MTL - Be a Human Again From Conan-Chapter 515 The disappearing demon

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  Chapter 515 The Disappearing Demon God

   "Isn't it?! Peak bicycles can reach a speed of 50km per hour. Isn't it too exaggerated for you to be able to chase after running?!"

   "It's too much for physical monsters above Level 2 in the karate club to participate in the exercise!"

   "They should be playing thugs!"

   "Wow?! Student Lang Sen, you come too?! No, no, no, I am a thug, I am the thug!"


   Such iconic words were naturally uttered by Kamijou Touma. At this time, a week has passed since the incident of the demon **** Othinus, and everyone has returned to normal life.

Othinus is still alive, but because of the power of the demon god, 99% of them were killed by the demonization technique, and only 1% survived. His body was reorganized into the size of a doll without authorization, and he lost all his strength. Fight wits with Index's cat at Kamijo Touma's house.

   With a burst of Rigen's full power, the wounds of the 'human' Kamijou Touma who was hit by Ji Xing healed a lot automatically, and Dr. Frog has now fully recovered his vitality in just a week.

The power of the devil was shattered by the illusion, Ke Xue was also corrected by it, and the time returned to normal, so when it entered December 1st, Toma faced a new crisis—because he had participated in too many events before and did not have enough time for class, he was about to repeat the grade .

  So he could only act as a thug in the new large-scale event "Prevention Exercise" in Academy City, and was caught and beaten.

   This also made him discover a very serious problem - if the previous three delinquents were the limit he could face at the same time, now none of them can do.

   Unknowingly became the bottom of the food chain!

   Being caught and put in the 'prison', Kamijou Touma sighed listlessly and sat on the floor.

   Before resting for a minute, there was a rattling sound from the 'prison' door, and then it was opened.

   "Uh, classmate Langsen?"

   "Shhh—" Ji Xing smiled at him: "I'm actually playing the traitor, hurry up and go away."

  Kamijou Touma was startled instead, his head dilated twice: "Stop playing with me...unfortunate!"

  He was driven out by Ji Xing, and once again frantically ran for his life. As a traitor, Ji Xing ended up being arrested, ending the mission of the exercise.

Life doesn't seem to have changed, Academy City is still as lively as ever, but more people know Ji Xing, and the karate club still only has 3,000 people, but on the way home, everyone calls him "President" '.

Saten Ruiko played the policeman with a high ponytail for easy movement. Lu Yuji Xing also greeted happily. After receiving the response, she left with her ponytail up and jogged at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. The girl was more cheerful and beautiful than before A few points.

  The popularity of Ji Xing on the magic side has also reached an extremely high level, and there is no magician above the standard who knows the wolf who created martial arts.

   Around the world, the daily news is reporting that 'XX Budokan' and 'XX Kickboxing Class' are extremely popular, or some world records have been broken and raised to new heights.

  The emergence of martial arts will not bring the world into the era of superman for all, but the world champion who can run 100 meters in 10 seconds now has no problem increasing his speed to 9 seconds. After targeted training, he will definitely be able to improve further.

   Therefore, the frenzy of martial arts and exercise for the whole people has started, which is even more crazy and motivating than the "fat insurance" in the richest man in Xihong City.

But for ordinary people, they don't know that this is Ji Xing's 'credit', and Ji Xing doesn't really need this fame, because during the half-month in seclusion, his sixth star lighted up the progress It can only be raised to 4%.

Although every 1% of a six-star is equivalent to 100% of a five-star, this 4% is quite a lot, and Naruto World doesn't even have an extra 1%, but this also means that the lame demon **** of the Forbidden World is not enough to give him the sixth star. When it was lit, Ji Xing lost his desire to collect starlight.

  In addition to continuing to improve his strength, he is most concerned about Kamijou Touma, or his essence of being pure and demon-seeking, so Kamijou Touma's life has become much more difficult.

   squeak —

  Following the door of the house was pushed open, Ji Xing's movements froze for a little at the scene that greeted him, and he smiled and said, "Welcome, both of you."

