MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 74

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Possibly disfigured, possibly imprisoned...

Ning Jingjue didn't know how to explain what the bodyguard reported to him.

Just a few words, it is unbearable heavy.

The cup in Xia Nianzhi's hand fell to the ground, with a crisp sound and the cracked body, she slowly squatted down to pick it up, the **** pierced the palm of her hand, her hand was hanging in the air, and a drop or two on her face fell on the ground in water stains.


"Why do you do this to her..."

The tinnitus gradually eased, and the buzzing sound slowly faded away. Ning Qingwan couldn't stop the trembling of her body. The fire burned her whole body, and her back was sweating. She could only feel the cold. Fingertips are shaking.

Her thin lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, and a cold and hostile aura was in the bottom of her eyes, mixed with indescribable complex emotions.

"Make arrangements and go back to City C."

Ning Jingjue took a deep breath, he stared at Ning Qingwan, the two stared at each other for a moment, the words they wanted to refuse stuck in their throats, and when they squeezed out, it became a word, "Okay."

Anyway, go back and have a look.

City m is not close to city c, and Ning's private plane did not apply for a flight today. Fortunately, Ning Jingjue has a wide network of contacts. The private plane of an acquaintance in city m happened to apply for a flight. .

After the group arrived in City C, they rushed to the hospital without stopping. According to Ning Jingjue's arrangement, Meng Xia should have been sent to the hospital. If the operation is over, he should be in a private ward now.

Ning Jingjue's assistant had already completed the admission procedures for Ning Qingwan in advance.

Arriving at the door of the ward, Ning Jingjue saw a group of bodyguards he had sent out to find Meng Xia. The leader was the bull-eyed and big-nosed man. He was simple and honest.

Seeing Ning Jingjue, Chen Dali patted the back of his head and murmured, "It's broken, it's broken."


Ning Jingjue frowned, could the situation be even worse, "How is the person?"

Chen Dali scratched his face, "I forgot to inform you—"

Ning Qingwan had already pushed open the door before he finished speaking, but did not go any further. Xia Nianzhi saw the person on the hospital bed running into the room.

Ning Jingjue turned to look at Ning Qingwan.

Her long hair like algae covered most of her face, so she couldn't see her expression.

Ning Qingwan didn't enter the room. She turned and sat down in front of the chair in the corridor, staring blankly at the door of the ward. After a while, she recovered and said to Chen Dali, "Tell me about the situation at that time."

Chen Dali glanced at Ning Jingjue, and saw that he nodded slightly, his eyes were blank, and he recalled what happened at that time.

No one knew what happened. They finally found Meng Xia in a villa on the outskirts of city C. When they rushed to the village, they only heard a shrill scream. When they heard it, their scalps were numb and their hairs stood on end.

They didn't have time to think, and quickly broke the window and went in.

The smell of blood was pungent, and the glass **** all over the place, I don't know whose blood stained a large floor tile, and the bright red bloomed on the porcelain-white ground, which was shocking.

Chen Dali hurriedly walked a few steps into the room and kicked something. When he saw it clearly, it was because his mental quality was hard enough that he couldn't help but widen his bull's eyes. He was under pressure.

A few of them ran out and vomited.

He instructed a few young bodyguards to call the police and an ambulance. He walked around the sofa while calling Ning Jingjue with his mobile phone. When the call was connected, his pupils shrank, and he rolled his throat subconsciously, "Shao Ning... we I'm late."

Behind the sofa, a man and a woman were covered in blood, and they could hardly see their faces. The man should be Ji Tong. The blood was still flowing from his lower body. The whole body was curled up because of the pain. Reaching out and grabbing the bodyguard's trouser legs, his voice trembled, "Save... save me."

Chen Dali ignored him and ordered someone to stop the bleeding. He hurriedly went to check on another woman. He turned the woman over and his heart skipped a beat. It might be that when he fell, he was face down, and the woman was stabbed in the face. A lot of glass slag, blood on his face terrible to see, he put his hand under the woman's nose, still breathing.

A blood-stained knife not far from the woman...

