MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 37 Sokovia incident

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"But... Daisy and the others" Lu Muluo was very uncertain about the order he heard and hesitated.

"Yes, retreat." Hand replied firmly, sorted out his image, and looked back at the dark Sokovia.

"Zemo, I'm sorry. We could have done something great."

"Are you crazy? Saron!" Zemo, who was hiding behind the cover, questioned loudly, because he couldn't believe the facts, he was a little excited, and his saliva burst into strands.

During the period, Mei and Daisy looked at each other, and Daisy made a gesture, took out a small black package from her pocket, and threw it out.

The members of the team outside saw the unknown object being thrown, subconsciously thought it was a grenade, and didn't dodge immediately, but their attention was focused on it at that moment.

Mei and Daisy took the opportunity to get up and shoot back. Most of the rebel squads stood in exposed positions and were caught off guard for a while.

Daisy fired four shots, hitting three people, two of whom were fatally wounded, and one of them was slightly wounded in the arm. One shot.

And Mei Na fired five shots in a row, killing him.

The opposing rebels then reacted and fired back. The two had no choice but to duck down immediately.

"Everyone must die! Zemo, and those from the United Nations, the truth of the world has come to the world, and no one is spared." Saron was not harmed in the previous round of attack, but he was hiding in the Behind the bunker, continue to babble.

"It's really crazy." Mei couldn't help complaining, she and Daisy looked at each other again, and raised the things in their hands. daisy nods

The rebel team saw another unidentified object being thrown over and landed in the center of the vanguard, and everyone scoffed and disapproved. But he didn't want the small package to explode this time, causing a big explosion. Many people were blown away by the aftermath of the explosion and lost consciousness, and those who got closer were even more miserable. Saron fell silent.

The two took this great opportunity, got up and fired quickly, moved forward, and moved out of position.

The rebel army was stunned by the explosion just now, and their reactions became dull in a short time. However, the rebels who were farther away were not hit hard. Seeing the other two standing up, they naturally opened fire.

Simply put, Daisy is highly focused when fighting, and the second-line gun sense in her hand is particularly outstanding at this time. Although encountered a counterattack, the remaining enemies were quickly cleared by relying on the cover of crossing with Mei to dodge and shoot.

There are more than 20 people in the team led by Saron, and they should be his confidantes by visual inspection. After the war ended, Dr. Horton continued to defuse the bomb's trigger. May took care of Triplett's wound and gave him a simple bandage.

Daisy came to Zemo and asked Zemo

"How many people are under your command. Control them and stop this meaningless war."

"Not much, I can only schedule a small part. But I can try." Zemo said very uncertainly. Daisy looks at May and Triplett, then at Dr. Horton

"Horton, how long will you have?"

"I need someone to help, I can't do it alone."

"Come on, let's hurry up, it's still not safe here." Hearing the news, Daisy rushed to Dr. Horton's side

"Stuck on this controller, I need to pry off the nut on this side..."

Zemo walked to the battle place alone, checked the corpses, looked around, and sighed in his heart. Most of the people who fell on the ground were local refugees from Sokovia absorbed by the rebel army. Back then, the betrayal of the rebel army in country B made everyone nervous. Later, I had a rare friendship with country C, but because of political reasons, I refused to accept them. It was a really dark time. What everyone thinks in their hearts, Zemo is actually very difficult to be sure. Now that he sees this situation, he doesn't know how to express it. The prosperity of the world is all for profit. I thought that the group of them had a purpose in doing that before. eh~

There were one or two slightly injured soldiers on the ground, and Zemo wanted to treat their wounds. After finding something strange, he looked around again, with a serious expression, "Saron's body is not here."

"It's really good news, doctor, we need to speed up, maybe the second round of battle is about to start." Daisy urged

Triplett struggled to get up "lucky, just got shot in the arm"

"We're going to make a quick detour back to my jurisdiction. When this ends, we could be in big trouble."

"Admonish! I know! I have already sped up the speed, my God, we are dismantling a biological bomb!" Holden also acted a little impatient, bad news came one after another, and his mentality was inevitably overwhelmed.

Zemo just felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He and everyone else knew that when they met Saron again, they might face a large number of troops. "I must return to my jurisdiction to restrain my subordinates, otherwise they may be controlled by Saron."

At this time, Daisy is assisting Dr. Horton to dismantle the bomb, and her mechanical level greatly shortens Horton's dismantling time. Seeing that Daisy couldn't end for a while, Mei volunteered to take on the important task of protecting Zemo.

"I'll go with you, and if I meet an enemy, I can protect you" naturally meant surveillance, but Zemo simply didn't care.

"Are you kidding me? Let's go, time is running out," Zemo said, picking up the AK on the ground, and skillfully put on the insurance. "I will come back to meet you."

"No!" said Daisy, who was still busy with her hands: "There is a large warehouse in the east that stores a large amount of munitions. You must seize there. Go!"

Time is running out, and Daisy doesn't talk nonsense to Zemo. And Zemo himself knew this place, understood the importance of it, turned around and ran out. May glanced at Daisy and followed her closely.

