MTL - Blackstone Code-Chapter 8 We have our rules

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   "There is nothing here..."

   Another investigator didn't know what happened here. He threw out the worn-out clothes in the two boxes, including the wooden boxes used to hold them, and they were also split into several pieces.

   There are no coins or change here, not to mention the hundreds or thousands of change in the wire report, not even a coin.

  The investigator who was in the delicate confrontation heard it and the first reaction was impossible. They had already investigated almost clearly. This kid named Lynch has been exchanging change on a large scale in unimaginable ways.

  Before Lynch appeared, no one would lose money at such a loss to change change. He pioneered that, behind his almost endless change of change, it was considered by the investigators of the Sabine City Taxation Bureau to use it for Fox.

During this period of time, Lynch has only contacted Fox, and has not contacted anyone else. In addition, in the past few days, the tax return of the laundry shop under Fox’s name has increased significantly. The Sabine Tax Office believes that Lynch is "Mr. Key".

In fact, someone has been staring at him since the day before yesterday. According to his law of action, he should now send the collected coins to the laundry. On the surface, he is going to wash the clothes, but he is actually breaking the law. trade.

   Then he will continue to exchange the change until the next time he makes up a certain amount.

   Just grab the change in his hand, mark it, and let Lynch send the coin to the laundry, and the entire chain of evidence is complete.

   Once Fox starts to declare the tax situation, he will immediately arrange for a commissioner to check the information he submitted, and then grab a scene and send him to prison.

  Everything is calculated well, but there is a problem here, except for a pile of old clothes, there is not even a coin on the car, where did the money go?

  In a short period of three, four, five, six, seven or eight seconds, the investigator's eyes showed a brief loss of consciousness, and then he looked back at Lynch and pointed at him, "Be careful..."

   said, slapped the skirt of the windbreaker, and another investigator quickly left here. They wanted to rush to another scene.

   Rich work experience made them not only place hope on this group of people. Another group raided Lynch’s current temporary residence. If there is no money here, then the money must be in his room.

   It’s just that the investigator always felt that things would not be so simple. This young man, Lynch... He couldn't see through, and he was not at all like a young man who had just walked out of the ivory tower and remained in awe of the world.

   Lynch watched the two investigators leave the alley. He spat, bent over to pick up all the clothes on the floor, and then pushed the cart out of the alley.

   The sun shone on his face, and he couldn't see the way he was humiliated and punched just now, as if nothing had happened, and his smile had not changed.

   A few minutes later, he came to the laundry, and went directly into the storage room behind the laundry. Then two young men greeted him with tools and started to dismantle the trolley.

  The trolley is not small. The main structure is made of strong steel pipes. The steel wire is used as the lining, which can be seen through at a glance, so the investigator did not inspect the trolley carefully.

   The manager of the laundry shop on the side handed a cigarette over, lit a fire for Lynch, and apologized, "I'm very sorry, I already know what happened just now, but we didn't help you..."

   Lynch's gaze passed over the shoulder of the shop manager. He watched as the two workers lifted the steel tube of the disassembled trolley laboriously and began to lean towards a basket.

   With the sound of metal crashing, coins of various colors poured out of the steel pipe like tap water.

   Lynch retracted his gaze and fell on the store manager. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "It's okay. I always have to deal with them. That's why I refuse. I don't like trouble."

  Mr. Fox has expressed his desire to solicit Lynch more than once during this period. He is willing to give Lynch a super high salary of 3,000 yuan a month.

   In a society where the average monthly income per capita is only two to three hundred, ten times the average monthly salary is enough to make many people tempted, but Lynch does not.

He knows that a person like Fox who walks on the gray track will find it difficult to get rid of the surveillance of some people in his life. Once he agrees, he will be one of them. In the future, no matter what he does, someone will stare at him. .

   He doesn't join, that's another matter. His youngness and his "shallowness" will not make people pay too much attention to him.

   When people began to pay attention to him, he had almost completed the original accumulation.

   Furthermore, he looks down upon a guy who lends money to the poor to live in a small city.

   The store manager smiled, and said nothing, but Lynch asked again, "Who is the one who beat me?"

   He lowered his head, smoking a cigarette, looking down, his hair and smoke covered his eyes, and the store manager could not observe his true emotions through Lynch's eyes.

   "Michael, the head of the investigation team of the Sabine Federal Revenue Service, he is a very troublesome person. You'd better not think about those inappropriate ideas."

   The store manager kindly reminded that the federal tax itself is a system of its own. They not only have investigators, detectives, agents, and even their own militarized troops.

   It sounds ridiculous and absurd, but this is the fact that a regular, complete, and most regular professional military training unit is used to target certain special armed anti-tax phenomena.

   So most people will tell those newbies that you can do most of the things you want, but before the seventh of each month, you must go to the local tax office to file your taxes, otherwise...

   Michael, as the leader of the investigation team of the Sabine Federal Revenue Service, although his status and status is not the highest, he can be regarded as a middle-level person.

   Even Fox is unwilling to offend each other without a reason. For these tax inspectors, everyone has flaws.

  Because a person cannot accurately remember the ratio of each income to tax, as long as they make a wrong decimal point or a certain digit after the decimal point, they can send you to prison.

   Lynch nodded, pinched the cigarette **** in both hands and took a sigh, "I know, next time I see him, I will take the initiative to let go..."

   The store manager patted Lynch on the shoulder, and did not continue to say more on this topic, "How much is it this time?"

   "Not a fraction, four thousand five hundred yuan!"

   The store manager was slightly stunned after listening, and then laughed. He took out several rolls of banknotes tied with rubber bands from his pocket.

   are all in denominations of five and ten yuan, these banknotes are also very old and can be easily spent.

   For the whole society, these five yuan and ten yuan bills are like these coins in a laundry shop. No one can prepare and say what happened to each coin to appear here.

   The tax bureau can only make the money clean according to the amount of the laundry reported, and it is deposited in the bank under their witness.

   Lynch rolled the money and put it back into the trolley. He waited for a while, waited for his dirty clothes to wash the dishes, and took them all with him, and then pushed the trolley away.

   At the same time, on the other side, a group of people had just raided Lynch’s temporary residence. Not only did they not find a copper plate, but not even a valuable thing.

   "Damn it!"

   They didn't get any valid evidence, and they alarmed Lynch and Fox. This would cause them more trouble, and the investigation may be terminated.