MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 32 sick and coquettish

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The next day, before dawn, Lu Tong got up.

He slept more comfortably than ever before, Qin Chu's pheromones were domineering and domineering in his body, and his slight fever and chest tightness were relieved a lot immediately.

He touched his chest, feeling a little helpless, thinking to himself: Could it be possible that we can only rely on Qin Chu's pheromone in the future?

Half an hour later, the housekeeper aunt knocked on the door one by one outside, signaling all the students to get up.

Qin Chu was awakened by a knock on the door, and when he sat up, Lu Tong had already been leaning against the bed and reading a book for a while. The cover is light yellow. It was originally placed on Qin Chu's desk. Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" is a book of fairy tales.

Hearing the movement, Lu Tong raised his eyes to see that Qin Chu was in a sleepless sleep, and there were still a few disobedient hairs sticking out on his head.

Very nice.

He suppressed a smile and focused his eyes on the book.

It is written in the book: She (Little Rose) has been grooming for so long, but now she yawns and says: I just woke up, I'm sorry, my hair is still messy. —At this time, the little prince's love for him arises spontaneously.

School bully?

Lu Tong turned a page and shook his head in his heart: Are you strong on the outside and doing things on the inside? What kind of school bully still grabs ice cream from others.

After Qin Chu packed up, Lu Tong reminded: "Today's mid-term exam, have you brought your admission ticket and pen?"

Although, as far as Qin Chu's grades are concerned, it's the same whether he wears a pen or not.

Qin Chu opened the drawer and took out a 2B pencil from inside. After pressing it twice, the refill was gone.

"It's for you." Lu Tong had expected that he would not take the test supplies to heart, so he prepared an extra copy in advance.

Qin Chu shook the transparent bag in his hand: "You repay the favor?"

Lu Tong: "Get up early in the morning and ask for a fight?"

Qin Chu stretched out his hand: "My ice cream, two. It was agreed last night."

Lu Tong glanced at the rainstorm outside the window and raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

Typhoon days cool down quickly.

When Qin Chu arrived in the classroom, most of the students had already put on long-sleeved jackets.

Ji Rang came in from the door: "Rang Rang. I forgot what time is the exam in the morning?"

He saw Qin Chu, looked him up and down, and raised his thumb: "Awesome. He eats popsicles during a typhoon, and he is the number one in Provincial No. 1 Middle School. The well-deserved Bking, have you elected the King of Kings this year?"

Ji Rang saw Qin Chu's school uniform again—a long-sleeved suit with a long-sleeved school uniform, and pulled off a blue and white dress, which was still the same blue and white dress.

"Fashionable." He sighed.

With a popsicle in his mouth, Qin Chu slapped Ji Rang on the back of the head: "Go away. Where's Qin Shiwu?"

Ji Rang: "I don't know. Why are you looking for him? He took the exam in the multimedia classroom."

Qin Chu: "Why not."

—Of course, before the popsicle melts, to show off, Yixue's shame last night.

Ji Rang looked back: "Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be here."

When Qin Chu turned his head, Qin Shiwu was walking towards the classroom while wearing his school uniform.

Qin Chu stopped him: "Cao Cao, I'm calling you."

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said: "Do you have a pen, I don't have a pen!"

Seeing that he missed the point, Qin Chu slowly put the popsicle in his mouth and took a bite.

Qin Shiwu:?

He remembered.

"Where did you get the popsicle?!"

Qin Chu won a complete victory, triumphantly: "What do you think?"

Qin Shiwu gritted his teeth: "Lu Tong bought it for you?!"

Ji Rang, who was walking in front, staggered: Lu Tong? When did they know Lu Tong? No, the point is that Lu Tong bought popsicles for Qin Chu? Fuck, I didn't wake up.

Ji Rang took a few steps back in shock, and asked, "Your Popsicle won't be poisoned, right?"

Qin Chu ate the last bite, and stuffed the garbage into Ji Rang's hands: "Take it away."

Ji Rang: "...Obviously I didn't walk back to collect garbage."

Qin Chu: "Now it is."

He tore the second one.

Qin Shiwu thought that Qin Chu would eat one and forget it, but he didn't expect to eat a second one in front of him.

"Lu Tong also bought it?"

Qin Chu took a bite: "Obviously." He made a "two" gesture: "Two."

Qin Wusuan's transformation: "He only bought one for me."

Qin Chu pointed at him with a popsicle: "Normal. Why did he buy you two?"

Qin Shiwu said: "You are not afraid of being poisoned if you breathe so much in one breath!"

Qin Chu: "I am willing."

