MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 14 temporary mark

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Qian Xiaofei arrested a lot of people, as long as anyone related to this fight incident was strung together by him, he took them to the Political and Education Office in a mighty manner.

When passing through the corridor, the students from other classes in the self-study class couldn't help poking their heads out to look.

When passing Class Two and Three, a boy in the class suddenly yelled, "Hey, Chen Anqi, is your boyfriend arrested again?"

The sound of laughter came from the third class.

The person who was being booed was a girl with outstanding looks, her face was a little red, and she gave the person who was booing her a look: "You are going to die!"

The boy laughed and avoided: "Did I say something wrong? Why don't you go and talk to him?"

Class Three was having a self-study class. Chen Anqi stood up, walked to the back door, and stopped Qin Chu.

She yelled twice, but Qin Chu ignored him, but Qin Shiwu looked back at her.

"Who is this?" Qin Shiwu asked Lin Xiaomian.

Lin Xiaomian said honestly, "Sister."

"Nonsense, of course I know she's a senior. What I'm asking is why is she called Qin Chu?"

Lin Xiaomian heard the gossip about the female classmate in the same dormitory, and said in detail: "She, she is chasing Qin Chu."

Qin Shiwu's head is very bright. Although there are many people chasing his father, it is rare to see such a good-looking one, so he said: "Chen Anqi?"

Lin Xiaomian nodded.

Qin Shiwu started to sound the alarm in his mind.

He knew this Chen Anqi completely, wasn't she the legend of Lu Tong's ex-girlfriend and Qin Chu's current girlfriend?

This woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and might become a relatively big obstacle in the process of Qin Shiwu's birth, so he immediately slowed down, planning to see what Chen Anqi asked Qin Chu to do.

The girl lay down at the window calling for someone, but Qin Chu pretended not to hear it.

It was too embarrassing for the other party to go straight away. After Chen Anqi called three times, he finally couldn't ignore it and stopped.

There was booing in the classroom one after another, Chen Anqi said: "Don't pay attention to them."

Qin Chu didn't speak.

Chen Anqi glanced outside the classroom and said, "Why are you going? This direction is the Department of Political Affairs and Education."

Qin Chu: "Yes."

Chen Anqi laughed: "Fighting again?"

Her smile is very clean and sweet, a bit like "Shen Jiayi" in the hit movie "Those Years".

Her academic performance is also good, and she serves as a host in school. It is precisely because of this that she is regarded as a goddess by all the boys.

Qin Chu hadn't answered yet, Qin Shiwu suddenly appeared like a grandson of the earth: "There was no fight, there was no fight, we were the ones who fought, and Qin Chu was arrested and sent to the Political and Education Department because of his puppy love."

He emphasized the word "puppy love".

Chen Anqi's complexion changed abruptly, she looked at Qin Shiwu, and then at Qin Chu.

Qin Shiwu stood a little forward: "We still have to go to the Office of Political Affairs and Education to do an ideological report and inspection. Let's go, so we won't delay the senior sister's class."

He pushed Qin Chu, and Chen Anqi suddenly asked Qin Chu: "Are you in love? Who are you dating?"

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said: "Senior, that's a good question. Our grade director, Comrade Qian Xiaofei, also wants to know who Qin Chu fell in love with early on. I'm afraid the specific results will have to wait until the briefing meeting after the flag-raising ceremony on Monday morning. At that time, Qin Chu will definitely disclose the object of his puppy love in front of the whole school!"

Qin Shiwu's words were amused, and he was stunned to express the criticism in the circular, as if he was holding a grade meeting.

Seeing that Qin Chu didn't deny it, Chen Anqi felt a little flustered. Just as she was about to come out, the head teacher of Class 3 entered the classroom. She had no choice but to suppress her emotions and return to her seat.

After leaving class three, Qin Shiwu asked, "Dad, do you like this Chen Anqi?"

Qin Chu said coolly, "Who do you care about calling Dad?"

Qin Shiwu said: "I told you that I came sixteen years later, you don't believe me. This 'Shen Jiayi' is not good-looking, she is not as good-looking as you, why do you like her?"

Qin Chu said: "Who said I fell in love with her?"

Qin Shiwu: "That's what the campus forums say."

The campus forum also said that Qin Chu was a "school belle", but he dared not tell his father about this.

He moved closer to Qin Chu, and the puppy sniffed his nose: "Where did the pheromone in your Omega come from?"

This pheromone was so familiar, Qin Shiwu wrinkled his nose, but he didn't know where he had smelled it.

The pheromone on Qin Chu's body is naturally Lu Tong's, but Lu Tong doesn't seem to intend to disclose his second gender, and he is currently holding it in his hands. Qin Chu doesn't want to lose this white joke so soon.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Of course you have to ask! I'm your son, if you are with other women, what will my mother do!"

