MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 28 fuck or die

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Dr. He said: "That's it. It's not that there is no solution at all, why don't you two go for a pheromone compatibility test first?"

Qin Chu: "Why?"

Dr. He smiled slightly: "Secondary differentiation of pheromone dependence tends to have a higher degree of pheromone fit. Assuming your fit degree is 80%, then Omega encounters 81% of the information After improving the fitness of the alpha pheromone, you can successfully get rid of the lower alpha pheromone dependence."

Lu Tong: "This is not a long-term solution. In the end, it is not about relying on other people's pheromones."

Doctor He said: "There is no way. Omega is born attached to Alpha - don't record this sentence, I'm afraid of being reported. It's just that you seem to be dissatisfied with your current Alpha, so let him use a temporary mark first, or other I will give you a break until you find your soul mate."

Lu Tong: ...What is this?

Isn't this treating Qin Chu as a tool man?

Not to mention Qin Chu, even he himself is not happy.

What Dr. He said was to ask Qin Chu to help him through the short window period. Since there is no Alpha's pheromone to appease the organs, then find an unlucky A to appease.

In the future, when I find a real partner, I will kick this unlucky ghost away.

There is no way to add scum.

Lu Tong: "Impossible."

Qin Chu glanced at him.

Lu Tong: "I'm not interested in men."

Qin Chu himself said this sentence.

But when Lu Tong said it, he seemed to have missed the opportunity, lost a bit of momentum for no reason, and felt a little embarrassed, so he said, "Me too!"

Like rushing to answer, we must compete for a high and low.

Lu Tong said with disdain in his heart: childish. Who said this first?

Dr. He: "Wow. That's not easy. It's hard to find female A."

He swiped and printed out a list, and said: "Take the list and check the matching degree first. If it is not high, you can perform simple surgery to suppress it for two years. Depending on your age, it is not enough." I have reached adulthood in just over two months, and it is time for legal marriage in two years, so there should be a new way."

Lu Tong: "What if I don't want to get married?"

Dr. He Weiguang held his hand solemnly: "Then let us look forward to the rapid development of China's medical level."

—And two years later, clinical trials to solve pheromone dependence can be developed.

Blood was required for the pheromone test, and Lu Tong himself was a little hypoglycemic, and after the blood was drawn, his head kept dizzy.

He sat on the stool and waited quietly for the test results. Qin Chu took out a candy from his pocket like a magic trick.

Big white rabbit toffee, authentic.

Peeling off the candy wrapper, the scent of milk entered my nose.

Lu Tong turned his face to look at him, Qin Chu pushed the toffee away and put it in his mouth: "What are you looking at? You thought I prepared it for you?"

Lu Tong: "Has anyone ever told you that you are prone to be lonely?"

Qin Chu: "No. You are the first."

He squinted at Lu Tong: "I'm dizzy, do you want candy?"

Lu Tong didn't bother to talk to him.

Qin Chu took out a cat teasing stick from his pocket.

Lu Tong:?

"It's so long, how did you stuff it in?" He was stunned.

Qin Chu pressed the cat teasing stick: "Extensible." Thinking of the few times Lu Tong scratched the cat's paw just now, he didn't see enough, and now he was a little itchy, eager to try: "I will give you candy if you catch it."

Lu Tong: "Do you need to turn left and take a look at the psychiatric department?"

Qin Chu was not beaten by the few words of capitalism, and the more frustrated he became, the more courageous he became, and he started teasing him with a cat teasing stick.

At first, Lu Tong ignored him, leaned back with his eyes closed, and waited for the inspection report wholeheartedly.

As a result, Qin Chu's cat teasing stick followed like a shadow, even with his eyes closed, he could still see a shadow dancing in his red vision.

It's annoying.

Lu Tong opened his eyes without warning, and grabbed the cat teasing stick.

"Are you finished?!" He bared his teeth.

Qin Chu: "It's boring."

...really like a cat.

Qin Chu stuffed the candy into Lu Tong's hand: "It's for you. A reward for catching it once."

Lu Tong: "Don't eat the food that comes from you, take it back."

Qin Chu: "You earned this by your excellent performance, how can you call it a cheap meal?"

Lu Tong was aroused by his two words, and his calm and self-sufficient character collapsed again and again in front of Qin Chu.

Even he himself felt a little strange, how could Qin Chu collapse his "personality" so easily.

He was about to fight Qin Chu when the inspection report came out.

Lu Tong had a temporary truce with him, and the two of them went to scan the code in front of the machine together, and got a hospital-specific—that is, a skewed report that was printed incorrectly.

Matching degree: 99.14% rare, both of them are silent.

The bustling voices in the hospital penetrated into Lu Tong's ears, but did not reach his mind.

For the rest of his smooth life, it seemed that after meeting Qin Chu, the situation ran wild at an unpredictable level.

— Ninety-nine percent match, what the **** is the difference between this and having a terminal illness?

