MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 10 The strongest observer

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  Chapter 10 The Strongest Observer

  US, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  As one of the best astronomy universities in the world, there are also a group of top astronomy professors gathered here.

   After finishing the academic research at hand, the old professor called John looked at the young Huaguo who had been guarding outside the office door, and muttered, "What a difficult Huaguo."

   After finishing speaking, he put down his coffee and let the Hua people who had been waiting for a long time enter the office.

   "Since you are so persistent, let me see what achievements you Huaguo have made in astronomy!"

  The young man calmly took out the tablet he had prepared: "I will definitely not let you down."

   Soon the screen recording of the meeting was played on the tablet, and the content directly shocked the old American professor.


   "A historical moment that changed astronomy?"

   "My God! My God!"

  He was so excited that he couldn't even hold his coffee, and the poured coffee stained the academic materials on the table, but John didn't care.

  The research that was considered extremely important an hour ago, in the eyes of Old John, who saw the content of the meeting, was nothing like shit. He regretted why he didn't leave for Huaguo when he received the invitation like a few other old friends.

  If the content announced at the meeting is true, then this meeting is destined to be included in the history of astronomy in the future.

   This is almost equivalent to the Solvay meeting in 1927, when the group photo of the bigwigs became a widely circulated photo in later generations.

  Professor John, as a top astronomer, understood the impact of this meeting on the future of the astronomical community when he saw half of the live recording.

   In the future, when future generations look up photos of famous astronomy conferences, they will undoubtedly be embarrassed by who is not there.

Do not!

   This is no longer a question of whether there is a photo or not!

  This opportunity may make astronomy take off again. I have devoted my whole life to astronomy, and I must not lose the chain on such a major event.

  Professor John thought of this, and he didn't even want to stay in the United States anymore, and asked the young man eagerly: "Is it too late for me to go to Huaguo now, even if it's at my own expense, please arrange for me to go to Huaguo as soon as possible!"

  Professor John did not have the calmness of categorically rejecting him two days ago, but looked like an eager child watching his beloved toy get farther and farther away.

  This young and capable Huaguo youth stretched out his hand and showed a sincere smile: "Of course, our country welcomes every friend who is willing to cooperate together."

In the world, there are many astronomers and astrophysicists who did not go to Huaguo to participate in the conference. After seeing the live recording, they either picked up their mobile phones to check the situation with their friends who went to Huaguo, or hurriedly put down the projects they thought were important. , hurried to Huaguo.


  Black hole!

  Einstein-Rosen Bridge! !

  Just being able to observe their real existence already has immeasurable academic value. This is no longer just an achievement in the field of astronomy. Which of these three topics is not the ultimate topic that can change the Blue Star academic community?

This conference will never be over after watching the live broadcast. The bigwigs who participated in the conference did not leave at all. Academic conferences were held successively in Huaguo.

  After this most grand astronomical live broadcast, the human astronomical world is facing unprecedented waves, and even the entire scientific world has been shaken.


   But as the saying goes, experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.

  When experts and scholars from all over the world gathered in Huaguo, the live broadcast also stunned netizens.

   "Damn it, this series of Guozitou Research Institutes are all on the platform, the big one is coming!"

   "Is that a black hole? It must be a black hole!!"

   "my country's beef batch!"

  Because the homepages of all major platforms promoted the live broadcast with splash screens, many netizens who knew little about astronomy clicked in.

  Melon-eating netizens expressed their incomprehension, but they were greatly shocked. However, I have no culture, so I can only call 666 and Niubi, and be an atmosphere group.

  Of course, many astronomy enthusiasts are enjoying this feast, but when they saw this wonderful and unusual moment, they all couldn't help discussing it.

   "There are so many authoritative organizations, this live broadcast will not really capture the explosion of a supernova?"

   "I just want to know how this big guy called Lu Yu happened at such a close distance when the supernova exploded."

   "Know that to keep this distance from a supernova, the temperature is at least 100,000 degrees. When it is hit by a flow of high-energy particles at the moment of the explosion, the surrounding temperature is no less than that of being in a 20 million-degree solar core."

   "Currently, human beings' technological products can't create defenses against such high temperatures!"

   "Are you all paying attention to this? I can hear that the voice of the explanation is weak, as if it has been hungry for many days."

   "I'll let you face the supernova explosion, see if you are alive and kicking or are you the same as the commentator?"

   "A true warrior who dares to face the explosion of a supernova. I unilaterally declare that observer Lu Yu is a second-generation warrior who is braver than the Mongolian top laner! This is the strongest observer in history!"

   "The strongest observer in history!"

   "The strongest observer in history!"

  In the end, rationality was covered up in a rare carnival. This astronomical feast not only belongs to science, but also to these enthusiasts who really love astronomy.

   Among them is Lu Yu's old black fan left on Blue Star—Xiao Liu.

  As a newly promoted Ph.D., he is not an astronomy major, and he is not yet qualified to enter the venue where big shots gather. When he was watching the live broadcast in the institute with his colleagues, he immediately recognized Lu Yu's voice keenly.

   "Huh?? Is this voice familiar??"

   "Isn't this... the voice of the anchor who said that he built a space jumping machine?"

  Because his mobile phone was almost snatched by Director Mao, he was very impressed with the scene half a month ago. Especially after that, the big boss who had just returned from the hospital quickly returned to the front line, and when he returned to the mobile phone in his hand, he could no longer find any records or information about Lu Yu's live broadcast.

  Xiao Liu, who suddenly realized everything, couldn't help being dumbfounded.

   Everyone just thought you were joking.

  Anchor? ? You can't play for real, can you? ? ? ?

  I am no longer a black fan, my humble little Liu will go online to charge you online!

   I just ask you to take me to space jump once!

  (end of this chapter)

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