MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 41 can not bear hardship

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Women are always stingy. So she sat up immediately and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Chuan was startled, then sat up and looked at her, looking full of question marks.

"Because I'm here with my aunt... I'm here, so I dislike me, don't you even get into the bed?" Tears were coming out, and she looked very fragile and sensitive.

Su Su realized that she had misunderstood, she couldn't help but blushed and said: "Are you an idiot, go into the bed when it's cold, and the bed will be warm." After speaking, she lifted the quilt and said: "It's frozen, who's it?"

"Susu." How can this little girl be so cute?

Lin Chuan hugged her when she was excited, then pressed on the kang and kissed...

Unfortunately, I can't do anything, my body is clamoring for discomfort, but my mood is quite happy.

Especially the other party blushed and panted, and said aggrievedly: "My mouth hurts so much... You are so hard."

Lin Chuan was violent in her heart, thinking about things that would make her more painful and aggrieved, but on the surface she said solemnly: "I'm sorry, it's a little red, I'll give you a blow."

With this blow, the two were in full swing again after a while.

Until Su Su said in a voice that was about to cry: "No, no, I'm going to sleep."

"Okay, let's go to bed." Lin Chuan turned her around and hugged her from behind before he fell asleep honestly.

All the rules were handed over to Su Su, and he added: "Although it is less, you can buy food and clothing for yourself during the Chinese New Year."

"What about you?" It felt like he had hollowed out himself.

"I still have money, and I don't need to spend money in the army." Lin Chuan said seriously.

"Aren't you going to buy cigarettes?"



"It costs a lot of money to smoke." His answer was really simple and elegant.

Isn’t it under the control of women for men to quit smoking? She doesn’t seem to care about it.

"But, I have money, so I really don't need you to quit smoking. Although quitting smoking is not bad, I mean you will be healthy, but you really don't need to be so snarky. If you don't believe me, I'll give it to you Look." After speaking, he took out his small purse as if offering a treasure, and then laboriously opened the zipper.

In the end, it was too crowded to pack so many ten dollars in such a small amount of money.

Lin Chuan's pupils shrank for a while, but he never thought that he would marry such a rich woman. You must know that in this era, although a double-job working in the city may save some money by the end of the year, it is already very difficult for a few hundred, but his daughter-in-law is very good, and he brings so much money when he goes out.

He helped her put away the money, then held down her small wallet and said solemnly, "Comrade Su Su."

Su Su swallowed her saliva subconsciously, trying to explain that there is a way out for her money.

But before she said it, she listened to Lin Chuan: "In the future, don't touch your own money and don't tell others, including my family."


"But, I only tell you."

This sentence 'I only tell you' made Lin Chuan's heart as sweet as honey, so he kissed Su Su gently and said, "Our village is relatively poor. Even providing food and clothing is a problem, so it can't be too special." He was not good at preaching, and he used to talk so much in the army only when training new recruits. But I don't know where the patience came from. I told Susu the situation in the village again, so that she should not be too dazzling. She must wait for him to pick her up. As long as she gets to the city, she will have no problem.

Su Su finally understood Lin Chuan's thoughts, nodded and promised that he would be obedient and not spend too much money, and would not eat meat every day, but he would buy things every now and then and not be too harsh on himself .

In the end, someone was still worried, because the road from the mountain to the commune was really too difficult to walk, and problems could easily occur.

She, such a beautiful little girl, was worried when she went out to Linchuan, so before leaving, she borrowed a donkey cart and said she was going to buy a ticket, but she was actually going to take Su Su to buy something.

He gave Su Su fifty dollars, and she also had pork tickets and food tickets.

Linchuan let her sit on the donkey cart after she arrived at the public sales agency and went out for a turn, only to find that there were no people from their village or people related to the villagers. Susu got out of the car, and then took her to go shopping.

He bought ten catties of meat at one time, and then bought thirty catties of white noodles and ten catties of millet. After putting these in the car, he bought two for Susu to kill. Frozen chicks and a duck. These do not need tickets, they are all bought from fellow villagers. Susu felt that she was not short of meat this winter, but she had to be able to do it herself.

Although ordinary cooking noodles or something is okay, it is impossible to make good dishes, at least you have to learn it.

"Don't buy it, I won't do it if you buy it."

"Go back and I'll stomp you into pieces and put them in a small warehouse. If you want to eat and get some, cook them. Then I have potatoes and cabbage at home. I'll give you some points and bring them back. I'll buy you some sweet potatoes, and when you're hungry, put one in and burn one to fight hunger." Lin Chuan went to buy it after he finished speaking, and then made a bag of sweet potatoes for her.

Su Su thinks that this male partner is probably very afraid that she will starve to death at home.

Lin Chuan felt that he bought almost all of it and went home, with fifty dollars left and twenty left. At this time, the money is really worth spending.

After they came back, the two of them stayed in the small house, one chopped chickens and the other shipped things to the small warehouse. A chicken was chopped into three small piles, and a small pile was wrapped in kraft paper and placed on a panel to freeze. Then when it's frozen, use a large vat to put everything in it, cover it with a curtain, and then take a bag and stew it when it's time to eat.

Now, it's time to bring something back home."

"Well, we're not separated."

"It doesn't matter, I prepared these for you myself. I'll take a bag home and give it to the front yard later. You can eat the rest yourself."

"No, it's not good?" Eat alone.

"You are not like them."

The author has something to say:There will be three chapters tonight, maybe two or three chapters tomorrow

Also, tomorrow is the new year

Happy New Year to you all