MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 189 choose

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  The demise of the sun, brought to life through virtual reality representations that look like real ones.

  Even though Lu Yu, who had witnessed the demise of many stars with his own eyes and was even the culprit himself, felt an unspeakable anger in his chest when he witnessed this moment.

  How dare! ?


my sun!

  The sun of mankind!

  Even though humans now have the ability to cross star systems, they still have to rely heavily on the solar system.

   Not only because this is the birthplace of human civilization, losing it will be like a lost dog, but more importantly, material here is the key to human development, and there is already a complete scientific research base and a complete industrial base here.

   Once lost, wandering in space with a spaceship, human beings... can they still be the human beings on the blue star?

   And how many years will it take to find a suitable star system and re-establish everything needed for the development of civilization?

  Looking at the virtual reality image, the sun emits a dazzling light!

   Helium flash.

   means that this star will enter the next stage of evolution, and the life in the star system has entered the countdown to death.

  The people in the meeting just watched this scene, returning to the first scene without saying a word.

  Only the military narrator stood up and began to explain the third act of the interstellar simulation war.

   "Just as the other party cannot predict the situation of us humans, we also cannot predict what terrible weapons the other party has hidden."

   "This scene is simulated on the premise that the opponent has a weapon that can change the state of the stars. We should deeply understand that this is the first interstellar war for mankind, and the opponent is the one who hit the door."

   "If the other party has such a trump card, as far as human civilization is concerned, even if the other party is blocked in the Oort Nebula, it does not mean that human beings can sit back and relax."

   "After all, human beings are too weak to deal with stellar-level interstellar disasters, but there is no guarantee that the other party does not have such capabilities."

   "So, once the interstellar war starts, we must raise all kinds of situations one by one and deal with them one by one."

  The narrator may not know what level of elder the person listening to the report is, but he still pointed out the most deadly point of human beings through virtual reality.

  If the opponent has some kind of weapon that can threaten the stars, what should humans do?

  This is the worst situation. Even if the opponent is blocked from the solar system, there are still means to threaten civilization. Under such threats, how can human beings develop technology in an orderly manner?

  Everyone understands what this possibility means.

  Perhaps due to the development and safety of civilization, perhaps mankind will have to give up the solar system!

  There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is absolutely no thousand days to guard against a thief.

  If you worry too much about your own safety and use a lot of power to defend the safety of the star system, it will lead to the decline of civilization.

  For a star-level civilization that has the ability to strike beyond light years, such a line of defense is actually not very effective.

  Like the former Dyson sphere, it looks like a grand project, but it has the most deadly point, as long as it affects the stars... everything is ready, and it will collapse with a slight push.

  These examples are all materials obtained by Lu Yu from the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms. After cosmic sociology sorted out these examples, he had to be surprised.

  When a civilization is promoted to a star-level civilization, the mother star will change from a natural celestial body to a spaceship made by civilization.

   Not only is civilization out of consideration for development, but it also has a lot to do with the discovery of the mother galaxy by other civilizations.

  A long time ago, human beings longed to find an intelligent race in space, and hoped that they were not a lonely civilization in the universe.

   But now that other civilizations have finally been discovered, the location of the solar system has been accidentally exposed.

  For many scientists who are eager to communicate and collide with academic sparks, such a cosmic environment does not seem to be able to support the once naive ideas.

   It's not Dark Forest, but it won't be pretty either.

  Perhaps this highlights the importance of a relatively stable environment that allows civilizations within a large star field to get along in an orderly manner?

  The white dwarf market is a representative of this aspect.

  The third act simulated the interstellar war image, which cast a shadow on everyone.

  Humans are indeed not prepared to deal with alien civilizations, let alone abandon the solar system, but the fact is that humans may have to make choices in the future.

  Even if the opponent hits the stars and cannot destroy human beings, they must always be prepared to deal with such a terrible situation.

   This is what strategy meetings are for.

  This meeting was very long. The military not only included the fact that the unknown fleet was a fourth-level civilization, but even included the fact that it was a higher civilization and possessed more terrifying technological weapons into the virtual interstellar war.

   During this long meeting, Lu Yu listened very carefully.

   "The 123rd scene of the simulated interstellar war has been played, and the representatives of the advanced base will show us the video."

