waved his hand, signaling the bragging murloc to stop bragging.

   He let go of the shivering goblin he was holding, and the latter hid behind the guy who was "closest" to him, the little fish man, and looked at Black with awe.

Lord Cthulhu picked up his pipe and ignored the outrageous behavior of opening and hanging the little murlocs. He looked at the endless woodland with a blue luster in front of him and breathed in the quiet and life-filled air of the blazing blue fairyland. General Draven of the Eyes explained:

   "I taught all the animal taming techniques of the Bumbolba. As the God of the Silent One, it did not use traditional animal taming techniques, but a 'new-style animal taming technique' that was mixed with the divine power of the Silent One and the blessing of the moon's shadow.

  After using the mind of truth instead of the trainer's natural energy, it's not a big problem to tame a stoneborn like you or an undead of Maldraxxus, let alone a goblin.

   You can understand it as a variant of "Void Bewitching", of course, the soul link that the Beast Covenant should have still exists.

  So, my dear Lady Moonberry, don't expect your Winter Queen to unravel this connection for you, no one in the entire Shadowlands can set you free without my permission. "


   Lady Moonberry burst into tears, and the big goblin cried so sadly that she sat cross-legged on the ground and couldn't even flap her energized butterfly wings.

   Seeing his battle pet cry so sadly, the little fishman shrugged, croaked and handed a handkerchief, and patted Moonberry on the shoulder to comfort her in fishman language.

   What to say will be better for her in the future, and promise that scumbags like her will not be bullied.

   "Bwonsamdi is waiting for us, stop crying, open the door!"

  Black exhaled a cigarette ring, feeling the call of Bwonsamdi, the troll **** of death, and snapped his fingers and scolded Lady Moonberry.

The big goblin, who was afraid of the evil god, got up with the help of the little murloc, and waved his unhappy hands to release a goblin magic like a colorful arc of light, shrouding several people and turning it into a forest wind and quickly passing through the blazing blue fairyland. Earth hills.

  Blake blinked, while feeling this magical and magical fairy magic, while analyzing the internal configuration of this unique magic, he found that this magic completely surpassed the cognition of the arcane system.

   This is nonsense. Fairy magic, which is good at illusion and soul rhythm, and can display offensive means like elemental magic, is not knowledge of the arcane system at all.

   This is a unique derivation of the power of nature.

   This gives pirates a new inspiration.

   Maybe he should send a few fairies to Moonglade for Malfurion and his druids to study, and maybe he can open up a new career system for druids.

   Goblin Druid?

   sounds very astringent and powerful.

   "Hey, little idiot, you're a Druid too."

  Blake looked at the Grand Shrine of the Heart of the Forest in the center of the Blazing Land while walking through the forest, and said to the little murloc beside him:

   "Learn more with Moonberry, and see if you can learn the magic of fairies by linking with their souls. If you can, then you will be able to establish a sect in Azeroth.

   Just like Thesari created the Flame and Elemental Druid faction, you can also become a Fairy Druid Master. "


   The little fishman's eyes lit up, and it immediately felt that this was a direction worth striving for, while Lady Moonberry, who heard the conversation between the master and servant, rolled her eyes.

  The magic of their goblins can't even be learned by Xianmuling and Vokay, and even the most ingenious Sylvan. This is entirely based on innate spellcasting methods, and a foolish little murloc would not even want to learn the power of goblins.

Of course, the majesty of Blake, the evil god, was taken. The Lady Moonberry, who had already fallen into a "desperate situation", naturally did not dare to refute. She could only speed up the wind through the forest, and arrived at a place in the southeast corner of Blazing Blue Immortal Field a few minutes later. Lonely floating island.

  This is Bwonsamdi's site.

   is also the place where the **** troll **** of death used to hide the great soul of the troll civilization. It was occupied by the terrifying father of the night, Muerzala, for a period of time, and was recaptured with the help of the wild hunting group.

   "Yo, you can count it, Loa's dearest friend, the evil and powerful Silent One, Lord Moon Shadow who lowered the dark phase of the moon, Lord Black Shaw, my favorite evil god."

When the pirates arrived at the entrance forest of the gloomy Temple of the Otherworld, the familiar screams of welcome sounded in this woodland, and they saw a strange troll mask swaying over and turning into an illusion in front of Blake's eyes. Sungbong Sandy's nasty face.

   But reach out and don’t hit the smiling person.

   What's more, the attitude of old Bwonsamdi is very low at this time, so that Blake can't fault it.

