MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-v2 Chapter 1926 54. With the efforts of Mr. Black, the night elves

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   Chapter 1926 54. With the efforts of Mr. Black, the night elves can finally go to hell

When   Lord Hearn took the elites of the Wild Hunt Group and ran back to the heart of the forest at the fastest speed.

  Everything is over.

  Vocai have four legs, run at an amazingly fast speed, and can control the wind in the forest to accelerate themselves constantly. It can be said that nothing can run past them in the forest.

   But they were still the last to reach the heart of the forest.

Before the elite of the Wild Hunt, Moonberry and the fairies were the first to return to this messy battlefield. The rebellious lady and the night fairies circled the Heartwood Forest several times and came with a group of nasty forest ghosts. There was an astonishing brawl of hundreds of people, and the off-line goblins had such a good time that they didn't even understand what was going on.

  It wasn't until the heart of the forest burned, and the fairies who ran out of the battlefield found the Elder Dreamweaver and ran to confront Moonberry, who was instructing the fairies to chase down the forest ghosts.

  The fairies angrily followed the Elder Dreamweaver back to the heart of the forest, and launched the most cruel punishment for the fairies on Lady Moonberry.

  No one wants to talk to her anymore.

   She was expelled by the Faye Goblins and turned into a Wild Goblin.

   Moonberry is sad.

Her owner, the fisherman, sat in a hidden corner with a shrewd-eyed baby with a big bag and a small bag on his back, comforting his pet. He abducted Moonberry, a powerful goblin demigod, to "leave home with him." leave".

   Anyway, the territory belonging to the Murlocs on the Nagfar is still very large, and it is very fun. The ghost pirates talk nicely, and there is a happy snail contest to play together. When you are tired, you can just sleep.

   is much more interesting than staying in the ghost place of Chilan Xianye.

General Draven also flapped his wings and flew back to the platform in the heart of the forest. The wilderness demigod, Sect Master Eleother, who was led away by him in advance, chased the cunning stone-born general angrily and drove all the way. come over.

This powerful demigod of the wilderness is an important force in guarding the Chilan Immortal Wild. She is the most powerful fighting force under the Queen of Winter, but she has not been able to participate in the battle in the heart of the forest. Thork is very much like the Queen of Jelly Bears carved out of almost a mold, very disappointed and remorseful.

  Especially when seeing the wounded Queen of Winter lying desolately on the platform, the pain almost drowned this demigod of the soul bear who was dedicated to her duty.

She was a little irritable and used her huge claws to poke the terrified Sylvan away in front of her. She wanted to rush into the platform to check the queen's safety. On the stairs leading to the platform.

  He alone is like a wall.

   The monstrous face of the abyss formed an illusory smoke screen behind him, and the terrifying evil dragon stared at everyone in front of him with chaotic eyes, causing them to be so traumatized that they dared not approach.

   "Get out!"

  Black felt the approach of a powerful breath.

   He opened his eyes and glanced at Sect Master Eleother who was rushing in angrily. His gaze stayed for a few seconds on the spirit body that was very similar to Ursoc but a larger circle.

   Evil God was holding a pipe and said calmly:

   "The two gods are talking, and they don't want the private conversation between the sisters to be heard by others. So, do me a favor? Dear Sect Master Ellieoth, return to your place.

   As you can see, the short and fierce war is over, you don't need to be so angry anymore. "

   At the moment when the pirate's voice fell, the Loams behind him who were guarding under the scorched black tree roared in unison to add momentum to His Excellency the Great Demon King.

   These Loa gods, who were at the lowest end of the Blazing Blue Immortal system in the past, have never been so beautiful, and they are now proudly showing their most majestic appearance.

   While letting the little murlocs take pictures of them, while guarding in front of their "trophies", they identified themselves as "messengers" of Lady Elune.

  Until the Moon God and the Queen of Winter have finished their conversation, they will not allow the Faye to approach the heart of the forest, although this is the home and royal court of the Faye.

   But this place has been occupied by men!

  Hey, it's just for fun, if you have the ability, go to the Queen of Bitter Winter to appeal! Oh, by the way, your queen was knocked out by our great devil, you haven't dealt with it yet.

   Are you out of breath? Are you angry?

   Although he didn't say it in words, the mean expressions on the faces of these proud Loams at this time meant just that.

   That provocative gesture doesn't even need to be expressed in words, only creatures with eyes can feel the pride of these foxes and tigers.

   "The queen of my allegiance is right behind you! The royal court I swore to defend was burned to rubble by you! The only dignity I left after death was trampled into the dirt by the war you waged.

   Evil God!

