MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 534

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Windy city.

Fengcheng’s most respected old priest, the old man, suddenly screamed and madly ran out of the house. While he ran, he screamed wildly: “The birth of the wind brought life to the life of the son of life. Hahaha"

The old man of the wind language stumbled and ran to the altar. Others did not dare to stop him, but could only chase him behind him.

Because of the move of the old man, the windy city at night was gradually awakened.

The wind rushed to hear reports from his men, and quickly went out to find the old man of the wind. When he rushed to the altar and rushed to the old man of the wind, his body had already left many people.

The old man of the wind speaks with his hands high, the blood drops from his wrist, and his mouth is meditation.

The wind is changing, the old man of the wind is actually worshipping

The wind began to condense over the altar, and the leaves and dust began to swirl, and people’s hair and clothes swayed.

The body of the old man of the wind language was gradually wrapped in the wind, and all the people around him could not stand it. The wind was so bad that it could only be backwards and backwards.

The wind is one of the few fighters who can stand in a small hurricane belt.

"Life energy is really life energy. Have you heard it? The wind is cheering, the life on the earth is cheering, they are all welcoming the arrival of the Son of Life."

The old man dances in the wind, and the whole person is so excited that he is extremely excited. He shouts loudly to the wind: "Don't forget the birth of the son of our wind city. Everyone in the city must serve and protect the son of life. It is our glory, and the person who Fengshen gave us the mission to betray the son of life. Those who do not listen to the command of Fengshen will always be rejected by Fengshen and cursed by the gods."

The wind did not hesitate to kneel on one knee, "the wind is leading the wind city, the command of the gods"

Then the wind picked up and the opponent bowed his head and said: "Through my command, I immediately search for the son of life and guard him."

The old man’s finger is far away, “Children, go, the wind will guide us”

Deep in the depths of the Black Forest, the old Samar of the Maple was awakened from sleep.

The surrounding air and soil seem to have changed invisibly, become more vital, and become more suitable for the survival of the longevity wood.

Old Samar, who has not left the ground for a long time, appeared along the secret road in the valley where the native Samar of the Feng nationality lived.

"Old Sama" young Maple Sama immediately felt the breath of the elders, and the branches extended into a humanoid body appeared in the old Samar.

Old Sama looked up at the starry sky and said to himself: "Do you feel it? The initial life energy is becoming rich."

Young Sama hesitated, "I haven't felt it yet."

Old Sama is smiling. "It's still very light now. I just noticed it, but as long as this life energy does not disappear, you will feel its existence."

"Old Samar, where do you say the energy of life comes from?"

"This is a good question." Old Sama's mood may be really good. He almost sang like behind, cheerfully said: "The child brought hope, ah, he brought hope, maybe he has succeeded in letting the son of life Born and returned to the land. When he walked into the forest with his son, all the longevity Muzu would become his friends, ah, hopeful life energy."

The flying bird can bring back all kinds of news. Even if the old Sama stayed in the depths of the Black Forest, it is not that he did not know the outside world. The Jiuyuan people went to the human city meeting, and the priest who was called the witch was missing. He knew that it was no slower than other tribes.

He is not worried about the child, how can the witch who gave birth to the fruit of the witchcraft die easily, and the child came back and succeeded in giving birth to the son of life. In addition to the Son of Life, who else will bring such a rich initial life energy

The sound of the old Sama's low vicissitudes is very strong, and the sleeping Black Forest is awakened, and a singer sings and says hello to their old Samar. Some people are singing the beauty of life, even if they can't clearly feel it now.

Deep in the depths of the sea.

The mermaid king was summoned by the priests.

When I heard that they felt the rich new life energy, the mermaid king just raised an eyebrow.

"The son of the last life was born, you said that he will bring changes to the world and lead us to resist the terrible enemy of the future. But as a result, he has only become a companion of the human face and the king of the Peng family, but also gave birth to a birth. He was sent to the mixed-race children of the central continent. What else did he do?"

