MTL - Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game-Chapter 17 new skills

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Lin Yu glanced at the battlefield next to him.

Zhang Yuze and Gao Yang were still concentrating on fighting, but it was obviously coming to an end.

Under the suppression of the realm, the opponent was forced to retreat steadily by them.

What Gao Yang was facing was a monkey in the third level of the initial habitat, it was fascinated by the piercing cry of the crying vine.

Being whipped by vines again and again, his skin was torn apart.

In the end, he was whipped and flew out, hugging his master's head, trembling.

And Zhang Yuze's opponent is even weaker, only at the second level.

That lizard survived until now because of its invisibility ability.


Little Zhuling bowed his head, and the blue flame shot out straight.

As it began to rotate 360 ​​degrees, the pouring will-o'-the-wisps turned the surroundings into a sea of ​​flames.

The invisible lizard also appeared in the flames, its body was scorched black, and it lost its ability to fight.

"Lin Yu!"

The two who hastily dealt with their opponents immediately wanted to rush to help.

Turning around, I suddenly found that Lin Yu was standing leisurely by the side watching the battle.

"Those three opponents were all killed by you?" Zhang Yuze looked like he had seen hell.

Gao Yang was also dumbfounded.

They wiped their eyes together and found that they could no longer understand Lin Yu.

Even though Lin Yu had already overestimated Lin Yu in his heart, he performed stronger miracles one after another.

The sliver of pride they had just won over their opponents also quietly sank.

"Aren't you two injured?" Lin Yu asked symbolically.

He has boosted both of them to the fifth level.

Facing the opponents in the second and third levels, if they are still in a mess, then they might as well go home and plant corn.

After all, not every beast master is as good as himself and can defeat the enemy by leaps and bounds.

Zhang Gao and Zhang Gao shook their heads, but their beasts got up together and jumped towards Xiao Zi.

"Hey, what are you doing!" The two shouted in unison.

However, at the next moment, including Lin Yu, the three of them were stunned.

They rushed to Xiao Zi with flattering expressions.

Li Crying Vine twisted its withered body and danced, while Little Candle Spirit shot the blue will-o'-the-wisp from its head into the sky, setting off fireworks.

Xiao Zi was still very cold, and took a few steps back gently.

Lin Yu's face became weird.

Did they taste the sweetness of promotion and started to lick Xiao Zi?

He watched them wagging their tails and begging behind Xiao Zi, like licking dogs.

If you use [Fallen Believers] on them at this time, it is estimated that they will succeed in an instant, right? Lin Yu was silent for a while.

Licking a dog can't be good.

"Go, go, stop making trouble, there is still business to do." Lin Yu drove them back to the beast master.

They seemed a little reluctant, until Xiao Zi glared at them, and then they stopped.

Zhang Yuze and Gao Yang were dumbfounded, they always felt weird.

It seems that my pet beast suddenly stopped kissing, and it is only the task of the "master" to return to my side at this time.

"You must not be an enemy of Lin Yu." They swallowed in unison.

The five defeated opponents had already run away with their tails between their legs, and Lin Yu naturally started to work on the "business" he had in mind.

This is the most anticipated [Devour] link!

He first neatly piled up the pile of plantain-shaped purple leaves in front of him.

He was still impressed by the black water squeezed out of the leaves to relieve fatigue.


Leaf after leaf was decomposed by certain rules and sucked into Xiao Zi's mouth.

[After devouring, the level of life has increased. 】


[After devouring, the level of life is improved, and the skill "Mingling Rain" has been acquired. 】

After a series of prompts, Lin Yu finally got the information he wanted, and he was shocked.

"Skills are here! Sure enough, quantitative changes can produce qualitative changes." He looked excited.

He couldn't wait to see this new ability.

[Mingling Rain]: The rain of the underworld, which contains infinite vitality, can relieve fatigue and heal injuries.

"Try it!" Lin Yu thought about it.

Xiao Zi understood, stretched out a finger, raised it high, and kept drawing circles towards the top.

Ripples appeared in the sky above, and raindrops of lavender light fell like a dream and landed on everyone.

Even though they were not injured, everyone felt refreshed, as if the fatigue was gone.

Good skill! Lin Yu's eyes lit up, and he almost couldn't help but want to hug Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi, our family has healing skills.

Calm down, calm down, maybe there will be a big prize later.

"Next is this."

The black grapes picked on the road were also placed on the ground by Lin Yu, and their spiritual power rose one by one, like the spiritual fruit delicacy at the flat peach festival.

[After devouring, the level of life has increased. 】


It is still a series of reminders, Lin Yu has become accustomed to it, and calmly waited for the most critical one.

[After devouring, the level of life is improved, and the skill "corrupted magic grape" has been learned. 】

I'm coming!

Lin Yu felt as if he was playing a game at this moment, and drew another rare card in ten consecutive draws.

[Corrosion Magic Grapes]: Summons magic grapes with dark erosion ability and controls them.

Without him having to speak, the sensible Xiao Zi has already started experimenting with her skills to show him.

She spread her two slender arms to the sides, and twisted spiral spaces immediately appeared behind her.

A shiny black grape the size of a fist popped out of each space.

A total of seven or eight of them floated around her, shining with a refreshing luster.

"This skill..."

Lin Yu felt the terrible fluctuations inside the round and attractive grapes. UU reading

Xiao Zi waved her hand, and a grape flew towards the stone wall like a shooting star.


The moment it touched the stone wall, a dark energy rippled like a wave.

The rock seemed to be eroded in an instant, and quickly turned into powder, and the whole body was sunken inward.

A hole was left in the stone wall.

"Boom boom boom"!

One by one, the magic grapes blasted out one after another, and for a while, there seemed to be countless black meteors dancing in the cave.

It left behind a rock wall like the surface of the moon with pits and hollows, and dust all over the ground.

And those magic grapes, after releasing their energy, left only a shriveled skin, which fell all over the ground.

Lin Yu opened his mouth slightly.

"Why don't I call you Ball Girl Xiaozi from now on?"

Jokes are jokes, and the highlight of the game is that the black soul grass has not been devoured.

He stretched out his palm and spewed out a large amount of mist again, covering the black soul grasses on the ground.

For a while, the cave seemed to be shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland on earth.

Lin Yu watched helplessly as Xiao Zi began to swallow clouds.

[After devouring, the level of life has increased. 】

[After devouring, the level of life has increased. 】


After lots of hints, finally...

[After swallowing, the level of life has increased, and the skill "Touch of Shadow" has been acquired. 】

The third skill!

The information about the skills disappeared into Lin Yu's mind instantly.

At the same time, Xiao Zi's spiritual power also surged instantly.

With a "boom", she directly completed the breakthrough.

Arrived at the fourth layer of the Beginning Habitat.