MTL - Beloved Empress-~ Chapter 17: The emperor is afraid of taking medicine

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Jun Qianche coldly glared at her and dissatisfied: "You are a queen, pay attention to manners."

Ink has turned a big eye in his heart, but his face is graceful and graceful: "Yes! The Emperor."

"What happened to the emperor later?" I looked at her up and down, and she was relieved to see her unharmed.

In the next second, the lady's appearance of the ink 立刻 破 破 , , , , , , , , 立刻 立刻 立刻 立刻 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑 淑Sticked to Jun Qian's forehead, he was surprised: "It's hot! The emperor, you have a fever."

Jun Qian Che abandoned her hand and said coldly: "Oh, nothing."

Mo Yan looked at the room and said: "The emperor, you are sick, how no one is waiting for it! What are these things about us? Usually, the emperor’s ancestors seem to hang on their lips, how can they run without a shadow? It’s too disappointing, don’t be angry with the emperor, and let the courtiers let them come to the sick.” Saying that you want to call people.

Jun Qian Che stopped her: "No, they have been there, let them retreat, and want a quiet rest."

"It turned out to be like this! The courtiers did not bother the emperor to rest, and the courtiers retired!"

"There are some words that I want to ask the Queen." A fluttering sentence, successfully prevented the opening of the ink.

Mo Yan turned to the past and smiled and said: "The emperor, if you are sick, you have to rest more and talk less?" What do you want to ask? It won't be asking about the assassination last night! Is he going to tear his face with himself?

No, can't let him find the opportunity to get rid of himself.

Ink's sight fell to the medicine bowl at the bedside, and immediately stood up and flattered: "The emperor, why haven't you taken any medicine yet? No wonder the fire has not returned, hurry up and drink the medicine."

Jun Qian Che smelled the smell of medicine, couldn't help but licked his eyebrows, cold and cold: "Let's put it down, wait for it to drink again, first talk about business."

"What is more important than the Emperor's dragon body! The courtiers donated to the emperor to drink. Come, hey!" The mouth of the ink smacked the gentle heart, but the heart was very proud. Just before Jun Qianche saw the medicine, it flashed. And the resentment that she had caught her caught, so she insisted that this arrogant big man was afraid of taking medicine, hahaha, and what he was afraid of, he must personally pour this medicine to him, it is also a small newspaper. Next time he wants to kill her hatred.

Jun Qianche looked at the medicine in the spoon in front of him and really didn't want to drink.

Seeing the ink, deliberately joking: "The emperor, you should not be afraid of taking medicine!"

As a king of a country, how can Jun Qian Che admit that he is afraid of taking medicine? She disdain to her: "There will be things in the world that are afraid of it." I took the medicine bowl in her hand and drank it. Although it is miserable, the face does not show up at all.

Ink immediately gave him a thumbs up: "The emperor, you are too an."

"Many?" Jun looked at her inexplicably.

"Hey, that's what a man means." He took the medicine bowl in his hand and put it back on the square stool. The thoughtful helper, Qian Che, pulled the quilt up and pulled the road: "The emperor, you have to rest more when you are sick. It’s good to take a nap and sleep. The courtiers won’t bother you to rest.”

"Sit down!" Jun Qianche saw her intentions early and stopped her before she got up.

In the heart, Mo Yan took him to the endlessness of the individual, and then smiled and asked: "What else is the emperor?"

“Is it a pleasant time for the Queen to go to the town government office yesterday?” Jun Qianche finally pulled the subject back.

Since he insisted on mentioning yesterday's affairs, Mo Yan knew that he couldn't hide himself. He could only deal with it carefully: "Return to the emperor, and the courtiers have not returned to their parents for a long time. This time, I went back and chatted happily with my family." Mother-in-law also praises the emperor is very considerate!"

"Yes! I heard that the Seven Emperors have also gone?" Jun Qian calmly asked, like to say other people's things.

But this was in the ear of Mo Yan, and the heart was still unconsciously shocked. Unnaturally smiled: "Yes! Yesterday was really clever, and the Seven Emperors also went."

Jun Qianche looked at her and waited for her words.