"Every son of life is a great and necessary existence. You don't know what he did. It doesn't mean he didn't do anything, and his children have saved many people and become the lords of the Terran. I, you, you. Lack of a modest heart, if you continue to be so arrogant, sooner or later you will"

"If you preach, you will be saved. Just tell me that there is nothing special about the son of life that needs to be brought back by me." The mermaid king rudely interrupted the old voice. "The son of the last life." It’s cheaper to face the Peng family, and this time can’t fall into their hands again.”

The fruit of the witchcraft is not rare, he does not want to spend that time and a lot of energy to cultivate, but the son of life that has been born, he does not mind grabbing possession.

The old voice sighed. "My king, this time we feel the energy of life is not much thicker than the previous one. It is destined to be an amazing existence, and it can breed such a son of life." Wisdom and race must also be ordinary creatures. Do you want our mermaid to fight with them?"

The mermaid king knows the meaning of the first priest, but he deliberately said: "When the war begins, the soldiers in the tribe are too busy, and they will not move, they can make fish oil."

The first priest of "My King" is very helpless. "We are not calm when we live on the seabed. The war on the seabed is never less than on land. If the son of life can come to my family, it is best, but if"

"So you actually want him to come, right?" The mermaid king only needs to know this. "I will send people ashore to find the son of life. If you can bring it back, bring back, there is nothing else, you will Don't look for me."

The arrogant and lazy king left, and the priests of the mermaids were all silent. They really hoped that they would be able to "cheat" the son of life by the prince who had been ignorant for many years. It would be better if he could give birth to a child, but Will the son of life be brought back so easily?

By the way, they have a more important point. They didn’t say that if the son of life is the one in the prophecy, then even if their mermaids are deep in the sea, they will not be able to live a stable life. When the shadow is, the whole world will fall into the darkness. Only the legendary son of life will lead the various races to resist the demons and regain the vitality of the world.

The priests are very contradictory. They hope that the son of this life is the legendary one, and he does not want him to be.

The mermaid family, who is aware of the changes in life energy, is not only at the bottom of the Qingyuan Lake.

The sorcerer who has begun to accept the memory of the ancient **** slowly opened his eyes.

"Life energy" he whispered affirmatively.

"Oh," the beautiful and enchanting mermaid priest showed a dreamy smile. "It seems that my family really has the possibility to go back to the sea."

I don’t know who brought the energy of life, will it be the success of the child of life? Will it be too fast? Did they go to the center of the mainland to get help from the people of the Peng nationality?

However, just absorbed and digested the ancient memory of the inheritance, I felt that the energy of life became rich, and the witch suddenly gave birth to a sense of fate. Once, when he was living on the seabed, he listened to the old priest at that time and mentioned one thing to him. It was only a long time ago that he could not remember it. After accepting the memory of the ancient gods, he repeatedly mentioned it in his memory. The scene and prophecy, he finally remembered that.

Is the war coming? Is it really annoying?

At this time, the people who once succeeded in cultivating a son of life face the main hall of the Peng family, and the serious atmosphere is circulating.

There are a total of twelve people in the main hall, and this scene is quite strange at first glance. Twelve human faces are surrounded by a round boulder table and hung on twelve sturdy and hard stone blocks.

"The news has been confirmed. Yuanzhou, a member of our ethnic group, just returned the news, saying that he saw the whole process of the birth of the son of life."

"This race is the son of life."

"It is said to be a human race, or a hornless human race."

"Oh, it seems that this time the gods chose the hornless people."

"Who knows. Haoyu, have you heard that it is said that your little guy who stayed at the Red Salt Lake in the East China is now around the hornless witch who has nurtured the Son of Life."

Haoyu is a golden purebred big Peng Peng, the feathers are extremely splendid, especially the head is probably the sequela of the tearing space crossing, the child's body is too delicate.

Strictness and regret, this is also the reason for their two adults to think about it. As long as Wu Zhi was born weak, he should throw people into the second lab or his space and wear them back instead of just conservative. The secret of space and the second laboratory. He didn't want other people, including Stan, to know that he could hide the living. This is the last resort he has to protect himself and his family. He always wants to keep a day and keep it for a day.