  The first part of the simulated interstellar war lasted for three days before it finally came to an end, and then immediately connected to the next set of strategic plans.

  In the meeting, not only the military provided a simulation of the future interstellar war, but the advanced base also brought everyone an eye-catching space development plan.

  Currently, a large amount of Blue Star's production capacity has been put into the construction of the deep space base. The transformation of Blue Star is actually quite lagging behind the ever-changing advance base.

  Looking at the human civilization on the surface of the blue star alone, it may be only a second-level civilization, but it has reached the productivity level of a third-level civilization in the forward base.

  As for why they still rely on Blue Star, it is only because a large number of high-tech parts can only be produced in the cutting-edge research laboratory of Base Zero, and the productivity invested in these devices has reached more than half of the global productivity.

   Almost across civilizations to produce them!

   But there is no way to do this. After all, these parts may be the core components of the spacecraft engine, the gravity bomb generator, etc., which are almost beyond the technological level of planetary civilization.

   Just like the United States used to manufacture rockets to land on the moon in the last century, in fact, a large number of core components are all engineers trained by the powerful industry of the year.

   After the restart of the moon landing program in the 21st century, who knows that technology has improved a lot, but some key parts cannot be produced, resulting in delayed rocket launches again and again.

   Therefore, the majority of conspiracy theory enthusiasts exclaimed that the moon landing was fake, and questioned whether humans had really landed on the moon.

   It can be seen that the advanced manufacturing of core components does not start from now.

  Although the world has quietly contributed a lot of productivity to support the deep space base, it is still not enough!

Even though the forward base is now able to output a large amount of matter and technological creations, these things are immediately delivered to the Great Wall base in the Kuiper belt. The star system defense system has abruptly affected most of the energy and productivity of human beings. Otherwise, today Perhaps humans have been able to initially colonize Mars!

   All kinds of hard work, everyone understands that this is a necessary effort.

  Looking back at the cake drawn by the forward base, it is wrong, it should be a virtual scene.

  In the first act, humans no longer use Blue Star as their main habitat.

  Most of the human industry has been transferred to the back of Jupiter and Mercury with the transfer of the forward base.

  There is enough nuclear fusion material here to supply human beings.

  The simulated environment of the large-scale space city is similar to that of Blue Star, and there will be no difference at all when humans live in it.

  Here is also a new base for human beings to develop in deep space. A large number of docks allow humans to have enough spaceships to resist unknown fleets.

  This is the result of a great leap forward in the development of space bases after humans blocked alien civilizations from the Great Wall of Space and entered a stalemate.

Human civilization can slowly get rid of the dependence on the parent star and quickly enter the level of cosmic civilization. At the same time, a large amount of technology has time to develop. Even if the coordinates of the solar system are exposed, human beings who are constantly developing their civilization by leaps and bounds are not afraid of how to visit. civilization.

  Who dares to be an enemy of a civilization that is constantly exploding in science and technology?

  And this civilization has mastered the movement method of star-level civilization. Even if the home planet of human beings is destroyed, human civilization still cannot be wiped out, and what they get in exchange is endless hatred for immortal civilizations.

  Thinking about tens of thousands of years later, we will face an advanced civilization with space technology. Will those civilizations who are trying to do it really not hesitate?

   The simulation of the advance base is actually very simple. With the experience of a large number of scientists working on the front line and the continuous scientific research results, as long as the unknown fleet is kept out of the Great Wall of Space and enough time is bought, the opponent can be crushed with scientific and technological achievements.

  This is an upright conspiracy, and it is also an opportunity for human beings to overcome ideological barriers and enter the space age.

   This kind of thinking is somewhat naive, but it fits the thinking of most of the elders here.

   Everyone is not afraid of a stalemate with an unknown fleet, but they are afraid that the opponent has strategic weapons that affect the state of the stars, as the military simulated.

  As long as there is a stalemate, human beings are really confident that technology can take off again, turning the unknown fleet into singing and dancing alien friends.

   This is Lu Yu's confidence in human civilization.

It is even said that if it weren’t for this sudden unknown fleet, maybe human beings would master space technology in the solar system and then expand in the Milky Way. At that time, the star-level civilizations in the entire Milky Way would exclaim that advanced civilizations could be born on this remote cantilever !

   "A lot of our technology is still in the theoretical and conjecture stage, especially the warp drive!"

