MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 10 Entering the New World for the First Time (10)

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Standing on the stone steps, Xia Zhiyi looked at the backyard, which was half the size of a basketball court and looked like a cemetery, and the dangerous thick fog lingering outside the wall. She no longer knew whether to say that they dug a hole for herself or jumped into it. New World dug a pit for them to jump.

Outrageous, outrageous.

Lack of morality, lack of great virtue!

"I really hate this place." She sighed again sincerely.

Jing Ruyu raised his hand and patted her shoulder lightly as a comfort.

This is an unpleasant place, but in order to survive, you still have to do what you have to do.

"There is no sound of water."

Jing Ruyu stared closely at the door of the backyard.

"We're going to open the door and have a look."

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

She began to pray that there really was a surprise behind the door.

Jing Ruyu suddenly asked: "Do you want to go with me?

"If you are afraid, I can go alone. You wait for me here. If you are in danger, you-"

"Go," Xia Zhiyi interrupted her, and replied firmly, "I'll go with you."

She can't develop a habit of relying on others in this kind of place, otherwise how will she pass the next test?

Can New World generously send Jing Ruyu to her every time?

Seeing that she answered so positively, Jing Ruyu didn't say anything.

It's better to be a little adventurous in the instance than to stay put and wait for others to feed, which is too easy to starve to death.

Jing Ruyu looked around and said, "But before that, we have to deal with the grass first, and see if there is anything coming out of these places."

Xia Zhiyi looked up at the sun above his head, then at the empty backyard without even a shade, raised his finger to the sky and said, "There shouldn't be anything coming out, right? Although the sun doesn't It’s a bit useless to dispel the mist, but it should still be very good at suppressing ghosts?”

Jing Ruyu also glanced at the sky.


"This place should be lively at night."

She looked away, and then saw Xia Zhiyi carefully poking the mound with a long wooden stick that she found somewhere.


Jing Ruyu: "What are you doing?"

Xia Zhiyi: "Say hello."

She poked the mound: "Hello ghost, are you home? We are from the housekeeping company, here to help you weed, if you are here, please let me know, don't come out and make trouble later, the sun is quite bright outside Yes, it's easy to get tanned, be obedient."

As a polite person, breaking into someone else's property to clean up should be done in advance.

Of course, she mainly wanted to see if the mounds would respond to her.

As a result, the backyard was completely silent, not even the wind blowing.

She took back the long stick she found outside: "If you don't answer me, they are probably sleeping."

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Jing Ruyu smiling, and the smile softly dazzled on the corners of her lips, and spread all the way to her eyes, which was extremely moving.


Xia Zhiyi: "What are you laughing at?"

Jing Ruyu held back her smile, and calmly replied, "It's nothing."

She just remembered how someone used to raise fish.

They used to raise several goldfish.

There are simulated coral rockery, sunken wood and pebbles in the big fish tank. Some fish will use the rockery as a house and always like to hide behind or sleep.

When Xia Zhiyi was feeding the fish, she would bend down and knock on the fish tank, asking like now: "Is Ah Yu at home? He's out to eat."

It's just unreasonably cute.

She didn't expect that after breaking up, she could still see Xia Zhiyi like this in this kind of place.

Xia Zhiyi's face was full of bewilderment, and he didn't ask any further questions. Then he squatted down and used a stick to dig the soil on the edge of the stone road.

The bigger the sun, the more daring she is, and she wants to dig now to see what's down there.

Jing Ruyu stood quietly behind her and watched her dig the soil, she was fully on guard, as long as something dared to rush out, she would stab the opponent first.


The stick suddenly hit a hard object, Xia Zhiyi looked surprised.

"There is something!"

She dug down again vigorously.

Soon, a white object appeared in front of her.

She couldn't help but stop, looked up at Jing Ruyu, and asked, "What do you think this is?"


"Heroes see the same thing."

According to the routine of horror movies, the white objects that can be dug out at this time are human bones in all likelihood.

Xia Zhiyi stepped back, picked up the stick and continued to plan.

After a while, a complete hand bone appeared in front of the two of them.

Sure enough.

Xia Zhiyi thought so, and muttered a few words: "I don't mean to offend, don't blame me."

Then stood up and poked the hand bone lightly with a stick to see if it could still move. If it could, they would undoubtedly be probing the ground/thunder with their feet if they wanted to pass through to open the door.

Jing Ruyu looked at her, then at the osteotomy hand, stretched out his hand and said, "Let me do it."

