MTL - Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me-Chapter 934 I was terrified

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Going back to the main building, Warm looked at the study upstairs again. The emperor and the children were still fighting. The things on the table were still not passive!

The warmth retreated silently, but the worry on his face was obvious.

It's been a long time since the water and rice have entered. How can they survive this way?

However, if you rush in and disturb them at this critical moment, and comfort them, it may lead to their hard work and fail.

It's difficult to feel warmth, and I'm suffering!

In the end, she left the study room cruelly and walked downstairs quickly, instructing the kitchen to keep fresh meals and hot soup, 24 hours from now on, and make it again immediately when it cools down and change it again!

Mother Wang lowered her head: "Mrs. Young, rest assured!"

When he came out, Warm again told the housekeeper: "Go and call my family doctor! No, call all family doctors!"

The butler was shocked: "Young lady, are you uncomfortable?"

He warmly reached out and kneaded his eyebrows, "I'm okay, just call them over!"

She is mainly for prevention!

At this time, warm and particularly annoyed, why don't you learn more about finance and network? Even if they can help a little, they will not be so tired!

But now, no amount of regret can help.

The only thing she can do is to ensure their rear, but now, the rear is completely useless, she can only sit there dryly, staring at it! Wait!

Soon, the family doctors who were always resident at home were called over. There were dozens of experts from various departments, Mr. Lin Lin.

In order to prevent them from disturbing upstairs, the warmth allowed them to take the first aid kit and waited downstairs without being able to make a small noise.

All the doctors stood in a row downstairs in unison, with an appearance of being on call, quiet and solemn.

Warm sitting on the sofa opposite, motionless, like a statue.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became heavy, and even each other's breathing subconsciously lightened.

Half an hour passed, one hour, two hours ...

In the evening, there was a movement upstairs.

"Mummummummummummummummum ..."

Hearing the footsteps, warmly turned his stiff neck and looked upstairs. I saw the emperor just walked to the side of the spiral stairs, glanced downstairs, and suddenly jumped for life. slip!

"Lord Hao!"

Warm just stood up, the emperor Hao has rushed in front of her, holding her tightly in her arms!

"What happened? What happened to you?"

His voice was trembling!

The warmth was a bit dazed by the emperor Hao, and some difficulty raised his hand and patted his arm.

"No, no!"

"Really okay?"

The emperor held her warm face and looked at her up, down, left, and right.

Warm, somewhat confused, blinked, "I'm really okay, but you, how are you? I just watched you fall off the railing, haven't you eaten for a long time, dizzy? Quickly let The doctor will show you! "

The Emperor Hao burst out laughing, "What does it mean to fall off the railing? I did it on purpose! Sliding down the handrail of the escalator is the fastest way! You do n’t know, see so many doctors around you, I was terrified! "

Warm and unbearable, couldn't help but reach out and beat the emperor, and he "touched" and "touched" his face distressedly.


"How dangerous is it to slide down the ladder handrail! What if I fell? What if I broke my head? These doctors were called by me to put them on standby. I'm afraid you're in trouble!" "Right, what about twins?"

Warm and looked upstairs over the shoulders of the emperor. I saw that Holy and Poppy came out one after the other. Poppy had a dessert plate in his hand and one in his hand. He was eating happily.

Warm smile.

"You are all right ..."

The word "good" hadn't been exported. The warmth suddenly turned black, and the softness fell to the emperor's arms.


Poppy screamed, and the plate in his hand fell down, hitting the ladder, "Wow!"

She didn't care much, and ran downstairs quickly, holy already she ran ahead in one step, flew up on the railing, and wandered—

The quick and neat look is exactly like the emperor!

Poppy stomped his feet anxiously, "Brother, when did you learn this trick?"

Humph! Starting tomorrow morning, I have to slide the railing too!

Everyone was surrounded by warmth. Fortunately, there were a lot of doctors around and immediately gave her first aid.

"Master, don't worry, Mrs. Young has no major problems. It's just a long time of excessive stress. With the temporary physical fitness, people suddenly relax after a high level of tension. It is most likely to cause syncope. It will be fine after a rest!

The emperor nodded slightly, embraced the warmth and walked to the room. "Give her some drops and add a little nutritional liquid!"

This uneasy woman, just didn't stare at one or two meals, she would not eat well, and see how I can clean you up!

The doctor hung up the warmth and retreated, leaving only the emperor and twins in the room to accompany the warmth.

The Emperor Hao has been holding warm hands tightly, gently touching the soft hair on her forehead with one hand.

"You two go to rest first!"

The emperor ordered his back to the twins.

"Uh." Holy answered, but didn't move.

Poppy sat on the warm bedside and whispered: "I want to stay with Mommy for a while."

"Your mommy is fine, hurry and take a rest!" The emperor ordered a low and serious voice, his voice a little hoarse.

Holy and Poppy retreated, but in fact they just stood outside the door of the warm room, and no one left.

After a few minutes, the warmth twirled and looked at the emperor with a confused look, "I ... what's wrong with this?"

She reached out and wanted to "touch" and "touch" her forehead, but the emperor grabbed her hand.

"Don't move! Doing some bites!"

Warmly turned his head to take a look, the cold "liquid" body was flowing into his body drop by drop.

Warm speechless smile.

Unexpectedly, he called a large group of doctors. In the end, Juehao and the children were useless, but they used it!

However, as long as they are fine!

"I shouldn't be a big deal?"

Because of his weakness, the warm smile looks particularly soft.

The emperor reached out and squeezed her cheek. "The doctor said you are hungry! No matter how bad you eat, see if I don't beat you!"


A laugh came from the door.

Those two guys!

The emperor turned his head and blackly commanded: "Come in!"