MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 87

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"Who are you?" Lanxin was not a little vigilant. Seeing the woman rushing to herself, the first reaction was to stretch her claws and stare at her movements.

The woman licked her in the sleeves and took out a party and wiped the tears from her face. Looking up at Lanxin, the pitiful whispered: "The little girl is named Wu Shishi, but the cultivation of the immortal is a fairy. It has just risen and there is no backing. It is very low-key in the weekdays, just I didn't expect it to be stared at by the immortal immortal. This is why the little girl is too drunk~" said a sad look.

Lanxin looked at her up and down, and her eyes flashed a bit of disgust. In fact, she said: "Without my big cousin drifting, the skeleton is too big."

Wu must squeeze the hand of the scorpion tightly, but it is not big, because he is a man!

Also, who is your big cousin, don't think I don't know! Take him to a mysterious fox that is naturally seduce?

Wu Shishi ignored the blue snoring that Lanxin had just said. He continued to cry and said: "I met a few rude people today. Seeing my appearance is good, just..." When I said, I couldn’t make a sound, and I cried.

Lanxin looked puzzled at the direction he came and said: "Nobody."

Wu absolutely nodded: "I used a blind eye method and escaped."

Lanxin stepped back and snorted: "In this case, you still don't leave quickly, what are you doing in front of me?"

Look at your sister's voice! I am a delicate and fall to the ground! It's no wonder that no one has asked you to be a partner for so long, so don't be so vulgar!

The same is the nine-tailed cockroach on the tall, how come out of you such a wonderful?

Wu must bite his lip and whispered: "I see this fairy practicing deeply. Can I follow the fairy? The little girl will repay after the saddle horse."

"Do you want to sign a contract with me?" Lanxin did not practice enough, and never deliberately concealed his identity as a nine-tailed scorpion. This fairyland is rarely stupid and is directly enemies with the Jiuwei 喵 family when there is no hatred. It is most likely that the ‘woman’ wants to sign a contract with her.

"I can't look at you." Lanxin snorted.

Papa covers the twitching corner of the mouth, you can't look at him, he still can't see you! It is clear that the age is much more spicy than Lancome, and there are only three tails so far. Of course, this is not to say that her qualifications are not good, but that she is only concerned with the food in her mouth, never paying attention to cultivation! Too lazy! There is no competition for strength! Even the three tails are not cultivated by themselves, but eaten. When you go to the world to find food, you will always accidentally eat, and then swallow the treasure of heaven. Unconsciously, there is a tail.

According to Lancome’s father, this nine-tailed pheasant must have been taken care of by Heaven. You see her no matter where she goes, how to toss, the one who has never been in trouble is not her, even this time out of the run can have luck to let the endless look, although it is because of Lancome's sake. But no matter what the result is there!

Infinitely in the fairy world, but the same name as the Emperor!

However, his perverted personality is even more famous...

Wu squeezing the handkerchief, whispered: "It is not a contract, the little woman dare not have such a luxury. Just ask me to be with you, the little woman only hopes that during the cultivation, she will no longer encounter The enemy is gone."

Lanxin smashed him around and nodded. "You can follow it. I just want to see an old person. When you follow, you are not allowed to talk. Don't shut up when you don't open your mouth!"

Wu absolutely gave a very obedient nod.

Lanxin pulled the man up, then turned to pat him on the back, and turned into a white-yellow sly in the horror of Wu Shishi, kneeling on his shoulder.

When Wu refused to apply, he felt that his right shoulder was sinking. This is... really heavy...

Turning his head to the right, he saw a round face. Xiaofei's claws are very thick, and they hold the shoulders of Wu. Because you are not yet an adult, your body is a little short. The whole squat on the shoulder of Wu Shishi, like a ball, a round circle...

A slightly larger, rounded sphere with a smaller, rounded head.

The sly face looked at Wu and gave him a look. The small mouth opened and spit out a few words: "Don't go? There!" With free labor, she should not waste physical strength!

Say your physical strength is why you use it!

Wu Shishi turned his head to the other side and tried to laugh.

It is a serious expression, with a round face, it is so happy.

Regardless of how Wu spit out his heart, his feet did not stop, and he took the cloud to the direction pointed by Lanxin.

On the way to the broken edge of the car and the extraordinary, it is almost to be annoying!

