MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 3005 You've lost all your faces

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"Open the door! Open the door for me!"

"Let's go in!"

"We want to see our countrymen!"

After the diplomatic leaders from the East, Great Britain, West France and other countries arrived at the headquarters of the World Medical Association, hundreds of people had gathered at the door.

They are all diplomats from various countries who have previously sought help from the World Medical Association!

Because Woods had given an order long ago, the headquarters of the World Medical Association was completely closed, and neither entry nor exit was allowed, so the diplomatic staff could not get in at all, and could only protest loudly outside.

"What's the matter? It's all this time, and the door is still open?!"

The British diplomatic leader was completely outraged by the shamelessness of the World Medical Association.

He didn't care about his identity and rudeness. He picked up a piece of gravel from the side of the road and shouted to the security guard inside the gate, "If we don't open the door again, we'll be welcome!"

"Yes, if we don't open the door, we will smash the door!"

The head of the Toyo diplomatic team also immediately

Picking up a stone from the side of the road, he yelled in exasperation.

On the way here just now, their domestic leader called them over and over again to hold them accountable, and the pressure on their heads was unprecedented!

Moreover, Logan and Woods have been not answering their calls, and now the door is not open, they are forced to do so, they can only do this!

Seeing this, the staff from other countries followed suit, picking up stones directly from the roadside, prying out the calculus, holding them in their hands, and shouting loudly.

Suddenly, one person in the crowd raised his hand violently, aiming at the glass door of the World Medical Association and smashing it!


Seeing this, the others also threw out the stones in their hands without hesitation!

Bang the bell!



For a while, the sound of glass shattering and popping sounds could be heard incessantly.

A group of diplomatic staff transferred the anger in their hearts to the stones in their hands, one by one, constantly facing the world

Throw away the doors and glass walls of the Medical Guild!

The security guards at the gate avoided one after another, not daring to raise their heads at all.

Soon, the local police patrolmen rushed over, but because of their identity as a group of diplomatic staff, they did not dare to use force, and could only keep speaking out to discourage it!

But it doesn't work!

The surrounding roads and vehicles stopped to watch.

They never dreamed that the elites from all over the world, who have always prided themselves on being aloof, would one day be smashing and smashing like hooligans!

Many people hurriedly took out their mobile phones to record and take pictures.

"Damn! Put down your phone!"

The patrolman on the side suddenly became imposing, took out his gun and yelled at the crowd onlookers, and even stepped forward and kicked a pedestrian who was filming.

Inside the World Medical Association, Woods and Logan scuffled for a while, suddenly stopped without warning, and then hugged and cried loudly.

I cried for over half an hour!

A group of doctors and nurses looked dazed and did not know why.

"Mr. Woods, Mr. Logan, it's not good!"

At this time, the person in charge of the security department suddenly rushed over, out of breath, "A group of diplomatic staff are surrounding our gate outside, let us open the door!"

"If we don't drive, they will throw rocks at our glass!"

Only then did Woods and Logan recover from their crying, their expressions changed greatly, and they were tense.

But then the two of them waved their hands helplessly, "Smash it, let them go..."

"Then can we open the door?!"

asked the security officer.

"Of course not!"

Logan said angrily.

If you let the foreign diplomatic staff in now, I'm afraid they will be torn apart with their bare hands!

"Then... what about Mr. Kane, let him in?!"

Responsible for security

The man asked carefully, "He is now at the small gate on the north side!"

"Mr. Kane?!"

Woods and Logan were stunned for a moment, and hurriedly got up, "Quick, take us there!"

The two who have calmed down at this time know that no matter how cruel the reality is, they must face it!

Only by fighting to the death can we gain a chance of life!

At the door on the north side of the World Medical Association, Kane has been waiting for a long time.

Because he couldn't get through to Logan and Woods, he rushed over directly.

In just ten minutes' journey, his mobile phone has not been heard, and it still keeps ringing until now!

"Mr. Kane!"

Seeing this, Logan and Woods hurriedly opened the door.

"You two bastards!"

Kane was so angry that he rushed up to both Woods and Logan with two punches!

"Damn it, the World Medical Association and the entire **** have been thrown away by you!"

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