MTL - Black Clover: Runaway Asta-Chapter 19

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"Why didn't you say it was the roof you smashed!"

Noelle spoke angrily, but at this moment, the sound of the wall cracking could be heard from the ceiling from time to time, and a piece of gravel was about to fall, and Asta directly hugged Noelle and backed away.

"Remember this feeling. When you encounter danger, ridicule, or helplessness in the future, you can hug me tightly, and then you can rest assured that I will handle everything that follows!"

Asta smiled and put the sword back in the magic book, impromptuly displaying his flirtatious talent.

"you you…"

Noelle was originally annoyed and angry, but when she heard Asta's unusually warm words at this time, she was stunned for a while. This was the first care she received since she was a child. Sister, but a stranger!

Moreover, based on a woman's intuition, she felt that Asta was not joking when she said this. If she was really in danger, Asta would definitely protect her!

"Hey, you two stop flirting, the roof of this tm is about to collapse!"

Magna looked at the cracked roof with a tangled face. Although the house can be repaired by itself, such a big commotion will definitely be scolded by the leader, but Magna thought again, the leader is going to the bathroom , maybe can't hear the movement here?


Magna just thought about it by luck, and saw Ye Jian fell from the toilet on the second floor with his **** naked, and Ye Jian pulled up his pants in embarrassment, but before he stood up, a layer of dust rushed towards him.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing a hysterical roar at night, today is really embarrassing. First, I was surrounded by two little ghosts to go to the toilet, and then I was squatting in the pit, and the house collapsed from the sky? He fell from the second floor to the first floor without even wearing pants, who can tell him who did it!


Magna was the first to apply oil on the soles of his feet, and Astar pulled Noelle to run, but Noelle stopped after running.

"Why don't you run away?"

Ashtar asked.

"You pierced the ceiling, why should I run!"

Noelle raised her head proudly and said.

"Do you want to see the leader's buttocks naked?"

Ashtar laughed.


Noelle shuddered, the leader looked naked, just thinking about it made him shudder!

"The food in the cafeteria should be cooked, remember to eat more, next time if you are still so skinny after hugging you, I will reward you with two millennium kills!"

Asta said coolly and turned around, the days to come are still long, and the relationship between a man and a woman needs time to build up, so there is no rush, but I believe that after today's explosive opening, Noelle will definitely remember him of!

In fact, Noelle is more than just remembering Asta. In the next few days, she will really think of Asta's words when she goes to the toilet. Originally, Asta hugged her domineeringly, she should be Annoyed, but in the end it was like being poisoned, and instead she missed Asta's wide embrace that could protect her from the wind and rain!

"I'm really poisoned..."

When Noelle was training in the forest, she couldn't help but think of Asta again. Although she has been avoiding Asta these days, Asta is also training in this forest. Sometimes she can even listen carefully. Hear the sound of Ashtar's heavy breathing during training.

Chapter 46: 59 seconds between life and death!

"Stop thinking about it, I want to train hard!"

Noelle shook her little head, calmed down, her lovely pink eyes focused on the bullseye of the tree trunk ten meters away.


Noelle quickly condensed a water bomb. The launch trajectory of this water bomb was very straight at first, but then turned around and rushed towards Asta as if a tracking missile was installed.


Asta dodged another wave of loving care from Noelle with a blank face. Thanks to Noelle, his training ground was also pitted by the water polo that would fly over at any time. Difficult to get off.

"This little girl, apart from not being able to hit the target, the other mosquitoes that are 800 meters away are hard to escape!"

With a dark face, Asta looked upside down at the bird's nest that he wanted to wait two more days to dig out, but now the nest has been smashed by water bombs. Thinking about it carefully, the old saying is good, there are flowers that can be broken It must be broken, it seems that Noelle, this arrogant flower bone, is about to break soon.

"No! It's still not possible! Why can't I control the magic as I like, obviously I have such a powerful magic power!"

Noelle knelt on the ground unwillingly. This was her 251st practice today, but the water bomb closest to the tree trunk's bull's-eye could only reach a distance of 1 meter from the target. This hit rate made her equal to Yu waste!

"Obviously brothers and sisters can join the Silver Winged Vulture, but I was driven into this worst magic knight order. Those who have ridiculed me will laugh more happily at this moment, right?"

