MTL - Blessed by God-Chapter 69 fire fire

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Yinyou never thought that he would encounter such an embarrassing scene when he entered the gate of Qianqing Palace.

The third elder brother was kneeling on the ground, and there was a booklet thrown in front of him. Under such circumstances, Li Dequan actually let him in. Was he trying to kill him or kill him? He didn't dare to think too much at the moment, he knelt down to pay his respects and said: "My son pays respects to Huang Ama."

He felt his eyelids twitching early in the morning, so he was cautious when he went out, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense in the hall, so he hid here and there, and finally fell here.

"Well, get up," Kangxi's voice was a little heavy, Yinyou stepped aside with an uneasy face, and sat in front of the case without moving.

Cautiously stood up, slipped to one side and stood there, the third elder brother was still kneeling straight, not even daring to lift his head, this emperor's majesty did have the power to deter, but what did Kangxi ask him to do in this situation?

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness, the fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the eighth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother are asking to see you." Li Dequan's words made Yinyou feel relieved. Fortunately, he was not alone in this situation. The only disadvantage is that the footwork is too good, and it is one step ahead of the other brothers.

Noticing that Brother San's head seemed to be buried a little lower, Yinyou felt a little sympathetic to him. After all, he beat someone like this, and was punished by Lao Tzu to kneel down, and let the other brothers know. .

After the other brothers came in, Kangxi's face was still not very good. Yinyou stood aside and secretly looked at the expressions of the brothers. The color in the prince's eyes was obvious. The fourth brother still had that cold look, the fifth brother? , has always been detached. On the contrary, Lao Ba, who had been framed by Lao San, had a calm expression on his face, as if whether Lao San gained power or lost power, it had nothing to do with him. And the old ten had already shrunk to the corner where he was standing, and it seemed that he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"I know how talented you are, but you are acting more and more arrogantly. I just don't see the things you do on weekdays. Now you are covering up the crime of murder by your disciples, which really makes me extremely sad. In the past I miss you as a friendly brother, but now it seems that I have misjudged my eyes." Kangxi scolded and threw two folds at the third elder brother's face, "You see what you have done?!"

Yinzhi naturally didn't dare to touch those memorials, not even dared to touch them, but he knew very well in his heart that these memorials to him were most likely made by the prince's subordinates, but he misjudged the situation and let the emperor Ma was suspicious of herself.

Maybe Huang Ama was already dissatisfied with himself when he exposed the boss witchcraft, that's why he was given a ridiculous "sincere" word. Now that he has reached this point, his ambition dream is over.

Listening to Kangxi counting Yinzhi's crimes one after another, no one in the room dared to take a breath. Taking a sneak peek at the third elder brother who was kneeling on the ground and shivering, Yinyou suddenly thought, what did Kangxi do to make an example of others? Otherwise, what did he call these older brothers to do? He tilted his head and glanced at Old Ten who was two steps away from him. Sure enough, the other party was also pale, and he must have been frightened by the current situation.

On the contrary, the expressions of the fourth and the eighth are still the same as when they entered the door. They are indeed the most popular candidates for the two male protagonists in Qingchuan novels in later generations. With this psychological quality and demeanor, whoever reads it will say that they have royal dignity .

"Pass down my will, the third elder brother Yinzhi is not strict in his rule, and his words and deeds are wrong, so he is now reduced to Baylor." With a word of Kangxi, he directly called a prince as Baylor, but Yinyou faintly felt that it was a little weird. , only the fourth and fifth brothers are left for Prince Jue. All the brothers can see clearly what the fifth is. Is Kangxi trying to push the fourth brother to the opposite of the prince? Or are you thinking too much? !

Couldn't help but looked up at Yinzhen, but what he saw was that paralyzed face, Yinyou secretly heaved a sigh of relief, maybe he was thinking too much, the current situation is also beneficial to the fourth brother. The crown prince has already lost the heart of an official in the court, the eighth elder brother's momentum has been suppressed early, and even the third elder brother who was favored by Er Niang has also been reduced in power. , but still understand the momentum, maybe...

No, he still knows the common sense that Kangxi has been emperor for 60 years. It is only 42 years of Kangxi, and there are still 18 years left. Why is something wrong?

