MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 166 Final Copy (14)

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Guardians have the responsibility to educate children to stay away from evil adults.

Especially Mr. Luo, a perverted adult who would take children's bones to grow flowers.

Boob listened carefully.

She nodded, turned her face and reached out to find her mother, Jing Ruyu, who was farther away from Mr. Luo, avoiding Mr. Luo's sight.

"Boob doesn't like to blame uncle."

This is the third person she doesn't like.

The first one is Granny Luo, and the second one is a director suspected of having schizophrenia.

Jing Ruyu held her in his arms and gently stroked her head.

Bubu buried his face in her warm embrace and never glanced at Mr. Luo.

Jing Ruyu said: "This child doesn't hate people easily, it's really not easy for Mr. Luo to be hated by her."

Mr. Luo: "?"

Xia Zhiyi turned her head and gave him a thumbs up, and praised, "You're really good at it."

Mr. Luo: "..."

There is no need to say this kind of praise that will not make people happy after hearing it!

Fang Xue and Zou Miao looked down at the dinner plate without saying a word.

They were trying to think of something sad to keep from laughing.

Who would have thought that after entering the New World, you could still see other people singing and talking about cross talk—these two people are really good at it!

Mr. Luo suddenly sneered.

"I'm not blaming Uncle. You should tell her that I am a good person. After all, I took you in, let you stay here overnight, and generously provided you with room and board."

Jing Ruyu smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Luo, please don't look at my child with strange eyes. Children don't like such eyes. We are also very sensitive and easy to misunderstand."

"What misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding that you want my child."

Mr. Luo smiled leisurely.

"What if that wasn't a misunderstanding?"

The sudden words startled everyone present.

Mr. Luo said frankly: "I really like your child, and I really want to keep her by my side, as long as you are willing to give her to me, I can promise you any conditions.

"Attention, it is any, any, condition, condition.

"How about it? Are you sincere? Do you want to make this deal with me?"

He spoke with sincerity and dignity.

At this moment, it seems that there is nothing he can't do in the world, as long as they dare to mention it, he can do it - including customs clearance.

Bubu understood his words this time, and immediately shouted excitedly: "No, Bobu!"

She hugged Jing Ruyu tightly and hid in her arms, showing resistance all over her body: "Bubbu doesn't like to blame uncle!

"Boob is Mama's baby!"

The two mothers looked at her.

They have to admit that Mr. Luo's sincerity is very attractive to every player who has worked hard to pass the level.


"She is a living person, a flesh-and-blood individual," Xia Zhiyi said with a serious face, without the slightest hesitation, "No one can make a deal with her, including us.

"The most important thing is that she doesn't like you, and we won't hand her over to anyone she doesn't like, so let Mr. Luo accept this kindness."

Jing Ruyu nodded to express her agreement with her words, and lowered her eyes to comfort Bubu: "Bubbu is good, mothers will not hand over Bubu to this strange uncle, don't be afraid."

Boo Boo has always been easy to coax, a piece of candy or a word from the mothers will make her happy.

Receiving Jing Ruyu's gentle and powerful assurance, she nodded her head "hmmmm", and then began to eat her own dinner.

— can't give it to anyone! Our Bubao is what we say!

——She is really obedient, my mother quieted down after saying a few words

—I never expected that a horror live broadcast would lead me to become a fan of children

—I like watching her eat the most, let’s set up a personal eating broadcast for her, I love watching it!

The barrage enthusiastically expressed his love for Boo Boo.

In the restaurant, Mr. Luo was not discouraged either.

"The conditions I put forward are always valid, and you are welcome to regret them at any time."

He got up with the red wine glass, and before leaving the restaurant, he turned his head and took a deep look at the two of them.

"Opportunities must not be missed. Be a smart person who is good at seizing opportunities. Don't let yourself go to the point where you can't regret it."

He left, leaving a handsome back for everyone.

Boubo grinned at him from behind, like a fierce little tiger.

There was silence in the restaurant.

The other players were all looking at Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu.

The two of them were calm, they should eat and drink, and they didn't delay the same. There was no expression of regret on their faces for rejecting an important opportunity.

After a while, Chen Zheng said slowly: "If it was me, I would change."

The two of them stopped eating and raised their eyes to look at him.

Chen Zheng looked at Bubu in Jing Ruyu's arms, and said calmly, "Is she your personal binding item? Since it's an item, it's for players in the New World. It's something from the New World. No matter how much you like it, you can take it with you." don't go.

"This is already the last dungeon. You should try your best to pass the level and survive. His request doesn't sound bad. Why don't you use this item to exchange for a chance to escape and let her play the final value as an item?" .

"Softness of heart is the most useless and stupid thing here.

"To put it bluntly, you are too ignorant of good and evil."

His words were blunt and harsh.

In his eyes, no matter how cute and lively Boo Boo is, he is just a prop.

