MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 23

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Meng Xia opened the door, and Ning Qingwan stood by the door, with her back straight and her chin raised slightly, revealing her delicate face under the brim of her hat.

Glancing over Meng Xia, who fell on Xia Nianzhi behind her, Ning Qingwan smiled politely and said, "Hello, Auntie, here's a present for you." Her voice was a little more hoarse than usual.

Just hearing such a voice made Meng Xia's heart tremble, and Ning Qingwan seemed very tired.

Xia Nianzhi was flattered and took the gift box from Ning Qingwan's hand, "Why don't you bring a gift when you come?" Then he glared at Meng Xia who was blocking the door, and quickly greeted Ning Qingwan to sit in the room.

Mom doesn't love me anymore! Meng Xia blinked and stared at Xia Nianzhi's extra attention to Ning Qingwan. She glanced at the gift box in Xia Nianzhi's hand. Ning Qingwan had prepared a gift in such a short period of time...

As if knowing Meng Xia's doubts, when Ning Qingwan walked past her, she leaned slightly to her ear and whispered, "It was given by the program team, and I borrowed flowers to offer Buddha." Staring at her eyes, she asked, "Little rabbit, you Are you crying again?"

Meng Xia rubbed her eyes and denied it, "Well, no, it was caused by the wind." She turned around and closed the door.

Is it possible to get red eyes from the wind in the room, Ning Qingwan pursed her thin lips and did not break her clumsy lies.

"My baby is always said to be a bit like you, but a star is a star, you are more beautiful." Xia Nianzhi praised while placing the gift box on the TV table.

Ning Qingwan smiled and said, "Meng Xia is also very good-looking."

Mothers like to be praised for their children. Xia Nianzhi smiled and asked curiously, "How did you make friends?"

"It was the hug we met that time." Before Ning Qingwan could answer, Meng Xia hurriedly replied.

Ning Qingwan glanced at Meng Xia thoughtfully, remembering the first time the little girl asked her "are you in love?", the corners of her lips lifted into a faint smile.

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan's half-smile but couldn't raise her head in shame, and she was too tiger at that time.

"Oh that's it." Xia Nianzhi didn't suspect him, and greeted Ning Qingwan to sit down on the sofa, "Baby, pour a glass of water for your husband, I'll cook the food first, and I'll start dinner with two more dishes." Xia Nianzhi ordered.

Hearing Xia Nianzhi's words, Ning Qingwan sat on the sofa and raised her eyebrows to look at Meng Xia.

Looking at Ning Qingwan's slightly teasing gaze, Meng Xia thought of spitting out her nickname and the three words "your husband" from her mother's mouth, her sense of shame soared, and her face flushed instantly, so embarrassed that her toes could be covered in slippers. The upper print shows three rooms and two halls.

Meng Xia hurriedly looked away, walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water for Ning Qingwan, then poked Xia Nianzhi, "Mom, don't call me baby, don't's my husband."

Xia Nianzhi was cooking, glanced at her, and teased: "Mom has always called you that, and don't you call me like 'my husband' and 'my husband' every day?"

"..." Meng Xia wanted to cry without tears, and secretly glanced at Ning Qingwan, who looked at the phone calmly as if she didn't hear it, she breathed a sigh of relief, and begged coquettishly, "It's too embarrassing. Come on, mom~ don't call it that."

Xia Nianzhi originally wanted Meng Xia to stop thinking about those unhappy things, so she deliberately said this to tease her daughter. Seeing that Meng Xia was so ashamed, Xia Nianzhi stopped teasing her, and urged: "Okay, bring the water Go to your idol."

"Sister, were you downstairs early in the morning?" Meng Xia handed the cup to Ning Qingwan and asked her doubts.

Ning Qingwan took the water glass and said frankly, "I got off the plane and came here directly. I only remembered when I got downstairs to ask if you have time."

Meng Xia felt warm in her heart, and she felt bad about Ning Qingwan being so tired and running around. She felt that Ning Qingwan was very kind to her, but when she thought of the dream at night, she felt timid, and even said, "Why are you being so kind to me?" Can't even ask.

She suppressed the ripples in her heart, but the words turned into another sentence, "Sister, are you particularly afraid of eating alone?"

Ning Qingwan took a sip of water, but almost didn't spit it out. The little girl's elm head couldn't be enlightened. She smiled, bent her eyes, and said slyly, "Yeah, so I will often trouble you in the future. Come eat with me, okay?"