Qin Shiwu was furious and scolded: "You bastard! If your son hadn't beaten your father and struck him with lightning, you would be downstairs by now, do you know that!"

Qin Chu didn't take it seriously: "Can you beat it?"

When Qin Shiwu thought about it, he really couldn't beat him.

So, getting even more angry, he walked out of the classroom angrily.

Qin Chu: "Hello."

Qin Shiwu didn't turn his head back and ignored him.

Qin Chu was still able to deal with this little bastard, and grabbed Qin Shiwu by the back collar as soon as he stretched out his hand.

Qin Chu liked to catch him like this.

Sixteen years later, he mentioned Qin Shiwu in the same way, just like mentioning a kitten.

Qin Shiwu was seized by his lifeblood, and screamed loudly.

Qin Chu clicked his tongue: "What's it called? Killing pigs?"

"Who is a pig! Who is a pig and who is a pig!" Qin Shiwu was not willing to show weakness, and struggled hard under Qin Chu's hands.

Qin Chu patted his hand ferociously: "Don't move!"

Qin Shiwu: "Oh."

Be honest.

Qin Chu grabbed his puppy's paw and looked at it. The bruise from his auntie last night was almost healed.

The boy took the beating, and Lu Tong wiped a side of medicinal wine for him, and the effect was quick today.

Qin Chu asked, "Does your hand still hurt?"

Qin Shiwu chirped and groaned, "It's been a long time since the pain stopped, so I'm not afraid of pain."

Qin Chu pinched it expressionlessly.

Qin Shiwu screamed like killing a pig.

"Aw, oh, oh, oh, oh, it's killing me!!"

Qin Chu: "Isn't this painful? You're young, why pretend to be aggressive?"

He loosened Qin Shiwu's collar, thought for a while, and encouraged him: "Take a good test."

Qin Shiwu disdained: "You should study hard! Let me tell you, I am different from you."

Qin Chu leaned against the railing and ignored him.

Qin Shiwu rolled up his sleeves, and said very stinkingly: "Brother, you have traveled through time after sixteen years, do you know what time time is? That is cheating! In the novel, I am the protagonist, understand! How could the midterm exam stump me?"

Qin Chu laughed, "Protagonist, do you have a pen?"

Qin Shiwu touched his whole body: "No."

As soon as he looked up, he saw Lin Xiaomian in front of him, and immediately chased after him.

Qin Shiwu and her classmate, a top student, were fortunate enough to be assigned to the same examination room, and this examination naturally all depended on Lin Xiaomian.

Ji Rang waved to Qin Chu: "I'm going to the examination room first. By the way, Gao Yuting came to see you yesterday."

Qin Chu: "Who is she?"

Ji Rang: "...No need to do this. Last time I asked you for the WeChat account, you at least memorized his name. I met Lao Zhao just now. She is going to the hospital for a physical examination today, and asked me to bring you a message — At least two hundred points in the test."

Qin Chu thought for a moment: "It's a bit difficult."

Ji Rang: "You got 100 points last time, and you will also get 100 points this time. Don't say it, I'm leaving, so hurry up, or you'll be late later."

The mid-term exam seats in Provincial No. 1 Middle School are all re-arranged.

Before last year, No. 1 Middle School had always assigned seats according to test scores. Those who rank higher in the final grades will have higher seats in the midterm exam this time. From the first class to the back row, the worst students were basically assigned to multimedia classrooms or cafeterias.

In this way, students who do well in the exam will get better and better, and students who do poorly in the exam will have no place to copy and will only get worse. Over time, the parents of poor students couldn't stand it, thinking it was discriminating against their children, so they made a phone call to the Education Bureau. Beginning this year, No. 1 Middle School had to abolish the method of assigning seats.

However, in order to prevent students from copying each other's test papers, the mixed test mode is still retained.

The students in the third year of high school do not take the exam with them, and the students in the first and second grades are interspersed with the exam.

That is to say, in a class, the freshmen sit in one row, and the sophomores sit in the same row, and the first and second parts are broken up, so there are very few opportunities to meet acquaintances, which greatly reduces the possibility of cheating.

——After such a messy arrangement, if you can still meet acquaintances, you can only say that the fate of the two is destined.

That's how Lu Tong met Qin Chu.

He never expected that he and Qin Chu would take the exam in the same class.

Qin Chu came late, when Lu Tong had already sat down, he appeared from the door of the classroom.

As soon as he appeared, the eyes of several female students in the classroom became brighter.

…attract bees and butterflies.

Lu Tong complained.

The teacher at the door obviously knew Qin Chu, smiled, and asked, "Did you bring the cheat sheet?"

Qin Chu: "I didn't bring it."