   On the sofa at home, the demon **** Nephthys and the empress were half lying in a leisurely posture, reaching out to grab the fruit Ji Xing stored in the refrigerator to eat, while watching the variety show on TV.

   Glancing at Ji Xing, the two of them had no sense of being an uninvited guest, and judged: "Look, I just said that I can't scare him by doing this."

   "Devil... oh, you can't be called a devil, whatever, you are a great figure in the world, why do you still live in a small house?"

   "I didn't change it if I was too lazy. Anyway, I live alone." Ji Xing said with a smile, "There is only one person who can scare me when I open the door."

   "Who is it?" The empress asked curiously.

   "Secret." Ji Xing said.

"Cut—" Nephthys curled her lips and said, "If you don't say it, don't say it. According to the rules, you still belong to us today, and those two guys will come to you tomorrow. Without the power of demons, you really have to be careful." Don't get killed by them."

   "That's right, they're here too, we've all come to Earth!" Niangniang said triumphantly, wanting to see surprise and panic appear on Ji Xing's face, but she didn't, so she couldn't help curling her lips: "Nothing."

Seeing that they couldn't fool Ji Xing, they quickly explained to Ji Xing: "As you know, our hidden phase was blown up by that **** Aleister, and it's not easy to recast it. Now there is only one piece left over there." An all black world is really boring.

That guy Othinus intervened in Kamijou Touma's fate without authorization, and Aleister and you have to settle the matter, so we divided our power infinitely through the zombie girl's spiritual outfit infinite mirror, Reaching the upper limit that this world can barely accommodate, came to Academy City. "

"If you want to take revenge on us, now is a good opportunity. With your strength, you may be able to punch us a few times. Of course, it's better not to. If you want to fight, you should go to Nuada and Tez Katri. Polka."

   "And a friendly reminder, we have divided the power infinitely, which means that there are infinite lives. Even if you are lucky enough to kill us once or twice, you will be exhausted."

  The two of them said one sentence, their expressions were a bit like a combination of a husky and a Shiba Inu, and they were eager to provoke, but also worried that Ji Xing would not know what to do if he really did it.

  Ji Xing smiled, sat directly between the two demon gods, and said, "Then why don't you deal with the chairman immediately and go to my house to watch TV?"

   Nephthys, who was half lying down, put his feet on his legs naturally: "It doesn't matter if it's a little later, Sengzheng will go to Kamijou Touma first, and then we will..."

   "You guys underestimated Aleister."


  Two clear through sounds!

  The expressions of the two demon gods froze on their faces.

  They all frowned and touched their chests. There was nothing there, but they all felt the obvious stinging pain of being penetrated!

   "When is this...?"


  Ji Xing said: "What do you think he did to blow up the hidden world and force you to come to reality?"

  The two lowered their arms, and Nephthys murmured solemnly: "What happened to the zombie girl?"

   To do this kind of thing to them silently, the only way to do this is to divide their power and operate the infinite mirror of spiritual equipment that helps them come to the earth. Only the power of the demon **** can deal with the demon god!

   But the problem came back again, if there is no problem with the zombie demon **** who controls the infinite mirror, her spiritual outfit infinite mirror cannot be manipulated by others...

"The Zombie Demon God is an African voodoo doll, right? For a voodoo doll, the items sewn into her body are her core. Aleister has fully analyzed her legend and constructed a method to deprive her of the power of a demon god." The technique is not difficult, didn't this happen to Othinus just now?"

The two demon gods were silent for a moment, checked their bodies, and found that their strength had been slightly weakened, but it was almost negligible. The biggest function of this operation was to cut off their connection with other infinitely divided powers—in other words, to cut off their lives. From unlimited to now 1!

The power of the upper limit level in the world can still give them a sense of security, but they really have to be a little more careful. They feel that humans who resist becoming a demon **** are also human beings, but now they really kill a demon **** who has infinitely divided power. I can't ignore it.

