MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 207 Integral tide

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  Chapter 207 Score Tide

  Happy time always flies fast. After a brief celebration, Yang Weili and the other officers had to spend some time in the simulated gravity environment of the space city at Lagrange Point before returning to the Blue Star.

  The two-year-long zero-gravity and microgravity environment made their bones weak. If they returned directly to the Blue Star, they would experience some symptoms due to their inability to adapt.

With the current technology of human beings, it is not impossible to build a gravity system on spaceships, but that will undoubtedly squeeze a large part of the space, allowing spaceships to reduce their material reserves or weapons to meet the design conditions. Not the best choice.

   Therefore, these officers who are the seeds of future captains can only suffer here, waiting for their bodies to re-adapt to the gravity of the earth!

   "In this long-lost gravity, I didn't feel heavy, and there was a comfortable feeling."

   "Our souls are indeed bound by gravity!"

  Yang Weili glanced at Bona beside him who was talking nonsense, and saw that the gravity chamber he was running in was only 0.1G, so he couldn't help giving this guy a shot.

  【Gravity mode has been adjusted to 1G】


   Bona, who was still showing a complacent expression just now, immediately felt the oppression of gravity on his soul.

   Watching this guy frantically adjust the gravity value, Yang Weili shook his head with a smile, and focused on the holographic projection in front of him.

  The space city at the Lagrange point is the largest space dock in the Earth-Moon system. Although it is nothing compared to the Advance Base and the Space Great Wall Base, it is a huge monster that all human beings can see.

   So much so that the fun of astronomy enthusiasts now is to observe its outline.

   Of course, Yang Weili was not watching the wonders of space, but as a witness, watching the live broadcast of a major breakthrough experiment in an engine laboratory in the shipyard.

   With the unified theory as the basis, various derivative formulas and deformation formulas have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and a new door has been opened.

  With the help of this large number of basic formulas and the rapid progress of materials science, how much energy human scientists have spent on the light speed engine in the past few years!

In the temporary laboratory built temporarily in the space city, a huge engine has just been loaded. Its debugging in terms of energy supply, efficiency improvement, and material structure has been completed. The engine that entrusts human dreams and hopes is actually in the deep space fleet The assembly was completed within a few days after the return.

   Engine No. 88.

   This is its number, which means that there are already 87 models of engines, and the main engine of the Penglai is just one of this series of engines!

  Nearly ten years ago, after Lu Yu got the blueprint of the light speed engine from the Dyson ball civilization, humans used 88 epoch-making engines to finally realize the humanization of the light speed engine.

  If it can be successful, then people can proudly advertise that they are already a star-level civilization!

  Of course, it is only a star-level civilization with half a bucket of water, and the development time needed by human beings will be taken from the hands of the unknown fleet!

  【Countdown to ignition...ten, nine...】

  【Ignite! 】

  As the AI ​​countdown ended, one main and four light speed engines in the laboratory ignited at the same time.

  A huge energy flow poured into these engines along the lines, and a series of indescribable changes occurred inside them. As they worked, the entire laboratory shook. In Base Zero, the hearts of many scientists were suspended. They stared straight at the holographic projection image, refusing to take their gaze away.

  Continue to accelerate, this engine will accumulate huge kinetic energy and huge energy, once it explodes, it will cause as much damage as you can imagine to Lagrange Space City.

   After it accelerated to a certain degree on the holder, it was released as a matter of course.

   It can be seen from the blue star that the spaceship dragging incandescent fireworks plunged into the deep space like a shooting star.

   "The main engine carried in the cabin sent back data, all indexes are normal, and the material is supported."

   "The inertia brought about by the acceleration is too great. In the future, the members of the spaceship may all be in the dormant cabin during the acceleration phase."

   "But this is inevitable. If you accelerate slowly, you may not be able to reach the speed of light even if you fly out of the solar system!"

   "At any rate, our new material has finally met the requirements of the light speed engine, otherwise all the materials before human beings will collapse under the terrible inertial pull, and it is impossible to keep the engine running continuously."

   "On the light speed engine, we have always lacked a gap in material science. The theory has already obtained a full set of data and information in the Dyson sphere civilization!"

   Soon, the explaining scientist stopped talking and stared at the experimental spacecraft.

