MTL - Beast Piercing The Heavens-Chapter 21 Summon beast

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Chapter 21 Summoning Beasts

With the cultivation of the first day, the next cultivation will be completed. The night is cold and cold, and I am locked in my own room every day. It is not a cultivation of war, but a cultivation of the secrets of God's blood. The days are too busy and full.

The younger sister whispered at night and was very worried at the beginning. On the third day after the night of the light and cold practice, I finally couldn’t stand my sister’s inquiries and told her that she was practicing the secret. The night whispered, my brother was determined to be firm, and he had been practicing for three days. Except for his pale face, his body was thinner. In other respects, there was nothing wrong with it, and it was no longer obstructed. It was only when he gave his parents a fragrance every day. Silently praying for my brother.

Fifteenth day of practicing the secret of God's blood.

The night was light and cold, and the silver needle was silently packed in a cloth bag. Fifteen days of cultivation, so that the night is light and cold, the body is full and a few pounds. In the past ten days, the night is only a small amount of vegetables and fruits. Every day, blood is needed, raw animal internal organs, how can I have an appetite to eat leek? So thin is a very normal thing.

However, the cultivation of ten days has made his whole person more refined and his face is no longer pale. But it becomes rosy. The eyes are more intense.

"Call! Finally, the cultivation is completed. These fifteen days are really not the days of people. If you don't make it to see tomorrow!"

Sitting in the window at night, looking at the bright moon outside the window, I breathed a long breath. This hellish day is finally over, and the torture of ten days has made him almost collapsed.


Tomorrow is the annual **** awakening ceremony of the family, and it is also the last time to awaken at the age of fifteen.

Fifteen years of hard work, fifteen days of torture and hellish life, the mother's last wish, the life of myself and my sister. Everything... Hope and dreams will have a result tomorrow!

The next day, the genius was bright, and the whole Cangcheng became noisy.

Today is the first day of the Yanlong calendar in 9988. It is the annual Yellow Festival of all humans on the Yanhuang continent. The Dragon Festival is the most important festival for human beings.


Outside the sound of firecrackers, and the children's laughter, the joyful and festive atmosphere of the festival enveloped the city. At this time, the night house of the city government of Cangcheng was also bustling early, and countless servants and servants were busy before and after. Clean up and decorate the halls. The whole castle was full of joy.

In front of a large courtyard in the north of the fort, there were dozens of children and children standing early. Coupled with the parents who accompanied them, I am afraid there are more than one hundred people. Unlike the noisy laughter outside, everyone here is serious and solemn, just standing quietly outside the compound. Even the more than a dozen children, five or six years old in the front row, stood quietly under the whisper of the adults next to them.

"A lot of people this year..." The night was quietly standing in the corner on the left side, next to the night, standing quietly next to him. The two silently looked at the crowds in front of them. It’s true that this group of people are family children who come to the family of the family’s **** awakening ceremony.

For the family, the failure to summon the children of the beasts, the Dragon Festival, is the most important moment of their lives.

Because, the Dragon Festival is an annual family night, the time of the awakening of the **** awakening of the family's five-year-old, ten-year-old and fifteen-year-old children. Every night child has three opportunities to awaken in his life, so he can summon the beast with the help of the power of the ancient gods. Of course, after awakening, you can no longer make a second awakening.

Beast! Similar to the existence of Warcraft, belongs to the ancient gods to the night home with deep care and gifts.

Because the beasts can be summoned, they basically have strong attack power and special abilities. Even if lucky can summon a powerful level of beasts, such as the eight-character beast of the night family of the modern family night dragon, then you can do without cultivation, as long as the beast naturally enters maturity, it will have the same emperor. The attack power of the environment.

Think about it, one person does not need to practice, as long as he can be lucky to summon a high-level beast at the **** awakening ceremony. Then your life will be doomed to be no ordinary, and will be destined to become the top of the night family and become a man of the mainland.

Rights, status, money, beauty... everything is due to the existence of beasts.

call! call!

