MTL - Becoming Immortal Through Getting Married-Chapter 259 Xiao Qingyue's guilt (11)

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  Chapter 259 Xiao Qingyue's guilt (11)

  Deacon Dongfu District, "stable" word Dongfu.

  As soon as Chen An walked to the hall, he heard a burst of noise from the wedding room in front.

   It is not the sound of the daughters playing, but the laughter of the wives and concubines talking dirty.

  The ancients do not deceive me, women are often more perverted than men.

  Also, it's a bit surprising that Xiao Qingyue can put down her dignity to get along with my wives and concubines.

  Chen An was thinking about these things, and had no expectations for the marriage and bridal chamber tonight.

   After all, he and Xiao Qingyue have had **** hundreds of times in various places, and the freshness and excitement of the first couple have long since disappeared.

  For him, the bridal chamber is just another place to do it again.

   "Husband, welcome home!"

  Song Huaying walked out of the wedding room, looked at Chen An with a sweet smile and said.

  The other wives and daughters in the room heard the sound, except for Xiao Qingyue who was going to be a bride, everyone else came out of the room one after another.

   "Husband, hurry up and dress up, don't make sister Xiao wait for a long time."

  Shen Qingyi urged her.

  In the next time.

   With the enthusiastic help of his wives and concubines, Chen An quickly changed into the groom's attire, and tidied up his face to make it look more refined than usual.

  Wives and concubines are very satisfied with such an exquisite husband.

  But as a husband, Chen An doesn't like it very much.

  He looked at himself in the mirror and felt that the make-up was too delicate.

  Less masculinity, like a bitch.

   This is seriously inconsistent with his aesthetics.

   But there is no way, this makeup took a lot of time for the wives and concubines, and he is not good at giving negative reviews.

   "Husband, hurry up and find Sister Xiao, I taught her a lot of tricks when I was in the wedding room just now, you will be blessed later."

  Song Huaying's beautiful eyes are curved and joking, she looks like a little dirty girl.

  Wen Zhiyun rolled her eyes at her, and said to her sullenly: "Ying'er, there are children here, so be careful what you say."

  Song Huaying immediately covered her mouth when she heard the words, realizing that she was a little outspoken just now.

  Chen An smiled, said "Let's go", turned around and went to the wedding room, going to bridal chamber with Xiao Qingyue.

  As for the process of getting married, simply go through it in the wedding room.


  Chen An pushed open the door of the wedding room and walked in, and saw Xiao Qingyue sitting dignifiedly on the wedding bed, with her white hands folded on her lap, looking very attractive.

  Such a beauty can arouse a man's **** just by looking at it.

  Chen An, who is an old pervert, is of course no exception.

  So, without any nonsense, he went straight to Xiao Qingyue and sat down, and lifted the red hijab on Xiao Qingyue's head with some expectation.

  The next second, a beautiful lady's face without makeup appeared in front of his eyes.

   "I know my husband likes me without makeup, so I didn't let my sisters put makeup on my face, and I didn't even wear any jewelry. I just trimmed my hair."

  Xiao Qingyue said in an exceptionally gentle voice, without the suzerain airs she usually has.

  Chen An smiled and said: "As expected of the Sovereign Lord, he understands the deacons under the opponent very thoroughly."

   After finishing speaking, he pushed Xiao Qingyue onto the bed and got entangled with her.

   "Chen, Deacon Chen, please don't show mercy!"

  Xiao Qingyue didn't even arrange a soundproof array.

  As soon as Chen An heard her voice, he was instantly seduced so that his blood surged, and he immediately opened fire.

at the same time.

  The other wives and concubines outside the wedding room were all surprised.

  They never expected that they would look at the dignified and majestic Sovereign Lord on weekdays, but in private...

   It's really hard to judge people by their appearances.

  Afterwards, they quickly set up a soundproof array to prevent the three young daughters from hearing the movement, which would affect their physical and mental health.


time flies.

   A blink of an eye.

   Before I knew it, the next morning came.

  【Ice Lingen Qualification +1】x105

  【Husband and wife relationship +1+3+1+4+5+2+0...】

  【Ice Lingen Qualification +2】x102

  【Ice Lingen: Top Grade · 6%】

  【Name: Xiao Qingyue】

  【Cultivation: Nascent Soul Eighth Layer】

  【Attribute: The proud daughter of heaven, the stars hold the moon】

  【Emotion: 2 stars · 19%】

   "As expected of the suzerain, your strength is far beyond ordinary people."

   Chen An looked at the prompts that popped up in front of his eyes, and played with the hair on Xiao Qingyue's shoulders with a look of relief and joked.

