MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 96 great harvest

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  Chapter 96 Big Harvest

   "The living environment of the returnists is more difficult than imagined?!"

   "The research institute is out of their control, and the technology company regards them as a thorn in the side. There is too much malice behind this attack."

   "I'm afraid that as long as you show your weakness, it will be the result of dismemberment of the return faction by many parties."

  The security forces, who seemed to rush to the scene quickly, only came late after the incident happened.

  This is the lair of the research institute, how could so many weapons enter this space bubble silently?

  The self-destruct devices of those weapons are very ingeniously set up, which should have erased all the information carried.

   This time they happened to bump into Lu Yu and they were destined to show their feet. No. 7 used Sophon to control one of the weapons before they exploded.

  Lu Yu doesn't care what the return faction will do with this rare on-site evidence. He is currently reviewing the return faction's database.

  These lizardmen who have achieved the fusion of consciousness seem determined to be ghosts. After this not-so-perfect contact, they let go of their own databases and let No. 7 visit them.

   It seems that these brains are also scientists. They have integrated the basic knowledge of civilization, and there is no record of some basic knowledge of lizard civilization in the database.

   "Three Directions of the Unification of the Four Forces"

  《Several Conjectures on Tachyons and Antimatter》

  《Five assumptions about liquid metal》


  Theoretical knowledge about the cardiopulmonary arrest of the experts at Base Zero continued to emerge. Dr. Lizardman led the entire civilization to hide in Base 52. In the early days, there was almost a wave of technological explosions. These achievements all appeared at that time!

   And now these achievements will be collected by humans one by one!

   "My God? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

   "If the conjecture of the unification of the four major forces continues to be extended, will it be able to explain part of the basic theory of the fourth-level civilization?"

"I see!"

   The unexpected harvest made many professors overjoyed. The gap that existed between the second-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization seems to be building a bridge with the knowledge added by the lizard civilization!

  The grand unification of the four major forces and the verification of tachyons are both great breakthroughs in basic science!

  Before Lu Yu went to wander the universe, behind the continuous progress of human science and technology, there has been no major breakthrough in basic science for nearly a hundred years, especially the physics of constructing the universe, which has been blocked by dark clouds.

  Proving the grand unified theory of the four major forces is no less important to macrophysics than the historical status of the discovery of gravitation, and even far surpasses the entire history of civilization.

   Proving the existence of tachyons is a major breakthrough in microphysics!

  Microscopic physics cuts the atoms that make up matter, and you get electrons, neutrons, and protons, followed by more microscopic quarks, leptons, Higgs particles, and so on.

  These are the most basic particles that make up matter, and humans have established the so-called standard model for them.

  But the more in-depth research, you will find that these microscopic particles are still waiting for humans to discover them!

  The so-called tachyon is one of them.

  Among the sixty-two kinds of elementary particles predicted by the Standard Model, all particles except photons have more or less mass. According to the mass-energy equation, their speed of motion can only reach below the speed of light, and they can be infinitely close to the speed of light but cannot reach it, so these particles are also called slowons.

   Tachyon is a kind of particle relative to slowon. The biggest difference from positive mass particles is that its mass is negative, so its characteristics are almost opposite to those of slow particles.

  By endowing the bradion with energy, the speed of the bradion will continue to increase, reaching the fastest approaching the speed of light.

  A tachyon is just the opposite. When its energy is zero, it moves at an infinite speed, and the more energy it gets, the slower it moves. It doesn’t slow down until it gets infinite energy.

  The same as the slow son, the tachyon also has a speed limit. The lower limit of the speed of tachyons is the speed of light, that is to say, the speed of tachyons is always faster than the speed of light. It can only be infinitely close to the speed of light, but cannot be reduced below the speed of light.

  Based on this inference, scientists even conjectured a universe with tachyons as the basic particles, and a cosmic dual universe system composed of slowons as the basic particles, achieving the symmetry of conserved quantities in the physical structure.

  Because of this characteristic of tachyons, tachyons cannot be directly observed by any observation instrument. Because human beings are creatures living in the bradytron universe. But just like creatures in a black hole, they cannot directly observe the large universe outside, but can indirectly infer its existence through some effect it brings. (Note 1)

   From the calculation of mathematical formulas, human beings can see that tachyons may exist, and scientists are also eagerly looking for it!

  Because all the properties of tachyons that are opposite to the slow ones show the matter composed of tachyons, it is very likely to be antimatter!

   Now, following the mature and controllable nuclear fusion, the door of antimatter has finally been knocked on by human beings!


  Compared to the carnival of human beings because of windfalls, the technology companies that have just started to send back are caught in a subtle crisis.

  Representatives of several technology companies who had been bewitched before were standing in front of the so-called president tremblingly, reporting the situation.

And the lizard known as the president played with the black card in his hand, and said calmly: "Isn't it because the returnees have the so-called evidence? Just push the scapegoat out and give him such a big benefit." , isn't it just showing its effect at this time?"

  After these representatives promised submissively, they left quickly.

   "Trash! Spicy chicken!"

   When only the president was left, he became furious in the office with excellent sound insulation: "With this group of insects, how can we do a good job at Base 52?"

   "I gave you three hundred years! I can't even take down an extremely weak return faction!"

  The president couldn't help expressing his truth in his anger.

   "Is the data calculated by the research institute to break through the blockade of the black domain when returning the material back then really accurate?"

   "If it's really that simple, why would the civilization that arranged the black domain take so much trouble to trap us to death?"

   "The civilization that arranged the black domain never thought of letting us go. Everything is just a joke for it to play with us. This is already the last paradise of our civilization."

  The president looked at the never-leave black card and recalled the past.

  Three hundred years ago, he was just an ordinary person who was addicted to virtual reality, until one day this black card appeared beside his virtual cabin out of thin air.

  The president got the secret that the doctor is constantly exporting materials outside the base from above, and also knew that the base would get worse and worse, so the president became the organizer of the rebel army!

  Relying on the clues given by the cards one after another, he led the rebel army and almost overthrew the absolute rule of the Institute!

  Until the doctor brought those well-known scientists who were willing to bury themselves in the black domain, and were unwilling to change their determination to return the material, the president stared at the card in his hand and had a cold thought—he might become a gun.

   But so what?

   Do it and do it!

   Eliminate the tyranny of the research institute! I am not an insider, but the forerunner chosen by the black card civilization to liberate our civilization!

  At this time, the black card that had not responded for many years displayed a message again—[Let me get in touch with the civilization behind the Restitution faction! 】

  Note 1: There are indeed conjectures about tachyons.

   Let’s try to add more tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)