   This guy didn't come alone. After seeing Black's appearance, a large number of Loa's spirit bodies poured out of the forest, and soon formed a ring around Black.

Those Loams, who mostly exist in the form of beasts, are strong or weak, and the pirates have also seen a few "acquaintances" among them, such as Zul'Drak's guardian wind snake Saroonya, such as the "renegade god" of Stranglethorn Vale. The giant snake Dambala, the **** of running water, the six-legged crocodile Muhamba and so on.

These are the guys that Black met in Azeroth, and there are many other loa gods that don't exist in Azeroth at all, such as the loa of Argust's Taboo, and other loa from Azeroth. Strange beasts of the world.

   They will gather together, looking at Black with their eyes of prayer and humble ingratiating eyes, like a group of bullied animals longing for the help of the powerful.

   And Bwonsamdi, who called them together, was naturally their leader.

   "Uh, what are you planning to do with such a weak expression?"

   Black rubbed his chin and asked.

  Old Bangsandi brewed his feelings for a while, and with the stunned gaze of the pirates, he knelt down in front of Lord Heretic God with a thud, hugged Black's thigh without any respect, and howled:

   "Please let us poor loa call the shots, Lord Black, we're all going to die."

   "Ouch, quack, chirping, ooh."

   A large group of loa gods saw Bwonsamdi start, and they couldn't bear it any longer.

   As the evil god, knowing the language of the soul is a basic ability, and soon he got the necessary information from these desolate and miserable gods.

   I don't blame these guys for being skinless and faceless, they've had a really miserable life recently.

  Because the bad-hearted Emperor Denathius blocked the supply of Anima in the name of the Arbiter's downtime, which directly caused the entire Shadow Kingdom to enter the environment of anima famine.

   Originally, these Roa all had their own small territory in the Blazing Blue Immortal Wild, but because of the lack of hearts, the Queen of Winter could order the recovery of those spiritual seeds scattered everywhere to extract the hearts to maintain the prosperity of the woodlands.

   The genuine wilderness demigods can still be looked at highly. After all, the power of life from various worlds has endowed them with noble origins, and the Queen of Bitter Winter did not immediately use these spirits to make a knife.

   But the Loa were miserable.

None of them have the noble status given by the power of nature. All of them are self-taught talents. They have a humble status in Chilan Xianye. They are ridden on their necks by the nasty and naughty Faye Elves all the year round. Have to make amends for life.

  It is hard enough to be alive, and now that she encounters the lack of anima, the Queen of Winter has set her sights on these anima aggregates.

In the past month or so, more than 20 loa have been captured and taken to the heart of the forest. The spiritual seeds that entrust their souls have all been extracted from their anima. The entire woodland is indeed still prosperous, but the price is that the loa died Died again.

   And this time.

   It is conservatively estimated that it cannot be resurrected.

   "Woooooo, everyone came to Chilan Xianye to reincarnate a spirit species and continue to return to the material world to make a fortune."

   Bwonsamdi wailed, hugging Blake's thigh and wailing:

   "The Bitter Winter Queen herself became a mad woman when she reached menopause and abandoned the spirit seed greenhouse. It's just that everyone has no idea of ​​reincarnation. Now she actually starts to poison us innocent little animals.

   If we go on like this, we will be finished.

  Our spirits are all in the woods, and we can't run, gracious Lord Black, please help us poor loa.

   It is true that there is no way out! "


  Blake blinked, he showed a strange smile, coughed a few times, and said in a long voice:

"Then how do you want me to help you? Look, I came here alone. Even if I'm all iron, how many nails can I hit? Even if I have the heart to help you, I don't have a loyal soldier to set things right with me. ."

   "We can fight! Everyone can't live anyway, so why don't you just give it a go, it's the motherfucker!"

   Bwonsamdi felt that the fire was coming, got up and shouted:

   "As long as you can hold back the Queen of Bitter Winter, we really don't care about the Royal Court of Meiye, why should the demigod of the wilderness be looked at?

  Why do we Loa have to fall into the lowly?

  This rule has been unfair since its birth!

   Everyone is just asking for justice. I think we simply capture the heart of the entire forest, and then reactivate the spiritual greenhouse that was abandoned by that **** of the Queen of Winter.

   Every Loa present here will be a hero!

  Everyone will take turns to be resurrected there, and go back to the material world to continue to be a blessing, wouldn’t it be beautiful? "

   (end of this chapter)