Noelle's pink eyes leaked pity water vapor, and she just felt like she was on her back at this moment, as if every time she fired a water bomb and missed it, many people would cover their mouths and watch mockingly she!

"I heard that the little girl of the Silva family can't even control her magic power at will!"

"This is really a royal joke!"

These harsh words linger in Noelle's ears like a repeater, which makes her extremely sensitive, but it is also these harsh words that give her something that no royal family can possess , that is perseverance!

"I don't want to be ridiculed by these people! I must let them know how powerful I am!"

Noelle swept away the decadence and stood up from the muddy ground, but at this time she herself didn't realize that her mental fluctuations were very large. At this time, forcibly casting magic power would easily cause a situation where the magic power was out of control!

"Twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-five!"

Asta is currently doing one-finger meditation with difficulty, and his task today is to break through 30,000 one-finger meditations with both his right thumb and left thumb!

But just as he was training meticulously, he suddenly felt a surge of powerful magic power coming!


Asta nodded with one thumb, and the whole person landed gracefully like a swallow turning over, and then got up and came to the training ground where Noelle was, only to see that the water bombs Noelle used with both hands expanded rapidly uncontrollably Go!


Noelle looked in horror at the water bombs he had unleashed. Originally, the diameter of each water bomb was kept at about one meter, but at this moment, the magic power seemed to be pouring into the water bombs uncontrollably, and soon the water bombs The diameter of the bomb is more than one meter, one and a half meters, two meters, three meters!

"Gudong Gudong!"

Noelle sucked in a breath when the water bomb backfired on her, this was the only thing she could do at this time!


Lak, who was reading the little H book leisurely on the sofa, suddenly flashed a few lightning bolts in front of his blond hair. This was an early warning of the sudden appearance of powerful magic power. See, subconsciously felt something appearing, looked sideways out of the window and couldn't help being stunned for a moment, because a huge water polo like a conch appeared in the distance!

"What happened?"

"What a spectacular water polo!"

"Has the newcomer's magic gone?"

At this time, the members who were still in the headquarters of the Black Bull came out of the headquarters at the same time. They looked at the monster-like magic water polo in the sky with different expressions.

"It's a huge magical power, but if you leave it alone, the newcomer may drown!"

Magna's worried sermon.

"But if you use magic to break through the water polo, then she will basically be useless."

Ye Jian looked at the water polo seriously, then looked at Fenlar and said, "Can you use your space magic to fish her out?"

"This level of magic, I can't get close at all."

Fenlaar said with a wry smile.

"Now I have a headache, and Asta, who can eliminate magic, is not here."

Ye Jian scratched his head in distress. If he had to, he could only choose the lesser of two evils and save Noelle's life first.


"You have to work harder, Noelle, if you can overcome the magic power rampage with your own perseverance, then it will benefit you immensely."

Asta was leaning against a big tree at this time, his fingers tapped on the trunk regularly, each tap represented the passage of a second of time.

The reason why he was not in a hurry to save people was because when he came, he saw Noelle took a deep breath when he was put into the water polo. The average time for a normal person to hold his breath is 1 minute and 15 seconds, while Aspen According to Noelle's usual breathing rhythm, Ta deduced that Noelle can hold his breath for up to 1 minute.

In other words, when the time comes to the 59th second, no matter whether Noelle can restrain the magic power of rampage with his own perseverance, he will take action, because this will be the last time between life and death for Noelle! .

Chapter 47 Skills of Mature Women

In the water polo, Noelle closed her eyes in pain. She could feel the air in her chest getting less and less. An unprecedented sense of suffocation made her panic. Those faces that had mocked her before death After a little bit of passing away, after all, what can't let go in the face of life and death?

"50 seconds...51 seconds..."

Asta's amber eyes have turned blood red, and those beautiful Sharingan eyes are staring closely at the petite and weak figure in the water polo.

"Are you going to die?"

At this time, Noelle's consciousness had begun to blur, and a lot of water had poured into her nasal cavity, and a tingling pain spread from her brain to her limbs. At this time, her painful brain was blank, but just as her consciousness When it was about to dissipate, she suddenly heard a voice that made her heart throb!

