MTL - Aztec Eternals-Chapter 804 The Birth of a Sheikh

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The ax was raised and lowered, warm spray was sprayed, a strong **** smell diffused in the temple, and the chiefs of various ministries fell down everywhere in the temple, like a holy sacrifice. The idols cast shadows, the bonfires flickered orange, and the stone temples flowed red with blood. Black, yellow, and red all set off against the white snake priestess in the center, making the smile on her face more beautiful.

"Miyawa...Chief... I am the head of the house, and I have revenge!"

The samurai leader Qiyan was covered in blood, and holding the head of Ozley, the chief of the Lake Festival, he came to the snake priestess. Then, kneeling on one knee, he held up the head in his hand and dedicated it to the only victor.

"Very good! Ancestor witness! The new Lord God will forgive you everything!"

The snake priestess Miyawa nodded in satisfaction, stretched out her white hands, and took Ozley's head. She stroked Ozley's young cheek, and after a moment of thought, she gently closed the other's frightened and widened eyes.

"Ah! What a handsome head!...Let me borrow it from you!..."

The snake priestess murmured softly, then her expression became serious. She looked at the samurai commander Qiyan, and for the first time gave orders in the tone of a chief.

"Qiyan, pledge allegiance to me!"

"Witness of the ancestors and gods! Chief Miyawa, I will guard by your side, fight for you, and die for you!"

"Very good! I accept your allegiance and will give you the power and rewards you deserve!"

The snake priestess looked stern, and stretched out a blood-red hand to hold the opponent's hair. She doesn't believe in oaths, but she needs a ceremony of allegiance to strengthen the inertia of obedience.

"Go! Bring in all the guards prepared by brother!"

"Yes! I obey you!"

The samurai commander Qi Yan pursed his lips and strode away.

In the temple, there is only the snake priestess holding her head. She didn't look again at the dead Chichini, or at the comatose chiefs. She just solemnly held her head, walked up to the tall sculpture of Feathered Serpent God step by step, bowed and saluted, and offered her head on the altar.

"Respected Feathered Serpent God! This is your priest, the last sacrifice for you, and the last tribute!...After the Mexicans enter the city, I will personally pull down your idol and completely convert Lord God!...Please forgive me! It doesn't matter if you don't forgive... Anyway, I never thought that I could go to the beautiful kingdom of God after death..."

After finishing speaking, the snake priestess smiled charmingly, raised her head, and looked directly into the eyes of Feathered Serpent God. The gods are still silent, only those turquoise eyes are still shining with the light of wisdom. The priest and the **** just looked at each other in silence until there was a commotion outside the temple. Soon, dozens of Jinwan warriors poured in, and the unbelievable shouts were exhaled from the mouths of these personal guards.

"What! dead?!"

"Chief! How did the chief die?"

"Ah Feathered Serpent God! What happened?"

"We're just guarding outside the temple, why didn't you call us in in time?"

Facing the questioning of the guards, the samurai commander Qiyan gritted his teeth, with a silent sadness on his face. He opened his mouth with difficulty and said something in a low voice.

"It was the Chief of the Jihu Department who assassinated the Patriarch...I have already avenged the Patriarch..."

"Damn! As the head's personal guard, how could you let this happen!"

"Isn't he under anesthesia? How can he still move?!..."...

"You should kill yourself and follow the chief!  …"

"Shut up! The gods are watching you! Shut up!

The crowd was clamoring, and a high-pitched and stern order suddenly erupted in the temple! Although the shout was a female voice, the majestic tone and tone resembled that of the dead Chief Dari. When everyone heard the reputation and looked at it, their expressions were all stagnant.

I saw the snake priestess Miyawa standing in front of the Feathered Serpent statue on a high altar. She held Odsley's head aloft in one hand, and the sacrificial dagger in the other, like a sacred sacrifice. At this moment, her face showed a coldness that had never been seen before, making everyone fearful and chilling.

"Holy Feathered Serpent, bear witness to my words! Chief Ozley of the Lake Sacrifice is very vigilant, drinking very little blood wine! He pretends to be paralyzed

, but launched a sneak attack and assassinated my elder brother! Then, I killed the Chief of Jihu, avenged my brother, and sacrificed him to the gods! "

"Lovely ancestors, grant me the honor of inheritance! I am the revered snake priestess, inheriting the divinity of the mother of giant snakes, and also have the blood of the ancestors and gods! Brother has important things to do, which are related to the survival of the Jinwan tribe! Since he unfortunately passed away, I will temporarily take over as the chief of the tribe now!"

"Ah! What? You're coming to take over the chieftain?..."

"I personally went on an envoy, met His Majesty the Mexica, surrendered to him, and obtained his promise to protect the entire tribe! Only by obeying me can you save the Jinwan tribe! The big event is imminent, and action is at hand. Among you , who is not convinced?!"

Hearing this, all the guards looked at each other, and lost their voices for a while. They are not only the personal guards of Chief Dari, but also the warriors of the Jinwan tribe. They are equivalent to the chiefs who master the core force under the chief. Now that the chief is dead, the succession of the new chief is inseparable from their approval. The status of the snake priestess is indeed respected, and Miyawa is also of the blood of the gods, and indeed has the qualifications to inherit the tribe. only...