All the numbers on the report were distorted, and in Lu Tong's eyes, they all became six words: do it or die.

He was in a trance, and read the report for a while. After a while, the report card became a marriage certificate in his hands.

There are also photos of him and Qin Chu on it.

...forgive me.

If it was a dream, it should have come to an abrupt end here, why hasn't anyone woken him up yet?

As if to appeal to what he thought in his heart, in the next second, Lu Tong's body was violently pulled by Qin Chu.

His consciousness returned to his body in an instant, and his first reaction was to have an attack.

Lu Tong slammed into his arms, Alpha's cold fragrance quickly wrapped his whole body, he wanted to resist, but his instinct made him unable to resist, like a kitten, quietly rubbing against Qin Chu's. Shoulder.

The door behind the two of them slammed shut.

It turned out that the medical staff were delivering the cart, and they had to go through the door behind the two of them. He didn't notice Lu Tong was standing by the door, and closed the door immediately after going out.

If Qin Chu didn't pull him, Lu Tong's mind would be pinched by the door today.

As a result, Lu Tong's chance of having an attack was gone.


Qin Chu: "No need. Why are you in a daze? Seeing the ninety-nine percent matching rate, I passed out with joy. Did you just pick up the free pheromone from this handsome guy for nothing?"

Lu Tong instantly felt that his concern was unnecessary: ​​"Please respect yourself."

He looked down and saw that Qin Chu's hand on the hem of his trousers was bleeding from a **** that was pinched by the door.

Lu Tong quickly picked up his hand: "The one who was injured just now?"

Immediately, his confidence was not so strong.

Qin Chu: "A small wound."

It seems that it was the pull of Lu Tong that blocked the door for him.

Lu Tong: "...Is this a small wound? It's such a big cut, doesn't it hurt you?"

Qin Chu said without hesitation, "It hurts."

Lu Tong: "Why didn't Pain hear you bark? Even a dog knows how to bark when it's caught?"

Qin Chu silently and slowly spit out four words: "Because it's embarrassing."

Lu Tong: ...

"Is there any gold Bking award to be awarded at the end of the year in the King of Kings Competition? Or do you have performance to do every month? Is it worth it for you to pretend to be such a bully? Just because you lose face by calling it out?"

Qin Chu snorted, unable to deny it.

Lu Tong was a little angry again, but when he saw Qin Chu's face, the anger disappeared again.

The young man's cheeks haven't grown. Although his figure has become unparalleled, even half a head taller than him, there is still some baby fat visible to the naked eye on his face.

When he laughed, two canine teeth loomed on his lips.

Even, the first time I saw him at Old Zhao's house, there was still a hot Japanese anime playing in his bedroom.

He suddenly remembered that Qin Chuzuo was just an underage brat, was it worth fighting for him here?

Lu Tong laughed to himself.

Qin Chu was full of curiosity, and asked calmly, "What are you laughing at?"

Lu Tong: "I laugh at you for being three years old. Let's go, ancestor, and go buy you some gauze and iodine."

Qin Chu spoke in a very foul-smelling straight-A doctrine tone: "It's nothing for a man to get hurt, he'll be healed if he can't walk to the western pharmacy."

Lu Tong: "Too much nonsense, you don't need to spend money, I will bandage you at my own expense."

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when the two returned to the internal medicine consulting room after tossing Qin Chu's wound.

When Dr. He saw them coming in, he greeted them with a smile. When he saw the thick gauze on Qin Chu's hand, he gasped: "Are the comrades in the blood draw department already so ruthless now? Did you let him How many liters did you take?"

Lu Tong patiently explained: "The bump on the road is not a wound for blood test."

After all, he put his inspection report in front of Dr. He.

Dr. He picked it up and took a look, and the big 99% swayed in front of him.

"Wow. So tall."

Lu Tong: "I have eyes, I can see."

Dr. He touched his chin, "This is too difficult, 99.14%, basically impossible to exceed."

Qin Chu felt complacent without a trace in his heart, and then asked himself strangely: What am I proud of?

He said with a calm face: "Why can't it be surpassed, what if it shows 99.5%?"

Dr. He said calmly: "It's impossible. 99.14% is actually 100%."

Lu Tong: "But it shows 99.14%."

Dr. He: "Of course. If the report shows 100%, you don't believe it—don't record this, it's an internal secret of our hospital. 99.14% is just an approximate figure for you to let Don’t worry, rounding up is 100%. It’s just that writing 100% makes our machine unprofessional, and if there are two decimals behind it, doesn’t it look more reliable?”

Lu Tong: ...


And the most unreliable person here is you, Dr. He!

Dr. He took the report card and sighed for a while: "I have never seen such a high case. If it weren't for my professional ethics, I would take a picture and send it to Moments now. Mr. Lu, it hasn't happened in fifty years. With such a high degree of matching, this is a natural choice."

