MTL - Beloved Empress-~ Chapter 21: You are still quirky.

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Hey! The thoughts of Mo Yan’s wandering were immediately pulled back, and the speed in his hands was accelerated, and the ink was vigorously studied.

Jun Qian Che’s efforts to bear the anger and coldness: "Who have you seen such a research ink? Lightly research ink, heavy pen, have not heard of it?"

Mo Yan angered the thing and lost his dissatisfaction: "No light, no weight, how can you be satisfied?"

Jun Qian Che pressed his anger and said: "Hey, let's do it. The ink is the most urgent, don't push the ink ingots. The flat surface of the ink ingot should be placed flat, the force is even, the speed is even, and the direction is grinded. The ink developed is fine and easy to use."

Ink according to Jun Qian’s telling, I really grind out the ink, and said happily: "Haha, I really developed ink, and the emperor, you are very good."

Jun Qianqu looked at her fuss, and asked: "How do you usually use ink to write words, even these do not understand."

"I don't use ink at all!" Mo Yan blurted out and looked at Jun Qianche. When he saw him looking at himself, he realized that he said that he had missed his mouth and hurriedly changed his mind: "I don't usually study ink, it is half-fragrance. I will use it directly, so it’s not surprising that I don’t understand it!” Modern can be ready-made ink, who will study ink. Several people write with a brush!

Jun Qianche did not continue this topic, took back his sight and began to review the memorial.

When Mo Yan studied the ink, he felt that his wrist was sour, and he complained: "The emperor, this ink is too stunned."

"Your temper is impatient, this method just helps you to take care of your heart." Jun Qian Che also did not lift.

Ink rushed to him and gestured, then smiled and said: "Hey, emperor, I think it is easier to cook porridge, I still go to give you porridge! This time I am looking for a palace woman to help me rise. Fire, you can help you cook a bowl of delicious porridge." Research ink is too boring.

"You are the mother of a country, not a cook, can you do something that suits your identity." Continue to read the scores with a low head.

“Is it the identity of the ink research? The people eat food for the sky, and the cooking has more sense of accomplishment!”

Jun Qian Che did not pay attention to her.

Ink looks at him, like a jade carving, the perfect eyebrow shape is more lining his heroic spirit, the thin lips are tight, the brows are slightly stunned, it seems to be troubled by anything, but the appearance of this frowning makes people Give awe from the bottom of my heart.

Seeing that he did not say anything, the ink smacked his courage and continued: "The emperor, you don't talk, the courtiers will be the emperor's acquiescence, and the courtiers will go." Turning around is going to slip.

Jun Qian Che suddenly stretched out her wrist, and with a little effort, Mo Yan followed this force and fell into his arms.

Four eyes are opposite, so close, the ink stunned in his heart, immediately smirked and reached out and touched his chest: "Imperial, sorry, don't touch you!"

She did not know that this move was very provocative between men and women.

Jun Qian's eyes fell on her collar, and the bare skin was white and snowy, giving the temptation.

When the ink smudged, he quickly reached out to the chest: "You, where are you looking?" The sleeves slide down, and the white jade bracelet is so obvious and dazzling.

The anger in Jun Qian’s heart is gathering a little.

Mo Yan saw his face getting colder and colder, some timid, softly voiced: "The emperor, the courtiers still help you to cook porridge! The porridge cooked by the courtiers, the people who have eaten are full of praise. The emperor I will love it."

Jun Qian Che grasped her wrist, the danger of the scorpion, the cold voice asked: "Where have you eaten the porridge you have eaten? Did the seven uncles eat it?"

"Seven Emperors?" Mo Yan always felt that something was wrong. His eyes fell on the jade bracelet on his wrist. He said: "It won't be seen that the jade bracelet is sent by the Seven Kings!" If this is the case, then I just lied to him that the jade lie that was not sent by the Seven Kings was not dismantled? Deceiving the emperor is a crime of bullying. Finished, how do you explain?

Wait a minute, don't scare yourself. This pair of jade bracelets was brought back from Jiangnan by the Seven Kings. He couldn't have seen it. When the Seven Kings sent this pair of jade bracelets to themselves yesterday, they only had their own, the Seven Kings. He and the half incense, he will not know, he asked this, may feel that he was not happy to see the seven kings yesterday! It should be irrelevant to the jade bracelet. Calm, calm, do not panic.

Looking at Jun Qian Che, the smile is very charming: "The emperor, what do you say! How can the courtiers cook porridge to eat the seven princes! The porridge cooked by the prince is only 爹爹, the mother and the brother have eaten, other People don't have this blessing to taste. But if the emperor wants to taste it, the courtier is happy to do it for the emperor."

Jun Qian Che pushed her cold and cold: "No, don't be hungry, continue to study ink!"

When I heard the words "Continue to study ink", Mo Zhen really had the urge to stun himself. Reluctantly standing by his side to continue to study ink, suddenly inspiring to ask: "The emperor, you are sick, Yang sister did not come to see you!"

Jun Qian Che said to her coldly: "What do you want to say?"

Ink's grin, then smiled and said: "The emperor, the courtiers have no other meaning, the courtiers want to ask the emperor, Yang sister must be very good at researching ink!"

Jun Qian is crying coldly: "The ink of the poems is really well studied. You should study hard."

"Hey, the emperor, the courtiers really have no talent for the ink. Since Yang sister's ink research is good, he is satisfied with the emperor. Why shouldn't the emperor let Yang sister help the emperor to study ink? Chenchen is here to help the emperor to study ink. It will only make the emperor feel bad. It is better to send someone to ask Yang sister to come over. There is Yang’s sister in the red sleeves of the emperor, and the emperor’s mood will be great. This is a good mood, and the disease will naturally be better. When the political affairs come, it will be faster. After you are busy, you can still have a good love, how good it is, and how good!"

"Do you still blame the poems into the palace?" Jun Qian's tone calmed down.