Qin Chu suddenly stopped and asked, "Who is your mother?"

This trick was extremely effective, every time Qin Shiwu asked, he shut up.

Qin Chu sneered, "Crazy."

It seems that he doesn't take Qin Shiwu's rumors to heart at all.

After Qian Xiaofei finished making tea in the political and educational office, everyone stepped in behind.

He took a sip of his tea, tapped the cup on the desk with a "click".

"Who said first? Why fight."

When Gu Kaifei came back from the infirmary, he simply treated the wound on his head and said, "Qin Shiwu did it first."

Qin Shiwu said: "Gu Kaifei took my seat without permission and forcibly occupied the property of the masses."

Qian Xiaofei said: "He just sits in your seat, and you hit him like this? Then I come to sit in your seat, do you want to hit me too?"

Qin Shiwu said: "Report, no. I don't want to drop out yet."

Qian Xiaofei sneered and said, "You're pretty good at watching the dishes."

He didn't believe a word of what the two fighting students said. Qian Xiaofei looked at Lin Xiaomian and nodded, "Tell me why they fought."

Lin Xiaomian is a typical obedient girl, and she has never been to the Political and Education Office because of a fight. When Qian Xiaofei asked her, she told the truth.

Among them, including how Gu Kaifei usually bullied Qin Shiwu, asked her to copy homework, and insulting words on the desk, these invisible means of school violence were all spread out in front of Qian Xiaofei at this moment.

Gu Kaifei's face turned red and white.

According to Lin Xiaomian, Qin Shiwu was like a little cabbage who had been bullied for many years and finally couldn't help fighting back.

Qian Xiaofei finished listening while drinking tea: "I know about you guys. Gu Kaifei usually bullies you, but you have endured it for too long, so you're calling back now, right?"

Qin Shiwu didn't bother to explain and nodded.

Qian Xiaofei looked at Zhao Yan: "Mr. Zhao, how do you think we can solve it?"

Zhao Yan said: "Both of them are at fault. Gu Kaifei, I don't usually stare at you, so don't think I don't know what you did, this time I will give you a warning, and you will restrain me a little bit later. Qin Shiwu, you too , if someone bullies you, just tell me directly, can you solve the problem by using force in private?"

The two were ideologically educated by Qian Xiaofei and Zhao Yan for a long time.

Lin Xiaomian was dismissed by Zhao Yan in advance as someone who had nothing to do, and asked her to go back and study hard.

Qin Chu stood leaning against the table for a while, and felt that it was time for him to go, so he followed Lin Xiaomian out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door, Qian Xiaofei's voice came: "Qin Chu! Where are you going? I haven't settled your matter yet!"

Qin Chu lazily said, "Director Qian, what matters have I left unresolved?"

Qian Xiaofei said: "Come back! You're okay, right? You're showing off with Omega pheromone on your body. Are you challenging the school's authority?"

Qin Chu said: "This is my medal for helping others today."

Qian Xiaofei laughed angrily: "Return the medal! Tell me who you fell in love with early on."

Qin Chu said: "No puppy love."

Qian Xiaofei: "No puppy love? Did you smell your body?!"

Qin Chu shut up and did not speak.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qian Xiaofei ignored Qin Chu and asked him to go back and write a 3,000-word self-criticism.

He also only said a few words about Qin Chu verbally, without any substantive punishment for Qin Chu. After all, when the eldest young master came, the leaders of the school even greeted him specifically, asking him to leave this mess as long as the matter was not serious.

When Qin Chu came back from abroad, he would definitely take the way of international students in the college entrance examination. As long as he didn't delay the undergraduate rate of No. 1 Middle School, he would treat him as if there was no such person in the school.

After playing a stick in the Political and Education Office, Qian Xiaofei was finally satisfied and asked Zhao Yan to take them back to class.

After the next two math classes, it was time for dinner. No. 1 Middle School had two hours to eat. Today was Sunday, and there was one class missing in the afternoon. To be precise, it was three hours.

Chen Anqi sent a text message asking him where to eat in the afternoon, and it seemed that she wanted to come over and eat with Qin Chu forcibly.

Qin Chu didn't reply to her in the text messages, but when get out of class was over, he was blocked by Chen Anqi at the corner of the stairs.

Hu Si, who was walking with Qin Chu, saw Chen Anqi, and said acquaintedly, "Brother Qin, then I'll go first."

Chen Anqi asked him, "Why didn't you reply to my text message?"

Qin Chu: "I didn't see it."

Chen Anqi complained, and then asked: "Where to eat? There is a delicious Korean food at the gate of the school. I want to eat."

Qin Chu refused straight away: "I'm going to the vocal music classroom."

Chen Anqi saw that he was carrying a violin bag on his back, "Aren't you going to have dinner?"

Qin Chu thought: It's not that I don't want to eat, but I don't want to eat with you.