Meng Xia pursed her lips, hesitating in her heart, saying it was a lie that she didn't want to have more contact with Ning Qingwan, but every time she touched a heart, she couldn't help jumping on her, and she was afraid that if she wouldn't pick it up, it would shatter on the ground. How to get around.


"Okay." Meng Xia bit her lip, still annoyed, Ning Qingwan's monosyllable was like a switch, as long as she pressed it, she would not refuse.

A smile formed on Ning Qingwan's lips, and she pretended to be wronged and said, "Am I too strong? Actually, you don't want to?"

"No, I will." Meng Xia hurriedly explained, and the moment she raised her eyes, she slammed into her smiling pupils. Realizing that Ning Qingwan was deliberately teasing her again, she looked away in embarrassment and lowered her head silently.

"Xia Xia, come and serve the dishes." Xia Nianzhi called to her in the kitchen.

Meng Xia hurriedly approached the kitchen when she was granted amnesty, Ning Qingwan stared at her back for a while, then curled her lips into a silent smile that reached her eyes.

Xia Nianzhi cooked five dishes and one soup, which was enough for three people to eat. Ning Qingwan's etiquette at the dinner table was very good, and he ate slowly. When looking at Xia Nianzhi's expectant eyes, he smiled and praised sincerely: "Auntie's dishes are delicious."

"Eat more if it's delicious, there's still more in the pot." Xia Nianzhi likes to listen to other people's praise the most, and happily serves Ning Qingwan with vegetables, "Too thin, eat more."

Ning Qingwan looked at the dishes in the bowl and softened her eyes, Ms. Fan would never serve her dishes.

Thinking of Ning Qingwan's appetite, Meng Xia reminded in a low voice, "Mom, celebrities have to keep their bodies in shape."

Xia Nianzhi then took his hand and sighed, "It's not easy to be a star." Thinking of a star, Xia Nianzhi asked carefully, "Xiao Wan, do you know the 'fortunate to meet you' show? what?"

"Cough—" Meng Xia choked on drinking water, but she was warned by Xia Nianzhi's eyes when she wanted to speak. She pursed her lips and did not dare to speak.

She didn't tell Xia Nianzhi that Ji Tong's evil deeds actually stemmed from his obsession with Ning Qingwan. She vaguely guessed that Xia Nianzhi might want to seek Ning Qingwan's help.

It was clear that she had thought so at first, but the more she got along, the more she was afraid of troublesome Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan calmly watched the silent exchange between the mother and daughter. She couldn't figure out the purpose of Xia Nianzhi's question, but it must have something to do with Meng Xia.

Li Mo had already pushed the invitation to the show, and she felt that the result couldn't be said directly.

After thinking for a moment, Ning Qingwan said ambiguous: "I know, I received an invitation from the program group some time ago."

Xia Nianzhi's eyes lit up. Ning Qingwan had to ask someone for help when she came to eat for the first time. She hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

"Auntie, why did you suddenly ask about this show?" Ning Qingwan asked casually, but actually encouraged Xia Nianzhi to speak.

"Oh, that's right, Xia Xia's father agreed to the program group's invitation. I'm a little worried about her being an ungraduated college student participating in this kind of program." Xia Nianzhi smiled and hesitated, "That's why Auntie misses you. If you also participate in the recording of the show, help me take care of her more."

Ning Qingwan was stunned. If she remembered correctly, the show was a love observation show. Ning Qingwan lowered her long eyelashes and lowered her gaze, the little rabbit didn't seem ready to tell her about it.

"Okay, don't worry, Auntie." When she raised her eyes again, Ning Qingwan's eyes contained her emotions, and she said quietly.

Xia Nianzhi was really relieved and heaved a sigh of relief, and then he did not forget to tell Meng Xia to listen to Ning Qingwan's words during the recording of the show.

Meng Xia replied "Okay" again and again. I don't know if it was an illusion. She was sensitively aware that Ning Qingwan was much cooler than before. Did she think she was too troublesome?

After dinner, Xia Nianzhi washed the dishes and said that he was going to Meng Yuanxiu's company to see it. Before leaving, he took his cosmetic bag and asked Ning Qingwan to sign it. He smiled and said, "I'm your mother's fan~ that supporting actress you played. The acting is really good."

Ning Qingwan said humbly, "Auntie has won the prize." Seriously signed her name on the cosmetic bag.

After Xia Nianzhi left, Meng Xia and Ning Qingwan slept on the sofa together. There was a fruit platter on the coffee table, but Ning Qingwan hardly moved.

