MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 829 :

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  Chapter 829 Chapter 829: The Death of Zhang He (Part 2) [Seeking a monthly ticket]

  Ning Yan said without hesitation: "This is impossible!"

  This battle is very important to them, and even more important to Huang Lie's soldiers, because their lord can still lose. If you lose this game, you still have a chance to give up Chaoli Pass and retreat to the base camp. The soldiers, horses, food and grass are still plentiful. On the other hand, Huang Lie's side is different.

   Once this game is lost, it means that the situation is over!

  Huang Lie has no reason not to go all out!

  Ning Yan guessed: "Maybe there are other conspiracies?"

  Huang Lie still has other backups?

  At this time, Ning Yan thought of the armed conflict that broke out in the Chaoliguan Mountains, and Wu's sent arrows to ask for help. Is there any close connection between the two? The enemy sent troops to smuggle across the mountains and attack their rear. Huang Lie's main force then exerted pressure from the frontal battlefield...

   In this way, they can indeed pinch them back and forth.

  From this point of view, the absence of the Imperial Seal makes sense.


  A battle report immediately denied her guess.

   "You said that Huang Lie himself is in the Chinese army?" It is a basic operation to find out the movement of the enemy's Chinese army during the battle, but when Ning Yan heard that Huang Lie was in the Chinese army camp, she and Chu Yao looked at each other, both of them were shocked and puzzled, "Really?"

   Isn't it really a dead body double?

  The messenger soldier said: "It's absolutely true!"

   This news was sent by Gu Chi, there is no doubt about it!

   There is no useless way of scribes in this world, as long as it is used in the right place, it can be called a "magic skill"! Gu Chi's way of literati is no exception. Its function is not only to spy on someone's heart, to collude with his lord, to catch a few traitors, but also to listen to the enemy's troop deployment orders in real time!

   Of course, the price is huge.

  As many people participated in this war, Gu Chi could hear their voices. To distinguish the commander's instructions from countless violent and negative voices is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. It's also fortunate that Gu Chi has long been used to such an environment, otherwise he would have collapsed if someone else came up at random. Gu Chi said that there is Huang Lie in the camp of the Chinese Army, so the possibility of Huang Lie being there is extremely high!

  Although there are many doubts, Chu Yao and others are hard to take care of.

  Huang Lie's troops came too fast and in a hurry. In order to buy time for his own side, Chu Yao gave the order to raise the border barrier without hesitation. When they approached Chaoli Pass for a certain distance, the mountain haze lingering around the Chaoli Pass mountain range became stagnant.

  An invisible barrier rippled.

  An imaginary towering city wall rises from the ground, and it looks like an enlarged version of Chaoli Pass. With the appearance of this pass, the movement of thousands of troops and horses came from the void. A vague voice warned: "Who violated our border? Kill!"

   "Heh, how dare a mere remnant soul shout in front of me?"

  The black-clothed warrior under Huang Lie's tent heard this sound, showing contempt and disdain on his face. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he boosted his momentum, flew into the air, and used his body as a weapon to rush towards the illusory city wall. He raised his hand and formed a giant palm: "Broken!"

  The huge slap hit the border barrier head-on.

  The explosion shook the border barrier.

   Before the Xuanyi warrior swung his second palm, Chu Jie and Wei Shou joined forces to attack, forcing him to forcibly change the direction of attack. After seeing the person who came, the Xuanyi warrior sneered and said: "You are just a mere 15th grade young master, why come here to die?"

   Wei Shou's answer was an ax.

  The phantom of the pink ax that is about twenty feet long renders the sky into a beautiful color. The pinker the color, the harder the beating.

   "Tsk, can a mere 16th-class high school be arrogant in front of Lao Tzu?" Wei Shou was not afraid and taunted back. Of course the real 16th-class high school is not easy to fight, but his lord has already established a country, and his national prestige has already been shown. Although it is said that because of the short period of "founding the country", the country's prestige is not as rich as Zheng Qiao's Geng Kingdom, but it will also suppress incoming enemies.

  As the enclave of "Kang Guo", Chaoliguan is also an important military fortress, so border barriers and national prestige are naturally standard. Wei Shou didn't know how much national fortune Shen Tang had accumulated over the years, and hoped to support the end of this battle. Otherwise, the two 15th-rank young masters would fight the 16th-rank masters, and they might die here if they made a wrong move.

  If Huang Lie had the national seal in his hand, the suppression of Guowei could cancel each other out. But now, Huang Lie still hasn't made a move.

   That is to say—

  Compared with the two of them, the black-clothed warrior in front of him is not too big to be bridged. Two against one, your side has a chance to win!

  The Xuanyi warrior greeted the pink ax shadow with a punch.

  The finger tiger pierced the face with a point, and shattered with the shadow of the axe. The golden Chu Jie zoomed in rapidly in front of his eyes, and the sharp blade hit the Xuanyi warrior's vitals. At such a close distance, he chose to dodge without thinking too much. Wei Shou has been waiting for a long time: "Don't hide!"