The teacher hehe said: "Trust you? I might as well believe that sows can climb trees. Be honest, don't be caught cheating by me today."

Qin Chu arrived at his seat, and as soon as he sat down, he turned to look at Lu Tong.

Lu Tong still remembered helping him cheat, and he had a terrible headache.

The rules for student examinations are being played on the radio.

The two invigilators took the opportunity to go out to get some air.

As soon as the people on the podium left, the crowd below became lively.

It is like a pot of boiling water, constantly tumbling.

A naughty boy in front of Qin Chu asked around for his grades: "How's your score? What's your score last time?"

"How much can you test in Chinese?"

"Is English okay? I can just borrow my listening skills."

"Is the physics exam still here? It seems that the midterm exam will not change places. These days, we are all comrades-in-arms!"

Discussions like this kept reaching Lu Tong's ears.

The boy in front of Qin Chu didn't know who he was asking, and suddenly burst into a small sound of surprise.

"Four hundred and twenty points! So high! What class are you in? I haven't seen you in normal times!"

"I'm part two."

"Not bad, how good is your math score?"

"I'm average in mathematics, unstable..."

"It's okay, it's okay, how much did you score in the final exam last time!"

"...just sixty."



"Brother, with a score of 60 on the high school math test, he is not a simple person."

"Will you borrow me to copy the lines later?"

Qin Chu listened and laughed.

The classmate in front of him turned around and said, "Can you copy?"

The 60th seat is a little closer to Qin Chu. If you want to copy, it is safer to pass the note from Qin Chu.

"I don't copy his."

The man said: "Then can you pass the note for me later?"

Qin Chu: "No help."

The man felt that Qin Chu was a bit unreasonable, but they met by chance, so they wouldn't be able to fight in the examination room.

He turned his head, Qin Chu stretched out his long legs, and kicked Lu Tong: "Hey, I'm free to copy the sixty points in mathematics, don't you feel pressure?"

Lu Tong sat on the seat with a cold demeanor, except for Qin Chu who had no eyesight, no one else dared to talk to him when they saw his paralyzed face.

Qin Chu teased him, but he ignored him at all.

It's a pity that this person didn't look at his face, and kicked him a second time after failing to tease him once: "Talk. How much did you score in the final math test last time?"

Lu Tong said coldly: "One hundred and five."

Qin Chu was stunned for a moment, "It's quite high. What's the perfect score in mathematics?"

Lu Tong spat out three words coldly: "One hundred and five."

Qin Chu suddenly fell silent.

Lu Tong finally waited until he calmed down a bit, and he was relieved.

As a result, Qin Chu's silence seemed to be too quiet.

He would never think that Qin Chu was frightened by his little score. Halfway through the first exam, Lu Tong turned to look at Qin Chu, who was sleeping on the table.

It is understandable for him not to copy the language test.

Lu Tong thought strangely.

However, Qin Chu didn't ask him for any answers in the subsequent math competition. The test papers for the first year of high school and the second year of high school are different, but for Lu Tong, it is not difficult to do the questions for the first year of high school. Even if you can't get a full score, getting 140 is more than enough.

Therefore, Lu Tong finally sensed something was wrong.

After the math test, the two exams in the morning are completely over.

As soon as the bell rang at noon, all the students in the classroom disappeared instantly.

Lu Tong hesitated for a moment, then gently pushed Qin Chu.

"Qin Chu, the exam is over."

Qin Chu didn't respond to such a push.

Lu Tong realized that something was wrong with the other party, and quickly reached out to touch Qin Chu's forehead: he had a low fever.

Not only did he have a low-grade fever, but his complexion was also not very good. A little pale, as if suffering from illness.

Lu Tong hurriedly said: "Qin Chu, can you hear me? Is there something wrong with you?"

Qin Chu was awakened by him, and stared at him for a moment.

Lu Tong didn't bother to ask him any more, and said directly: "Let's go to the infirmary first."

The heavy rain outside has not stopped since last night.

No matter how good the drainage system of the No. 1 Middle School campus is, there are quite a few puddles on the ground. If you step down, the school pants will be half soaked. Qin Chu was unwilling to go to the infirmary, so Lu Tong had no choice but to take him back to the dormitory first. The dormitories in the international department are not strictly managed, even if you come back halfway, the dormitory auntie will not say anything.

Qin Chu lay on his side on the bed, while Lu Tong rummaged through the room for a while, looking for some cold medicine to reduce the fever.

He sat in front of the bed, poured a cup of hot water for Qin Chu, and asked, "Qin Chu, apart from a cold, what else is wrong with you?"

If it's just a cold, how could it be possible to lie still in the examination room.