   "Even if we have disassembled the engines of the Zerg spaceships time and time again, we still need to improve our basic science in order to truly master this technology, which will take time."

   "As for the relative antimatter technology and grand unified theory, in fact, human beings' research on them has just started, and it will take time to put them into practical use!"

   "Fifteen years! Fifteen years!"

   "I used to think that this was a long time, but now it seems so short, it can't even allow human beings to leap from a planetary civilization to a star civilization in one fell swoop!"

  The regrettable speech of the representative of the forward base, if spread to the universe, I don’t know how many civilizations would be beating their chests!

  Planet-level civilizations may have to collectively break their defenses!

  If the third-level civilization wants to become a fourth-level civilization, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to digest the unified theory after removing the various influences of the large filter, and then develop the light speed engine and become a star-level civilization.

  But the speed at which humans master the unified theory is scary!

Not only do they have the database of the entire fourth-level civilization, but also the [kind] Zerg scientists who are hundreds of millions of light years away are constantly teaching theoretical knowledge, and they are also [generously] dismantling their main spaceships as learning for humans. tool.

  With such excellent materials, why worry that the road for human beings to ascend to a star-level civilization will not be unimpeded?

  And if a star-level civilization hears this, I'm afraid they can't help but curse.

  Which star-level civilization has not worked hard, through emancipating the mind again and again, and even changing the form of the race, and being tortured by the years into a different appearance, it was successfully promoted.

   And humans now seem to be just short of time!

  When the time advantage is on the human side, whether it is crushed by the advantages brought about by technological leaps, or it lasts until Lu Yu returns to the solar system with the Silver Star, it is a great victory for mankind!

  Lu Yu looked left and right, and many elders kept nodding at the cakes drawn by the forward base.

  After all, the core of the military's plan always points to one point—expanding the size of the space fleet.

   This is understandable.

   After all, it is a battle that concerns the life and death of human civilization, and it is worthwhile to prepare as much combat power as possible.

  But now the rapid pace of technology has given everyone more ideas, and instead the plan that should have been taken for granted has become a little radical.

   There are also many simulation plans prepared by the advance base, and it took two days to play them out one by one.

  Includes the enhanced version of the Great Wall of Space, the Human Seed Project and contact with alien civilizations, etc.

  As a more like a bystander's point of view, Lu Yu can honestly say that the plan proposed by the advance base is undoubtedly more objective and more in line with human civilization.

   He rubbed the space between his brows as he exited the virtual reality.

  Entering the eye is the splendid scenery. This kind of living area makes people feel extremely comfortable. If Lu Yu doesn't always have to pay attention to the situation of the big universe, Lu Yu can relax all day without thinking about anything in such an environment!

   But now Lu Yu is not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, he is thinking about the simulated scenes he saw from the meeting these days.

   "Master, look at this!"

  No. 7 pushed a holographic projection to Lu Yu who seemed in a daze.

   "This is life born in strong acid."

   "Although their structure is extremely simple, they can only be regarded as single-celled life, but they were still born in such a harsh environment."

  In the holographic projection, it is a place with a relatively low temperature in the strong acid sea, and it is also a place with a relatively mild pH value.

   Here, Number Seven discovered phosphine, a chemical generally produced as a by-product of metabolic activity in anaerobic organisms.

   Taking this as a clue, they finally found single-cell life in this acidic sea, which is almost the sea of ​​death!

   Lu Yu looked at these so-called lives in disbelief.

  In such a terrible and extreme environment, they were still born and survived tenaciously.

  What about humans today?

  It seems that the biggest threat to the former civilization—the unknown fleet is no longer a confidant, but is the plan to become tame?

  When the Great Space Wall project was formulated, it was not a modest plan.

  At the beginning, no one expected that the productivity of human beings could skyrocket to the present level, but it was still formulated quickly and implemented resolutely.

  After many achievements have been made, human beings seem to have become more stable.

  It’s just the rapidly changing environment of the solar system, can it really stabilize human beings?

   Don't forget, when the system first appeared this task, there were tasks with two levels of ab and ab.

  Unknown Fleet, from the very beginning to visit the solar system is not a simple alien civilization visit.

  Thinking about this clearly, when Lu Yu dismissed the holographic projection in front of him, he had already made a decision.

   Advance to the base, maybe this time I will be your Wall Breaker.

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