MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 499 opening ceremony

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  Chapter 499 Opening Ceremony

  September 19, morning.

  Britain, in St. George's Cathedral, hair 2.5 times the length of the body is naturally laid on the ground. Laura Stewart is having a video call with Aleister.

   "In a while, your Daba Star Festival will officially start, right? I'm ready to watch the whole broadcast. As the chairman of the board, aren't you going to speak out?"

  In the video window, Aleister, who was hanging upside down in the life support device, smiled: "It's inconvenient for me to appear in front of everyone like this."

   "Oh, that's true."

  It was as if old friends were chatting without knowing each other's details at all, Laura Stewart smiled softly: "Speaking of which, have you been troubled recently? Aleister."

"what you mean?"

"Of course it is 'absolute equality'. Since he defeated the power of the archangel, the magic side has been very curious about him, and the Puritan side has me restrained, but the Roman Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church seem to have sent Some people are going to investigate, and there are also some small magic associations.

  After all, if the saints are nuclear weapons on the magic side, he is your scientific ‘anti-nuclear weapon’, and there are many people who don’t want him to exist…”

"That can't be helped." Aleister said calmly: "It's fate's choice to get that kind of super power, and it's his own choice to help Kamijou Touma unravel the angel's fall. The troubles caused by this, He has to deal with it himself, but I believe in the children of Academy City."

"Is that so?" Laura said, "Then I hope he is safe. I got a message here. Regarding his ability to fight against angels, the spokesman for the power of the four archangels of the Roman Orthodox God's Right Seat seems to be a bit confused. Not too happy."

   "Ah, bad, bad." Without waiting for Aleister to answer, she changed the subject: "It's almost time before I know it, I'll hang up and watch the live broadcast of the Daiha Star Festival, bye~"

  The video was cut off, and she opened the broadcast screen of the Daba Star Festival. The interface was a nine-square grid, which could play games from nine arenas at the same time. Laura manipulated the mouse clumsily to zoom in on the center interface.

In the main venue, colorful flags fluttered around the playground, and the central student representatives formed two neat square formations. In the front, on two square platforms like flag-raising platforms, stood a girl and a boy on the left and right, with their backs In front of the student square, five teacher representatives will represent more than 1.8 million students in Academy City, and will make a swearing-in speech before the opening of the Daiha Star Festival in front of the whole world!

  The girl has an exquisite appearance, a slender figure, and long honey-colored hair swaying in the breeze.

The boy's stature is tall and straight, and the standing posture of an elite soldier seems to be out of reach. In terms of physical posture, he gives people an indescribable sense of energy and energy, and the strand of red hair on his forehead is like a raging fire. There really is such a thing as a ghost in the world, and if you meet him head-on, you will be instantly burned to ashes!

   "What a charming boy." Laura murmured with emotion, "Wolf is bad."


   This picture was presented to hundreds of millions of households all over the world at the same time, and many people were moved by the appearance of the students in Academy City.

  The Dahasei Festival Operation Committee members who were in charge of selecting the candidates cheered and cheered: "The right person has been chosen!"

   Standing in front of a certain big screen, the 135cm pink-haired cutie teacher murmured: "Eh? Are Shokuhou and Xiaolangsen responsible for swearing the oath today? The bad boys are well-groomed."

At the props base, Mugino Shenli listened to Frenda yelling "Lang Sen is so handsome", curled his lips in displeasure, and stared at Shokuhou Misaki gloomily for a few seconds, heck, that **** didn't say something about the opening ceremony earlier There is him here, if I knew I was invited, I would have agreed to play with those children for a while.

   In front of the big screens in Academy City, the students who were actively preparing for the first competition were basically looking sideways at the screens.

  Many boys from the karate club waved their fists to support Ji Xing, which attracted the attention of many parents who watched their children's competition.

  Which boys seem to be more popular than pretty girls? At the venue of the opening ceremony, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help but glance at Xia Jixing from the corner of his eye.

  It was only last night that she knew that the person who presided over the opening ceremony with her was "Lang Sen's bad show".

   As for the well-known karate president, she only met once, that is, when she beat Accelerator for the second time, she knew that the other party had a good relationship with Misaka Mikoto, and Misaka Mikoto was unilaterally grateful to this guy because of the sister incident.

   So... Shall I tease them?

  For example, let Lang Sen shout out "Go Misaka Mikoto" at the end of the presentation?

  Haha, it would be interesting to think about it.

  The smile on her face became even sweeter, and the person in charge of the broadcast couldn't help but give her a close-up. The time gradually reached nine o'clock, and the auspicious time had come!

  The teacher in front gave a nod.

  Ji Xing and Shokuhou Misaki spoke in unison.

   "The players take the oath!"

  Ji Xing: "We are contestants!"

   Shokuhou: "We are contestants!"

  Ji Xing: "Adhering to the sportsman's spirit, participate in this year's Daba Star Festival!"

  Shokuhou: "Turn young people's dreams and enthusiasm into motivation!"

  Ji Xing: "Accompanied by "The Story of the Black Organization", which is published nationwide today by Daikon Publishing House in Japan, and describes the life of the students in Academy City, I will pass on this never-ending bond to everyone!"

  Shokuhou Misaki: "...?"

  The five teacher representatives in front of them and the audience in front of the TV were all stunned.

What it is? !