  They used to hate the world, but it doesn't mean that they want to die now and be killed by human beings.

   "Cut—then you want to try to kill us now?" The empress asked: "The devil."

   "I don't have that ability." Ji Xing said: "I still want to ask you something, what is Kamijou Toma, that is, Shenjing Sumo?"

  There was a rumbling explosion in the distance, and Kamijou Touma had obviously encountered the Demon God Sengzheng.

   Nephthys glanced at the window, thought for a moment, and then relaxed his body. The two feet on Ji Xing's legs also overlapped, and he hooked his toes as if stretching, but it was tasteless.

   "You know about 'God Purifies Demons', um, how should I put it, let me use an analogy, I have used this analogy once before in the hidden world."

  “If the world is a drawing board, the phase and the universe are one drawing paper after another, or layer after layer of paint.

  Our Demon God detached from the painting, detached from the six realms of reincarnation and entered the seventh realm, which is equivalent to standing on the drawing board and holding a paintbrush. And in this world, there is a special kind of life form, which can be regarded as the stain directly attached to the drawing board, which is difficult even for us to clean up. We suspect that Aleister has been affected by it.

Stains are very rare, and many short-lived demon gods have never seen them with their own eyes. At first we thought you were such a stain, but after taking you to the hidden world for verification, we found out that you are not. You are a life that stands completely outside the drawing board . "

"As for Shenjing's fight against demons, it can be regarded as both inside and outside the drawing board. He is very "fair". Erase modifications.

   Of course, his power is far from awakened, and may never be awakened? None of us have ever seen the awakened "God Purifies Demons", maybe that is just a wrong signal from the drawing board. "

   "The monk is trying to let Kamijou Touma get the power of this scoring. Like you said, scoring those of us who have reached the finale of the story will make us feel at ease about the power."

Niangniang added, and suddenly leaned close to Ji Xing's body, as if she was going to get close to his face, and observed him: "Kamijou can't do it, he will take the initiative to take over the scoring task, so it won't be Shenjing asking for demons, I I don't have much interest in him, and it doesn't matter if you replace the one who can give us a score.

  What I am most concerned about now is... We have been looking for a second drawing board outside this world. If you stand outside the drawing board, can you see it? originally jumped from another drawing board? ! "

   It is not that there is no such speculation among the demon gods, but it is too amazing, and Ji Xing's power is not in line with it, nor does it look like he can find other worlds that even the demon gods cannot.

  Now that her homeland has been destroyed, the empress can't help but have such expectations again.

   And when the two demon gods were staring at Ji Xing and observing him, there was a sudden scream of wow, wow, and then a bang, the glass of Ji Xing's house was smashed, and something rushed in!

   is Kamijou Touma.

  He was riding a peak bicycle, and directly smashed against the wall. He fell to the ground, collapsed on the ground, and said: "Student Lang Sen, help... hey?"

   Seeing clearly, Kamijou Touma blinked.

  Meet Ji Xing who is "hugging left and right".

The thirteen or fourteen-year-old lady on the left is holding Ji Xing's arm, clinging to Ji Xing's body, her mouth is still very close. On the right, Nephthys, who has a bumpy figure and only uses two bandages to cover her vitals, is barefoot... Gudong~

   Swallowed, the young high school student Kamijou Touma blushed a little, stood at attention, and bowed heavily to Ji Xing: "Sorry for the interruption!"

  The two demon gods immediately smiled.

When Kamijou Touma was about to push the car, he remembered the business again: "Ah! Well, although it is a bit inappropriate, Lang Sen-san, I was entangled by a guy who claimed to be a demon god. He is now destroying everywhere. Can you help me? ?”

   As soon as the words fell, the mummy monk leaning on crutches was already standing on the balcony of Ji Xing's house, coming in through the shattered glass of Kamijou Touma.

  He looked at Ji Xing and the others, and the two demon gods sat upright, saying, "Seng Zheng, the living corpse girl..."

