MTL - Beasttaming: Fallen Angel As The First Contract In Game-Chapter 16 Flower of Silence

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【Name】: Mizhen Swift

[attribute]: wind

[Boundary]: Beginning Environment · Triple Layer

[Potential]: two stars

[Introduction]: The bird beast known for its terrifying speed can easily condense the wind into a cone like a talent.

Xiao Zi raised her hand slightly, and a white light pierced the sky.

【Evil Light Wave】!

Mizhen Swift let out a shriek, and when it flapped its wings, it suddenly turned into an afterimage, and the evil light wave was left far behind.

A well-mannered man next to Ah Wen pushed his glasses proudly.

Lin Yu: "..."

So fast.

He is confident that as long as he can hit one shot, the opponent's body will be shot down immediately.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he turned his gaze to the Sun Chasing Leopard.

Taking advantage of the harassment and delay of the other two, Chasing Sun Leopard had already condensed a huge fireball in front of him.

The fireball is red and white, as blazing and dazzling as a sun.

It rests lightly on it with one front paw.

Lin Yu felt the temperature in the cave suddenly rise, and sweat was already oozing from his forehead.

This ability is quite oppressive...

Although both are quadruple, but this person is stronger than Li Yong.

It is roughly equivalent to 1.5 Li Yong.

"Brother, it's over." Awen looked at Lin Yu with regret, "[Scorching Sun Fireball]!"

Daily Leopard pushed hard, and the "Lieyang" in front of him rolled towards Lin Yu with a raging heat wave.

The rock and soil along the way were incinerated into ashes by the high temperature, leaving a deep gully.

"Xiao Zi, dark bomb."

Lin Yu felt that the breath he exhaled was hot at the moment.

Xiao Zi's face was clear, and her eyes had a cold light, as if she had lowered the temperature.

Her hands hang down to her sides, one black and one purple, representing the energy of darkness and the breath of death, converging in her hands respectively.

Immediately, the two hands combined for a beat, and a spirally wound two-color ball with black and purple energy was formed.

This is a faster way to use the dark bomb that Lin Yu has researched in the past few days.

The dark bullet dragged two long black and purple energy marks, and met the scorching sun fireball in mid-air.

Two energy balls, one large and one small, collide.

The entire space seemed to be divided into two halves in an instant, one half was red and white, and the other half was black and purple.

A violent energy explosion created a storm and pushed everyone back.

The dark bomb did not disappoint Lin Yu.

After it squeezed into the scorching sun fireball, it quickly crushed it.

After killing 70% of himself, he rushed towards the opponent with the aftermath.

Mizheng Swift was so frightened that it immediately raised its flight altitude, but Chasing Sun Leopard couldn't avoid it.

Awen cursed secretly, and could only watch the Chasing Sun Leopard's body being blown up, trembling in mid-air for a while before falling down.

Its body is entwined with two kinds of black and purple energies, and the lingering sound is playing Xiao Zi's victory like a lingering sound.

It trembled slightly, and it took four or five steps in a row to expel the energy.

Seeing the miserable state of his pet beast, Ah Wen gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, it has not lost its ability to fight.

"Such a powerful skill doesn't take time to prepare?"

Ah Wen thought of the big move he released with the help of his teammates, which was easily destroyed by Xiao Zi.

Can't help but feel jealous.

"I don't believe you have no side effects."

"Body of Flame!"

Chasing Sun Leopard's body quickly ignited a raging fire.

It leaped forward and turned into a curved bridge of flames, rushing towards Xiao Zi.

In the sky, the needle-misering swift also began to gather a powerful wind cone at its mouth.

In the shadow, the recovered shadow spirit worm controlled the shadow to "swish" and stretched out four or five black arms to grab Xiao Zi.

"So strong, too strong..."

Facing the alliance of the top three, Lin Yu's expression seemed to change drastically, pretending to be at a loss, which attracted a burst of ridicule from his opponents.

While talking, he directed Xiao Zi in his heart.

Unleashed her current strongest skills.

Xiao Zi slowly opened her hands, and countless fantastic blue light spots gathered in the middle.

Lin Yu felt that the spiritual power in her body was being consumed rapidly.

This is exactly the skill that was learned from devouring the phantom of the other side of the flower.

[Flower of Illusion and Silence]: Summons an illusory flower. During the blooming period, the enemy will have hallucinations. After it is fully bloomed, it will release a powerful wave of destruction.

A blue transparent flower slowly emerges, exuding a fragrance that penetrates deep into the soul.

The three people who had just seen Lin Yu panicked and were about to ridicule were immediately attracted by this flower.

"What is this..."

Flowers seem to gather all the fantasy and beauty in the world.

Whether it's a person or a beast, they all lost their minds for a moment.

Invariably fell into a hallucination.

Then came the nightmare.

Seeing the sun it admired the most, the Sun Chasing Leopard suddenly turned into a terrifying black, with a mouth full of fangs, and bit it down the middle...

Mizhen Swift saw a pair of hands with blue scales stretched out in the wind, and covered her body tightly...

The shadow spirit worm was dazed, as if its shadow was lifted by a pair of hands and placed on the operating table.

The nasty and intense white light almost killed it instantly.

Instruments were inserted into its body...

Awen and the other three saw them take the college entrance examination, and then touched a taboo and were expelled from the examination room.

The exam qualification was canceled for life, and the pet beast was also taken away and imprisoned.

They wandered the streets, muddling around, their old age was unknown...

At this moment, everyone's grief is the same.

The petals peeled off layer by layer, the illusion disappeared, and the wave of destruction erupted.

The daily leopard bears the brunt of the blow, the flames on its body are instantly extinguished, and it is directly blown away by force.

The shadow spirit worm hiding in the shadow also seemed to be pulled out by the shock wave, and it was blown towards a certain direction.

Naturally, the Mizhen Swift flying in the air was not immune.

The shock wave directly pressed it to the rock, and UU reading's destructive power passed over it, no matter how dexterous it was, it couldn't dodge it.

Ah Wen and the others suddenly woke up, their faces turning blue.

The surrounding scene changed, and they returned to the cave.

Surrounded by destroyed and broken mountain rocks, gravel and potholes everywhere.

All their beasts were seriously injured and passed out on the ground, their hair was blown all over the place, and they seemed to have been ruthlessly destroyed all over their bodies.

This... the three of them felt that their brains were down.

Recalling the charming flowers just now again, I can't help feeling ashamed and hated.

"You guy, you obviously have such strength, why did you put on that look just now..." Arwen's voice trembled a little.

"Brother, I was joking." Lin Yu yawned.

"Bang", Ah Wen passed out.

The corners of the mouths of the other two twitched, not daring to say another word.

"The mentality of young people nowadays is really bad." Lin Yu sighed.

Speaking of it, this is indeed the most difficult battle since his debut.

He is confident that these people can be defeated easily by themselves, but after the three join forces, they form a wonderful combination effect.

Fortunately, they all sank into hallucinations in the end...

This skill is really outrageous. It is not too much to separate the illusion and the wave of destruction into two skills.

Together, they are only intermediate skills?

Lin Yu suspected that the skill standards of his pet beasts were different from those of the public.

Moreover, it was really exhausting just now!

He has some flesh pains, and he has to fight again.

Fortunately, Xiao Zi has [Embrace of Darkness], which can slowly recover her spiritual power in the dark.

Let Xiao Zi return some blue on the path when he goes and comes...