Qin Chu lay on the bed for a while before uttering two words: "...Stomach pain."

"Stomach pain?" Lu Tong asked in surprise, "How can you have a stomach pain when you're doing well? Do you have stomach problems?"

Who knew, Qin Chu closed his eyes, but refused to speak.

—Stomach hurts from eating popsicles, can you tell the truth!

Let Lu Tong know, and laugh at him to death.

No, you can't lose this person even if you die.

Lu Tong glanced at the time, and then at Qin Chu.

His character is not one of meddling, and certainly not to the point of being helpful.

Being able to bring Qin Chu back to the dormitory from the class, let the matter out—others no longer believe that he was able to do it. Lu Tong thinks that benevolence is the ultimate in righteousness, and his relationship with Qin Chu ends here.

If you continue to help, you will cross the line.

However, he walked out of the dormitory with a firm heart, and when he reached the corridor, he couldn't help but stop, thinking: Stomach pain is not a disease that can be cured by himself, or go buy some stomach medicine for him, and let him Let it die.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to make sense.

Lu Tong continued: "And now I still have something to ask of him, so I can't treat him like someone else, so that he won't complain to me when he wakes up."

He made excuses for himself as he walked, walked to the elevator door, and finally found all the excuses.

"That's right." Lu Tong thought calmly: "Help him humanitarianly, and it's not considered to care about him. At worst, I'll leave after buying stomach medicine, and I will never delay the exam."

After making up his mind, Lu Tong went downstairs, instead of going to the teaching building, but to the infirmary behind the cafeteria.

After swiping his school card to buy a bunch of stomach medicine, Lu Tong turned back to the International Building.

Qin Chu looked really in pain.

He came back and forth like this, and the posture of the other party lying on the bed did not change.

Lu Tong had no choice but to mix the medicine, helped Qin Chu up, and stared at him to drink.

This stomach medicine did not know where it came from, Qin Chu was about to spit it out after drinking it.

Seeing that he had this intention, Lu Tong immediately said fiercely: "Don't spit!"

This mouthful of medicine stayed in Qin Chu's mouth.

Lu Tong: "Do you understand that you hate illness and take medicine? How old are you and still think medicine is bitter?"

Qin Chu frowned and swallowed the medicine.

If someone else saw it, their jaws would definitely drop.

How could Qin Chu obediently listen to others?

Ask his own father to come and see this matter, but his own father probably won't believe it.

Seeing that he had finished eating, Lu Tong took out a candy from his pocket and stuffed it into Qin Chu's mouth.

He changed into a clean set of clothes and threw the school uniform that had been soaked in the rain into the washing machine.

"I'm going to take the exam. You can rest in the dormitory in the afternoon, don't take the exam."

Lu Tong instructed.

Anyway, as far as Qin Chu's score is concerned, it doesn't matter whether he takes the test or not.

After he finished speaking, he lifted his foot and wanted to leave. Who knew that Qin Chu suddenly stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Lu Tong was sitting on the bed, and Qin Chu was lying behind him, his hands easily hugged Lu Tong's waist.

He didn't wake up with his eyes closed, but this posture just didn't let Lu Tong go.

Qin Chu was ill, so his strength was not very strong, but the hand on his waist seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and it directly trapped Lu Tong.

His entire body was stiff from the waist up. Qin Chu's pheromones were causing trouble in his body, making it impossible for him to take half a step out of the dormitory.

...fucking hell.

Lu Tong's face was hot and panicked.

He opened his mouth several times but failed to say success. After five minutes, he still maintained this movement, sitting on the bed without moving.

Qin Chu muttered, "You stay with me."

Lu Tong finally recovered his voice: "Don't be coquettish, I don't like that." After thinking for a while, he added: "I have an exam this afternoon."

Qin Chu stopped talking.

When he doesn't speak, he uses pheromones to show his favor—or to say: sell bad.

Qin Chu's pheromone is the cold fragrance of roses, which usually makes her feel cold and proud, and difficult to get close to. After being sick, there was a pitiful smell of milk, wrapped in cold fragrance, and circled around Lu Tong like a puppy.

For no reason, it reminded Lu Tong of the little rose in the fairy tale book he read this morning. Like Qin Chu, he was a narcissistic guy who was a bit stinky and charming.

——If the current Qin Chu can be called charming.

It's pitiful.

Lu Tong sighed.

—What did I owe him in my previous life?

he asked himself.

"You let go. I'm not leaving, don't provoke me with pheromones."

Qin Chu pretended to be stupid and pretended to be stunned: "I feel sick to my stomach."