  In this battle, Wei Shou cooperated with Chu Jie.

  If it is said that Wei Shou's defense and attack go hand in hand, Chu Jie is going forward with all the attribute points added to the attack. Coupled with his intention of being a warrior, opponents who are not familiar with him are very easy to suffer a secret loss, and lose their lives carelessly.

   "What did the little **** run away from?"

   Wei Shou used words to stimulate his opponent.

  He pretended to attack with all his strength, creating a good opportunity for Chu Jie to "behead and kill", forcing the Xuanyi warrior to dodge the response. As long as the warrior in black avoids fighting, the power of Chu Jie's next blow will be superimposed layer by layer until the power exceeds the enemy's limit.

  At that time, it will be the death knell for the Xuanyi Warrior!


  The pink giant ax danced impenetrably in his hands.

   In the blink of an eye, he hit the tiger with the knuckles in the hands of the Xuanyi warrior more than a hundred times, and golden sparks bloomed under the night sky.

   After a while, the cracks on the ax surface are like cobwebs.

   "Bah, are you a ten-thousand-year bastard?" As experienced battlefield veterans, Wei Shou and Chu Jie knew what to do without much communication.

  Warrior in Xuanyi kept his expression on the face, but he was vaguely uneasy in his heart. This uneasiness was his intuition honed through countless hard battles, which allowed him to escape from death several times. He didn't know Wei Shou very well, and the warrior in black clothes had never paid much attention to this thick, pink man, and he was most wary of Chu Jie. As soon as this son appeared, he beheaded the incarnation of General Zheng Qiao Qi Cang.

  Although it was just an incarnation, Chu Jie only used a few tricks!

   This makes Xuanyi warriors have to be vigilant.

  Suddenly, something came to his mind.

   Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chu Jie's left arm!

  The front of the golden wrist armor on the left arm is wrapped with four swimming golden dragon patterns. If you remember correctly, there were no such dragon patterns when they first fought. The strangest thing is that Chu Jie did everything he could to help Wei Shou in this battle. Could it be that there is something tricky hidden here?

   Once again, Chu Jie took advantage of the gap to kill.

  If the warrior in Xuanyi chooses to fight, there will be a loophole to be caught by Wei Shou. In the blink of an eye, he weighed the pros and cons, and chose to dodge Chu Jie's menacing blow. As a result, he saw that the swimming dragon pattern on his left arm changed from four to five!

  Chu Jie's eyes were scarlet, and his momentum rose again!

  Dan Fu's Martial Qi was like an overflowing pool of water, seeping out from the pores of his body, and his whole body was surrounded by golden shimmer.

  The Xuanyi warrior was terrified.

  Because he felt the crisis from Chu Jie's aura.

   Wei Shou saw his reaction and knew that he had reacted: "The snot is in your mouth, so you want to shake it?"

  Chu Jie's [Warrior's Intention] is really enviable!

  The next moment, the light of literary energy submerged into Chu Jie's body, and Wei Shou knew who made the [General's Five Virtues] without looking.

  He is not envious now, he is sour!

  Yin looked at the Xuanyi warrior: "You are doomed!"

   This is what he said, better than Hades!

  The warriors in Xuanyi were blocked by Chu Jie and the two, and under the border barrier, countless evil spirits visible to the naked eye surged from the ground. After a few breaths, they condensed into blurred figures. At the beginning, only the skeleton appeared, and with the filling of evil spirit, "flesh and flesh", "skin", "armor"...formed in sequence! They formed a neat army formation below Chaoli Pass, and the silent killing spread.

   Facing the approaching enemy, the leading heroic general drew out his saber from his waist, and let out a piercing scream.

  The invisible air waves rushed in all directions.

  Four thousand heavy cavalry heroic spirits gathered into a torrent of copper and iron, stabbing the enemy head-on like a sharp knife. Huang Lie's army cleared the way with heavy shield fighters as the vanguard. The steel city wall formed by the heavy shields collided with the heroic cavalry, exploded, and collided, but there was no scream. Heavy shield fighters don't know the pain of fatigue, and the heroic spirits under the pass of eternal sleep are even more inhuman, and have no concept of pain.

   "How many hands did Huang Xiguang hide?"

   Xun Zhen made arrangements to board the city wall.

   At a glance, you can see the fierce battle under the city wall.

  Currently, the scale of heavy shield fighters under Huang Lie's account has already exceeded 10,000, and the number is around 20,000! Twenty thousand, heavy shield warrior! The quality of a heavy shield fighter is comparable to that of ordinary three or four elites, and now there are 20,000! Where did he get so much?

  Chu Yao: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover."

  He was calm on the face, but secretly frowned.

  Heavy Shield Warrior is equivalent to a living puppet, in a sense it restrains him in all aspects. Chu Yao's words and spirits specialize in the heart and will, as well as destroying the hearing of ordinary people to interfere with instructions, and then affect the power of the enemy's army.

  But heavy shield fighters are not afraid of these.

   Even Chu Yao felt a little tricky.

