MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 195 "Treasure" and "Gift"

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  Chapter 195 "Treasures" and "Gifts"

   While the "Galactic Community" was still arguing over the issue of "establishing the Galactic Empire", the emperor of the "Conqueror Empire" had already started his fleet inspection ceremony.

   At this time, countless huge fleets are sailing past the home planet of the Conqueror Empire.

  Even though they are in the middle of a nominal "mediation war" with the Fire Alliance, the emperor who was born in the purple room can still have the leisure to conduct a grand inspection ceremony.

  By the way, the inspected fleet will not go to the front line after the ceremony.

  They are the emperor's "Guard Fleet", occupying more than 50% of the warships in the "Empire of the Conquerors", and they are there wherever the emperor is.

   I don’t know from which emperor, the number of "Pro-Guard Fleet" has increased, and the proportion has become higher and higher, until it becomes a burden on the entire civilization.

  The emperor who is afraid of death has created all this, and he needs "absolutely invincible" power to ensure his personal safety.

  As for this burden, it was passed on to those vassals. The unbelievably exorbitant taxes provided enough supplies for the conqueror empire to maintain its apparent "power".

  But this power also breeds corruption and depravity, and the Empire of the Conquerors has long entered the "decline" in the sense of civilization.

  When a civilization no longer has any enterprising people, it means that the road to civilization is coming to an end.

  This often happens to civilizations that have been in the interstellar space for a while and have experienced the "technological explosion".

  The impact brought by high technology is unimaginable. Alien culture and the convenience brought by technology can easily breed the atmosphere of "entertainment to death".

  It often only takes a few hundred years, or even less than a hundred years, before the entire civilization will stagnate, then decline, until it perishes due to internal and external factors.

  So how to improve the cohesion of the entire civilization has always been something that the galactic civilizations are constantly pursuing, in order to prevent similar situations and gather the power of the entire civilization to rush to a higher level when it is stagnant.

   Therefore, the leaders of the galaxy civilization have varying degrees of envy for the hive civilization and the omnic civilization, and they will never have the possibility of "entertaining to death".

  The entire civilization operates with one will, and this seems to be the end of civilization.

   Judging from this possibility, "Empire of the Conquerors" is quite similar.

  Their emperor is the real "one will", who holds the supreme power, and represents the entire civilization in every word and deed.

   But it is obvious that this "one will" only looks similar, but actually has a completely different connotation.

  The "Empire of the Conqueror" fell into a degenerate life early on. It obviously didn't have the fate of the lost empire, but it had the disease of the lost empire.

   At this point, the emperors who stood at the top of civilization "indispensible", because they were the first to sink.

   Those fleets leaping on the home planet of the "Empire of the Conquerors" wave after wave, until the arrival of the largest fleet, the entire planet seemed to burst into cheers.

   Those who can live on the mother planet are the nobles of the "Conqueror Empire", and even their slaves doubt the "glory" of the empire from the heart.

   But this is not the focus of the cheers, the focus is on those peculiar warships guarded by the fleet.

  It is a kind of "flying geometric block" composed of a large number of regular or irregular geometric shapes, which looks extremely weird. Completely different from all Galaxy Warship models.

  Generally speaking, the warship styles of civilizations are related to their races, just like the spaceships of the hive civilization often have a large number of biological tissues, while the entire spaceship of the omnic civilization is a sub-individual.

   It is hard to imagine the civilization that created this "flying geometric block", what their race looks like and what characteristics it has.

   But there is only one thing that is beyond doubt, that is, these warships are unexpectedly powerful.

   The scientists of the "Conqueror Empire" believe that the technology used by this warship is at least at the same level as that of the Lost Empire, and this has also become their arrogant capital in the recent period.

  With the help of these warships found on a special planet, they successfully forged a lie, a lie that they controlled and mastered a lost heritage.

  They deliberately let the infiltrators of other civilizations discover these things, and revealed in an experiment that the combat effectiveness of this warship is stronger than that of the lost empire, as an invisible deterrent.

  The subsequent development is very simple. Under the dual diplomatic means of threats and promises of rewards, the Conqueror Empire has obtained a batch of diplomatic support that is sufficient to determine whether the bill is passed or not.

  The biggest resistance, the Tinder Alliance, has also been dragged into the quagmire by them with trumped-up charges, and the weak Star Alliance is not to be feared, only the "Serving Paradise" has uncertain factors.

   But the Conqueror Empire is not worried about this. Their rapidly expanding ambitions have long made them unwilling to stick to the "galactic community".

  If it doesn’t pass this time, then they will pull a large number of civilizations directly out of the community and establish their own.

  The current Conqueror Empire is still reluctantly adopting diplomatic means to "reform" the community. It is not because the emperor who was born as a **** has always valued legitimacy and wants to "inherit the community to form the Star Sea Empire".

  As for the strange warships that gave them great help, we still have to start from the strange barrier planet located in their home galaxy.

   Barrier planets are no strangers to the Milky Way. The once-rampant ethnic cleanliness "Pechkit" was imprisoned there. Every civilization knows this thing more or less.

  The former home planet of the Conqueror Empire was not here, but a certain queen in their history believed that this barrier planet in this galaxy was a treasure bestowed on her by the heavens, so she re-established the home star here, and it continues to this day.

  The barrier covering the surface of the planet Scientists didn't have much to do at first, but they don't know if it's because of the power of time, the barrier has loosened recently, giving the Conqueror Empire an opportunity.

   After some exploration, they finally opened a small opening in the barrier and maintained it for several hours.

  Although the barrier was finally closed again, these few hours have allowed the Conqueror Empire to discover a lot of things from the planet, and that weird battleship is one of them.

  The Conqueror Empire is now working on a second discovery from a barrier planet—a strange signal.

  At this moment, Li Wenyuan, who has reached a new stage in his exploration of the "Alien Gate-Galaxy World", discovered some information in a certain museum-like area of ​​the "Eternal World".

  【Museum Encyclopedia: Artificial Intelligence Planet in the Galaxy】

  This is an encyclopedic introduction to a special planet.

   And this piece of information is even accompanied by a video picture. In the center of the picture is a mysterious barrier planet wrapped in a barrier.

  (end of this chapter)