Lu Tong: "You think I want to hear this?"

Also a natural choice.

What about the animal world?

Dr. He said: "You are not secondary differentiation, you are God rewarding your boyfriend to talk about. It is not easy to meet such a tall man, otherwise..."

Lu Tong and Qin Chu were preoccupied with each other. Hearing Dr. He's words, they thought there was a turning point.

As a result, Dr. He said: "Or let me take a photo with you, it can be regarded as an asset in my doctor's career." can't expect him to say something solid.

Lu Tong held his forehead, he seemed to have a real headache.

The matching rate is close to 100%. If it gets to the government, I'm afraid it will send someone down to be a matchmaker.

Dr. He said lightly and cheerfully: "Think about the good. You can also stay away from Alpha for the rest of your life. Thinking about it, it's actually not that difficult to do. For example, if you are a writer, you can stay at home for the rest of your life?"

Lu Tong: "Do you think your proposal can help me?"

Dr. He continued to suggest: "Otherwise. Let your classmate—this is your classmate. Let him help you overcome the current difficulties in the past two years. After you graduate, if you want to avoid this rejection, In fact, you can do gland removal surgery."

Lu Tong felt that none of what Dr. He said was right. He got the result of the examination and was sickly.

No contact with Alpha?

Not very realistic.

He still has a year to take the college entrance examination, and there are so many Alphas in the university, how could he avoid it completely?

Unless, as Dr. He said, you don't have any contact with people for the rest of your life - that's even more unrealistic.

However, to complete the mark with Qin Chu?

Help, this is the retribution he suffered in the reincarnation of heaven.

Not to mention my own resistance to the final mark, just talk about Qin Chu—he is still young, and his family background is not something that middle-class people like Lu Tong can reach. …

Rao is that the two people really connected with each other by accident, this road is not so easy to walk.

Not to mention now—communication is some **** words, and if they can say a few words calmly and not fight, it is the best expression of friendship.

Qin Chu was disgusting, Lu Tong's teeth itch when he saw him, and the cat's paw wanted to scratch him twice.

The road in front of me is blocked in all directions.

Looking at Lu Tong's face, it was no different from being diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Before leaving, Dr. He stopped Lu Tong and handed him his business card.

Lu Tong: "?"

Dr. He: "To tell you the truth. Actually, I have a part-time job in a photo studio in the city center that specializes in taking photos of marriage certificates. If you need it, you can also make an appointment with me." He paused, and said with a business sense: "God 20% discount for selected couples."

Lu Tong: "...Do you want me to break your bone?"

This business card is hot.

After leaving the hospital, Qin Chu, who kept silent all this time, asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Tong: "I don't know."

What else can I do? There is simply no drug that can suppress one's own resistance to other alpha pheromones.

The only way is to rely on Qin Chu's temporary mark.

And it won't last long. I don't know when the disadvantages of the secondary differentiation will be exposed. It is like a time bomb. Once it explodes, what awaits Lutong is a turbulent and terrifying estrus period, and the final mark needs to be completed. kind of.

Moreover, he couldn't blame Qin Chu.

The temporary mark of the first estrus before was brought by Lu Tong himself.

It's over now - when this kind of thing happens, he can't turn his face and deny people, and become a **** who scolds as soon as he lifts his pants, Lu Tong can't do it.

In the same way, he couldn't ask Qin Chu for a temporary mark over and over again.

The combination of pheromones can be addictive, which is why the school prohibits students from having puppy love. Once addicted, both of them will be eager for further development. The result of waiting for the young lovers is three years of hugging each other.

Lu Tong walked forward while thinking about the next countermeasures.

Qin Chu stood in front of him, bowed his head and asked, "What do you mean you don't know?"

Lu Tong looked up at him, and for a moment, he almost gave in.

... Otherwise, ask Qin Chu to borrow a year of pheromone with the cheek.

Before Lu Tong could say anything, Qin Shihuang said in a mighty way: "Otherwise, I will reluctantly lend you some pheromone."

Lu Tong: ...Suddenly I don't want to borrow it anymore.

"The promise is so straightforward, I have an ominous premonition. Are you a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken?"

Qin Chu retorted him: "There is no handsome weasel like me in the world, but there is also a chicken to give me New Year's greetings. You don't have to. See how long you can persist."

Lu Tong got a little stubborn, and thought: How about I just stick to it?

As a result, before the cowhide was blown out, the back of his neck felt uncomfortable.

After walking out of the hospital, the Alpha pheromones coming and going at the door all rushed towards him.

He was dizzy, had chest tightness and shortness of breath, and felt extremely nauseous.

Qin Chu took a few steps forward, and the corner of his clothes was grabbed by Lu Tong.

Lu Tong's ears were almost burning red: "...just borrow for one year. No IOU."

Qin Chu stood still and looked at him with great interest: "How do you plan to pay it back?"