MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 105

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When Lancome followed the stalker in the face of the madness, he once saw an infinite and the group should be the light ball of the heavenly pen, and then he contacted the Emperor, and the speech was completely complete. Lancôme, who did not avoid stealing, directly said the content. I don't know if I really don't care about Lancome. I don't think he can't turn a big wave, or really just say to Lancome. But let go of this point. What surprised Lancome in the dialogue is that he is going to become a **** directly.

Carrying the heavenly pen and the spirit that is strongly grabbed from the lord and then going to become a god, the infinite and the emperor, you dare not be so shameless! This is the heartfelt voice of the nine-tailed cockroaches when they saw Lancome’s letter.

In addition to the invincible and the movement of the Emperor, Lancome also offered to make a suggestion to follow his man quickly. Or you have to take a few people to block the two people’s steps in the first step. Lancome thinks that they may want to hit the realm of the gods. The first step to stop the infinite number of people can stop them from continuing to become stronger. the way.

Only the proposal of becoming a **** was immediately denied by the system, and the **** system only said a word to the extraordinary: [now become a god, you will kill you! 】

Uncommon: rub! The reason for the special reason is not directly threatened!

Now that the **** system has been revealed to be mysterious, it can be changed without any face and skin at any time after changing tasks and rewards. Even the 'settings' that are killed by the task failure are completely forgotten, as long as you make any action system. Anyone who thinks it is inappropriate will threaten him with a kill.

It’s just... Since the last time the system actually fled in front of the man, the system’s image of omnipotence in the stupidity has completely collapsed. Unexpectedly, I licked my ears and said, "I am going, how? You really dare to kill me?"

The system is dumb.

In fact, he still... I dare not.

It should be said that he has no right to dispose of his extraordinary life at will, and he cannot arbitrarily dispose of it.

Every time I posted something about it, it’s just to talk about it. I want to motivate this stupid anger and anger, but... it’s useless now! If you are stupid, you are not afraid to use anything to suppress him! It’s not for you to do so much system, you are stupid!

The system thought for a moment, said: [shaving. 】 This he can do.

Uncommon: rub!

When the car broke, he heard something extraordinary. He thought that it must be the ‘system’ and what he had told him. He put down Lancome’s letter and asked, “What system is it saying to you?”

He snorted and said: "He will not let us become gods now, but also threaten to shave my hair!" The last sentence is the focus!

In the mind of the car, there was a kitten with no bare hair and a singularity.

The broken car of the car: "Hey!"

"The trough!"

The car broke the edge and grabbed the hand of his neck. He whispered: "I just want to tell you that we are delaying the time to become a god. The thing of the invincible and the emperor will temporarily leave behind. "When he said, he was free to fill Lancome's words with resentment and hate to put a letter of indecent corpse on the table."

I am very embarrassed and said: "Why?"

Because he doesn't want to be defeated again. I think the car is broken.

Losing is to lose, as long as he keeps a life, he does not care about the moment. This is the idea that the car has been broken. But in the face of extraordinary, he can't do it.

He can't fail in the face of the people he likes, who have always relied on his own people, and even bow down and admit defeat.

With the broken edge of the car and the extraordinary repairs and qualifications, it can be said that the immortals of the immortal world have completely disappeared. Just... If it is in the realm of God, how many odds will they have?

Not to mention the gods, they are only one of the powers of the invincible and the emperor.

In addition, Qingshi looks like a reconciliation with the Emperor, and Lancome’s letter mentions that this Chengshi Bluestone will go with the Emperor. Although it has not been seen for more than a century, Qingshi is a person who has taught them after all, and they know more about them. The broken car believes that Qingshi will never be a familiar greeting when he sees them. The bluestone that believes in the Emperor will definitely not hesitate to shoot them and even kill them.

Compared with the acquaintances who have been teaching for a long time, even those who are not apprentices are more important at a glance.

It is not necessary to have the existence of 'choice' in it.

But Bluestone knows their fighting style and habits. After all, he taught them, which is very troublesome.

Suspension is a necessary thing to become a god.

After they have enough strength, they will go to the world of God.

By the way, figure out what kind of guys have been and who are always in the same position as the enemy.

[I mean this. The system suddenly said this time.

After listening to the explanation of the man, it’s extraordinary:...

The so-called post-horse gun, does it mean the system?

If you really think so, why don't you just say it?

He is very stupid and can't understand it!

System: It is really stupid.

The car broke down and decided to give up the trouble of finding the Emperor and the endless. Although the other nine tails were not reconciled, but the emperor did not move, did they embarrassed to act in private?