Six minutes later, "Okay, okay, I not only removed the trigger, but also destroyed the circuit, and now this thing is a huge scrap iron. Why do the rebels have such a thing?" Horton after dismantling The doctor bit his lip and raised a question in his heart.

"Time waits for no one, Doctor, it's time for us to retreat." Daisy said quickly. At this time, there is only a doctor who has no combat effectiveness and a black man who has lost an arm to fight. If Daisy meets the rebels again, it will be really bad.

The three of them retreated, and when they saw the rebel army approaching not far away, they immediately blended into the darkness. The rebel army had already seen Daisy and her party, so they shot and chased them out.

Zemo and May rushed back to their jurisdiction and gathered their soldiers. He roughly told them the reason of the matter, and hurried to the big warehouse in the east. Mei, seeing that the matter was roughly settled, due to her status, she did not participate in the task of seizing the warehouse. She hurriedly FMed Daisy, and learned that Daisy had been bitten by the rebel army, but was rushing back to Zemo's territory. After Mei heard this, she still couldn't let go of her heart, but the two were far apart, and they couldn't help Daisy for a while.

Mei put Daisy's matter aside and tapped on the microphone for broadcasting.

Saron fled back to his base staggering left and right. Although he survived, he was also injured a lot by the bomb. Arrange all the people under him.

"Zemo is considered a traitor now. Rebellion is no stranger to Saron and the rebel army." Saron laughed frantically. In rebellion, the most important thing is to see who can gather strength in a short time. For this, he had prepared early.

Supporting himself with one hand, the blood on his body was still oozing out, Saron refused the medical treatment for him. From the dark compartment of his desk, he took out a small box with the "Osborne" logo printed on it. Inside lay a small tube of dark green liquid impressively. Hearing Mei's broadcast at this time, Saron was furious and yelled madly, traitor, stupid, end, coming, etc. nonsense, blood flowing. The guarding soldiers were overwhelmed by him. After a while, Saron injected the liquid into his body.

May's broadcast has little effect. If it were Zemo, maybe 60% of the rebels would be persuaded, or there would be doubts and the like. But now everyone is just confused, wondering whether to believe the words of this woman from the United Nations. But at least it provided some relief for Daisy and the others. Along the way, the three of Daisy did not fight back effectively against the pursuers, but instead gave warnings and confuse the public. It was near the early morning, that is, the darkest hour. The terrain of Sokovia was not complicated, but the ruined walls gave the three of Daisy the perfect cover. Hiding in Tibet for a while, and returning along the road for a while, the rebels who were chasing after detours were a little detoured themselves. And Daisy herself has a bird's-eye view map scanned by S.H.I.E.L.D., so she knows her location, and the scattered rebels that she rarely encounters are all knocked unconscious by Daisy and Triplett.

It took some time for the troops led by Zemo to finally arrive at the munitions warehouse in the east. Firefights often happen on the road, and Saron just ordered Zemo to be killed not long ago. Everyone hesitated about this order, but Mei on the radio explained it. Greet the person in charge of the area along the way and tell the reason of the incident. The other party didn't believe him, and it took a lot of effort to make the other party skeptical. At this time, he controlled nearly half of the rebels. But the important munitions are still in the east warehouse. If Saron completely controls that place, UU Reading Zemo will lose control over the military.

Lucky thing. Both Daisy and Zemo knew the importance of the arsenal, especially Zemo. The things in the arsenal were originally handled by him, so they paid special attention to it. Even, he gave up his chance to win over the inside of the rebel army by speaking his own words, and rushed to the arsenal as soon as possible. It is to understand that the arms in this part of the east are the top priority. And Saron's arrangement was too serious to deal with the rebellion of his subordinates, because the subordinates at this time had only a half-knowledge about the problems at the upper level, and they were also vacillating, so some of them were persuaded by Zemo to rebel. Zemo's reason is very simple, everyone should not exchange fire, and everyone should sit together and confront each other about everything. However, he wrote, directed and acted by himself and recruited a subordinate, saying that he handled the biological bomb incident, so as to prove himself. Most people were persuaded in this way. As for the arsenal, Saron's arrangement was not at the first place, so fortunately, Zemo controlled the arsenal.

Next, look for Saron to face off. A group of people assembled a team and pressed down on Saron's base, asking for an explanation. But on the way, he encountered strong resistance from Saron's confidants. Zemo breathed a sigh of relief. If Saron boldly let him go and confronted Zemo, he would be the crazy one to bite back at Zemo. Then Zemo would be hard to tell. Because the only person who proved to everyone that Saron made the biological bomb was his own subordinates, which is also perjury. At that time, Saron ordered everyone to kill Zemo, and Zemo couldn't get rid of it. Even if everyone finds out that they have been cheated in time, it will be too late, and they will lose the trust of the United Nations, so they can only continue to blackmail with Saron.

Suo Xing Salong's confidants took the lead in shooting, which was tantamount to seeking death. Zemo encouraged the people around him, and everyone under him believed Zemo's words at this time. He began to attack in one go. In this way, the artillery fire in Sokovia rang out with the first ray of sunlight in the morning.