It is not in Lin Biao, but his problems are too much!

Especially the last one of the nine tails that hooked up the broken edge of the car. Nine-tailed as a fairy, even if it comes out of the egg, it will be left behind by the car, and the feelings are different from others. But the pride that is engraved in the bones is not something that can disappear easily. What Yu Lin wants to know is how to get along with a fairy, what is the most common interaction?

I don’t want to give him a paw.

Their relationship is different from ordinary people. Hey!

Interaction, what interaction can be! The most common interaction they have as lovers is not the Pistons!

You are looking for a fairy to ask for a piston!

You can't smoke you!

The broken car of the car is a partner. We will all block the questions from Lin. However, I haven’t let the sigh of a little relax and sigh. When the ear finally liberated, the Yu Lin was immediately full of blood and resurrected. It seems that this is also the identity of the partner at the same time as the demon contract... very feeling. Therefore, he continued to ask the car to ask for a fairy to be a companion.

Set the race in the other half of your life so quickly!

Is it too sloppy? Dear!

Your initial purpose is to find a cute pet or find a wife. Do you remember?

At least give me a firmer ah!

Ask him how he and the car broke off... Oh, start with strong [哔-].

At the beginning, it was uncommon to conceal the identity of the strong [哔——] car broken edge, and then the identity of the quilt car broken edge strong [哔 ——], they can also be a miracle sauce purple _ (: 3ゝ∠)_.

If you put it in someone else, the rhythm of loving each other.

Just when Lin was still chattering, there was an empty island in front of him. There is no barrier protection around the empty island, it seems to be an ownerless.

The broken car suddenly opened the door: "Let's go there to rest." Uncommonly, it has begun to be violent, let him let go of the wind (==) before he stretches out his claws.

However, when a few people came to the island, they saw a woman with a broken dress ran out, followed by a white-yellow fat man with three tails. The fat man chased the woman, and yelled, "Who stopped you! You stopped to do it! Who said you are heavy! Who presses your shoulders sore? I just rounded your eyes. Blind!"

The broken car of the car and the unruly Yu Lin were both stunned.

Lanxin and Wu were only allowed to take the cloud for half a day, and they saw a lonely empty island in front. Wu Zhishi did not even say hello to Lanxin, and went straight to the island. This is not because he is lazy, but he has noticed that two people have come over in the distance. Although he does not make one of them, but Wu Shishi has a great grasp that the other two are broken cars and Uncommon.

Since they have come over, Wu will never feel that he has to go. Is it difficult to take a cloud chat? This island is not just a place to rest.

There are plenty of reasons for Wu’s imprisonment, but these Lanxin do not know. In her opinion, Wu Shishi is to abandon that he is too heavy to stop! For a fat girl, any other move by the other person may touch her sensitive and fragile nerves about her weight. So she asked: "Are you tired?"

Because Wu Shishi’s current person is a ‘dissented’, and it’s just a standard of mortality. He should not be able to know someone coming from afar. There was no reason for Wu Jieshi to actually answer the question of Lanxin. I didn’t think that what was hidden under the sentence was the swollen anger.

Seeing Wu’s true nod, the core is completely violent. Not much nonsense, chasing people when they come up. It caused the chaos that a few people saw when they came to the island... chaos.

Wu refused to be a ‘dedication' and was not willing to “play” anyway. The corner of the eye pointed to a few people who had broken the edge of the car. He had run to the other side and he stepped forward and went straight to the broken car. The speed is so fast that you can even see the dust that is rising behind him.

Yu Lin: What is the situation?

Broken edge of the car: ...

Uncommon: = mouth =

Wu squinted his eyes and turned a look at the two people. The broken car was a bad talk, and the one next to it looked good. So he turned his head and ran straight to Lin. After a splash, he fell behind him and grabbed Yu Lin’s clothes and looked at him mercifully. In the smoke, a **** ball flew over and squatted on the face of Yu Lin who had not reacted to the shock. Wu slammed the machine to the side to hide, and the fat claws pressed on the face of Lin Lin. Going out is three meters away.

A good blockbuster!

Yu Lin, who was innocent and shot in the middle of the gun, was almost stunned. In the stupid, I saw only three yellow and white tails licking in front of his eyes.

"Nine-tailed..." Yu Lin only had time to say two words, and he was pressed on the lips by a core claw.
