MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 119 utopian school

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  Chapter 119 Utopian School

  A standard spaceship of the Conscious Life Form Alliance docked in the space city next to the Planetary Academy. This kind of situation is actually rare, because this kind of spaceship is usually a cargo spaceship for transporting materials, and rarely stops at the space port for receiving students.

  Many intelligent creatures cast curious glances at the spaceship, wondering if it was a member of an alliance of conscious life forms.

  That is to say, the students who have just entered the school will have this question, how can the official members of the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms have entities? At most, there will only be mechanical avatars, and mechanical avatars obviously don't need to be transported by spaceship.

   Soon the cabin door opened, and in the anti-gravity traction light, an alien whose appearance was 80% similar to that of a human stepped into the traction light and slowly boarded the airport.

  The aliens who watched this scene were very disappointed. Seeing the other party's appearance, it was obvious that they were still in a material body like themselves. At most, they were a new intelligent race preparing to join the school!

   I just don’t know why he is not on a spaceship of his own civilization.

  It’s not that this new student doesn’t want to take a spaceship of his own civilization, it’s just that he doesn’t have the concept of a spaceship in his mind at all.

  The technological level of his civilization is about the same as that of the Blue Star before the Renaissance, and he can get in touch with the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms, relying on their unique racial advantages.

   If you look closely at the long black hair on this alien, you can detect the difference between the race and humans. His hair is thicker than that of humans, and there are lightning flashes between the hairs.

  The hair of such alien intelligent creatures can generate a large amount of electric current, through which they can capture prey and send out electromagnetic waves.

Of course, the electromagnetic wave power emitted by a single individual is too small, and it is easy to be submerged in the vast universe, but if tens of thousands or even millions of individuals are connected in series, then the electromagnetic wave power emitted by them will be able to be transmitted several light-years away. outside.

   This intelligent group was also discovered by the alliance's spaceship. Those members who are performing missions outside are basically welcome. As long as you have the potential for intelligence, in their view, there is not much difference between a first-level civilization and a third-level civilization.

  So they have not even started the first industrial revolution, they have already set foot in the universe!

   This group of alien intelligent creatures even worshiped the members of the alliance as gods when the spaceship landed, and after experiencing the high technology and unlimited material supply on the spaceship, they felt that the spaceship was already the legendary kingdom of God!

   But now, they have arrived in the space city, and after learning and mastering the general electromagnetic wave language, they learned that they can also become gods through learning!

   What an honor is this?

  If those idiots who pushed them onto the spaceship knew this, they would be so remorseful that they wanted to commit suicide, right?

  So after more and more clansmen disembarked from the spaceship, they worshiped the ongoing battle of the gods on the dome of the space city!

  At the same time, I don’t know how many people have the same voice in their hearts—I also want to be a member of that electric giant!

  When the span of technology exceeds the comprehensible range, what is the difference between it and a miracle?

  The **** these new students worship is actually Lu Yu who is driving a giant humanoid robot.

   "How could anyone refuse to drive a Gundam?"

   Originally, he just wanted to deal with these Juanwang neighbors, but the moment he saw the mecha, Lu Yu decided that he would participate in this competitive competition!

  The main purpose is to open up new information channels, um...opening this Gundam-like mech is really just a matter of chance!

  In the past few months, Lu Yu has realized that it is impossible to find out whether the alliance is still studying the bottom matter of the universe from the planetary school alone.

  Of course, the Silver Star is also running between the stars, and the harvest is also very little.

  The only thing that can give Lu Yu some comfort is that he found a lot of technology of the third-level civilization from the library, and then sucked up the No. 0 base.

   But the strange thing is that I thought it was just a competitive competition that focused on participation awards, and I made great progress all the way.

   Originally thought that they would be defeated in the qualifiers, but the explosive seed of a neighbor who was the King of Kings directly led them through the qualifiers and entered the round robin.

  The round robin is a battleground where veteran teams compete, but they won by accident several times.

  Actually, Lu Yu's real driving skills can no longer keep up with the intensity of such a competition, but who is he?

  I can’t beat it, but I’m a man with thousands of power leveling players!

  So in the last match of the group stage, he faced the opponent's ace pilot without any panic.

  Because he is not fighting alone!

   As early as a few months ago, this competitive game was launched in the virtual reality game between lizardmen and humans. Seven hundred million lizardmen and hundreds of millions of human beings have already simulated trillions of times against you!

   (alien swear words!)

   (Gentle greetings to your relatives!)

  The game is just trash talk.

   Lu Yu calmly let go of the control of the bionic man, and a human expert who may be hundreds of millions of light years away took over the game.

  Me and the power leveling quack kill.JPG

  I'm in charge of quack, he's in charge of random killing!

  The red humanoid mecha, like a **** coming down to earth, cut the opponent's mecha full of mechanical tentacles into two pieces with a beam saber. This is the scene of those intelligent creatures worshiping!

   It takes time for the opponent to revive the mecha, and at this time the red humanoid mecha has taken over the game!

  The seeded team in this group stage had the biggest upset and was crushed by Lu Yu's team.

   When the tentacle mech was revived, they had scored two goals. As it was killed by the red mech again, there was no suspense in the whole game!

   "Win! The group is the first to qualify!"

   "We made it to the knockout round!"

  In the maintenance room, the bionic human who just came out of the virtual cabin was thrown up again and again by dozens of strange aliens

  Victory is the best glue for the team!

  A few months ago, who would have thought they would achieve such a result?

  Amidst the laughter, Lu Yu suddenly remembered the summer when he led his class to fight the finals of the school debate competition when he was still on Blue Star.

  There are unlimited materials open to everyone here, no matter how small the interest is, you can form like-minded groups with different aliens, and tinker with some messy things that may not be useful.

  Students can accomplish everything they want in this planetary school. It is really like a school, like a school where thousands of aliens gather together.

  When these people grow up and become the backbone of the alliance of conscious life forms, perhaps the phrase [all conscious life forms in the universe unite] will no longer be empty talk?

   Lu Yu, who had this thought, looked at Miya who had naturally mixed into the celebration team again. His heart moved, and he seemed to be aware of something faintly.

  But the next second, Number Seven's voice rang in his ears.

  Consciousness returned to the body after a long absence, and appeared in front of Lu Yu's eyes. On the projection screen, there was only one celestial body with a diameter of only more than 20 kilometers, but it had a terrible mass, with a mass of at least 100 million tons per cubic centimeter!

   "This is a magnetar, a special type of neutron star!"

   "I found a suspected observation post next to it!"

  (end of this chapter)