MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 3039 i want to tell the world

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In fact, Lin Yu didn t want Annie to expose what the World Medical Association had done in person!

But Anne insisted on standing up in person and telling the world in person!

Because only when she said all this with her own mouth, can the whole world be convinced!

And the matter has come to this point, it doesn't make any difference whether she stands up in person or not!

It is impossible for the Du family and the government to let her go!

So under her insistence, Lin Yu still made a concession and promised to accompany her to expose all this!

Shocking secret? !

Hearing these words, Kane's back in front of the screen suddenly felt cold, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart!

Did Woods really leave Annie with something before he died? !

But just now Logan clearly said that Woods has never mentioned the secrets of the World Medical Association to Anne, and it is impossible for Annie to know about it!

At this moment, he suddenly regretted that he had solved Logan so early just now!

if lo

If the root is still there, at least there is one person who bears this fear with him!

At least there is one person who can vent his anger by beating and scolding!

But now this kind of fear and worry can only be borne by him alone!

"Deliberately exaggerating, it must be deliberately exaggerating!"

Kane's face was sullen, his eyes were fixed on the TV, he was strong and calm, and he kept chanting.

He insisted that Lin Yu was deliberately exaggerating and playing tricks!

The top secret of their World Medical Association is the live experiment of gene medicine!

And it is impossible for Lin Yu and Annie to know!

At this time, when all the reporters in the lecture hall of the World Association of Chinese Medicine heard Lin Yu s words, they were really excited, as if they smelled explosive news, their spirits immediately cheered up, and their eyes were full of anticipation!

Things seem to be more exciting than they expected!

This time the press conference really did not go wrong!

"Yes, the news I bring is absolutely fantastic.

Explosion, absolutely eye-catching! "

At this time Annie also took the initiative to stand beside Lin Yu, and said with a very serious expression, "Similarly, it is definitely related to our vital interests!"

"It is about the vital interests of all of us in the world!"

Her words made the reporters and staff who were already full of expectations even more excited!

Even audiences from all over the world were instantly whetted!

They thought it was just the interests of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the World Medical Association, but they didn't expect that their vital interests would be involved!

This can't help but make everyone extremely curious!

As she spoke, Annie lifted up a thick stack of documents in her hand, shook them lightly, and said solemnly, "I guarantee with my life and personality that the documents in my hand are all true!"

"This is the only relic left to me by my father! It is also all the evidence and materials he has collected in his decades of career!"


Moving out his own father, the president of the World Medical Association, made all this more real and credible!

At the same time, she also wanted to let her dead father be with her in this way!

Join her in destroying the huge evil organization of the World Medical Association!

Hearing her mention of her father, all the reporters were in a commotion.

Someone couldn't help raising their hands and asked loudly, "Miss Anne, what do you mean by relic? Has your father passed away?!"

Because Woods' death was silent, as if he had evaporated directly from the world, so on a global scale, only Woods was missing, not that he was dead!

"Yes, Miss Anne, Mr. Woods has been missing for more than a week, and there is no news at all. Is he no longer alive?!"

"You flew to Yanxia this time, is it also related to your father's death?!"

"How did your father die, suicide?

Or he killed? Who is the murderer? ! "

"Are there more complicated things involved behind this?!"

A group of reporters were instantly ignited by this topic, and they kept asking Annie, regardless of Annie's feelings!

"Sorry, this question has nothing to do with the theme of today's press conference!"

Lin Yu suddenly stepped in front of Annie, and said awe-inspiringly, "And this is also Miss Annie's private matter, and it is not within the scope of questions!"

"Please don't ask any more questions about this matter..."

"No! He, I want to answer!"

At this time, Annie behind Lin Yu suddenly suppressed the grief in her heart, choked with tears and said, "I want to tell the whole world about this!"

"I can't let my father die in an unknown way!"

"I want the whole world to know what happened to him after decades of dedication!"

"I also want the whole world to know who is the executioner who killed him!"

(end of this chapter)