It is estimated that Ji Tong's masterpieces are all from her hands, Chen Dali frowned, this is a society ruled by law, even if a woman's injuries are cured, she must pay for her actions. He looked again at the horrific face, which was probably scarred.

He reported the situation to Ning Jingjue in full.

The younger brother leaned forward, frowned and watched for a while, then took out his mobile phone and compared the photos on the screen, the more he looked, the tighter his brows became.

When Chen Dali ended the call, the younger brother put the phone in front of him and asked uncertainly, "Boss, Miss Meng? Why do I think it doesn't look like it?"

Can you see the blood on your face? Chen Dali tilted his head suspiciously to look at the photos on his mobile phone. He was blind and couldn't see any difference, but if it wasn't... that would be great.

"Really not?"

The younger brother nodded and shook his head again, seeing Chen Dali's expression, he was uncertain. He squatted down and carefully wiped the blood from the woman's face, "You look at it, don't you?"

Chen Dali looked at the phone, looked at the woman, just wanted to scold her, he could see a fart!

The two were struggling when they heard voices from outside the house.

"Fuck, you are too dangerous!"

"Alas! Be careful!"

The one who stayed outside was the newly recruited bodyguard. The young man had never seen such a scene before and just ran out and vomited.

A gasp was followed by the young man's cry, the sound of a broken vase, and the girl's cry of pain.

The two of them looked at each other, then got up and strode out of the house, looking for the sound.

Chen Dali's footsteps stagnated, his lips opened slightly, and he was stunned.

The young man knelt on the ground and hunched his back. He raised his head and glanced at Chen Dali, his face was twisted, his mouth and chin were cracked, he bared his teeth in pain, and scolded vaguely.

Sitting beside her was a young girl, wearing only thin long clothes and trousers in the cold weather, with long hair reaching her waist, with her back facing them, Chen Dali saw a cut on her back by the fragments of the vase, and the torn edge of her clothes was stained with Blood, and the girl's hand hanging by her side also had abrasions.

The cold wind was bleak, and there seemed to be something floating above. Chen Dali raised his head and glanced at it. It was a bed sheet, and the other end was tied to the railing of the balcony on the second floor.

The woman turned her face to look at Chen Dali and the others. The light outside the villa was very bright, reflecting the girl's face. Her complexion was as white as cold jade, and her eyebrows were exquisite and picturesque. Frosty, he asked in a low voice, "Is the person dead?"

There was no warmth in her voice and no emotion in her eyes, but she had an inexplicable deterrent power.

Chen Dali made a report almost instinctively.

The girl listened to his description and stretched out her hand in front of the young man, "Coat."

The young man twitched the corners of his mouth and took off his coat. He wanted to help her put it on, but the girl took the coat and put it on herself.

After Chen Dali finished speaking, the girl hooked her lips, and raised a mocking arc on her cold jade-like cheek, "It's good if you don't die."

The young man got up from the ground. In order to catch her, the skin on his lips, chin, and palm were bruised. He endured the pain and said, "If I hadn't followed you, you might have fallen to your death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the police and ambulance arrived.

"After that, I was busy recording the confession and arranging hospitalization. You arrived just after I was busy, and I didn't have time to call you." Chen Dali explained, "The disfigured woman is Ji Tong's female secretary, and she seems to be his lover. When Miss Meng jumped from the second floor, she broke her leg, and the fragments of the vase that fell on her back were cut, and there were scratches on her hands. It has already been dealt with. "

He remembered the feeling of being dominated by the little girl in the ward, blinked his eyes unnaturally, and added, "Ji Tong and the female secretary are also in this hospital, arranged by Miss Meng."

This hospital belongs to the Ning family. According to Ning Jingjue's instructions, they only need to bring Meng Xia alone to this hospital, and they don't care about the other two. Unexpectedly, the little girl was young and courageous. She was very calm when taking the confession, and she arranged things in an orderly manner.

When Ning Jingjue heard this, she couldn't help but glanced into the ward.