  Although it has been highly valued, but after seeing this killing machine in action, it only took a dozen or so breaths to defeat the heroic heavy cavalry. This result far exceeded everyone's expectations. If the two armies confront each other head-on... I dare not think deeply about that scene...

   "For the present plan... Alas, I have to do it..." His eyes fell on the most common enemy soldiers.

  Tonight, it is destined that there will be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood under the city wall!

   Chu Yao and others were worried, but Huang Lie was naturally overjoyed.

   "Okay! That's great!" Huang Lie was overjoyed to see the power of the army of heavy-shield warriors. These four words seem to vent out all the frustrations of the past few days!

  He looked at Chao Liguan with dark eyes.

   "The day the barrier is broken, the time the city is massacred!"

  He knew how much food and grass Shen Tang had.

  The one surnamed Shen eats so much that his mouth is full of oil, and he has had enough to enjoy the blessings!

   "Full strength, attack the city!"

  Huang Lie roared and gave orders.

   "What the **** are these?"

  For a moment, some city wall guards roared and cursed.

  These heavy shield warriors each have a huge shield, and ordinary attacks will be intercepted by the shield wall they piled up. Whether it is rolling wood, rolling stones or hot water, the effect on them is not as expected. According to this situation, the city wall will fall sooner or later.

  Some guards could not see hope, and their hearts were shaken.

  Although the heavy cavalry heroic spirits also severely damaged thousands of heavy shield warriors, this number is insignificant compared with the base number of others.

   With the heavy shield fighters clearing the way, the battle line advanced extremely fast.

  Chu Yao and others didn't know why they didn't make a move yet.

   Not long after, the city wall was full of densely packed enemy troops, and the pressure of guarding the gate was huge. The defense of the city wall did not dare to relax at all, and the enemy might attack it if it was a little distracted. The only fortunate thing is that the army has been preparing for war for a long time, and they are not in a hurry in the face of the sudden night attack. The boiled golden juice and boiling water were continuously delivered, and the soldiers formed into formations to condense huge rolling stones and logs.

  On the ladder of the city wall, countless screams came and went.

  The archers are directing the next wave after wave of fire.


   Half of the weapon is frozen in frost.

  If the enemy hadn't released his weapon quickly enough, the frost would freeze most of his body along his arm. As the saying goes, taking advantage of a person's illness can kill a person, Yun Ce, as a person who is good at seizing opportunities, naturally would not miss this opportunity, and prepared to pierce the man's forehead with a shot, but unexpectedly the other party's reaction was quick, and he retreated...


  Yun Ce, who was chasing up, had not yet made up his move, and a section of the spear pierced through the opponent's heart. The owner of the spear swept across with all his strength, and the enemy split his body in two. There was still an unbelievable astonishment on this man's face. Obviously, he didn't feel anyone behind him.

   "Sheng Mei?"

   It was Yang Ying who beheaded the enemy general in the melee.

   But the strange thing is that Yun Ce can see Yang Ying but can't feel her breath, as if she is a mass of air. If Yang Ying's strength is far superior to hers, it is true that she can perfectly restrain her breath and integrate with the world, but her strength is not enough.

  Yang Ying didn't even look at him, she kicked with her weapon, her feet landed on the city wall, and galloped down like a stream of light. Heavy shield fighters are tricky for ordinary soldiers, but for stronger warriors, the difference is only one move and two moves.

   Kill a few more, and the pressure of defending the city will be reduced.

  Yun Ce grabbed the corpse of the warrior on the ground, preparing to use it as a temporary shield, but inadvertently saw a black tattoo on the back of the opponent's neck. Even though it's only a corner, it doesn't prevent Yun Ce from feeling familiar, because he also has it!

  【He is a teacher? 】

  Yun Ce was shocked.

  This is the first time in my life that I feel the body is hot.

  As far as he knows, everyone in the school will have the same tattoo on their bodies as a sign, and he also got one in the year he was picked up by the teacher. Yun Ce was curious about the meaning of the tattoo, so the teacher smiled and said: [This is a power that can destroy the world. 】

【so smart? Better than the teacher? 】

  The teacher nodded kindly and said: [Well, even better than the teacher, to the extent that even the human limit cannot reach it...]

  Yun Ce clenched his fists: [A Ce knows! 】

   This is to motivate him to practice hard and become a strong man!

  Yun Ce's thoughts turned, and dozens of arrows had been inserted into the corpse of the unlucky ghost who was suspected to be from the same sect in his hand. As for why I don't know this fellow in my hand? The teacher has lived for an unknown number of years, and the ghost knows how many apprentices he has taken. It's normal not to know each other.

  The spear in his hand is also quickly harvesting the lives of the enemy.

   It is said to be fast, but compared with the enemies on the entire battlefield, not even a single splash was stirred up... After all, it takes a few days to catch even 100,000 pigs. What's more, this is tens of thousands of enemies?


   I’m stuck, so I will update these first, and Mushroom will continue to add code words. Extra words are free.

   PS: Completed.



  (end of this chapter)