  On the swearing-in platform, Ji Xing turned his head and glanced at Shokuhou Misaki, with a strange expression on his face, as if saying: 'Why don't you go on? '

   Shokuhou Misaki blinked, and asked tentatively, "Maybe you have achieved the results of your usual studies?"

  Ji Xing continued: "Show your relatives and friends the gesture of your growth, and express your gratitude to them!"


Hello! You just went ahead, didn't you? !

  Did you insert an advertisement just now? !

   Shokuhou Misaki was already screaming in his heart, facing the camera, barely finished his lines, the opening ceremony was successfully completed, surrounded by gongs and drums, colorful flags fluttering, and firecrackers echoing.

  The two came down from the swearing-in platform, and Shokuhou Cao analyzed Ji Xing with twitching corners of his eyes, and saw Ji Xing gave him a thumbs up, and couldn't help showing a silly expression—hehe, it's really you!

  Planned pranks are completely forgotten!


  In front of the broadcast screens around the world, the vast majority of people even mistakenly thought that it was the original arrangement because of the unusually coherent connection, and at the same time they had an impression of "The Story of the Black Organization".

  Lola laughed and shook her printed version in her hand: "It seems that I'm going to buy a genuine book?"

  In Academy City, the students who know the urban legend of the black organization feel very delicate.

Chuchun Shili, who has no projects and is hanging out now, covered her mouth and held back a smile: "Senior Lang Sen is really... really... oops, I really don't know what to say about him, he is so bold, he dares to do this in front of the world's live broadcast, and he is not afraid of messing up Yet?"

  Beside Saten Reniko was a little absent-minded, and was soon spotted by Uiharu Shiri, who asked suspiciously, "What's wrong, Saten-san?"

"Ah, that..." Saten Leizi said distressedly: "A few days ago, the president came to me and said that I had worked hard in sorting out the urban legends of the black organization, and he wanted to give me 10% of the royalties. I didn't I think it will... In short, I couldn't refuse, so I agreed to the president, but now I feel..."

   "Eh?! Are you going to get rich?!"

On the other side, standing next to the parents who came to watch the game, Kamijou Touma looked at the broadcast screen with admiration. One of the screens was still following Ji Xing, and he was smiling and communicating with five teacher representatives. It's a polite greeting, but actually... an apology, right? !

   I really have you, classmate Lang Sen.

His mother also sighed with emotion: "Oh, oh, last time I met him at the beach, I didn't realize that this boy is so handsome. Of course, my Dangma is no worse than him, but I don't know when Dangma will have a chance. Standing in front of countless gazes without timidity at all?”

  I can't do it in this life, I should feel numb.

  Beside him, Kamijou Toya suddenly noticed a pink-haired little girl rushing into the camera, punching and kicking Ji Xing, and then was picked up by Ji Xing and placed on his shoulder dotingly.

   "Oh, is this his sister?"

   "...No." Looking at the small figure sitting on Ji Xing's shoulder and rubbing his hair fiercely with a numb face, Dangma said, "That's my homeroom teacher, Teacher Xiaomeng."

  Dang Ma knew what Teacher Xiaomeng was angry about.

   But teacher, do you know that you are sitting on the shoulder of Lang Sen in the broadcast camera, acting like a baby, and your majesty is gone. Hey!


  ka—In another place, in the broadcast screen, the smiling Ji Xing and the mischievous pink-haired little girl were frozen, and then enlarged in a targeted manner.

   Four people sat on the sofa in front of the TV, each with their own posture, looking at Ji Xing's appearance.

   "Is that him? Absolute equality?" The woman with exquisite figure but exaggerated eye makeup and multiple nail rings on her face leaned on the sofa and asked.

   She is the wind ahead.

This is St. Peter's Basilica, the base camp of the Roman Orthodox Church, which is exclusively the site of the Right Seat of God, the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church. The three men in the room other than her are the land on the left, the water behind, and the leader. Fire on the right!

  The four of them are in charge of the power of the four angels, and they can use angelic spells with incomplete power, which is the top power in the Roman Orthodox Church!

   Spit out the cross hanging on the tongue nail, and the wind in front said again: "It looks like a slack, hmph, the guy who believes in science, let me kill him!"

The leader of God's Right Seat, Right Flame leaned on the largest sofa with arms outstretched, crossed his legs and said: "Absolute equality, Fantasy Killer, indeed brought a certain threat to our target, but the wind, Are you sure you can kill him?"

"…what do you mean?!"

"Calm down, calm down, wind." The land on the left smiled 'handsomely', and motioned to the TV: "His record is to suppress the power of an archangel, and I have to admit that it is the same level of power as ours. If it were me, I wouldn't want to face him, it would be bad if I couldn't use my strength.

  Facing his ability, it is safer to attack with multiple people and small soldiers in a targeted manner. We don't need to rush forward and send it to the door. "

   "Are you... are you saying that I am overestimated?"

   "If you understand it that way."

   "You bastard... want to fight?!"

   When the dispute broke out, the man with three-dimensional features and strong muscles behind Zhishui put his hands on his knees with a calm expression, his eyes lingered on the screen and remained silent for a long time.

   "If anyone wants to go, let me come." He got up and said, "You know the reason."

  After the voice of the dispute disappeared, the wind in front looked at the water behind, cut off, and did not speak again.

  Because the power of the archangel in charge of the water behind is Gabriel, the one who was suppressed by Wolf Sen in the angel's fall not long ago!

   3k2, positive, but not completely positive.

   There is one more chapter, before 10 o'clock.



  (end of this chapter)