  10% the speed of light!

  30% of the speed of light!

  50% the speed of light!

   At this point, the spacecraft has spent five full days accelerating, and it has even flown from the blue star to the orbit of Mars.

  60%! This is already the limit speed that the deep space fleet can achieve!




  The speed of the spaceship is getting faster and faster, and its speed is increasing rapidly, finally reaching a critical point.

   When it took another day to fly over the Great Wall base from Mars orbit, the information sent back by the spacecraft has lagged a lot.


  But humans have received this amazing value, and this engine alone can declare success!

   Load it on the spaceship, and mankind can create an interstellar spaceship far exceeding the current performance.

  Even if human beings are defeated by an unknown fleet in the future, the seeds of human beings can still be left behind by the spacecraft released in advance.

   After returning to the solar system, Lu Yu relied on the data left behind to recover them one by one, keeping the intelligent race of human beings.

  The core of this escape project is to create an interstellar spaceship that can fly fast enough!

   Its importance is no less than that of the Great Space Wall Project, and even among some special groups, its value is much more important than the Great Space Wall Project!

  The big guarantee has been reached!

   And the surprises are still coming... 99% the speed of light!

   When this data was displayed, many scientists even forgot to breathe.

  99.9999% the speed of light!

  While sending back such data, the spacecraft finally disintegrated near the dwarf planet base in deep space.

  But the scientists at Base Zero couldn't help cheering.

  In Einstein's theory of relativity, it is mentioned that matter with mass in three dimensions cannot reach the speed of light.

  Even if the No. 88 engine maintains a high-frequency movement, it does not reach the speed of light until it disintegrates.

   It may not be called a real light speed engine, but for human beings, this is already an epoch-making engine!

   It is foreseeable that a large number of spaceships will usher in iterative upgrades in the future. Humans may not be mentally prepared, but they are already entering the era of star-level civilization!


  【Deep space exploration +1, bonus points 2 points】

  【Light Speed ​​Engine +27%, bonus points 270 points】

  The information popped up by the system in front of him can be regarded as a little comfort to Lu Yu who has just lost his points.

  He was also watching the Blue Star live broadcast, and felt deeply proud of the great leap forward in the technological progress of mankind.

  For other civilizations, each level of engine improvement may require hundreds or even thousands of years of civilization development.

  It may take tens of thousands of years for the third-level civilization to transform into a real fourth-level civilization!

  If a large filter is encountered during this period of time, and civilization encounters a crisis of retrogression, the time required may increase exponentially!

  It only took ten years for human beings to cross this boundary, which is an unimaginable development speed for a star-level civilization.

   After a burst of pride, Lu Yu switched the holographic projection to his planet.

   That's right!

  The planet taken over from the mosaic civilization is now Lu Yu's planet, both in name and in terms of control!

  It looks like an ordinary film, but it is worthy of being a black technology product of the system. As long as Lu Yu thinks about it, it will rain cats and dogs on the planet. When he frowns slightly, there will be an earthquake on the planet that changes the landscape.

   It can be said that relying on this black technology product, Lu Yu can be regarded as a **** on the planet!

   Witnessing the mosaic civilization and the triangular spaceship surrounded by black technology products, they all believe in the judgment of the Jiao civilization as a higher civilization, and now they are honestly watching Lu Yu tossing these intelligent races in space.

   Soon, when they found that even the situation of the planet was difficult to observe, they also understood that Lu Yu seemed to really want to make a big deal on this planet!

  Host: Lu Yu

   Points: 5184

  Mission: 【Looking into the Deep Space】【Story Behind】

  Currently own black technology products: [Silver Star (modified)] [Lunch Box] [Space Suit (modified)]


   Otherwise, why did I spend so many points and so much thought?

   Isn't it just to get the points of Xinxinniannian!

  Lu Yu completely ignored the thoughts of those members of higher civilizations, but stared at the more than 40,000 intelligent races that had been initially transformed by him.

  The emotions of intelligent creatures are the most unreliable and changeable things. Especially for these simple creatures who have never experienced life science at all, Lu Yu can even make them grateful by prolonging their lifespan!

   What's more, Lu Yu appeared on the stage in the form of a "miracle" before. Human experts are very interested in determining the status of these intelligent races.