  Xiao Qingyue lay on Chen An's body in a very indecent position. Hearing what he said, she smiled charmingly and said:

   "I am a Dzogchen monk at the eighth level of Yuanying, and I am not comparable to those five younger sisters. Only a strong man like my husband can satisfy me."

   "Are you satisfied now?"

  Chen An acted cynically like a playboy.

  Xiao Qingyue said in a seductive voice: "Physically I am satisfied, but spiritually I am still far from satisfied. I see that all the younger sisters gave birth to their husbands are daughters. As a sister, I want to give birth to my husband a fat and talented son. Only in this way can I satisfy my unsatisfied spirit."

  Chen An was successfully seduced, turned over and pressed Xiao Qingyue under him, with a playful tone: "Since the suzerain wants to carry on the family for me, as a deacon, I can only cooperate with all my strength."

   Just finished speaking, ready to take action.

  At this time, a sound transmission talisman in Xiao Qingyue's storage ring moved.

  She diverted her consciousness and submerged in to take a look, and found that it was Ning Xian'er who was transmitting the sound to her.

   And the sound transmission has been continuous.

   "Husband, wait a minute, Xian'er has been sending me voice transmissions non-stop, maybe there is something urgent."

  Xiao Qingyue grabbed Chen An's restless big hand, and said to him apologetically.

  Chen An could understand, and was also concerned about what happened to Ning Xianer, and said, "Well, take out the sound transmission talisman and play the sound, and I'll see if something happened to Xianer."

  Xiao Qingyue stopped talking nonsense, and immediately took out the sound transmission talisman and played it out.

  The next moment, Ning Xian'er's voice came out, and it sounded very anxious.

   "Master, where are you?"

   "The defensive formation of the Temple of Heaven and Earth seems to have been broken!"

   "Come back and have a look!"

What? ! The defensive formation was broken?

  As soon as Xiao Qingyue heard the news, she couldn't sit still.

  She immediately got out from under Chen An, changed into a palace dress she usually wears, and said to Chen An apologetically:

   "Husband, it seems that the defensive formation of the Temple of Heaven and Earth has been destroyed, I have to go back and have a look."

   "I'll be with you."

   "Don't, it's not good to be seen by Xian'er."

   "That's fine, if there is something to do, please contact me through the sound note."

   "Well, I see."

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Qingyue escaped from the wedding room, flew outside with her sword and rushed to the Hall of Heaven and Earth.

  She has lived with Ning Xianer for hundreds of years, and she is also a teacher, friend, mother and daughter with Ning Xianer, and puts Ning Xianer in the most important position in her heart.

   As far as the current stage is concerned, Ning Xian'er's weight in her heart far surpasses that of Chen An.

  The relationship of hundreds of years is not comparable to the joy of fish and water for a month or two.

  Chen An is also very aware of this.

   But he doesn't have any mental imbalance about it.

  Emotions can be cultivated.

   After all the children have a litter, Xiao Qingyue will naturally put her husband first in her heart.

   Besides, Ning Xian'er will become one of his concubines sooner or later, so what's there to be jealous about?


   Palace of Heaven and Earth.

  As soon as Xiao Qingyue reached the sky with her sword, she saw Ning Xian'er's graceful figure on a boulder below.

  She lowered her imperial sword slowly, feeling the no longer existing defensive formations around the Heaven and Earth Hall, and asked Ning Xian'er with a slight frown:

   "Xian'er, what's the matter with the defensive formation?"

   "Master, I'm not too sure. As soon as I left the cave this morning, I found that the defensive formation had disappeared. After checking it, I found that the eye of the formation was destroyed."

  Ning Xian'er opened her eyes and said nonsense.

  Actually, she destroyed the defensive formation around the Temple of Heaven and Earth.

  Seeing that Xiao Qingyue didn't come back all night, and she didn't reply to Xiao Qingyue's voice transmission at night, she took this trick to force Xiao Qingyue to come back.

   She was too suspicious of the relationship between Chen An and Xiao Qingyue, and suspected that Xiao Qingyue went to find Chen An for a tryst when she didn't return last night, so she was so anxious to do such a thing.

   "Is that weird?"

   "For no reason, why did you destroy the defensive formation of the Temple of Heaven and Earth?"

   "What good does it do?"

  Xiao Qingyue muttered for a while, unable to figure out the prisoner's motive.

  However, professional matters are left to professional people.

  Xiao Qingyue took a while to rearrange a defensive formation, and soon called Elder Bai who was in charge of Anbu.

   "Elder Bai, the saint said that the formation of the Temple of Heaven and Earth has been destroyed, please take Anbu to investigate."

  When she said these words, Xiao Qingyue looked away, unwilling to have any eye contact with Elder Bai.

  Elder Bai knew about her relationship with Chen An, which made it very unnatural for her to communicate with Elder Bai.

