MTL - Beast Piercing The Heavens-Chapter 20 Take the practice of death

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Chapter 20 is a practice of death (

Looking at the red and black in front, the blood stains exudes the visceral debris of the smell and inexplicable smell, and the night light chills in the cold belly, this thing looks like vomiting, let alone raw!


At night, I closed my eyes and tried to grab a piece and throw it into my mouth. Just chewed a few times and just swallowed it. Unexpectedly, there was a surge in the stomach, and a strong vomiting sensation rushed into his heart, and spit out all that had just been eaten.

How to do?

This second step, the blood secret code is very clear, this secret recipe, but has a strong blood function. Yesterday, I put a quarter of my body's blood. If I don't make up the blood, I can't carry out the third step of blood refining. Because the secrets of the God Blood are clearly written. The first and second steps of bloodletting and blood supply are for the third step of blood refining. Because the blood is needed to create new blood in the blood, and the new blood contains ordinary blood and the blood of God. The refining of blood is equivalent to refining ordinary blood, leaving the essence of the blood in the blood, constantly making, constantly refining, bad refining, and leaving blood. In this way, the essence of the gods in the body can become more and more concentrated.

no way!

Can only eat!

In the night, the coldness of my mind floated past the scene, and my expression gradually became firm.

For the dead father, eat! In order to love your mother, eat! For years of humiliation, eat! For a gentle and lovely sister, eat!

eat! eat! eat!

The night light and cold mechanically grabbed a piece of internal organs, directly into the mouth, chewing hard, swallowing quickly. At this moment, he turned off the taste and there was no adverse reaction at all. Just keep grabbing, chewing, swallowing.

On the hand, the corners of the mouth are bloodstains of the internal organs, and even a few pieces of minced meat remain on the lips. But he did not react at all, just numb chewing and swallowing, and occasionally he suddenly smiled, making him look terrible.

In a short while, a large bowl of internal organs was eaten. The night is light and cold, and I have prepared a large bowl of water next to it. I will drink it quickly and pick up the handle and mouth of the cloth. It was only sitting on the bed, the whole body was stripped, leaving only a pair of shorts.

Take out the silver needle that you have prepared from the bed and carefully tie the twelve acupuncture points on the body according to the icon in the secret. These twelve acupuncture points, two on the head, two hands and two feet, two on the body, all of which are places where blood vessels are handed over. Fortunately, these acupuncture points are in front of the body, if on the back? I don’t know how to wipe it at night.


After the silver needle was tied, the night light and cold obviously felt the twelve acupuncture points, and it started to heat slightly, and also brought a little itching feeling. It feels like these twelve acupuncture points seem to have twelve ants biting.

it works?

A little surprise in the night! Although I don't know if this reaction is good or bad. But at the very least, it works.

itch! itch! itch!

Turbulent, starting from the twelve acupoints, the whole body blood vessels are starting to get hot! itch! At the beginning it is equal to twelve ants biting! It is indeed like a tens of thousands of ants in the whole body! The pain is itching, although it is not particularly painful, but it is also very uncomfortable. The most important thing is that the night is cold but you can't catch it! Because the secrets are clearly written. This is a normal symptom of blood smelting, that is, the secret is working and is making blood.

The pain is also happy!

This is the feeling of the night cold. Pain is physical discomfort, happiness is indeed a spiritual happiness, because he feels hope, the blood secret code has an effect! It shows that he can have the opportunity to summon a high-level beast at a family **** awakening ceremony ten days later. He said that he can hope to enter the core children of the family and express his willingness to complete his mother's wishes. He said that he can report the revenge of the day and that he can have the opportunity to become a person and fully control his life. .

People are alive, with hope, they can be motivated and passionate!

Fortunately, this feeling of tens of millions of ants biting, but faded away after just ten minutes. The night is light and cold, but it feels like it has been a few years. The whole body is sweating and the hair is just washed.


The night is light and cold, and I breathe a sigh of relief, but my heart is secretly thinking: old man, old man! You are worthy of the genius of the family's centuries-old genius. At least the secret you created, although you still don't know the effect, but the three parts of school, blood, and blood, have been very earth-shattering.
