MTL - Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO-Chapter 1728 4 Can you please allow me to be your partner.

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Fiji won't sing, but he plays the piano very well.

Gree's nephew is a natural singer, and the lyrics are his own creations, full of love for Gu Mengmeng, only the first sentence, Gu Mengmeng is smashed and can obviously feel the blood. Boiling in the body.

At that moment, Gu Mengmeng saw that the sun in the sky was shining on the body of Gree through the glass, and brought him a warm light.

His eyes are full of love, centuries, and deep.

Every word is a memory shared by them in the millennium.

When she first went to the ink line, she was forced to jump to the cliff. She also had the sweetness of her second love on the seventh day when she was in the middle of the ink, and the two of them were separated from each other.

Even in the millennium after his return, the trivial things that she had forgotten had become the happiest thing in his songs.

She was attracted by his singing voice, and the whole person was immersed in the musical atmosphere created by him and Fiery.

At this moment, Gree, it is so charming.

When Fiji's last note fell, Gu Mengmen couldn't recover from the music feast that was only held for her for a long time.

Gree walked in front of Gu Mengmeng in the light of the sun, shook his shoulders slightly, and then spread his arms into wings.

At that moment, Gu Mengmeng seemed to see the angel.

She took the initiative to throw into the arms of Gree, her hands around the neck of Gree, and kissed his lips deeply.

His wings gathered from both sides and completely wrapped her up.

This kiss is a kiss that is late for a thousand years.

He does not allow anyone to bother and does not allow anyone to snoop.

"I am very touched and really moved."

Gu Mengmeng’s eyes are moist, because of his thousand years of deep affection.

"It is my happiest thing to tell you all this."

Gree's wings slowly turned into an arm, and then gently held her slender in her arms.

"Meng Bao, sorry, I don't have the strength of other family members, I can quickly adapt to the rules of this world.

I have always been confused. I don't know what kind of positioning I should stay with you in this world.

Everything you need, Elvis, they are ready for you.

So what I can give you is only the true heart of this thousand years.

Can you, please allow me who is useless, become your partner, and celebrate the Tanabata with you? ”

This name, in fact, should have been given to him.

It’s just that he didn’t say it, she waited for a long time and gradually forgot.

It was not an accident that he suddenly mentioned it at the moment, but she still had some guilty conscience and some shame.

how to say?

Her marriage to Ervis and Leia was caused by the environment, and the atmosphere was so good.

As for Sneij, it is even more unnecessary.

The overbearing guy didn't give her the opportunity to refuse, and it was like this, so that the mark was branded on her.

Such a careful and serious, serious and serious questioning her opinion, Gree is the first.

He paid too much attention to the rules. Gu Mengmeng had no doubts. She could show her a little bit of refusal at the moment, and he could immediately smother himself for the millennial confession and return to the position of a swearing beast. Keeping the lonely position to death will not cross the thunder pool half a step.