  Elder Bai did the same thing. After understanding the content of the mission, he left the Heaven and Earth Hall as quickly as possible to handle the matter.

  She didn't dare to stay with Xiao Qingyue for too long, for fear that she would offend Xiao Qingyue somewhere.

   After all, on the day she caught Xiao Qingyue having an affair with Chen An, Xiao Qingyue wanted to kill her to silence her.

  Since that day, she and Xiao Qingyue have become very cautious when getting along with each other.

  After she left, Xiao Qingyue and Ning Xian'er walked into the Sovereign's cave and sat down to drink scented tea.

  Drinking, Xiao Qingyue asked, asking Ning Xian'er to describe in detail how she found out that the defensive formation was destroyed. Did she hear any strange movements before that?

  Ning Xian'er is a standard questioner.

  Because this defensive formation was destroyed by her as a saint, it was she who was calling out to catch the thief.

   Ended this topic about defensive formations.

  Ning Xianer asked tentatively: "Master, what do you think of Deacon Chen?"

   "It is worth entrusting for a lifetime."

  Xiao Qingyue said without thinking.

  Ning Xian'er felt a wave of turmoil when she heard the words.

   Soon, she asked again: "Master, if you want to marry someone, who will you marry?"

  Xiao Qingyue didn't think too much about it, and replied: "Someone with a higher cultivation level than me."

   "Isn't it okay to have a low cultivation level?"


   "What if someone is as handsome as Deacon Chen?"

  Ning Xianer finally asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

  In her eyes, Chen An was still the alchemist whose cultivation base was only foundation building and only at the highest level of alchemy.

  Hearing this question from her, the expression on Xiao Qingyue's face suddenly became unnatural.

   But fortunately, it was only fleeting, and it didn't behave too strangely.

  Xiao Qingyue thought to herself, the reason why Ning Xianer asked such a question should be simply because she wanted a reference.

  Because Ning Xian'er worshiped her as a master since she was a child, she basically took her as the standard in everything, so she felt that Ning Xian'er would ask such a question, probably because she wanted to refer to her criteria for mate selection.

  After you want to understand these.

  Xiao Qingyue also replied generously: "If it's just handsome, it won't catch my eye. Your master, I am an extremely strong woman, and I only like men who are stronger than me."

  Her answer was ingenious, and she managed to avoid Chen An, a cheap husband, by telling the truth.

  The main focus is an information gap.

   A lack of information about Chen Anxiu's cognition.

   "Master is indeed Master, not as superficial as I am. Just seeing Deacon Chen's handsome looks, I was fascinated by him."

   Ning Xianer said happily.

  She wasn't trying to make fun of Xiao Qingyue's innocence, but she was really belittling herself to elevate Xiao Qingyue's rational and sober view of mate selection, expressing her admiration for Xiao Qingyue.

  After listening to Xiao Qingyue's answer just now, she has now completely dispelled the doubts in her heart.

  At the same time, I also feel very guilty.

  Master is so kind to me, but as an apprentice, I suspect that she has an affair with my sweetheart, which is too wrong.

  After thinking about it, Ning Xianer said to Xiao Qingyue very affectionately:

   "Master, Deacon Chen is so weak, if I really marry him in the future, he will definitely not be able to protect me."

   "When the time comes, Master, you must protect our husband and wife."

   "In contrast, our husband and wife will definitely be filial to you, and we will have many children so that you, Master, can enjoy the family happiness."

  Ning Xian'er was like a spoiled daughter, coquettishly talking to Xiao Qingyue.

   Seeing her good disciple looking forward to the days with Chen An so much, Xiao Qingyue's sense of guilt was further magnified.

  She felt very guilty about this, first she smiled and said, "Master will definitely protect you well", and then immediately said: "Okay, Xian'er, I'm a little tired now, go back to the room to rest first."

   After finishing speaking, Ning Xianer didn't give Ning Xianer any chance to reply, and went straight into the room.

  She can no longer talk to Ning Xianer about Chen An.

   If you continue to chat, you will really be unable to bear the guilt in your heart.

  Seeing that Master went back to the room to rest, Ning Xianer wisely did not bother.

  After cleaning up the tea table, she returned to her cave to do her own business not long after.


in the room.

  Xiao Qingyue sensed that Ning Xian'er had left.

  But for some reason, the sense of guilt in her heart did not ease in the slightest, but the more she thought about it, the heavier it became.

  The more she was annoyed, the more annoyed she became, and the more annoyed she became, she took out the sound transmission symbol and said to Chen An:

   "Husband, I'm so annoying now, can you come to my cave to comfort me?"


  PS: Set up a bowl, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

  (end of this chapter)