Yinyou once again regretted that he did not have a good understanding of the history of the Kangxi period, so that even if he traveled through time, he would not have an invincible golden finger, which made him very disappointed.

This poor third child, this life is like an elevator, the title goes up and down for a while, and finally got a prince title, and then fell down again, this is really indescribably dramatic.

"I called you here today, do you know why?" Kangxi changed the subject, and suddenly directed the conversation to the standing brothers, and the look in the prince's eyes disappeared immediately, and even the calm and calm old eighth His face froze for a moment.

Seeing that the brothers were silent, Kangxi was not in a hurry, so he asked the third elder brother to stand aside, picked up the booklet and said slowly: "I want you to remember, you are brothers!" After saying this, his His eyes swept over the prince, "I don't want to see, you can't even tolerate your own brothers!"

The crown prince was at odds with the third elder brother, and the princes were all aware of the suppression of the eighth elder brother, so what Kangxi said was obviously for him. Although it is not as ruthless as it is for the third child, these few words still make the prince feel a little bit off, but he has to pretend to be okay and say, "I would like to follow Huang Ama's teachings."

Having so many sons, of course they have to fight for the family property. The siblings may fight for the family property, not to mention that these people have their own mothers and they are still in the royal family.

Is this Kangxi expressing his dissatisfaction with the prince?

"Xiaoqi, how are you doing in the Ministry of Industry?"

Yinyou groaned secretly in his heart, why did Kangxi lead the conversation to himself again, he took two steps forward against the prince's "gentle" gaze: "Return to Emperor Ama, everything is fine in the Ministry of Industry, everyone The adults take good care of their sons." Isn't this question asked before, why are you asking it again now?

"You know how to study, it's very good," Kangxi nodded, and shifted his gaze to Brother Ba, "Bao Ba, how are your things going smoothly?"

"With the blessing of Emperor Ama Tianlong, everything is going well," Eighth Brother obviously didn't expect Kangxi to care about him, and was a little at a loss for a while.

Yinhu, who was younger than himself, was called "Old Eight" by Kangxi. How did he become "Little Seven" here? Yinyou murmured to himself that there was no such discriminatory treatment.

As if aware of Yinyou's thoughts, Yinzhen tilted his head slightly to glance at Yinyou, seeing his low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, he thought to himself, if the seventh younger brother could have such an honest appearance in front of him, he would Don't need to worry so much.

"You elder brothers, it's better for younger brothers to make progress. Go back and reflect on yourself." Kangxi waved his hand, "Kneel down, I'm tired too."

Kangxi, you are really my dear father, this is not a compliment, it is pushing people into a fire pit, Yinyou only felt that the prince's eyes were scratching himself like a knife. Dude, this is still the Hall of Mental Cultivation, can't you be more reserved?

After leaving the Qianqing Palace, the smirk on the prince's face disappeared. He looked at Yinyou and the eighth elder brother with a strange look, "The seventh and eighth brothers will teach the second brother how to do things in the future."

Yinyou was already sure that the prince was suffering from a mental illness. Such a blatant display of dissatisfaction with Kangxi's words would only aggravate the conflict between him and Kangxi, and would not bring any benefit at all. It turned into this insolent look.

"The prince is serious. Seventh brother and I just don't know how to do things, so we have to learn from other people." The eighth elder brother heard the dissatisfaction in the prince's words, and blocked the conversation for Yinyou.

"Hmph!" The crown prince glared at him and walked away.

Yinyou didn't expect that Yinhu, who had always been scheming, would provoke the prince's anger in this pawn, and also blocked the prince's anger for him. Such an old man made him a little uncomfortable.

Seeing the prince leaving, Yinhu just bent his lips, and turned to Yinyou and said, "Brother Seven, I still have something to do, so let's go first." After saying hello to the other brothers, he really walked away No, not even doing things like building relationships.

It wasn't until there was only Yinzhen left by his side that Yinyou whispered with a blank face: "Why do I feel something is wrong?" The old eight's appearance is a bit disillusioning. Could it be that he is not interested in that position anymore.

Yinzhen raised his eyebrows, "Let's go, what he wants to think is his own business, so don't worry about it." Since childhood, the eighth brother has a different attitude towards the seventh brother, no matter what kind of thoughts , He will not make trouble for himself in this concern.