And he also tried to put the original war and the nursery bag in the space and then use the portal, but the portal does not know how to judge the energy, or the extra burden in the space and the laboratory will count on his head. The behavior is recognized on the spot, and how many crystals are needed when using the portal, not because people are in space or in the second lab. This also allowed him to completely dispel the idea of ​​confusing the transmitter into the second laboratory.

And even if this method of cheating can be successful, he does not want to use it. Because high-order elemental crystals can be found, it is not so easy to reduce the **** value. Space can only let his blood and partner enter, and the laboratory wants to let people go. One person is a thousand people, and he saves. How much can a person reduce?

The topic is far away and pulled back.

Because the original battle was the main force of the battle, the first time, the witchcraft was taken over. As a result, he soon discovered that Wu Guo seemed to be a lot more comfortable in his arms, and he woke up halfway through the middle. After sleeping in the past, his face was no longer wrinkled, but he became relaxed and comfortable.

Hey, this little guy is sleeping so beautifully, his mouth is half open, and his mouth is still hanging with sparkling saliva.

"A war"

The original war bowed and fell in love with the forehead of the lover. "There are not many living people in the empty city. This is a dead city."

"Oh," he rushed to the city's main government, but he did not pay much attention to the situation in the empty city. He also saw the bone soldiers in the city government, but he thought that the empty city and the horned family would cooperate, and there would be no strangers in the bones. Didn't care much.

"The horned people seem to have mastered a method that can turn a living into a bone soldier. These bone soldiers are better than ordinary bone soldiers because they generally retain the fighting power and blood power of their lives, and these bone soldiers can still have Although their own thoughts are not like living people, they can make some judgments without order."

Strictly changing the look, Zanbu clearly told him that the horns have been trying to keep the soul, and thought to transfer the soul to the bones, but in addition to the bones, there are no successful examples, even if anyone can There is a little bit of remnant on the bones, it is only a remnant of the soul, but also a very powerful soul to do it.

"How does the Stan witch say?"

"He said that the souls of these bone soldiers are incomplete, and they are very painful, eager to leave the body, but they are tied."

"Stan Dawu can't do anything"

"He said that it was an evil witchcraft, probably from his people. He said that since this matter is related to his people, he will be responsible for finding the method of cracking. We have captured a lot of bones. Stan’s witch is pondering."

Strictness is not very worried. There are so many people who have dominated the Western Continent for so many years, and they have such a strong accumulation of civilizations, and dare to cross the ocean to attack the East China. It must be reliant. If you don’t know what their reliance is, you can’t crack it. Maybe he will have a headache, but since he knows the details and has the possibility of cracking, there is nothing to worry about.

"A war, you are very sad." Slightly sensitive to the emotions of the little lovers is occasionally sensitive.

The original battle did not hide the weakness of one's moment in front of his partner. "Seeing them, I thought, if you didn't go to the western continent, if you didn't bring back the Stan, then now we can become the nine original people. Just like the empty city. As long as I think about it, I feel"

"Is it scared?" Yan Ming also felt very fortunate. Fortunately, they rescued Stan and brought people back. If there is a **** in this world, maybe the gods can’t bear to see the biological destruction of the East China.

The original battle straightened up, shaking his head and looking at the eyes of his lover: "No, I am not afraid, I am just lucky, thank you."

Strictly asked for Wu Xiaoguo, laughing: "Even without me, there is no Stan, the East is so big, there must be someone who can solve the horned family, but it may be slower."

The original war did not refute him. He still had a sentence that did not tell the sternness. When he was lucky, he was actually more fearful. He couldn’t help but think: If he killed him in the past, he gave it to others. Or he didn’t touch the stern at all

As long as he thinks that he is likely to miss it and is likely to lose this person, he will be afraid of being chilly.

Why am I because I am too happy, so I am afraid?

The original battle was awkward for a moment, and he put this fear and worry on his heart, and his mind became resolute. Since you can’t stand the loss, protect him, keep him, and let no one have the opportunity to take him away.

Silence, it’s mine

A man with a beastly intuition has erected the antenna before the danger has arrived, and is ready to fight any evil forces to grab her husband.