MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 26 fight to the death

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  Chapter 26 Desperate Fight

  Hives, as their name suggests, are hive-minded biological groups.

  All sub-consciousnesses are under the control of a powerful main consciousness, and only a very small number of "central" individuals have semi-independent consciousness.

   The one who controls this "swarm" is a "central" individual, and she is called the main brain in the swarm.

   But now, this master brain is experiencing the biggest crisis it has encountered since its birth.

  The sensor bugs unique to the bee colony detected that an extremely large amount of energy was gathering. The source was the main gun of a huge battleship, and the target... was the mastermind!

  She didn't understand how she was exposed. All interstellar civilizations knew that killing the mastermind that controlled the swarm would turn the swarm into a mess, so she paid extra attention to hiding herself.

  But she didn't expect that she would be exposed easily. For this reason, she had to control a large number of bee swarms to stand in front of her, and at the same time ordered the rest of the bee swarms to launch a suicide attack on the black fleet.

   Countless hideous creatures with strange looks rushed towards the black fleet like crazy, but were blocked by a blue barrier halfway.

  The blue spherical shield kept flashing due to the pounce of the bee swarm, but the smaller individuals disappeared into the interstellar space the moment they touched the shield.

   Only large individuals can persist on the shield for a few seconds, but they quickly evaporate out of thin air, as if they never appeared.

   And this time, the mastermind also discovered what the shield that had easily stopped the acid etching liquid before was.

   This is a circle of high-energy barriers composed of dense ultra-high-energy particles, and all objects touched will be torn apart to the atomic level in an instant.

  The only way to break through this shield is to rely on particle beams of the same energy level or harder kinetic energy weapons, but even if they pass through this shield, their energy will be greatly weakened.

  She immediately understood that the existing bee colony was helpless against this fleet, and she couldn't even break the defense. What would she do?

  So she had to try her best to keep the swarm in front of her as a meat shield, and then tried to exit the galaxy.

  Huge energy fluctuations detonated in the entire galaxy, and a thick light beam that seemed to penetrate the sky penetrated this space in an instant.

  Everyone had to squint their eyes because of the strong light, only the main brain was crazily retreating outwards.

   "...90%...80%...70%..." The sub-consciousnesses under her control are disappearing like snowflakes, and the percentage representing the overall total is also dropping rapidly.

   Those bee colony individuals acting as meat shields are arranged into a "biological column", trying to reduce the power of this beam of light through their flesh and carapace.

  However, their bodies that have evolved for tens of thousands of years are easily turned into cosmic dust under high-energy particles, and the weakening of the light beam is minimal.

   "30%...20%...10%..." The total number of bee colonies is still declining. No one would have thought that most of the bee colonies, usually counted in tens of billions, would disappear within a few minutes.

  This kind of "elimination" is almost permanent, and the bee colony that can reuse most of the organic matter cannot use a bunch of particle clusters that have been reduced to elementary particles.

  In the end, after the swarm lost 95% of its individuals, it was barely able to block the huge beam from the black fleet.

  The universe seemed to still smell of grilled bugs, and the survivors far away in the trading post witnessed this scene and let out deafening cheers.

   "Great! Big ships and giant cannons are romantic! What are those small water pipes on guard ships?"

   "I'm finally saved now, thank God...ah no, thank you for being lucky, I avoided death once again..."

   "This terrifying firepower... Is it a Titan battleship? Only this kind of giant can carry this kind of main gun..."

   "But judging from the energy fluctuations generated, it seems that none of the known Titan warships can reach this level, and even the flagship of the Turbulent Empire is far inferior..."

   "What is the origin of this 'guardian'?"


  All kinds of emotions and questions echoed in the trading station, but Breining turned a deaf ear to them, because the huge surprise dazzled his mind.

   Not only in being saved, but also in the lifting of this crisis, proving that their guesses were correct.

   "Guardian" is indeed a hidden and terrifying civilization.

  After the bee colony was defeated, the signal blockade here was lifted. He uploaded everything that happened to headquarters and has already heard back.

  This time he needs to spare no effort to entertain this mysterious "guardian" civilization, and at the same time, he must not offend them.

   Cripple has some necessary requirements that depend on them.


  The mastermind now has a feeling of despair.

   It's not because the next cannonball is about to hit her, but because the biomass she lost this time is too huge.

  For the bee colony, biological organic matter is the foundation of all the development of the colony.

  She didn't expect the energy contained in this beam to be so terrifying, otherwise, she would not choose to use a human shield to resist, but would choose to kill herself.

   In this case, the out-of-control bee colony will instinctively scatter and flee, dormant in various parts of the galaxy, waiting for the call of the "brood".

  But it’s too late now, it doesn’t matter whether the current mastermind returns or not, less than 5% of the remaining bee colonies may not even be able to pass through the dangerous interstellar space.

  So, she looked at the trading post floating in the distance.

  She could feel the energy from the black cannon gathering, but as an individual subordinate to the entire hive consciousness, she never had the concept of death.

  All her avoidance of danger is to better implement the will of the "brood", and now, the time for her dedication has come.

  The genes in the main brain began to decompose and collapse, and soon dissolved together with her huge body, turning into a hormone full of information.

The biological link of the "bee colony" also changed at this time. The bee colony, which should have fallen into chaos with the disintegration of the main brain, all curled up under the influence of hormones and became "cocoons" floating in space. ".

   Someone in the trading station noticed something was wrong and started yelling.

  Braining also shrank his pupils sharply, and even left a fingerprint on the mechanical arm pressing the corner of the table because of too much force.

  The next moment, all the floating "cocoons" moved, and countless strange creatures with the same appearance broke out of their shells.

  They look like an evolved version of giant flying ants, their white cuticles quickly turning black under cosmic radiation.

   But the wings commonly used by bee colonies for flight are not seen on them, replaced by a cylindrical organ located at the tail.

  Powerful muscles squirmed rapidly on the surface, and a bright light could be vaguely seen brewing in the organ.

   But they all looked at the floating trading post, turning a blind eye to the threat of the black fleet.

  The remaining pheromones after the disintegration of the main brain are still affecting them, and left the final instructions before they are about to lose their effectiveness.

  —Destroy the trading post.

  The tail organs of the giant flying ant suddenly emitted a dazzling light, absorbing a large number of particle clusters floating randomly in this space, and quickly converting them into propulsion power.

  The living organisms seemed to have an engine, and powerful jets spewed out from the barrel-shaped organ, causing them to crash into the trading post at a very high speed.

  The newly hardened cuticle on the body surface is also slowly splitting into five petals at this moment, which rotates the high-speed flying giant flying ants like a rotor, stabilizing their flight trajectory.

  At this moment, these swarms of bees flying at high speed are like missiles, attacking the trading post.

  The remaining guard fleet reacted and began to intercept with all their strength.

   Explosions from various weapons erupted one after another in this interstellar space, but it was not enough for the total amount of the bee colony.

  Even if there are less than 5% left, they still have hundreds of millions of units.

  Even though this kind of temporary evolution due to the command of the mastermind is very unstable, a large number of individuals fail in the evolution process and die directly, or the imperfect evolution leads to their direct disintegration during high-speed flight.

  But there are still tens of millions of bee swarms crashing into the trading station. It can be said that as long as there are no accidents, it is more than enough to destroy the entire trading station.

  Unfortunately, the black fleet moved again.

  (end of this chapter)