   "I saw her dead body." Sengzheng replied: "I will deal with Aleister after I get Kamijou Touma to agree to be the scorekeeper."

  The empress murmured: "I was really killed..."

  Dang Ma was stunned: "Student Lang Sen?"

  Ji Xing smiled and said: "As you can see, I have two demon gods here, and you brought me another one."

   "Uh..." Kamijou Touma gave him a very apologetic look, and began to look for an escape route.

  At this moment, Ji Xing suddenly stretched out his right hand, and an object in the shape of a remote control landed on his hand. That thing is naturally not a remote control, but a spiritual outfit exuding some kind of magical fluctuations!

  Then the eyes of the three demon gods focused, and the empress was a little disappointed and said, "Are you still planning to stand by Aleister's side and attack us?"

Seng Zhengdao: "You can understand the demands of our demon gods. You can count us as half understanders. Do you still want to participate in Aleister's actions? There is indeed a legend in Christianity. If a magician masters all 103,000 books With the knowledge of the magic book, you can get the power equivalent to that of a demon god, but in fact, the power of a demon **** is even greater than that."

   One hundred and three thousand magic books? Dang Ma immediately guessed what Ji Xing was holding.

Ji Xing also said to him: "It was the target of the Right Fire in England that night, and it can remotely control Index's spiritual outfit of the Index of Forbidden Books. I hid it later, and it was not destroyed that day. I'm sorry. Let’s borrow Index next.”

  He pressed it on his chest, and Index of Dang Majia's expression suddenly became dull, and the endless brilliance of knowledge completely enveloped Ji Xingjia, and devoured the bodies of the three demon gods at the same time!

   "Ah—what's the matter?!" Kamijou Touma asked, covering his face with his right arm and unable to open his eyes.


   On the other side, in the 23rd school district, the golden retriever among a pile of rockets looked like a soldier about to go out, reviewing the surrounding equipment.

  Tungsten steel drill, fuel, anti-magic drive armor, anti-demon drive armor...

  The woman wearing a white robe beside her, and her disciple Kihara Yui, whispered respectfully, and the Golden Retriever made a mechanical sound: "So all three of them gathered at the bad place of Wolf Forest? Get ready!"

   Orders were issued one after another, and pieces of equipment were connected to it, and then connected to Aleister who was hanging upside down in the center of Academy City.

  The golden retriever is majestic and ready to complete the epic hunt of demon gods!

   "Teacher, please walk slowly."

Following the disciple's farewell, the fire was lit, and the golden retriever rocket flew into the sky, circling in the sky and marching towards the seventh school district. The next moment, the golden retriever clenching its teeth was stunned. The dog's face changed drastically, and it controlled the rocket to circle in the sky After a few laps, it attracted countless eyes, and fell back to the 23rd school district again.

   "Good job." Aleister's voice reached its ears: "The three demon gods in Academy City have indeed been eliminated, and the next step is..."

   "Wait! Wait!" Kihara Naogen hurriedly interrupted: "Mr. Chairman, I haven't done anything yet!"


  In the windowless building, Aleister hurriedly checked the contract with Ji Xing, and found that it had not been touched at all, let alone broken by violence.

   Then through the infinite mirror of the living corpse to check the aura of the demon god, the result is that the aura of the three demon gods has indeed disappeared, which is exactly the same as the feedback of death!

   "What's going on? Did he do something unexpected after all? Where did he take those three demon gods?!"

   Push the book, title: "I became Superman after I died"


   Breathing out stars, thermal vision melting everything, being able to drag planets with bare hands, and traveling between stars with a physical body.

   This is the man who has titles such as the Man of Steel, the God of the World, the Savior of Miracles, the Torch of the Dark Age, etc. He is also the founder of the mysterious and extraordinary organization Endless Alliance.

   Jiang Bei, who has a string of titles behind the scenes: You may not believe me, but I just wanted to die because I was dying.



  (end of this chapter)