His voice was softer and more coquettish, and Lu Tong's ears felt weak when he heard it, and finally he couldn't help but surrender.

It seems that acting like a baby is still very effective for him. Previously, Qin Shiwu learned this move without a teacher, and most of it was inherited from Qin Chu.

Qin Chu couldn't help feeling complacent, and commented: Men, they can't stand being acted like a spoiled child, so if you can't do it once, try again.

Quite proud.

Qin Chu's body was hot, and holding Lu Tong was like holding a piece of dry ice. Lu Tong's pheromone was like frost and snow, a sharp weapon for cooling down. After Qin Chu tasted the sweetness of holding Lu Tong, he was unwilling to let go.

Lu Tong cautiously noticed that this posture was a bit ambiguous, but he couldn't resist Qin Chu's soft-spokenness, and was half-coaxed and half-deceived by him and entangled on the bed.

Now, with Lu Tong leaning against the bed and Qin Chu lying next to him, he was just about to take a puff of a cigarette and say "It's better than a living god".

Lu Tong was amused by his brain, and leaned on the bed and closed his eyes for a while.

He thought belatedly: How did I get involved with Qin Chu?

If you think about it carefully, you can't think about it, but when you think about it, all kinds of misunderstandings are all dumbfounding. Two parallel lines that would never meet at all have been pulled together, and now they have tied a knot.

Qin Chu hugged him and fell into a deep sleep. The mobile phone on the bedside table first received a few messages, and then vibrated for two rounds, but failed to wake him up.

Lu Tong reached out to turn off the sound, but unexpectedly the screen lit up.

Those messages flashed into his eyes one by one.

-Ayu, Sister Caiying returned to China today, have you picked her up yet?

- Didn't you kid always like her very much! I inquired for you, she seems to have broken up with her boyfriend again, here's your chance!

- I saw a message back, you have been ignoring my brothers since you transferred to No. 1 Middle School, when will you come out and get together?

Lu Tong paused slightly.

Immediately afterwards, another text message was sent to Qin Chu's cell phone.

- Xiaoyu, I'm back. Why did you leave without saying goodbye last time? You must make it clear when we meet this time, otherwise my sister will be angry.

Familiar, ambiguous, too much information.

Lu Tong held the phone and didn't know how to reply for a moment.

The text message calling him "Xiaoyu" is obviously the sister Caiying mentioned in the previous population.

Lu Tong looked at Qin Chu inexplicably, and thought: No way, does this kid still have a sister-brother relationship?

At the same time, the voice in his heart came out: he also has someone he likes?

He thought that a narcissistic child like Qin Chu would only like Transformers and himself in this life.

Unexpectedly, there will still be a time when the love sinus has a crush on someone else.

— A little upset, what's going on?

Lu Tong squeezed the phone: "The dog is still hugging my waist, what's wrong with this woman?" It's amazing, Qin Chu, you can still look at what's in the pot while eating from the bowl.

— He didn't realize at all that Qin Chu and himself had a humanitarian patient relationship.

Even if there is a temporary mark, there is no relationship.

However, this does not prevent him from looking at these messages.

After this sister Caiying sent one, she sent several more in succession.

He couldn't help Qin Chu answer the text message, so he could only wait for Qin Chu to wake up and solve it by himself.

In the end, Sister Caiying was not an easy character to deal with, she didn't reply to a few text messages, and the phone call came directly.

Lu Tong opened his eyes and looked at the phone, then answered the phone resignedly.

Opposite was a very gentle and nice girl: "Xiaoyu, why didn't you reply to the text message, are you still angry with sister?"

Lu Tong said politely and distantly: "Hello. Qin Chu has something to do right now, so it's inconvenient to answer the phone."

The other side froze for a moment: "You are..."

Lu Tong: "I'm his classmate. I can tell you what you need."

When he said these two sentences, the movement was a bit loud, and Qin Chu was disturbed.

Qin Chu hesitated and buried his head in his body. Lu Tong was on the phone, caught off guard by Qin Chu's move, he quickly pushed Qin Chu away.

"Can you be more honest when you sleep! Don't hold me and let go!"

Qin Chu muttered: "You won't lose a piece of meat if you hug me. I'm already sick. Why are you so cruel?"

Lu Tong gritted his teeth and said, "You're still reasonable!"

Qin Chu dragged his voice out, "Lu Tong—don't move, I'll give you a hug, your body is cooler than mine, please do me a favor, I'm a patient!"

Lu Tong's eyebrows twitched, and he immediately said: "Don't be a dick!"

When the two pushed and shoved, sister Caiying hung up the phone.

Lu Tong turned his head and glanced at the phone, without further ado, he threw the phone back on the bedside table.