Must be successful, to be successful, the night is light and cold, breathing deeply, staring at the door of the compound, secretly telling myself. The audience also stared at the door. On the door is the typing of three dragons and phoenixes - "The Beast Church".


The door finally opened and walked out of the four old men.

"See the four elders of the Warrior."

The people quickly stood up and said together. The night is also cold and cold, and he said that these four people have long known that the four are the elders of the Warrior Hall, and they are dedicated to the **** awakening of the children of the family. The awakening ceremony of the five-year-old and ten-year-old nights was also held by them.

"Excuse me, come in with us!" The four elders smiled and smiled, and the elders who had white hair and beards were white.

"Haha, it’s coming very early!"

Just as everyone followed the four elders to enter the battle hall, there was a loud voice in the distance. Everyone looked for the sound, but saw a blue figure in the sky with a five-year-old boy volley swiftly swept over, in the blink of an eye has reached the heads of everyone, and then slowly landed.

Flight over the volley, the emperor!

The night was light and cold, and I was shocked by the air, but I was able to fly to the emperor. But when he saw the middle-aged man in the blue robe, he just smiled coldly.

"See the city owner."

The crowd and the three elders quickly came to see each other, and the white-bearded elder just nodded with a smile. The night is cold and his sister just arched his hand.

The person who came is the owner of the city of Cangcheng, the night of the cold night. The night family long night Tianlong has long been ignorant of the world for many years, and the position of the city owner of Cangcheng has already been passed to his eldest son, Night Sword. The big house represented by the night sword has not been in harmony with the second room where the father of the night is cold. Not long after the death of the chilly mother, it was the strong opposition of the night sword that the mother could not enter the family grave. Therefore, the night is very cold for the night sword, not to mention respect.

"Haha, I have seen the elders of the azure and the three elders, and you are free. Today, I am awakened with the light breeze of the children. You don't need to care for me." The night sword grows tall and majestic, and the two rough swords and eyebrows are cold. Four shots, not angry and self-defeating, eyes swept away, everyone seems as if his eyes can penetrate the hearts of the people, there is no secret in front of him, let people look at it like a heroic domineering generation.

Even though the words are spoken, everyone is obviously restrained. The children who are present are basically ten-year-old children, only a few children aged five and fifteen. For them, the four warrior elders are already big men. The night sword that can fly in the air as the owner of Cangcheng City is even higher and superior, and the power is unparalleled. Although the night house is big, but there are emperors who can fly in the air, the night house is only a dozen.

The night was light and cold, and he glanced at the little cousin who was pulling the night sword. It’s a tiger’s head, just the arrogance in the eyes and the contempt that emerges from time to time, which makes the night light and cold heart gradually resent, and sure enough! Like his brother’s night, he is arrogant and arrogant.

In thinking, I have already entered the beast hall. The Warrior Hall is still the same as before, with a wide hall and three huge complex ancient altars in the center. Rows of seats are neatly arranged in front of the altar. I looked at the cold night and took my sister to the left corner and sat down.


The four elders and the night swords walked straight into the row of seats in front of the hall. The white-haired white-bearing elders arched their hands and walked to the front of the crowd. They first coughed and caught everyone’s attention. I was satisfied with the saying: "You are all children of the family. I have a certain understanding of the **** awakening ceremony of our night house. I will simply say a few words. Let the three elders of our family open the altar and hold a ceremony. You are Divided into three groups, each enters one of the altars. Each person can only wait for fifteen minutes in the altar. Remember! When the blood is awakened, your mind will enter a magical place. Don't panic, there is a summoning space. There is no danger. You have to do very simple, just use the secrets of your family to call you, Warcraft, animals, and even moving plants to call him and sense it. Bring it into your mind and bring it to Here. In this way, you will succeed."

"There is one more thing. Don't be reluctant. If you are too stubborn, you may be countered, seriously injured or killed. The amount of time, only 15 minutes per person. Now the person who reads the name walks into the altar, the first A group of night light winds, night light clouds, night tigers."