  And with the passage of time, because of the characteristics of intelligent creatures, after being liberated by human experts, will they really return to the state of fanatical worship of inexplicable religions?

  Because the newly born intelligent creatures, they have developed perfect technology, they are so free when there is no external force, the material conditions are so superior, and the environment is so beautiful.

  If possible, they must go to the universe.

  Civilization needs space because matter is limited in a limited space.

  And there are more than 40,000 intelligent races on this planet, and the limited material will inevitably lead them to the big universe with the development of science and technology and the liberation of mind!

   You said that after a hundred years, Lu Yu will not be able to hand over the space technology, and when the Mosaic civilization wants to take back this planet, what will these civilized intelligent races do?

   Then it depends on how much wool these intelligent races have gathered for Lu Yu in the past hundred years!

  If there are enough points to allow Lu Yu to have enough points when he has a surplus, then he will not be stingy with the points to COS a restarter.

   Use the points to exchange for black technology weapons, and let the Mosaic civilization have a taste of [Erasure].

  Of course, these are all things to talk about. What Lu Yu is most concerned about now is the improvement of technology by these civilizations!

   There are more than 40,000 intelligent races, most of which are still at the first level of civilization, and some are even at the stage of tribal civilization.

   And a small number have reached the second-level civilization. Due to the harsh environment outside the planet, there is no way to launch satellites or spacecraft to leave here.

  Such a hodgepodge of intelligent races exists on one planet, and because of the special management methods of the mosaic civilization, they can still live together peacefully.

  Lu Yu also had to sigh, mosaic civilization is really a talent.

  With so many levels of differences, Base Zero couldn't help but face difficulties.

  Because of differences in civilization levels, if they are gathered in the same class, take out the magnets.

  Classmates with tribal civilization level knelt down and called it a miracle.

  The classmate of the feudal civilization, coldly snorted a strange trick.

  Students of industrial civilization, it’s just that with a chuckle.

  Different degrees of civilization, the difficulty of indoctrination is not ordinary!

   Engage in elite education, and everyone is afraid that Lu Yu's system will not recognize it.

   After all, I personally want to represent civilization. Do you think you are Lu Yu?

  And if separate teaching is carried out, and each intelligent race opens a school, it may be an unimaginable teaching project for Base Zero!

  It is a huge difficulty just from enlightening wisdom and emancipating the mind!

  Otherwise, it takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to grow people is not just talk.

   The first research report Lu Yu received already explained this situation. Perhaps most of the more than 40,000 intelligent races may need a considerable period of time to complete basic education before they can go to technological intensity.

  It is completely different from those super life forms and neutron life forms. Professors can harvest points crazily when they come with scientific knowledge.

  The reactions of these intelligent races are normal!

  Education is a purposeful, planned and organized way of cultivating the mental development of the educated, teaching them with existing experience and knowledge, and explaining various phenomena, problems or behaviors to improve their practical ability. It is fundamentally to treat things with a relatively mature or rational thinking of intelligent life.

It is also a kind of teaching of thinking, and because of its own ideology, intelligent life forms have a different thinking trend. If you want to change this kind of thinking, it will take time to smooth out the original thinking mode before you can apply the new one. Thought printed.

   These are intelligent races that need to make progress, and they can only be harvested slowly with time.

  But some, relying on their own racial talents, are able to develop technology in such a religious atmosphere. For intelligent races, they are Lu Yu's most promising lambs!

  Base Zero has also seen this point. On the newly transformed planet, the first place to build a school is the gathering place of these races.

  【Grand Unified Theory】

  【Basic Theory of Antimatter】

  【Conjectures related to dark matter】

   Various science and technology theories of star-level civilizations were put on the classroom without hesitation, replacing the original teachings!

  This scientific knowledge is your new Bible!

  And your new pastor is a human being from hundreds of millions of light years away!

  Such a peculiar Scientology religion even allows some young and old of an intelligent race to participate in learning and education, and the practice venue is naturally thoughtfully arranged!

  In this wonderful religious atmosphere, the technology of these intelligent races that have reached the basics of learning is severely improved.

  They may not understand what this means, but their new god—Lu Yu can see what they expect appear!




   Point tide, here we come!

  (end of this chapter)

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