MTL - Bestial Blade-Chapter 67 That night was quite restless

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Bu Dong has two sons and a daughter.

It has been two years since Budong left Haizhu City as the city's owner to defend the South Reef City. Budong took away his eldest son and young daughter, leaving such a weak son to look after the house in Wangcheng.

The city owner who left the king city left some relatives under the eyes of the king. Although this matter was not mentioned on the bright side, it slowly became a secret convention, beginning with the old slipper of Bu Dong.

Budong and Kazuo were disagreeable. They used to often quarrel with chickens and dogs. Huayi could not bear to separate the two of them. One of them stayed as the elder of the King City, and the other was released as the owner of the outer city.

Kazuo was irritable and disobedient. He was a master without wind and waves. Huayi was afraid that he would cause trouble under his eyes, so he released Budong. Bu Dong's youngest son always felt that his father had left King City because of Kazuo's exclusion, so he had to find Kazuo's troubles every few seconds.

This matter is a little bit loud now.

Listening to the meaning of slaves, I am afraid that Bu Dong's younger son was killed. It was not one of the slaves. It was one of the old minions that Cazo brought from the Black Eagle tribe.

Huayi glanced at Chang'an hesitantly.

Even if Changan was asked to be the master of the city under his eyes, Huayi was very relieved at the beginning, but after all, Changan is no longer a teenager who just walked out of the mountain and saw everything.

Huayi knows that with Chang'an's ability, like his master, he spends his free time in the wild and cranes without contact with the crowd. With such a firm mindset, even if he lives in the Jedi, he can be happy and happy, and naturally no one is going to trouble him.

But he tried to keep Chang'an down and stayed in this group, not to keep him wronged. The sword can kill, but it can't convince people. Chang'an must always be able to stand on his feet, which makes him make this city master difficult.

Who knew that Huayi secretly worried for a while, but found that he was completely unhappy.

Chang'an is a living city rule. Those city rules are all recorded in his heart. When something goes wrong, they all follow the city rules. They are not sloppy. For a long time, they are forbidden. In Haizhu City, he It seems to be more effective than Huayi.

In the beginning, there was a long-term merchant trying to monopolize the Haizhu City Commercial Road. I thought that the owner of the city would be better. Later, I could evade taxes in the city, lower the price and divide the profits. I went down and stuffed him here. Who knows this wood? The same city owner actually carefully selected it again, leaving the things he likes, the others returned, and the money was paid the next day.

The merchants first started to confuse the snake and dared not accept them. A dozen orc city defenders stood tall in front of them, standing in front of them, blocking the door as if they were trying to break the house, and almost scared the old merchant who was willing to pay a bribe. Pants.

Huayi couldn't help crying and laughing, so he went. He actually suspected that Chang'an deliberately pretended to be confused, and took the lead to draw the Tao. Otherwise, everyone would press him. Rules to play.

However, involving a city owner and an elder, Huayi always watched him move out of the city to kill someone.

So Huayi raised his hand to hold Chang'an, looked at his eyes quietly, and whispered and quickly asked: "Call them in, what are you going to do? According to the city regulations, drag Bu Dong's prodigal cub Go out and kill? "

Chang'an thought about it, but unexpectedly said: "This matter is not under my control. It involves the elders and the city owner. It is your business. I plan to send Bu Dong's little son to Bu Dong, and let him take care of it. Change by the way. "

Huayi did not expect that this man who had always been "honest" turned out to be cunning. When he touched his red mouth and white teeth, he pushed two to five sentences, and he couldn't help but conclude: "You are buying wood. Basin, if you do n’t see it, you can change it? ”

Chang'an ignored it, just raised the bowl, and poured the whole bowl of porridge into the stomach between three and two mouths. Fortunately, the stew was rotten, and it didn't cost his teeth. After eating, he put the bowl on the table and wiped his mouth quickly. "You're busy. I'll go out for a walk and I won't mess you up."

Huayi: "..."

Even after being together for a long time, Huayi still refused to allow Changan's response. Many people do n’t know what they are saying, so far they do n’t understand with Changan. Changan also admits in private that he is a bit stupid, but he ’s “stupid” and not completely thorough. Know in your heart.

However, Huayi can't estimate how many numbers there are, and how to count them, Huayi doesn't know much.

Chang'an Path came out of it, and randomly took a half-length knife from the weapon rack in the backyard, and took advantage of the night to get out of the King City and go to a hill near the suburban gate. It didn't take long for a while. Then he carried a mule down the mountain.

He did not return home, carrying his mule to the altar of the king city.

The altar was specially set up for Solem. When Solem was not serious, he burned incense and worshiped God every day and night. The burnt place was surrounded by clouds and fog. Huayi could not bear it. He, let him burn.

When Chang'an arrived, Solem was sitting in the middle of the altar with his back to him. Although the orcs were strong and strong, they were always in awe of the strange powers. Usually, apart from Solem, others were fine. Come here, so quiet.