Players only need to use props, and don't need to put too much emotion into a prop, and they are not really here to raise children. Who can show such deep emotions?

But Bubu, whose value he underestimated, didn't understand anything.

Sitting on Jing Ruyu's lap, she tilted her head slightly, trying to understand what the grown-up said.

In the next second, her expression suddenly became fierce.

She sensed Jing Ruyu's hostility and disgust towards Chen Zheng, and this hostility made her automatically fight against the enemy.

Hearing a "swoosh", a silver light flew out of Jing Ruyu's hand, passing by Chen Zheng's ears like a gust of wind, so fast that people were caught off guard.

Chen Zheng only felt a chill in his ears, and his eyes widened in surprise.

With a "clang", a silver knife was inserted into the pillar behind him.

"If you know it's not good, don't say it. People who know good and bad will not point fingers at other people's family affairs and children."

Jing Ruyu withdrew her hand calmly, her eyes flickered with coldness, she was not angry and pretentious, she looked very difficult to provoke.

"Say one more thing, I'm afraid my hands won't be so stable next time."

A drop of cold sweat rolled down Chen Zheng's forehead.

His Adam's apple rolled, facing the powerful Jing Ruyu, he couldn't even say a word!

Bubu looked at the silver knife and made a "woo-wah" sound, his eyes were amazingly bright.

"Mom, great job!"

It was the first time Xia Zhiyi saw his girlfriend throwing a knife, and she was amazed: "Coach, I want to learn this too!"

Jing Ruyu turned her head and changed a gentle expression: "Okay, I will teach you when I get out, we can also play with poker."

Xia Zhiyi nodded happily and clapped her hands frantically, her admiration for her girlfriend increased to a higher level, like a little fan girl.

— oh oh oh! So handsome!

— Coach, I want to learn this trick!

— You have become a ghost and learn a der!

—Oops, it's a feeling of heartbeat

Chen Xiu turned her head to glance at the silver knife that had not penetrated into the wall, then turned her head and sneered, "If you have the ability, why didn't you just directly confront Mr. Luo?"

"Is there even a need to ask?" Jing Ruyu smiled and said frankly, "Of course it's because I like to bully the weak and fear the tough."

Chen Zheng: "..."

Chen Xiu: "..."

You really have nothing to hide!

Jing Ruyu glanced at them indifferently, then looked down at her daughter eating nonchalantly.

Want to argue with them? In the next life.

The four of Zhou Feng were watching the play nearby, enjoying themselves.

Xiang, this scene is really too much to eat!

After dinner, the steward asked the players to go back to their rooms to rest, and instructed: "No matter what noise you hear at night, don't go out."

Everyone understands it as soon as they hear it.

Judging from the fact that the script likes to play cheap, if you don't want it, you have to, so they can't escape this plot tonight.

Zou Miao asked curiously, "What's the sound?"

Chen Xiu said lightly: "Rat?"

Fang Xuedao: "Isn't it true that you don't care about catching mice in such a big and clean castle?"

Xia Zhiyi joined the group chat: "Maybe they want to coexist with nature."

Zhou Feng: "Naturally, there is no need for this. Wait, won't your mice be as big as the flowers in your garden?!"

As soon as Zhou Feng's words came out, everyone immediately burst into flames, chatting in unison.

Even if the flowers are big, the mice are still big, that is the worst news of all bad news!


He didn't say a word yet, but this group of people chatted by themselves!

Holding up the candle lamp, he coughed forcefully, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"No matter what the sound is, you don't need to come out, and you don't need to care about it. The castle is dark at night, and we will not be responsible if something happens to you.

"I will be leaving tomorrow, I wish you a good dream tonight."

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back, intending to play the mystery to the end.

If the housekeeper didn't give any information, no matter how hard everyone tried, they couldn't pry his mouth open.

At this time, the script also sent instructions to let them go back to their rooms.

They had no choice but to turn around and go back to their respective rooms.

The four doors were closed one after another, fearing that something unclean would slip in at night, everyone locked the door tacitly.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu carried Bubu back to the slightly shabby single bed and lay down.

A family of three squeezed together, barely able to sleep.

According to the requirements of the barrage, the little demon princess must sleep in the middle.

The little princess of the Mozu also took out a picture book from her dog bag and asked her mother to tell a bedtime story.

Even the barrage is urging the two guardians to tell stories to the children.

Xia Zhiyi took her into his arms, opened the picture book, and told her stories in a gentle voice.

Jing Ruyu covered the two with quilts, and the scene was very warm.

The house is cozy and the outside is cool, like two worlds.

A solitary lamp was lit on the wall of the corridor, and the emptiness of the surrounding darkness seemed to engulf its faint light at any moment.

The atmosphere is gloomy and dignified, and the darkness is frightening.

At this time, pairs of blood-red footprints suddenly appeared where the light could still shine.

Footprints stepped on the floor without a sound.

Finally, they stopped in front of the player's door...

The author has something to say:

There are more changes.