The Meng Xia in Chen Dali's mouth is like those capable women he has seen who are resolute in the shopping malls. Moreover, when Chen Dali was a gangster when he was young, he didn't even listen to Ning Qingwan's words very much, but he obeyed Meng Xia's arrangement obediently, and didn't even call him for instructions.

In the ward, the mother and daughter hugged, Xia Nianzhi cried so hard, the girl lowered her head, her black hair fell to block her face, she wrapped gauze in one hand and hugged Xia Nianzhi, the other hand slowly and softly. He patted Xia Nianzhi's back.

It seems that it is no different from the Meng Xia he had been in contact with before, and there is nothing strange about it. the strange thing is-

Ning Jingjue turned to look at Ning Qingwan.

She lowered her head and said nothing in silence. The eyelashes on her eyes were like butterfly wings, her uninjured hand was clenched into a fist, and the veins on the back of her porcelain white hand were very clear.

The little girlfriend was fine, but Ning Qingwan was not happy, she didn't even enter the ward.

Ning Jingjue sighed deeply. He knew Ning Qingwan. If she didn't want to say it, it would be useless to ask. He didn't say much. Go back to company affairs only after everything is in order.

Ning Qingwan entered the ward after Xia Nianzhi was persuaded to go home to rest.

It was early in the morning, and the lights in the ward were still on. She pushed open the door and walked in alone. The **** the hospital bed sat up.

It is her most familiar and beloved face, her most unfamiliar soul.

At a glance, she was very sure that the person in front of her was not the Meng Xia who would call her "sister".

"You're here." The **** the bed looked at Ning Qingwan calmly, "Thank you for saving my mother."

"It should be." Ning Qingwan said indifferently. She saved Xia Nianzhi for herself.

"Meng Xia" chuckled softly, she glanced at the chair beside the hospital bed, "Sit."

Ning Qingwan felt a little uncomfortable for a moment, but the same face gave people a completely different feeling. She frowned slightly and didn't move her feet.

"Meng Xia" didn't force her, and asked, "Has Ji Tong been rescued?"

Ning Qingwan's eyes froze for a while, "Rescue."

If it is not sent to this hospital, it may not be saved.

"Meng Xia" raised his lips and looked at Ning Qingwan with a half-smile, "Do you want him to die?"

Ning Qingwan's brows twitched. She really wanted Ji Tong to die. When she knew that Ji Tong had let Meng Xia kidnapped, she wished she could slash him.

"I lived in that villa for a long time. There is a basement in the villa. The entrance is behind the kitchen cabinet door. There are many sexual abuse devices there."

Ning Qingwan's throat tightened, and the fierceness in her eyes seemed to burst out.

"Meng Xia" closed her eyes, her face was pale, her fingers tightened, and after a while, she opened her eyes to meet Ning Qingwan's.

Some words don't need to be said in their entirety. Ning Qingwan will naturally understand if they stop there. If it wasn't for her, if the child was in this body, how could she escape completely.

So, would you just want him to die...

"Sometimes death is relief." The corners of her lips curved into a mocking arc, her eyes were red, and she only looked at each other for a moment, she didn't turn her head to avoid Ning Qingwan's gaze.

There were no tears in those beautiful eyes, but they were full of sadness, and the sense of sadness penetrated into the blood and bone marrow almost at the moment when the eyes touched. It's an empathetic pain.

she really wants to die...

If she died, would Meng Xia come back?

Ning Qingwan's heart was pulled open all of a sudden, and the suffocation in her chest made her feel as if her neck was being strangled, and her throat was so tight.

"When will you give her back to me?"

"Meng Xia" on the bed tilted his head and stared at Ning Qingwan, "If I say..."

"Why don't you pay it back?"

The author has something to say: heroine: hhh, what can I do if I don’t pay it back?

Ning Wanwan was **** and pissed! I'm so angry that I want to hit someone, but I can't.

Hostess: a little bit

Meng Xiaxia cried: Don't be angry with my sister, kiss my sister, hug my sister, don't be angry, don't be angry

Hostess: ... (smiling face) Lonely, widowed

we are sweet