After the azure elders finished, they took out a piece of paper and began to read the name. Sitting on the head of the night sword, the elders arranged their sons in the first place, gratefully glanced at the elder, and looked at the night light that had already stood on the altar, and cast an encouraging look.

"let's start."

The elders of Azure saw that the three had already arrived, and the other three elders who turned to look at the front desk said faintly. The three elders nodded and stood next to an altar. They took a spar from their arms and lifted them up from the air.

Suddenly, the spar shines brightly, and everyone who is bathed in the light feels a sacred, peaceful atmosphere. Turbulent, the three altars slowly radiated a soft light, forming an aperture, wrapping the three altars into three oval apertures. Like an egg standing there. Above the aperture, there is a ripple of water.


After the aperture was formed, the light of the round sticks of the three elders gradually disappeared. Finally, it was calm, and the three elders were all pale and all over the body, and they slowly walked back to the seat.

"The three hard-working elders." The night sword smiled and whispered to the three elders.

"Don't dare, this is what the subordinates should do." The three elders waved their hands and said modestly. Just for a while, the three elders gradually recovered and their faces became rosy.

"The master of the city, I see the light breeze, this child is naturally aggression, will certainly summon success." An elder looked at the altar and smiled.

"Yes, I think the child in the breeze must be able to summon at least, the beast of more than six products, even the madness of his brother can summon the same beast of the seven products." Another elder also quickly flattered.

"Oh, according to the good words, this depends on his own creation." The city night sword smiled and said, but the eyes from time to time swept to the altar where the night light wind is.

Suddenly, the abrupt--the altar where the night breeze is located has undergone a special change. The white aperture outside turns into red. After the difficulty, it turns from red to orange, orange to yellow, yellow to green, and finally In purple, it is not changing.

"Congratulations to the master of the city, the breeze is very hopeful to summon seven beasts."

"The master of the city, a few sons are so talented..."

"Congratulations to the city owner, He Xicheng, the future achievements of Feng Shaoye are not limited..."

For a time, all kinds of praise, flattering sounds are endless. The hall was boiling. Even the elders of Baishou Tianqing, who had been silently beside him, nodded with a smile, and the night sword was even more open.

The night warrior and the mainland warrior rank the same, divided into one product to nine products, nine grades, nine products are also called holy products. They correspond to the Wufu territory of the War Gods, the soldiers, the elites, the unified territory, the military environment, the marshals, the princes, the emperors, and the saints.

As a child of the night, anyone who knows a little about the night's **** awakening ceremony will know. When the awakening ceremony is carried out, the aperture outside the altar will change different colors, from low to high, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, black, and gold.

The most important thing is that the color of the aperture, the more backward, is likely to summon a more advanced beast. This is not the rule of the people, this is the experience of the night family for thousands of years.

For example, when the night of the modern family was awakened by the night, when the blood was awakened, the outer aperture became black, so lucky summoned eight beasts, the bear of the earth. The night knives of the night light and cold are also black apertures, and the result is also summoned eight animals and dragon lions. The night sword and its eldest son are all purple, so they all summon seven beasts.

There are few high-level beasts in the night, and the eight-in-coming beast family now has only two, and seven products are also few. As for the history of the nine-story sacred beast family, it has also appeared once. The color of the aperture when the blood of the family's predecessors awakened was a dazzling golden aperture.

At the beginning of the family blood ritual, a purple aperture appeared, which is a good sign from time to time, so everyone is excited.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the two altars next to it began to change color. However, it is obvious that only three or four times have changed and the transformation has stopped. The middle of the night is light yellow, and the night tiger next to it is green.

Seeing that the color of the two of them no longer changed, the people locked their eyes firmly, and the altar of the night light wind. After all, the level of beasts summoned by the yellow and green apertures is certainly not too high. The purple aperture is different, which means that the probability of summoning seven beasts is very high.
