MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 17 Puzzled mind

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Unwilling, but do nothing.

Xie Aoyu watched the three-tailed scorpion and dragon beast slay, and looked at the ferocious eyes and the sharp minions. He was really desperate.

Think of your own experience.

Xie Aoyu's heart boiled again, and even if he died, he would have to leave a splendid brilliance. He would never let it go, because I am Xie Aoyu!

The unwillingness squeezed deep inside for ten years suddenly erupted.

Xie Aoyu roared, waved the thunder knife of the thunder spirit against the neck of the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast desperately, and stung fiercely, and he would end up all together.


The three-tailed scorpion dragon roared, and a flame opened up.

At this critical moment, the little white that Xie Aoyu had thrown out earlier suddenly appeared behind Xie Aoyu, and those dark eyes burst into a white flare.

It seemed as if a white fire was flickering in its eyes.


The roaring three-tailed scorpion dragon beast saw this, flashing a horror, and even in the air gliding, the huge body also trembled violently.

It was the fear from the soul.

It was such a moment of fear that the three-tailed Scorpion Dragon Beast lost its balance and fell suddenly. When it found out, the Holy Spirit's Holy Knife had been severely pushed in from its neck and emerged from its head. .


Xie Aoyu seemed to be evacuated from all strength, sitting on the ground with a free buttock, looking at the unwilling eyes of the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast open, he could not believe everything in front of him.

He actually killed a transcendent Warcraft.

It's all like dreaming.

Xie Aoyu slammed his thigh hard, and it made him believe that he really killed a three-tailed scorpion dragon.

The white fire in that little white eye also disappeared.

It regained its look of fear, plunged into Xie Aoyu's arms, shivered, and screamed "Oh!" In his mouth, as if all this had nothing to do with it.

For three minutes, Xie Aoyu calmed down.

He was very puzzled about being able to kill the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast. If it is normal, I am afraid that his thunder sword has not been touched by the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast. ,killed.

But the three-tailed scorpion dragon did not do that.

Xie Aoyu was a little puzzled. He looked around and found no other people or beasts. It was strange, but compared to You Lanruo, the death of the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast was not his heart.

Because what put him in such a desperate situation is Butterfly Queen You Lanruo!

"Why did she do that? What is my grudge with her? The first time I met, I set up such a trap." Xie Aoyu said with gritted teeth.

Not only that, you need to know the relationship between him and Bingwu, but that is the childhood childhood horse. If you want to kill him, don't you worry about Bingwu's reaction?

However, I do n’t know the existence of the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast when I watch Bingwu. Obviously, if you do n’t want Bingwu to know.

What is his purpose?

In Xie Aoyu's reflection line, Xiaobai glanced at the position of Xie Aoyu's chest and looked at the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast in his eyes.

It is like guarding Xie Aoyu.

Xie Aoyu glanced at the pneumocardiitis below. He did not do it, but came to the cave entrance, facing the cool breeze. He sat on the ground with one buttock, picked up a tree branch, and wrote a "quiet" on the ground. word.

But his heart couldn't calm down.

If Youlan is not Xie Kun, Xie Zhe and his son, it is a super existence on the mainland that is expected to become the first master in the next ten years.

It stands to reason that he couldn't hit himself at all.

But he is so framed.

It puzzled him.

It made him even more angry. The image of the fairy in the heart collapsed before, and that kind of feeling of worship was shattered completely, and some were just hate.

Brush brush

Xie Aoyu wrote more than twenty "quiet" characters one after another before he stabilized. He took a sigh of relief and analyzed calmly, but he didn't get the answer.

In fact, if he and You Lan are like each other in the sky, if it is not for ice dancing, I am afraid that they may not be able to see each other in their lives, but she did so.

Looking back at the open agency.

Xie Aoyu did not believe that the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast entered himself, not to mention that there is no such thing as a World of Warcraft near Langya City, even if it is there, and it happened to be here that it happened to open the agency more coincidentally How does it close the agency?

This agency was clearly closed outside.

So Xie Aoyu wanted to rule out the idea that Youlan would kill him if there was no way.

Finally Xie Aoyu wrote a word forbearance on the ground.

Regardless of You Lanruo's strength, simply ice dancing to follow him must also make Xie Aoyu only patient.

Xie Aoyu took a deep breath, stood up, erased the handwriting on the ground, and he returned to the passage again, looking at the burning earth pneumonia below him. Xie Aoyu sneered at the corner of his mouth. You never dreamed that I would not die. "

He unplugged the thunder knife from the three-tailed scorpion dragon.

The blood-thinning Holy Spirit knife is even colder, and the blood on it is dripping along the tip of the knife. Finally, the Holy Spirit knife is spotless again.

This is the holy weapon.

Xie Aoyu took the body of the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast into the space ring, and took Xiaobai again.

They had just reached the last step, and the pneumonia of the place suddenly "banged", suddenly turning into a fire, which was burning.

The fiery flames fluttered wildly.

The extremely high temperature made Xie Aoyu indescribably hot.

Xie Aoyu had to go backwards. The blazing high temperature, even if not close, Xie Aoyu suspected that his clothes would be ignited.

How to subdue?

Xie Aoyu found that he encountered a problem.

"I still think badly." Xie Aoyu smiled bitterly.

The reason why he came to collect pneumocardiitis was because of the embryo of the phantom fire that he had inadvertently obtained. If it were not for this, he would have no idea at all.

After all, he has no fire attributes.

Xie Aoyu calmed down, stretched out the little finger of his left hand, and slowly approached forward, so he had inadvertently obtained the phantom fire.

He approached slowly, step by step.

Pneumonia in that place was still burning.

As he approached, pneumonia in the area was slowly shrinking.

Xie Aoyu was greatly surprised by this change, and his confidence was a bit more full, but there were still some precautions. After experiencing the three-tailed scorpion dragon beast, he was more cautious.

Xie Aoyu moved forward, and the pneumonia retreated.

Step by step.

Finally, under the pressure of Xie Aoyu, the pneumonia in that place recovered to what Xie Aoyu saw at first, like a humble flame.


Xie Aoyu took a deep breath and put his finger on it. 2k novel reading network