Chang'an ignored him, and came to Chai He to take care of himself. He skillfully cut out the barbeque rack. He untiedly removed the glutinous rice dumplings and cramps. He also extended **** claws. He robbed a **** of incense, drew two sips, blew it, ordered firewood, and roasted meat on the altar.

Solimu had closed his eyes originally, and it was said that he was in Dingding-but according to Chang'an, he was asleep.

The scent of barbecued meat floated out and awakened Solemy's life. He looked back, and suddenly burst into flames, pointing to Chang'an Road: "You ... you are disrespectful!"

Chang'an didn't raise his head, turned the barbecue rack intently, and asked, "Do you eat?"

Solim: "... eat."

The two squatted together on the altar with disrespect, and ate a mule.

Solem's claws reached the fattest thighs, and they were quickly cut off by Changan's eyes. He put the thigh meat on the leaves, cooled it aside, and wore a piece of rib meat to Solem: "I'll take that piece back later and give you something else."

Solemy glanced at him sourly: "Why don't you just take it home and eat it? You must obstruct my eyes and blaspheme my altar here?"

Solaim was not afraid to desecrate the altar, Chang'an saw it early: "Going back to Huayi will hit me."

Solimus hummed with the tiger's teeth to tear the barbecue: "You take him a big piece of meat and give it back to him, wouldn't he choke?"

"I ate everything, and I just listened to it." Chang'an scraped off the ash from the barbecue carefully, and then wrapped it with leaves. "He drank porridge with me for several days, and Xie also Can't solve me alone. "

Solewood was even more sour.

Chang'an glanced at him for a moment, and said suddenly, "Bu Dong wrote back to me last time, as if it was interesting to want to marry his daughter to you, so don't worry."

Solemy chuckled: "Bu Dong, is he trying to trade his daughter for his younger son?"

Chang'an actually thinks this proposal is quite good. Anyway, he is so unpleasant to see Bu Dong's younger son, so he asked, "Will you marry?"

Five years ago, Bu Dong personally said that Solimu refused, and after five years, he hesitated for a moment, and then promised: "Marry."

Chang'an didn't expect him to be so happy. In Chang'an's heart, Sollywood will always be a big fairy who talks and stays for three minutes. Life is very procrastinating. There are very few such simple moments, so I ca n’t help but ask: “You like she was?"

Solemy smiled bitterly: "I haven't even seen her round or flat."

The Changan cheeks were stuffed with meat and looked at him puzzledly.

Solem said slowly while eating, "There must be no connection between the city of the king and the surrounding city owners. If Bu Dong's daughter marries another city owner, the king will not allow him first, and she will either marry or I married the elder or the son of the elder's family in the city of Wang. And as an Asian beast, I monopolized the position of elder. For a short period of time, it ’s okay. If I grow up, I will be criticized. Sooner or later I need to find something powerful. Allies. "

Chang'an listened carefully, knowing that he was telling the truth, but was impatient with these tortuous trade-offs, and immediately frowned.

Solimu glanced at him and laughed, "What frown? If you are unhappy, frown. How can you be a cityless man like you?"

Being the master of the city was so tired, Chang An sullenly smashed the meat in his hands to only the bones, and felt that he would rather return to the woods and live a life of that kind of food and sleep and hunt, but he was always reluctant to go to Huayi.

There was nothing between the two for a while, and at this moment, a horseshoe sounded in the night, Solemou looked back in the distance, suddenly stood up, pushed Changan's shoulder, and said, "Battle report!"

Chang'an jumped and ran, not forgetting to take away his thigh meat wrapped in leaves.

When he trot back all the way, Sure enough, Huayi has received the battle report—the three tribes in the northwest that united against the East Sea King have fallen apart, three leaders have died, and the other two have agreed to surrender their own territory and surrender to the East Sea King Huayi. .

Huayi dismissed the messenger lightly, saying he knew it.

When everyone was gone, he jumped three feet high, hugged Chang'an, held a kiss on his face, and happily hugged him in a circle: "The territories of the three tribes, We almost have a river! From the north to the south, there is less response from the north to the south, and we are close at hand. When we have completely won the east, we march all the way west. I want to conquer the entire continent, you say ...

Huayi's words paused, and he felt a bag in Chang'an's arms. He took it out, and the flavour of the meat spread out of the leaves: "... What is this?"

Chang'an had no choice but to smirk.

However, fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and that night, it is quite unsettling.

Hua Yiming didn't want to punish Bu Dong's little cub. He was playing Tai Chi and was interrupted by the battle report. Their 800-hearted king immediately descended the donkey and held up Pu Dong's young son's punishment. Gently put down-fined him for compensation money, paid in three days.

When did life debts make sense to pay back?

When Cazzo went back, he wanted to get more angry, and he couldn't even sleep, and despite the obstacles of Aye, he summoned the old teams of the Blackhawk tribe when he had not joined the giant mountain tribe. After a while, I drank a few more sips of wine.

By the time Huayi got the news, it was almost dawn—someone came to report that Cazor took his brothers and killed Budong ’s youngest son and his family ’s guardian slaves in total. Thirteen people were killed. At home.