"According to the tradition of the tribe, the position of the chief should be elected by the elders' meeting, and the brave warriors of the gods should be elected!"

The elder bodyguard chief Qi Yu stood up and objected.

"Miyawa, although Chief Qiqini is dead, there are still several descendants of gods in the tribe! For example, the nephew of the chief who is good at fighting, Yin Erwei!"

"Oh? Yin Erwei? He is indeed brave and good at fighting. But, no matter how brave he is, can he lead you to resist the army of the Mexica and resist the divine punishment of thunder?"

The snake priestess, Miyawa, looked grim, and strode down from the altar. She came to the head of the guard, Qi Yu, looked straight into his eyes, and asked sharply.

"Or, he met His Majesty the Mexica, and got the promise of the other party's surrender, so he can protect the whole family?"

"Uh... this..."

Facing the pressing question from the snake priestess, the chief guard Qi Yu frowned, a bit difficult to answer. The snake priestess has always shown her charm, but he has never seen such a majestic gesture like a chief. After a few breaths, he slightly avoided the other party's sharp eyes, and he also avoided answering.

"Miyawa! In any case, the tribe has existed for hundreds of years and has not had a female chieftain! Besides, the death of Chief Qiqini has not been clarified. At this time, Yin Erwei is more suitable than you!"...

"Oh? Because Yin Erwei has always been close to you, so he is more suitable?"

"Ah? God witness! My heart is red, there is no darkness!"

"Hmm...that's it!..."

Hearing this, the snake priestess nodded slightly and lowered her hands, as if she had the intention to compromise. However, at the next moment, her expression stern, and the obsidian dagger in her right hand was incomparably swift, sharp and precise, and wiped the neck of the head of the guard, Qi Yu.


"Eh?! Ho! Ho!..."

The face of the head of the guard, Qi Yu, instantly showed unbelievable shock and astonishment. He opened his mouth, and the air pressure penetrated, and the bright red splashed out from the opening of the neck, splashing Miyawa's body and face. In the end, he couldn't say anything, just opened his eyes wide, exhaled warm vitality, and fell down with a "plop".

"Witness of the gods! I will personally hold a sacrifice, cut open your heart, and see if it is red or dark!"

The snake priestess Miyawa stretched out her bare hand and calmly wiped the blood from her face, as if she had killed a noisy crow. Afterwards, she looked at everyone coldly and announced in a deep voice.

"Miavakotel, the mother of the giant snake, combined with the warrior of the sun, and gave birth to the ancestors of the Totonak people! I inherit the name of the mother of the giant snake, and also her divinity! Jinwan The tribe is passed down among males, and the warriors of the sun ruled the tribe, but in the hundreds of years of fighting, they brought the whole tribe into the black abyss that is on the verge of extinction!"

"At this moment, the Mexica have unified the plateau, and they are sweeping the world like a galloping pack of wolves! This is a new era that has never been seen before, and it is the time when the coastal hurricane hits! If you rely on the force of the tribe to resist stubbornly, It is absolutely impossible to survive the hurricane!"

"So, only the snake mother's wisdom, planning and softness, only me! Can you survive, protect the whole clan, and even make the clan grow!... Now, among you, who else is not convinced?!"

In the ancient temple, there was a solemn and dead silence. Many of the guards were silent, seeing the blood dripping from the sacrificial robe and Miyawa holding his head, their eyes gradually changed. After a while, the samurai leader Qiyan fell to his knees first, and saluted Miawa respectfully.

"Ancestral witness! Honored chief snake mother! I am willing to be loyal to you, fight for you, and die for you!"

"Witness of the Feathered Serpent God! Chief Snake Mother, I pledge my allegiance to you!"

"You are the new chieftain! We follow you!  …"

The trend of the times, UU reading Dozens of personal guards fell to the ground one after another, saluting to the standing Miyawa. The newly appointed Chief Snake Mother walked through the crowd step by step, stepping on the blood that filled the hall, and came to the altar again. She looked down at the prostrate bodyguards and headmen, and stood side by side with the Feathered Serpent statue, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised. Her gaze, through the blowing wind, looked towards the dark west. Tens of miles away in the west is the commander-in-chief camp of the Mexica.

In the unprecedented changes in the tribe, with the help of the deterrent power of the Mexica, she finally changed from the snake priestess who was watched by everyone to the snake mother chief who controlled the tribe, and embarked on the road of power she dreamed of!

"Feeted Serpent God, you have witnessed everything! From today onwards, I will be the Chief Snake Mother who controls the tribe, Myawakotel! I will follow the path of the Snake Mother, control the hearts of the tribe, and obey those who defeat me , gave birth to the kings of the tribes of Totonac!..."

"Your Majesty the mighty God of Death! As long as she grants me power, I will follow her faithfully... Hee hee! This thousand-mile-long seashore, five-hundred-mile-deep jungle, millions of Totonac tribes The rule of China cannot be accomplished by relying solely on force!... ".

Slash Yunmeng with a sword