This can't be said directly to Chen Anqi, Qin Chu was a little annoyed by her, and thought of Qin Shiwu.

Didn't this **** work hard around him a few days ago? Why didn't he come out and call him "Dad" at the critical moment?

When the time comes, he will follow suit and tell Chen Anqi that he not only fell in love early, but also married early and had children early.

In a dilemma, Qin Chu planned to refuse Chen Anqi.

At this moment, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Qin Chu never kept secrets when playing with his mobile phone at school, when he picked it up, he saw that it was a text message from an unfamiliar number.

- where are you Lu Tong and Qin Chu frowned.

Strange, did Lu Tong text him? The sun comes out in the west.

-The roof next to the vocal music classroom on the fifth floor. How do you have my phone number?

Text back there soon.

- I have something to do with you, I'll come over now. Ask Teacher Zhao for the mobile phone number.

Qin Chu put away his mobile phone and walked to the vocal music classroom on the fifth floor.

Chen Anqi said: "Then I'll go to the restaurant and pack something for you? Are you going to skip dinner this afternoon?"

Qin Chu: "Practice the piano. Not hungry."

He didn't talk much to the girls. After arriving at the vocal music classroom, he found a table and sat down.

Chen Anqi said: "Then I'll stay with you here, as it happens that I'm fine. I'll order takeaway tonight."

Qin Chu looked up at her: "I have something to do."

Before Chen Anqi asked him what was the matter, the door of the vocal music classroom was knocked twice.

Chen Anqi turned her head and saw Lu Tong standing at the door of the classroom, her expression changed again.

Lu Tong didn't expect to see Chen Anqi here, the corners of his mouth froze, without saying a word, he immediately greeted the eighteenth generation of Qin Chu's ancestors in his heart.

People are what he is looking for, but he didn't say that when he was looking for people, he bought one and got one free, and he could get one more.

Puppy, puppet! It's really a pup! If you are not careful, you will be bitten by him!

"Lu Tong...why are you here?" Chen Anqi asked, in her eyes, Lu Tong and Qin Chu appeared in the same place, no less than the current meeting with the ex, she was so embarrassed that she wished she could dig a hole and bury herself.

She lowered her head and asked Qin Chu: "Why didn't you say that Lu Tong was coming?"

Chen Anqi even wanted to ask: When did you two meet?

However, now is obviously not the time to reminisce about the past, so Chen Anqi hurriedly said hello and left.

How can she stay in such a scene?

When Lu Tong saw her go out, Qin Chu said, "Aren't you going after her?"

Lu Tong said coldly: "I chased you off?"

Qin Chu: "Oh. I forgot that you are an Omega."

Lu Tong: ...

Qin Chu put his feet on the desk, and leaned back in a very young master's manner, "Why do you want me?"

Lu Tong has a lump in his heart—Although Chen Anqi is not his girlfriend, she has been rumored with him for so long. At this age, even a man is a bit possessive, and he can't even talk about liking her. It was nothing to hear that Chen Anqi was chasing Qin Chu before, but now that she really saw it, she was still shocked.

He asked back angrily, "What does Chen Anqi want you for?"

Qin Chu: "Look for my puppy love. You also came to look for my puppy love?"

Lu Tong paused for a moment, as if he had something to hide.

Qin Chu looked at him: "I'm very busy. Tell me quickly if you have something to do, and you won't have to send a silk banner. Helping others is my hobby."

When it comes to business, Lu Tong is entangled instead.

He stood on the spot for a long time without tangling up why.

Lu Tong looked at the self-criticism in his hand and asked, "What did you write?"

Qin Chu thought that half of his self-criticism was thanks to Lu Tong, so he felt angry: "Review. Puppy love."

Lu Tong rubbed his nose, changed his normal routine, and said, "I'll write half of it for you."

Qin Chu was stunned, and looked up at him: "What do you mean?"

Lu Tong took a deep breath, sat beside him, smashed the jar and said, "Can you give me a temporary mark?"

Fearing that Qin Chu would refuse in one breath, he solemnly extended a finger: "Just once. Never touch porcelain."

It took Qin Chu a while to come back to his senses: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

At the moment when Lu Tong asked for help, he had to compromise, humbly, and speak nicely. The prime minister held a spaceship in his stomach, and gritted his teeth and said, "I heard, I'm not crazy yet."

Qin Chu said slowly: "An Omega asking for a temporary mark on Aphla is like asking him for a condom. Do you think this happened to us in line with the basic national conditions?"

The author has something to say: Xiaolu happened for a reason! ! will explain!

·Thank you to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~Thank you to the little angels who voted for [Mine]: Deer Pass xs, Amaimai, Tyrannosaurus Rex No. 1 in the world! 1; thanks to the little angel of irrigation [Nutrient Solution]: 20 bottles should be; Harada Miisoi is really 5 bottles; Qiyao a1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!