"What's wrong with the hand?" Ning Qingwan asked quietly, she noticed it when she was eating, but she didn't ask in front of Xia Nianzhi.

"I was accidentally cut by a knife." Meng Xia curled up her hands subconsciously, covering the Band-Aid on her fingers.

Ning Qingwan raised her brows at her small movements, "So why are you crying? I cried when my hands were broken? Or," she guessed after a while, "I was crying because I was going to participate in that show?"

Guessed very accurately, and the tone of his speech was very serious like a teacher asking a student a question. Meng Xia confessed: "There are..."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Ning Qingwan asked.

Meng Xia choked her throat and explained, "I'm afraid to trouble you." Sister is so fierce.

Ning Qingwan snorted lightly: "You weren't afraid to trouble me when you first looked for me."

Meng Xia was speechless. It was the first time that Ning Qingwan spoke to her in such a tone. Meng Xia felt uneasy for a while, she bit her lip and tugged at the corner of Ning Qingwan's clothes.

Seeing Meng Xia's grievance and sadness, Ning Qingwan subconsciously softened her heart again and sighed, still a little annoyed at her, if it wasn't for Xia Nianzhi's suggestion, this rabbit would have gone on the show to fall in love with someone else.

Ning Qingwan only softened her tone and said, "If you're afraid of bothering me, you shouldn't be looking for me from the beginning."

When these words reached Meng Xia's ears, they became another meaning. Meng Xia's face turned pale, his eyes dimmed, and he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Fool." Ning Qingwan laughed angrily, "Since I promised to help you, don't be afraid to trouble me."

Meng Xia blinked, and her eyes lit up again. Only then did she understand what Ning Qingwan meant by these words, and the corners of her lips couldn't hold back, "I see, sister, I won't hide it from you next time."

Ning Qingwan stretched out her hand and flicked her forehead, and when Meng Xia looked over with watery eyes covering the place where she had been bounced, she felt that the anger was really gone.

"Sister, do you want to eat grapes?" Meng Xia asked flatteringly, but she couldn't get a response from Ning Qingwan. She tilted her head and glanced at her. Seeing that she was typing on her phone, she nodded slightly.

Meng Xia took a grape and handed it to Ning Qingwan's mouth, but Ning Qingwan didn't pick it up, she took advantage of the situation to hold the grape in her hand, her teeth lightly tapped on her fingertips, and then the lubricated tongue tip pressed it between her two fingers. The grapes came into the mouth, and the current-like numbness spread from the fingertips.

Ning Qing Wan-like typed and sent a message naturally, as if she had touched it inadvertently. Meng Xia withdrew her hand like an electric shock, her face was warm, and in order to cover up her panic, she pretended to be calm and stuffed a grape into herself. mouth.

When his lips touched his fingers, the image of Ning Qingwan eating grapes just now appeared in his mind, Meng Xia only felt that his face was about to burn, and his heart was beating wildly.

When the little rabbit was blushing and embarrassed, Ning Qingwan licked her lips, thinking that it would be better to replace her hands with lips next time.

Ning Qingwan sent a WeChat message to Mo Li and asked her to take down the "Fortunate to Meet You" program. Mo Li called her ancestors difficult to serve. Although she complained constantly, she was very efficient and replied that she had won it after a while. , and issued a list of the show's guests.

Ji Tong's name came into view on the screenshot of the table, Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows, her eyes were cold and cold, like frost wrapped in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, and she scolded: Ning Jingjue's work efficiency is really getting worse and worse, and she still Let Ji Tong have time to record the show.

After Mo Li sent out the form, he reminded: "Don't forget that you will sing at the summer music festival in the evening. Enter at 7 pm, and I will go to your house with Xu Er and the stylist at 3 pm."

Ning Qingwan replied, "Okay." He added truthfully, "I forgot."

Li Mo sent "angry.jpg" and reminded her: "So no matter where you are now, hurry home and prepare."

Ning Qingwan turned off her phone and looked at Meng Xia, who was blushing, and asked her, "Would you like to watch me sing~"

"Ah?" Meng Xia was stunned for two seconds, remembering that Mosquito had said that Ning Qingwan was invited to sing at the summer music festival in City C this year, but they didn't get tickets, and they regretted it for a long time, she asked cautiously, "Can I go?"

Ning Qingwan smiled and asked her back, "Do you want to go?"

Meng Xia's eyes were adorned with stars and nodded.