  You still dare to stop me from protecting my queen! "

   Jelly Bear Demigod suddenly became angry. She stared at Black who was blocking the road with red eyes, and her sharp claws with forest claws smashed the ground. She roared at the pirates:

   "Get out of the way! I'm not afraid of you!"


   Seeing this arrogant wilderness demigod trying to break through, Loamen suddenly roared.

But because of anger, the mane stood upright, and the sect master Eleother, whose neck exploded, turned his head and roared at them. The terrifying wildness and animal nature intertwined the momentum like a gust of wind, making the proud Loa instantly quiet. Like chicken.

   They look at me, I look at you, and at the same time take a step back quietly and tacitly.

  嘁, who would want to fight with such a crazy woman? Everyone is a high-class Loa who is civilized and understands gifts, and they must know how to take care of the ladies' mood.

   And they're winners, so there's no need to mess with losers.

   It’s not that I’m afraid of being beaten, it’s mainly about losing face, understand?

This scene made the pirates raise their brows. According to the current momentum, if Draven hadn't diverted Sect Master Eleother ahead of time, this jelly bear queen who has reached the pinnacle of demigod in the realm of life is enough to make These crotch-pulling loams are pulled together A.

   Sure enough, the Queen of Winter still has guys who can fight, and none of the four kingdoms are simple things.

As far as the fighting power of this female bear is concerned, it is estimated that the two brothers Ursoc and Ursol will be pressed to the ground and rubbed together. In Azeroth's wilderness demigods, she is estimated to be the only one who can break her wrists. God-enhanced Great White Deer and Lonely Wolf God.

   "You are the guardian of your world. You have come to Blazing Blue Immortal Wilderness to show that the world you guarded has perished. It's a pity, but I'm more curious, how did your hometown perish?

  Destroyed by demons?

   Or be swallowed by a void like me? "

  Black stared at the furious giant bear queen in front of him and asked softly.

  Sect Master Elliot was too lazy to answer him, he just walked forward with his claws, making up his mind that if the evil **** stopped him, he would fight him.

   And the silent progress of the suzerain also allowed the other Faye to regain their confidence.

   At the order of Lord Hearn, the Vokay warriors regrouped, followed behind the Jelly Bear Queen, and advanced to the front guarded by Black.

   The aura of battle suddenly became stronger.

  General Draven, who was behind Black, bared his teeth, lowered his body and spread his wings, and the claws of the rock spread out, ready for battle.

On the other side of the pirates, Sirnax, the original moon **** of war, and his partner Kadarin also began to call for the moonlight. They would not retreat so easily. They would not allow the conversation between Lady Elune and the Queen of Winter to be disturbed. .

  If the Faye are not willing to fail and prepare to restart the war, then they don't care to fight another battle here.

The veiled dragons in the sky around the heart of the forest let out a low roar. These beautiful and graceful beasts like giant dragons and big birds have opened their mouths, and the scorching fire given by Blazing Blue Immortal Wild is brewing. on.

   The fairies fell silent.

   Under the leadership of their elders, the goblins formed a very strange joint spell casting array, which was brewing a terrifying magic.

   Black grinned.

The pirate Lord even felt "flattered" to see the Faye in front of him united to attack him. If this is the strength that the Queen of Winter has carefully cultivated, then it is indeed time for them to pay for this piece of woodland they love. everything is gone.

  The power of the Anima Secret Skill, the Shadow of the Dark Empire is accumulating. Perhaps it only takes the Heretic God's snap of his fingers, and a desperate void will begin here.

   It's hard to say who wins and who loses.

   But Lord Heretic God is confident that when this Anima Secret Skill ends, if these people can survive more than one tenth of them, he will lose.

   "closer, closer."

  The crumb pirate said softly, like a devil who lured fools into a trap.

The   Fairy Nights also cooperated very well. They followed behind Sect Master Elliot and set foot on the stairs of the heart of the forest.

  No one can stop them from going home, and no one can stop them from welcoming their queen back.

The blade of mourning in the hands of the evil **** has already smelled the aura of the impending slaughter, and they are constantly buzzing anxiously. Although they have drank the blood of the Eternals today, they feel gratified, but as a weapon, they will never be satisfied with the slaughter. eager.

   They are probably the ones who are most looking forward to seeing the blood flow.

   "Alas, it's a pity Fina isn't here."

  Black raised his hand and sighed:

   "She must love a big scene like this, we don't have to do anything, she'll rush up gratefully and hack these guys to death one by one.

   Sometimes I really envy her pure and happy mind. "


At this moment when the atmosphere was so stagnant that the weak Loa were frightened, an indifferent voice sounded from the platform. Although the Loa hated this sound very much in the past, but at this moment, it still made these foxes and tigers feel like Hear the sounds of heaven.