There is only one Jiuwei who dares to act in private, and that is Lancome. He did not pay attention to the persuasion in the extraordinary reply, and resolutely took the infinity to follow the gods.

The contract between the infinity and Lancôme has not been lifted, and the infinity can be promoted to the realm of the gods, so even if the Lancome is not enough, it can be secretly followed by the innocent.

The innocent guy, even if he felt the action of Lancome, still ignored it.

There are not a few people here who are not moving, and it does not mean that there will be no movement in the whole fairyland.

When the Emperor and the Infinity opened the channel of becoming a god, all the immortals in the entire fairyland felt the breath of the gods at that moment, and they were excited.

The fairy world is higher than the real world, and the realm is higher than the fairy world.

Even if it is a fairy, you can't do life and heaven. Naturally, I look forward to being able to go further.

What kind of realm can the gods of the gods reach?

The highest can create the world, and even integrate the heavens.

Heaven, the rule of all things.

Simply put, it controls the lifeblood of these worlds.

Legend has it that the Lord is the closest to this distance.

In short, being able to become a **** is almost a common dream of all the immortals.

Therefore, when Emperor Xian opened the road to God, the fairy world exploded.

Especially at this time, the Jiuwei Dais were also broadcasted out. The Emperor was the accomplice of the passage between the fairy world and the gods. The opening of the Divine Channel is coincident with the time when the Emperor is a god, and the Emperor seems to keep this message... the default attitude? Therefore, when Xiandi became a god, the immortal who vetoed his veto was everywhere. Everyone is worried about whether the channel of the gods will be closed again, so it is rare to say the word, to call the emperor to step down, and give everyone an explanation.

Later, things became more and more troublesome, and the realm of comprehension was based on the belief that the strong is respected, and the fairyland composed of the ascendants who picked up the realm of the realm of the truth, it is definitely not the type that has something to say. If you don’t agree, you will come up. Even if the Emperor and the Infinity plus the sails and the other immortals who follow the Emperor's side are more powerful, they can't stand the ants and can kill the elephants, the sinister emperors and the infinite few people. Resist one while fleeing, find a chance to fly into the realm of the gods, leaving a group of immortals blinking, angry straight sister.

However, there are other people who can't be low, and the gods channel can be directly raised after they are opened. They took their weapons and flew into gods, and then chased the emperor and the innocent.

After the loss of the trust of the vast majority of immortals, Xiandi of the Immortal World automatically dismissed the position of Emperor Xian.

Restored his original Taoist name, the dead wood fairy.

This name is taken from the Emperor of the Emperor, the first two words of the dead wood.

The spiritual root of Xiandi is the dual attribute of water and wood, and it is the job of the nurse. Simply speaking, it is treatment. Although it is good at attacking, his auxiliary exercises are even more powerful.

A good vocabulary chose the first two words, showing how casual this character is.

Xiandi, no, now I want to call him a dead wood fairy, or a dead wood god. And the infinity in the realm of the gods, how to get rid of those who have been pitted for thousands of years, repaired into a person who can not become a god, and other crises in the realm of the gods, extraordinary and broken car in the devil I didn't know it before.

Xiandi automatically stepped down and left a bunch of bad things. First of all, there are quite a few high-ranking immortals with official positions who have soared in the first time after opening the channel, leaving a lot of vacancies to be filled. Fortunately, the official positions of those who walked are not the ones that will be in trouble for a while, but there is still time to circulate. It’s just that Xiandi... Who should do it?

In the fairy tales, the few choices were made, and finally the immortals found the broken edge of the car.

No way, just not long ago, this cargo went out of various challenges, almost every place to find people to play. As a result, in addition to the immortals left behind by the few who flew into the gods, no one has ever been able to fight this embryo. Even if it is ascended into God, there are two who are defeated by his men. The car is broken to do the emperor, and the talents of all the people are convinced. If you want other people to do it, you will be free from controversy.

Xiandi's work is not much, just a leader.

When the group of immortals came to the door, the first reaction of the car's broken edge was to refuse. However, he hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to promise.

This is what he should be, and he is almost scared.

Brother, how long do you want to stay in the fairy world!

Although it is enough to repair it, you can temporarily suppress it and stay here, but... Is there anything else in the world of God?

Do you want to be a fairy emperor to stay long?

The broken edge of the car saw the extraordinary meaning, privately secretly said to him: "I just should do the job of Xiandi, as for how long, one day or one year, I have the final say." He also followed Now the Emperor Xian directly ran away. Do they still have to chase the gods?

