MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 34 Sokovia incident

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Zemo led the team to Daisy's side, followed by his child. When Daisy saw the child, she thought of her younger brother, couldn't help but love the house, and patted the little boy's head.

The little boy thanked Daisy in a childlike voice, and Daisy secretly stuffed a big white rabbit toffee into his mouth, and the little boy's eyes widened. He chewed heavily, accompanied by saliva. Milky white sugar water trickled down.

Zemo wiped off the dirty saliva, and said a few words to the child. Daisy stuffed the little boy with the rest of her white rabbit toffee, and left one for herself. The little boy quickly thanked him, thanking him non-stop. Then After talking to my father, I turned around and ran to the woman in the distance. The woman was very haggard and thin, but she looked more energetic than Daisy when she met all the refugees. The woman said something jokingly to the child. Pointing to Daisy. The woman greeted Daisy and expressed her gratitude. She took the child's little hand and walked away.

They are my biggest surprise here.

Not only Daisy was a little stunned, but Zemo on the side was also in a daze. Looking at the direction where the woman and the child disappeared, he said ecstasy.

[When we first came here, we were like Satan. The war taught us too much. When I woke up, she held the baby and cried in front of me. And we, even less like human beings. Look at me at that moment, swear .No matter who dares to hurt them, I will kill his whole family. Thank you very much just now.]

[Daisy, you can call me Daisy.]

[Zemo, although we call ourselves the rebels, I know you use the word rebels to describe us. Although I am in charge of hundreds of people, you should call me Zemo. Don’t call me sir.]

[sounds like you are a BOSS]

[Yeah, give me some time, I can mess up an empire. Your toy is very good? I'm actually a mechanical major, can you show me?]

[Of course. It's just a launcher. It's just a little toy I made at MIT.]

[Impressive, light and convenient, good manual skills, is this a model you pounded yourself? What is this? Wow!]

[I call it spider slime. It doesn't have much capacity, oh, you just fired my last shot. This is what I use for self-defense.]

[Oh, I'm sorry. Here you go. Tsk, so why did the top MIT students appear in the peacekeeping force?]

[Because I am a compound talent reserve, I originally planned to go to Stark Industries to work in the fall, but I wanted to hone myself before going. So I came here.]

[Sounds very inspirational, I also hope that my children will have such opportunities in the future. If you have any needs, just ask, I will try my best to meet you.]

[There will be.]

Zemo left with some doubts. Daisy put the device on her hand, looked around to make sure no one was looking at her, then quietly replaced a small part, and put it back on her watch.

Then, together with other people, they set up a tent where they slept at night. They also wanted to inspect the scene. They shuttled around the ruined version of the inner city of Sokovia and found several places where soldiers were heavily guarded. Because the men of the rebel army Followed, pretended to ask in passing, and gave them some remodeling suggestions.

Most of the rebel army is made up of refugees. Although Daisy doesn't know much about infrastructure, she said some bluffing words and used her professional knowledge to give reasonable advice on the spot and measure the data. Seven points are true and three points are true. False. The false part is naturally the key point, and Daisy doesn't understand it, but as long as it is true in front of them, they will naturally believe it.

The rebel soldiers followed Daisy and broke their legs, but the actual situation was almost settled, so they returned to the station in the inner city.

Seeing her colleagues and the rebels seriously distributing food to the refugees, Daisy thought it was time. Quietly, Mimi came to a place where no one was there.

Pulling off his coat, he pursed it with his mouth.


Daisy looked back alertly, at the corner of Daisy's eyes, a girl was staring at her.

What do you want? I won’t even show it to you. This is the last one!

Ignoring the resentful and eager eyes, Daisy put the candy wrapper in her mouth.

emmmmm, after all, this is the last one.

The last one in a double sense. Not only is this one left this time, but it is also the last one in the last bag.

big white rabbit!

If you want to eat again, you can only go to the chain supermarket where the three of you went together last time. It’s far away!

After scraping off the white paper on the candy body, I held the candy in front of my mouth, this is my favorite toffee!

I glanced sideways at the position just now, and the girl was still there. Her eyes were round and round, accompanied by a little tear. She looked like she wanted to eat very much.

Whatever you look at, I won’t let you eat! This is my last white rabbit toffee.