  If it wasn't for the wrong atmosphere, these weak guys would like to give the recovered Bitter Winter Queen a knock now.

   If this scene really starts to fight, they don't know if the evil **** and his servants will die, but they certainly won't be able to leave the heart of the forest alive.

  Who wants to die if he can live?

On the platform behind Blake, the weak Bitter Winter Queen has stood up with a forest walking stick. The wounds on her waist and abdomen have healed and left unsightly scars. You can still see some leaks in the corners where the royal robe was cut. .

   But this does not affect the Bitter Winter Queen's grasp of the situation in an instant.

   She glanced at Black, ignoring the relieved Loams, and walked to the edge of the platform accompanied by the crying fairy catkins with red and swollen eyes, and said to the Faye who were looking at her below:

   "The war is over, and my subjects, my sister Elune, have spoken to me of all this, of the calamity facing us and the whole of the Shadowlands, and the shameful conspiracy brewing in the dark.

   I already know who our enemy is, and I know what we should do now.

  I know that what happened today will forever change the entire Blazing Land.

   But maybe it’s time too.

   Step back, my loyal people.

   Your queen is still here, the heart of the forest is still under my feet, there is no winner or loser in today's war, this is just a fateful encounter. "

   After speaking, the Queen of Winter endured her weakness and tapped the forest cane in her hand on the ground.

The scorched giant tree in the heart of the forest under her feet is like a dead tree in spring. Under the exclamations of the Faye, green branches emerge from the scorched bark, and the flowers and seeds that have absorbed the residual heat of the flame also bloom. germination.

   After just a few seconds, the dark heart of the forest seemed to have moved from cold winter to warm spring overnight, and returned to its former prosperous beauty.

   And this time, the new giant tree is no longer a cold blue, but the blue and the green representing the new birth are intertwined, making the tree and the surrounding forest look full of spring.

   This miraculous scene seems to represent that the situation has returned to the Queen's control, and it also relieved the Faye who were worried about the Queen.

   Sect Master Allie Oser and Lord Hearn looked at each other.

  As the queen's warriors, they naturally know that things will not end so easily, but now that the queen has spoken, for the sake of the overall situation, they must obey the will of the Eternal.

At the whistle of the disbanding of the Wild Hunt, Black chuckled, put the dangerous weapon behind his back with a very dissatisfied scream, and took a deep look at him, unfriendly. Lord Ellie Other.

   Lord Evil God turned and walked towards the platform where the Queen of Winter was, and he spit out:

   "The stinky bear still dares to provoke this evil god, hum, I see that this pirate will sell you in a while!"

  Sect Master Ellie Osser suddenly felt a cold wind blowing through his mane, and as a top-level wilderness demigod, his dangerous instinct was madly warning at this moment.

   She looked around suspiciously, but did not find any signs of imminent danger.

   Strange, did you think too much?

   A few minutes later, in the simple but not simple Queen's Hall that had regrown, Black saw the Bitter Winter Queen who temporarily changed clothes and sat back on his petrified flower throne.

   The latter had a stinky face, and didn't even look at the annoying evil god.

   She said indifferently:

   "My sister. Elune told me she had recognized her mistake."


  Blake raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and asked:

   "Did my boss Bai Fumei really say that? She actually admits it wrong?"


  The Queen of Winter gave Black a cold glance.

His eyes were filled with the cold light threat of "If you talk nonsense again, I will let my old sister ruin you", the pirate shrugged his shoulders, no longer bothered about these "details", and made a "please" gesture to show that he had to save face The queen of the defeated dog continued.

   "Anyway, her kin in Azeroth, the night elves who shouldn't enjoy immortality will return to the cycle, and she also assured me that things will not happen again in the future."

  The Queen of Winter shook her head and sighed:

   "This may be the beginning of reconciliation, and it wasn't until I really took this step and looked back that I realized that it was such a small thing that had been preventing us from getting closer to each other.

   Even the gods are occasionally swayed by emotions. "

   She was silent for a few seconds, finally breaking away from that bleak and melancholy mood, glanced at Black, and said:

   "Anyway, it's up to you that the elves enter the cycle. My sister recommended you to me, and I believe in her vision and your ability.

  Then, Blake Shaw, in the name of the Queen of Winter and the Eternals of the Blazing Land, I declare you a member of the Royal Court of the Night and bestow on you the title of 'Baron of the Night'.

  From today onwards, you are the 'Bitter Winter Envoy' in charge of the elf cycle, please ensure that your duties are fulfilled. "

   (end of this chapter)