MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 22 Injuried

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Because Yu Jiu fell down suddenly, the game had to be dropped.

The sudden appearance of an unexpected person surprised not only Yu Jiu, but also everyone else.

"Who is that person?"

"Did you see someone carrying a food box? It should be Yu Jiu's family, right?"

"Didn't Yu Jiu call her Mama Zhang? Probably just a nanny?"

"Yu Jiu's family treats him too well, right? The school friendship also specially asks the nanny to deliver delicious food, which is really enviable..."


While others were discussing, Yu Jiu had already brought Mama Zhang outside the training ground.

Zhang Ma was worried about Yu Jiu's leg injury, and wanted to persuade him to go to the hospital, but Yu Jiu refused.

"These are a few dishes made by my wife herself. She is afraid that you will be too tired from training and lose your appetite, so she made soup."

The food box was already in Yu Jiu's hand, but he didn't feel warm, only heavy.

As early as after he called to report the itinerary, Yu Hui called Teacher Zhao to confirm the school's plan.

He didn't expect Yu Hui to let Zhang's mother come to the gymnasium.

Is it because you think the phone call is not enough, and you still have someone come to check the post?

Yu Jiu said calmly, "Thank you Mama Zhang, do you have anything else to do?"

"No... not anymore."

Of course Mama Zhang could tell that Yu Jiu didn't like her appearance, and even felt rebellious because of his wife's increasingly close "surveillance".

She hesitated to speak, but Yu Jiu didn't let her speak out, and said directly: "Then I'll send you out."


Mama Zhang paused, nodded and said, "Oh, good."

Yu Jiu didn't dare to let Zhang Ma stay longer in the gymnasium, she stayed here for a second longer, and Yu Jiu felt that Yu Hui's shadow was everywhere around her.

It's a curse he can't escape.

After seeing Zhang Mama off at last, Yu Jiu walked back from outside the gymnasium. He felt a stabbing pain in his ankle just two steps away. He paused and gasped slightly.

The injured place finally began to protest because of his strong support.

He looked down and saw nothing at the ankle, neither red nor swollen, it should just be a slight sprain.

Yu Jiu didn't take it seriously, and continued to walk forward after relieving the pain, but this time he didn't dare to put all his strength on the injured leg.

"Didn't you mean a small injury?"

A voice came from the front.

Yu Jiu looked up and saw Zhai Chi standing next to the vending machine.

Zhai Chi's expression was not very good.

Yu Jiu lowered his head again and said, "It's okay."

"You're all limping and you're all right?"


Yu Jiu ignored him and continued to walk inside without limping anymore.

Zhai Chi frowned, feeling inexplicably annoyed at his pretentious appearance, stepped forward, put his arms around him with one hand, grabbed his knees with the other, and hugged him up.

"what are you doing?"

Yu Jiu's center of gravity was unstable, and she grabbed his arm subconsciously. The familiar smell of the blocker filled her nostrils. empty disintegration.

It wasn't until Zhai Chi hugged him horizontally that he realized what he had done.

The person in his arms was very close to him, and the weight was a little lighter than he imagined. The upper bodies of the two were close together, and Yu Jiu's slender and straight legs were resting on his forearms.

This posture can easily make people think that they shouldn't have.

Zhai Chi didn't dare to look at him, and said righteously: "Send you to the infirmary."

"I dont go!"

Yu Jiu struggled in his arms.

He thinks that he is very strong, and he will not lose against Alpha. Now, probably because he has nowhere to focus, he is imprisoned by Zhai Chi, and he has no room to resist.

He couldn't hold himself up in someone's arms like a fish.

So he quickly gave up struggling.

However, Zhai Chi's arrogance could not last long, he stopped by a branching corridor in front of him.

"...How do I get to the infirmary?"

He came out with Yu Jiu, and now he doesn't even remember the way back to the training ground, let alone the infirmary that he never went to.

There are no signposts in the hallway either.

This gym is terrible!

Yu Jiu: "..."

After staring at him speechlessly for a while, Yu Jiu said, "I don't know either."

Zhai Chi said: "Do you just want to see what I want to do?"

Yu Jiu: "Yes."


He really didn't know what to do.

He looked at Yu Jiu with begging eyes.

Yu Jiu took the opportunity to bargain, "You let me down, I'll go by myself."

"Yu Jiu? You are here, the school arranged a basketball coach for us..."

Before Zhai Chi could make a conclusion, a person turned out from the corner of the corridor.

Zhou Yali judged that they were here by hearing the voices of the two people. When she turned around and saw the current state of the two people, her words were locked in her throat as if she had pressed a gate.

"Then...then what, I bought a bottle of drink, I didn't mean to disturb you!"


This person just mentioned the basketball coach.

This scene is really a bit embarrassing.

Without moving her face, Yu Jiu secretly pinched Zhai Chi, motioning him to put her down.

He didn't dare to use force, Zhai Chi showed a just right smile to Zhou Yali, "May I ask how to get to the infirmary?"

"Infirmary?" Zhou Yali was taken aback, "Oh, infirmary!"

Suddenly, she turned her head and pointed to the corridor she had just come to, "It's just across from the training ground, you walk to the end of this corridor and go straight out, the opposite is the infirmary."

Zhai Chi nodded politely again: "Thank you."

"No, no thanks." Zhou Yali was dazzled by his smile, looked at Yu Jiu again, and asked with concern, "Is Yu Jiu's injury okay?"