She is stronger, but also a little dexterous, so if something happens, she can be the first one.

Xia Zhiyi obediently handed over the stick.

The escape game is not a time to be brave and courteous, Jing Ruyu is better than her, so let Jing Ruyu do it.

As soon as Jing Ruyu touched the wooden stick, his limp bony hands suddenly grabbed the other end, and mercilessly began to exert force, pulling back, which caught people off guard.

Xia Zhiyi was startled suddenly.

Jing Ruyu raised her eyebrows lightly, folded her five fingers, and the veins on the back of her white hands were bulging, and she also began to push back unceremoniously.

A tug-of-war began so inexplicably.

"It's not afraid of the sun." Xia Zhiyi said in surprise.

Jing Ruyu said: "Because there are only a bunch of bones left."

Xia Zhiyi looked at the "cracking" bone, and stretched out her hand worriedly: "I'll help you."

Jing Ruyu gently blocked it: "No need."

Protecting her behind him again, he touched the short knife behind his waist with five fingers: "Now it's time to see what's underneath."

With a sudden force, she turned her wrist and lifted the wooden stick upwards, and a bone hand was pulled out of the mound like a carrot.

Other than that, it's empty, nothing.


Xia Zhiyi supported Jing Ruyu's shoulders with both hands, poked her head out cautiously, and scanned the sunken pit.


The ghost hand was still holding the wooden stick, shaking it in mid-air.

Under the blue sky and broad daylight, it looks ridiculous.

It was a little embarrassed, thinking it was two weak chickens, but it didn't expect the weak chickens to be so strong—is this a human? This is not human!

The disparity in strength was too great, so it chose to play dead and not move.

The two faintly felt the embarrassment of the ghost hand, and watched it pretend to be dead.

It can be seen that it has no other skills.

Xia Zhiyi: Heh, vegetable dog.

Suddenly thinking of the ghost in the garden that Jing Ruyu physically eliminated, she turned her thoughts and guessed: "If there are all human bones underneath, could it be the bones of those ghosts in the mansion?

"Although the skin was melted by the sun, it didn't die completely, so it was thrown here, guarding the backyard and not letting the players pass?

"Xiaoqiao agreed to let us come because she knew this, right?"

Jing Ruyu looked at the skeleton hand pretending to be dead as a toy, and said softly, "It's very possible."

If the guess is true, then these people have been used by the Gu family from birth to death, and the ghost king who controls all this must be a member of the Gu family.

She thought of that Master Gu who only appeared in front of them once.

Xia Zhiyi looked at the mowing knife they put by the wall: "No wonder Xiao Qiao only gave us the mowing knife..."

Half the size of the playground, there are countless bones buried in the ground.

Outnumbered, the grass may not be able to finish cutting, but they will definitely be able to finish playing first.

Qiaozi, what a vicious NPC!

Jing Ruyu smiled slightly: "It's fine to use other methods, anyway, we are not obedient people in the eyes of NPCs.

"I decided to burn it directly with fire."

They have to do immoral things and rebellious things.

Anyway, it was the ghosts who made the first move. They just wanted to survive, so what evil could they have?

As soon as the words fell, they saw the ghost hand on the stick suddenly come back to life.

It hastily let go of the wooden stick, and hurriedly burrowed back into the ground, hiding it tightly, as if it was... afraid of being burned.

Xia Zhiyi raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh, so they are afraid of fire?"

Gao Hui became more and more embarrassed.

Just now, a kitchen knife was thrown straight at his head, and he almost couldn't dodge it!

Annoying, really annoying, why did you end up in this kind of place!

He should drink red wine at home and live his life gracefully and calmly!

He suddenly remembered Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu he saw at noon, and couldn't figure it out.

Everyone is coming to this place for the first time, why is she so energetic and her complexion is as usual? !

Could it be that she has two hearts? I'm afraid she really enjoys some kind of privilege!

He scratched his hair irritably, and the time passed silently in his watch.

Xiaoya, who was in the same group as him, watched him walk out of the mission site to rest again, looked away silently, and immersed himself in his work.

She doesn't think about anything now, she just wants to finish it and go back.

Back in the yard is safe.

No, I still have to call him back, the more people, the faster.

Thinking of this, she got up helplessly to find Gao Hui.

Unexpectedly, just as she walked to the door, she heard a small voice: "This is my lady's wish."

She couldn't help being taken aback, this is not...

Outside the door, Xiaoqiao was holding a fruit plate, looking at Gao Hui with a half-smile.

"You eat alone."

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