"Remember this feeling of being embraced by me. When you encounter danger, ridicule, helplessness or even despair in the future, you can hold me tightly, and then you can rest assured to leave everything to me. I'll handle it!"

"Ashtar, where are you!"

At this moment of life and death, Noelle thought of Asta who was rudely hugging her into her arms. For some reason, when she thought of these words, a strong will to survive suddenly surged in her body. Die here, especially in your own magic!

Otherwise, wouldn't she have to accept the ridicule of others from birth to death?

"I want to survive!"

Noelle opened her eyes abruptly. At this moment, her gaze was firm. She began to slowly manipulate the magic she had accumulated out of control. Originally, when the magic power was out of control, the caster would only become more and more panicked, but at this moment, as long as she calmed down , you will find that these runaway magics are not terrible!

"Head, time has passed for a long time, are we going to take extraordinary measures?"

Magna couldn't help but said.

"Wait a minute, haven't you noticed that the water polo has started to stabilize?"

Ye Jian looked at the water polo with deep eyes. At this time, the water polo has remained stable and is not expanding. It seems that Noelle has gradually grasped the control of magic.

"55 seconds...56 seconds..."

After Asta read this, the five-leaf clover magic book has risen up, and he has also noticed that Noelle is gradually gaining control over magic, but it is impossible to completely release it in just a few seconds Yes, as long as Noelle can learn how to calm down in a state of rampant magic power, that's enough!

"Next, leave it to me!"

Asta's feet suddenly exerted strength, and the whole person flew across the air. Yejian and others saw from a distance that Asta was covered with green light, dragging a big sword with a shining red light, and struck fiercely as if he had opened up the world. Crash into Noelle's out-of-control water balloon!


The water polo was split open by Asta's sword like a balloon blown to the extreme, countless water streams fell like a torrential rain, and Noelle, who had already opened his eyes in the water polo, opened his bright pink eyes in a daze. Asta, who was like a little pervert when we first met, really didn't lie to himself. At his most critical moment, he would really come to his side like a patron saint!

"Did you remember what I said?"

Asta volleyed in the air holding Noelle and landed smoothly, then laughed and joked with Noelle who seemed to be frightened.

"No, no!"

Noelle's face was red and fair, and she forgot to break free from Asta's arms for a while.

"Noelle, have you ever thought about casting magic in another way?"

Asta suddenly turned serious and said, "Some soldiers may not be able to throw darts accurately for the rest of their lives if you ask them to throw darts, but if you change to a crossbow arrow with a sight, you may soon become a marksman."

"Another way?"

Noelle's eyes lit up. She has always used both hands. In fact, most wizards are like this, but this does not deny the use of magic wands to cast spells. You must know that the main function of magic wands is precision!

"Are the two of you going to hug and surpass the limit here?"

Ye Jian suddenly broke Asta's two-person world, and Noelle immediately broke free from Asta's arms in a panic, and then looked elsewhere with a blushing face.

"Although it's all soaked through, it's good that little Noelle is fine."

Banasa smiled at Noelle.

"What the hell, you just can't control the magic power freely. What's the matter? We are a group called trash by others, black bulls, who has no flaws, either lustful or sister control, in short, you This little shortcoming is not worth mentioning at all, just say what happens in the future, we are a collective!"

After Magna finished speaking, all the members of the Black Bulls showed friendly smiles at Noelle, even Yejian who had been keeping a dull face all the time, which made Noelle feel at home for the first time. A home without any blood, but warmer than a real home...

"I know a noodle restaurant is super delicious, you can tell Asta, let him take you to eat!"

God Fenlar assisted and said that he would not let such a juicy little girl go, but Asta obviously already made a move, so he had no choice but to add icing on the cake.

"what are you saying!"

Noelle blushed. Wouldn't it be a date if the two of them went to eat alone?

"I can tell you what an angel my sister Mary is."

The sister-controlled gentleman Gexiu also showed a kind smile, and Chami took out his own dessert and put it together, but it was Banasa who made Noelle feel helpless the most.

"What I am best at is manipulating magic power, and I can not only teach you the skills of manipulating magic power, but also how to become a mature woman."

Banasa said to Noelle.