"The knee was bruised, and maybe the foot was twisted." Zhai Chi smiled slightly, "Can I trouble you to ask for a leave?"

Zhou Yali immediately said: "No problem, you go quickly."


Yu Jiu glanced aside the whole time, looking like a salty fish who gave up treatment.

Zhai Chi passed in front of Zhou Yali with someone in his arms, Zhou Yali couldn't help showing her starry eyes.

I didn't expect the two of them to have such a relationship.

The combination of a handsome guy and a handsome guy is eye-catching!

But Zhai Chi found the right direction, and it was quite easy to find the infirmary. After all, there was such a big red cross sign on the door that no one could ignore it.

The doctor in the infirmary was a slightly fat middle-aged man. He gave Yu Jiu a simple examination, and the situation was similar to Yu Jiu's prediction.

"The abrasion is not serious, but the injury is on the knee. When the scab scabs, pay attention to bending the knee to avoid secondary injury. As long as the sprain on the ankle is not too hard, it is not a big problem. It will heal in two or three days... Are you guys Are you a high school student coming to training?"

After hearing the test results, Zhai Chi heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then it's best not to participate in the training for these two days, and take a good rest."

Zhai Chi immediately looked at Yu Jiu.

That look seemed to threaten him with a chicken feather as an arrow.

Yu Jiu was helpless, "Understood."

When applying medicine to his knee, Zhai Chi was more nervous than Yu Jiu.

The doctor cleaned the blood stains with alcohol, and the alcohol would inevitably irritate the wound. Yu Jiu didn't make a sound, but her legs shrank a little in conditioned reflex.

"Can you... lighten up?"

Zhai Chi couldn't help reminding the doctor.

The doctor looked up at Zhai Chi, handed him the tools, and signaled: Are you coming?

Zhai Chi: ...

Counseling in seconds.

Yu Jiu secretly raised her eyes to look, and unconsciously pursed the corners of her lips.

He thought Zhai Chi's nervous look was a little cute.

Soon the medicine was on the knee, and when he left the infirmary, Zhai Chi still wanted to hug Yu Jiu out, but Yu Jiu refused him with justified reasons: "Don't bend your knees."

Zhai Chi: "..."

"Then shall I support your head office?"

Yu Jiu smiled and did not refuse.

The corridor they walked through when they came to the infirmary was very long, and Yu Jiu couldn't use too much force on his injured leg, so he walked much slower than when he came. Zhai Chi supported him, feeling that the time was extraordinarily long.

"Just now..." Zhai Chi paused, "The person who came to look for you was the old aunt in your family?"

Zhai Chi went to Yu Jiu's house when he was a child, and met him a few times by chance.

Yu Jiu gave a faint "hmm".

Zhai Chi smiled, looking for something to say: "She doesn't seem to recognize me."

Yu Jiu turned her head to look at him, and quickly looked away, "Mother grandmother arranged to take care of my mother at home, and she only takes care of my mother."

When I was a child, there was more than one aunt in the family, and Yu Jiu was taken care of by others.

Mama Zhang didn't care much about Yu Jiu's daily life.

Until later when they returned to China, there were only three of them in a villa, and they gradually developed feelings for each other, and Zhang Ma took care of him a lot.

Maybe Zhang Ma knew who Zhai Chi was, but after a few years of changes, she couldn't recognize Zhai Chi now.

Zhai Chi supported Yu Jiu and lowered his head slightly.

It was the first time they mentioned the past like this.

Zhai Chi was silent for a long time, and tentatively asked, "Your mother, are you okay now?"

For him to ask such a question, it means that he already knew about the misfortune that Yu Jiu experienced that year.

My grandfather went to jail, my grandmother died, and my relatives were separated, which hit Mama Yu harder than the bankruptcy of the family.

But after all, so many years have passed.

Yu Jiu said, "It's pretty good. When we got divorced, my mom got some shares from my dad. Even if I don't do anything, I can live comfortably with the annual dividends."

Zhai Chi: "..."

He said it easily, but Zhai Chi didn't believe it.

If it's really good, why is Yu Jiu so nervous just watching her aunt at home appear?

If he guessed right, the reason why Yu Jiu fell on the training ground was probably because he suddenly saw someone who came to deliver food boxes.

The person who delivered the food box...

Zhai Chi suddenly thought of something, looked down at Yu Jiu's empty hands, "Did you forget something?"

Yu Jiu lowered her head along with him, and was startled at the same time.

He left the food box brought by Zhang Ma in the infirmary.

The two raised their heads together again, and looked at each other for a while, and finally Zhai Chi asked Yu Jiu to wait for him in the corridor, and went to the infirmary to fetch the food box by himself.

"It's quite heavy, what have you done?"

Without Yu Jiu's "cumbersomeness", Zhai Chi went back and forth very quickly. Because he felt heavy, he didn't return the food box to Yu Jiu, and still carried it by himself.

Yu Jiu glanced at the food box, his eyes dimmed involuntarily, and he said in a low voice, "It's nothing, just some home-cooked food."

Not only did he lower his voice, but he also seemed a little depressed.

Not wanting him to be in a bad mood, Zhai Chi blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Yu Jiu: "?"

He turned his head inexplicably.

What is this guy apologizing for?

Zhai Chi said: "I said something wrong in the car earlier, and I apologize to you."


Under Yu Jiu's more inexplicable gaze, Zhai Chi slightly tightened his hand holding the food box, and said, "I... don't like to take care of others, I just want to take care of you."
