MTL - Becoming A Dragon In A Martial Arts World-Chapter 42 Crocodile spotted on the way

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  Chapter 42 A crocodile was spotted on the way

  He hasn't eaten much for almost three days.

  In the past few days, in order to hurry and avoid being caught up, he has not deliberately caught food along the way, and occasionally encounters small fish and snakes along the way to eat on the shore.

   But that wasn't enough to put his teeth between.

  Not only him, but even the little mouse was almost starving, and the specific situation of the ice silkworm locked in the small wooden box is still unknown.

  But Bai Chuan expected that the situation would not be much better. Living things should always need to eat and supplement, right?

  Even if it can absorb solar energy, it must be released to illuminate the sun.

  The only certainty is that the ice silkworm is still alive.

  Because any distance away from the little mouse, the small wooden box would vibrate endlessly.

  In addition, he also needs to find a better position to start evolving abilities.

   While thinking about it, Bai Chuan went ashore again, put down the little mouse again, and handed the small wooden box to the mouse.

   Now Bai Chuan is not so afraid of the mouse running away with something, because he has already obtained the most important ability model.

  At this moment, even if the mouse ran away, he didn't panic at all.

  Of course, you can't talk so full.

  Because the ability of the model analyzed by this scan is a bit weird, so if it is not necessary.

  Being conservative, Bai Chuan still wants to keep these two little guys, and decide how to deal with them after he finishes strengthening.

  After placing the mouse to hide in a hidden tree hole, he plunged into the water and disappeared slowly under a splash of water.

   Entering the familiar underwater again, Bai Chuan first quietly looked at the underwater situation, and then released the current in a slow but weak way.

   This is an ability that he has learned without a teacher since he learned the ability to generate electricity - electric current detection.

  Of course, speaking of ability, in Bai Chuan’s view, it is more like a superficial use of power generation ability, a skill that can only be realized in water.

  The principle is to use the superior conductivity of current in water, so as to realize the continuous release of weak current centered on itself to sense whether there are obstacles and the existence of creatures around.

  Because the changes produced by the current passing through living things are different from the changes produced by passing through the dead objects in the surrounding environment.

  So this ability can only be realized in water.

  Of course, when it comes to this, I have to mention Bai Chuan's enhanced power generation capacity.

  First of all, the ability he has strengthened is not like the world of cultivating immortals and other worlds he knew in his previous life. He can manipulate the current as he wants and changes it as he wants.

  Because the source of his ability comes from the electric eel, the way he creates electric current is also scientifically reasonable.

The generation of electric current in his body is through his contraction of his own specialized power-generating muscles, and these thin muscles, which are like small batteries, are connected in series one by one, thus converging the electric energy with a small individual voltage and current into one piece and turning it into a raging high voltage Current attack.

  So he can only do simple release, but he can't control it. At most, he can control the position of the circuit and fix the position where the electric current attack is sent out.

   And this is why every time he uses the power generation ability to attack, he uses his claws to carry the electric current attack, because this is the best choice at present.

  Of course, in fact, he can also carry electric currents all over his body without distinction, but this can only be said to hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred, which is not worthwhile.

  So, after strengthening this power generation capacity, Bai Chuan wondered, is there a way for him to freely control the current?

  Unfortunately, given his current lack of knowledge and ability accumulation, he has not found a better solution.


  Yuyou sighed, Bai Chuan, who is a scumbag, said that he still needs to continue his studies and work hard.

   Shaking his head, he swam in the direction of the large prey sensed by the current.

  Bai Chuan, who remained in stealth mode all the way, just swam quickly by the bottom of the river.

  Although invisibility is not very effective underwater, after all, many underwater creatures can detect changes in water flow.

  However, Bai Chuan said that this ability is like being passive. It is unnecessary to use it for nothing. Anyway, there is no loss, and a little more effect would be good.

   Soon, he swam hundreds of meters away, and suddenly, he felt a violent fluctuation in the distant water.

  Bai Chuan's eyes were fixed, and he turned his head to look, carefully perceiving the condition of the water flow. After a while, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and he understood what happened.

   "What kind of ferocious predators are hunting underwater."

  So to go or not to go?

  He thought about it, and decided to go and have a look, what if he could catch a leak? .

  Now he really doesn't have many animals in need.

  Thinking of this, he swayed his slender snake body and swam towards the direction of the wave.

   Not long after, he came to the vicinity of the violent fluctuation of the current, that is, he was approaching the shallow water area on the shore.

   After taking a closer look, Bai Chuan smiled.

   Isn't this his old acquaintance?


  Bai Chuan thought again of the initial rainstorm and flood period. He was almost bitten in two by this big underwater guy, and even had a psychological shadow on the underwater for a while.

  But this crocodile should not be the one that attacked him in the first place.

  Because the size of this crocodile is already close to 1.7 meters long, and its whole body is brown, which is somewhat similar to the caiman that Shirakawa knows.

  The one that sneaked up on him before was a crocodile that looked like a Chinese alligator but was two meters long.

   That’s right, the world is so big, how could he run so far and still meet the crocodile back then, isn’t this a joke?

  At this time, the crocodile was biting a small monkey with slender limbs, taupe hair all over the body, and a crown of hair on the top of its head, trying to drag it into the water completely.

  The huge movement that Bai Chuan felt before was caused by the crazy struggle of the gray langur bitten by this crocodile.

   Strange to say, this gray langur doesn't live in trees? How was it bitten by a crocodile in the water?

  Bai Chuan thought about it with some puzzlement, until he looked around the surrounding environment and saw a tree branch that was about to hang down to the water not far away, then he suddenly realized.

  He stared at the crocodile in the distance for a while. At this moment, the langur had been completely drowned, and the crocodile was about to drag it ashore again to eat.

   So is he going to go?

  At this moment, Bai Chuan felt both apprehensive and eager to try.

   Not only is he afraid of its power, its terrifying big mouth, but also wants to try whether he can kill it and obtain its ability model.

  Maybe it is because he has a sharp weapon in his body, and he is willing to kill himself.

   Now that Bai Chuan encounters these famous and powerful animals, his first thought is no longer to retreat, but to touch them and obtain their ability models.

After thinking for a while, Bai Chuan looked at his huge body, which was 6.7 meters long, about as thick as an adult's waist, with hard scales exuding a metallic texture, and the pair of sharp claws under him. ability.

  Look again, the length of the opposite side is only 1.7 meters, and then think of the obvious and incomparable weakness of the crocodile known in the previous life.

   This is totally okay to touch!

  (end of this chapter)