White as cheese, sweet as sister's juice, the last big white rabbit!

Slowly push the sugar to your mouth

This process is so slow and tempting for the girl who looks at Wangshen. She can't wait to rush up and grab the candy, and immediately stuff the candy in vain into her mouth. Thinking about it, I unconsciously took a step outside.

Daisy, who heard the movement, looked at the girl at the side again. The girl's eyes were already overflowing with tears.

With a look of [I want to eat, give me, I want to eat, if you don’t give me to eat, I will cry, I really cry, cry, blah blah]

With a sigh, he strode up to the girl

Hold on!

Stuffed the last white rabbit toffee into the girl's mouth abruptly.

Happiness comes too fast, like a tornado blowing away the girls' tears.

good to eat!

The girl in front of Daisy ate a big white rabbit toffee, and sat upright on the ground happily. She swayed her body and hummed the song here.

Her face is very unchaste, and her hair is so dry that it is pulled together. Sometimes she pats the hair that blocks her sight aside. Her eyes are erratic, as if she has suffered a huge mental blow

That must be a matter of course. Suffering and torture are inevitable for those who can live in Sokovia until now. It’s just that I really feel uncomfortable when I really see this kind of thing.

The so-called gentleman far away from the kitchen, seeing his life, can't bear to see his death. Probably this is the reason

Helped her wipe away her tears, and stroked her hair again, it was really dirty. Daisy got close to her, and wanted to seriously look at the girl in front of her.

With erratic eyes, she suddenly stared at Daisy, her eyes were extraordinarily bright, which made Daisy's heart tremble.

[No more, but more.]

Want? I want you a ghost, the last one is for you to eat, okay?

Finally Daisy gave her another sachet of punch and left.

Back at the camp, I found that the rebel army was transferring a group of prisoners. Daisy asked the soldiers nearby, what's the situation?

What the soldiers roughly said was that they were a group of people who disturbed the law and order in the city. They should be transferred to one place so as not to delay the peacekeeping mission.

Daisy nodded again and again, and then changed the topic and chatted with the soldiers about other things.

In the evening, everyone gathered and sent out the police posts. At this moment, the surveillance of the rebel army is the most lax. Return to Hande, and together with other agents, report back what we found today.

The information fed back to Hande was all bad news. Mei detected that the rebel army had not completely put down their guards, especially the peripheral defenders, and their nerves were tense.

Other agents successively mentioned some other discoveries, such as the rebel army has a secret basement. For example, the rebel army has arms reserves that are not on the list.

Daisy has a lot of postscripts and speaks out her great discovery.

[Are you sure? Are you right?]

[He looks very characteristic, I will not admit it wrong. Biologist Dr. Holden Radcliffe. Was locked up by them, this matter is big or small.]

[I can't figure it out, UU reading www.uukanshu. com The United Nations intervenes in the war, and the peacekeeping force's mediation is the best ending. Why.]

Triplett launches naive heckler

[If it were really that simple, SHIELD would not be used at all. The upper echelons must have found clues before they would send us here. No matter what happens, stabilize the rebel army and wait for the arrival of the peacekeeping force in a day. Everything is dust settled.]

Hand lifted the collar of his clothes.

May said: [Hand, this is so bureaucratic and we're missing the initiative. We should figure out what's going on.]

Triplett chimed in: [Fix the Rumlow team first, as long as they're in town, we'll be fine.]

[Yeah, yeah. People will put a combat team into the city outright?] Daisy retorted. This obvious problem is really just a small white agent like Triplett, Abu, is it a small white agent? Agent Black will ask.

Hand thought for a while: [In this way, I will go to Yogg. Let him promote the Rumlow troops to enter the city. .Mei, go to the factory and find out the situation.]

Daisy called out to everyone:

[Wait a minute, I just said that this matter is big or small. Maybe this is a misunderstanding, everyone is nervous, that's why the rebels are so on guard. If Dr. Horton is not what they call a disruptor, but they are Be on guard, this can only show that there will be a bad ending. So I think we should prepare with both hands. The first is to call for support and let the UN peacekeeping force rush over. The second is to issue a warning message to Rumlow in the outer city, everyone Get ready for battle. Tomorrow morning, we will formally request Dr. Horton from the rebel army. If this request turns the other party against each other, we must be prepared to retreat.]

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