I have already gone if I have the ability to go.


It is a man! What a special treacherous!

"Wait, what use is it for you to do Xiandi?"

The car broke the edge and smiled: "Just want to see, how the dead wood closed and opened the door of the gods, there is no limit."

Uncommon: People are called dead wood, not dead wood...

Although the man is somewhat irresponsible, but self-interest, this is enough.

The broken car came to the place with awkwardness, but it was only because it was not the emperor, so it was excluded. Only the car broke into the edge and went in. After half a ring, he looked a little wrong. Unexpectedly for a long time, the car broke the edge and told him that the fairy world could not close the passage between the gods and the gods. There is no way for the corresponding gods to close separately.

In other words, Xiandi must have someone in the realm of God.

Does this special thing say that there is a difference?

Didn’t the old patriarch ever say that the Emperor knew a god!

God respects... rub!

I don’t think that I think I will go to the world of God in the future!

How much did the broken car see in that room, how much it knew, and the unclear heart was unclear, and did not ask much, because he believed that the broken car of the car would definitely not harm himself.

There is indeed a secret in the broken edge of the car.

Although he did not get much information there, he did find clues.

For example, the extraordinary mother Blue Moon was killed by whom.

The answer is that the big lara is there, there is no end.

There, the broken car saw the words of the gods and the emperor's message before closing the channel of the gods, but there was not much information, but the information that required him to kill Lan Yue was also there.

It is only... the other party asks to kill Lan Yue under the premise of guaranteeing the life of the cat.

Since it really wants to be the head of the lord, what is really going to be killed is that it is not extraordinary, why is it necessary to order the protection of the life of the cat, but if it is for the cat, why is it ordered under the Lan Yue? Dead hand?

One of the weights of Lan Yue’s seal when he was a cat was his own life. It was obvious that she had decided not to live any longer. However, the broken edge of the car does not think that people who are infinite will know this.

People are unpredictable, even if they are gods, no one can guarantee that they are thinking about what they are thinking.

Many immortals are self-sufficient, and Lan Yue will abandon his life and even fly away. They should not think of it.

Only, these can't tell stupid.

If you are stupid, after all, Lan Yue and he have never been together for a day, maybe you can leave it for a while.

But if it is stupid, the car does not feel that this time is the time to catch up with the gods, so he chose to hide.

When he waited for the gods, he believed that he would find out the truth.

The extraordinary thing is his business.

Therefore, the broken edge of the car will be extended for a long time.

It’s not uncommon to follow the car’s broken edge for two hundred years in the position of Xiandi. These two hundred years are enough for quite a few things. It’s like they met a lot of immortals in the new fairyland and they met several acquaintances.

For example... Wu Zimo.

Unconventional: Now the change of Wu Zimo is simply unbearable!

Who is the guy who is teasing others every move!

It was completely different from the silent scholar in the beginning, and it was completely turned into a enchanting one.

The enchanting Wu Zimo even reached out and provoked the extraordinary chin, and wanted to kiss him directly. Before the male master got angry, the enchanting was really enchanting--a huge white fox gave it away...

The white fox... seems to have met before.

In addition, they also encountered a woman who is still so powerful, and finally mixed with the star-shaped real person who can fly, and the distant house sister of the car owner, the car, and many people.

Many people's personality has not changed in the end, the star is still so faceless and skinless, the witch is still... so beautiful.

I haven't seen it for many years, and time seems to really wash away the feelings.

I almost forgot the other person's looks and character. Even if I met, there was no previous familiarity in my speech. What's more, things are human beings. The identity of several people has already changed.

Xingyuan lively still thinks that it is necessary to get close to a single car and break the edge, but it is finally taken away by the owner. Before I left, I said a word to me, but it was actually brought to the blog post.

In just a few words, the meaning is: ‘The right or wrong is not like black and white, there is no way to completely distinguish. Follow your inner thoughts and feelings and don't be fooled by superficial phenomena. There are two more words: Mo regrets.

Zibo Wen has also soared, and in the divination and watching the stars and knowing the future, it is more blue than blue, completely surpassing his master and the real person. What he seems to know recently, and then chose not to close the door, only let his master and uncle bring the words when they encounter extraordinary things, and nothing else.

Unconventional: What does this mean? There is something to say clearly, what is the silent!

It’s just that the car has a broken edge and is thoughtful.

Then, I really greeted the opportunity to go to the gods.