Rolling his eyes, Yinyou glanced at the sun in the sky, and fanned it with his sleeve, "The weather is getting hotter and hotter, we'd better go back first."

Seeing that he didn't want to talk about these things between brothers, Yinzhen was also relieved. The two returned to their prince's mansion together, and Yinyou was robbed before Yinzhen had time to take him to the study.

"Uncle Qi, last time you taught me how to make a mouse with a handkerchief, I already knew it," a six-year-old child threw himself into Yinyou's arms, holding an invisible cloth ball in his hand , it seems that he sneaked here in a hurry when he heard that Yinyou was coming.

"Honghui, how old are you, are you still playing these things?" Seeing that Honghui was tired of Yinyou's body, Yinzhen frowned and said, "Why didn't you go to school today?"

As soon as Yinzhen spoke, Honghui immediately stood obediently beside Yinyou, and said in a low voice, "Ama." He looked down at the cloth ball in his hand, and glanced at the sky, now school is over for a while.

Seeing that Honghui was scared by Yinzhen and did not dare to vent his anger, Yinyou patted his head, then wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said, "Fourth brother, the child is so young, what are you doing so fiercely? After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of cold jade from his bosom, "It's so hot, take this to play with."

"Thank you Uncle Qi," Hong Hui took the jade, it was cool and comfortable in the palm of his hand. He knew that with Uncle Qi around, Ama would definitely get angry. Everyone in the house is afraid of Ama, but Uncle Seven is not. Of course, the child has forgotten the fact that this seventh uncle does not belong to Prince Yong's mansion.

Although he was young, he vaguely understood in his heart that even though he was not the only child in the family, he was the most valued by Amma. Apart from being the eldest son, there was also a reason why Uncle Qi liked him.

Er Niang once told him that he should listen to what Ama and Seventh Uncle said. He didn't understand why Er Niang didn't mention other uncles, but he kept this sentence in his heart.

"Don't play for too long, it's hot," Yinyou said, seeing that Yinzhen was still waiting five steps away with a dark face, "Ask the nuns to play with you, Uncle Qi and your Ama have something to say."

Honghui nodded, and saluted Yinzhen honestly, "Ama, the child is back." After speaking, he waved his hand to Yinyou, "Uncle Qi, I will play with you next time."

After Honghui walked away, Yinzhen sighed and said, "This child is getting more and more disfigured."

"How old is Honghui?" Yinyou shook his head indifferently, and followed Yinzhen to the yard. Yinzhen's yard is warm in winter and cool in summer, very comfortable. As soon as Yinyou entered the door, he felt that more than half of the heat in his body had disappeared. He pulled his robe and sat lazily on the grand teacher's chair, "Fourth brother, your yard is better than mine."

"If you want, you can live with me forever," Yinzhen walked to him, bent down and looked at Yinyou, "My yard is your yard."

Yinyou wanted to ask for a moment, if you win the country, can you say "my country is your country"? But after thinking about it, he is not interested in Jiangshan, so why should he say such a boring thing.

"That's not acceptable. This is Prince Yong's Mansion, not my Chunjun Prince's Mansion," Yinyou smiled, pointing out this fact in a flat tone.

Yinzhen couldn't help but leaned over and bit his lips lightly, and held him tightly in his arms.

The fire in his heart seemed to be poured with oil, and it was burning hotter and hotter. Yinyou wrapped his backhand around Yinzhen's neck, exchanging breaths with each other, lingering and hot.

The robes were unknowingly scattered, and it was unknown who held the other person first, the hot touch was particularly sensitive in the ambiguous air.

Released in each other's hands, Yinzhen kissed Yinyou's collarbone unwillingly, "I really want to make you completely mine."

Not caring about the messy robes on his body, Yinyou pushed Yinzhen away, "Don't squeeze with me, it's not too hot." After speaking, he pulled the baggy clothes on his body, "Who will become who is still uncertain. .”

His eyes were shining, looking at Yinzhen, he felt an itch in his heart, and couldn't help kissing the other's brow again, "I'm not afraid of heat", he touched the soft earlobe cheekily, "You are mine, and I am yours too .”

This time Yinyou didn't push him away, put his arms around the other's waist, and said softly: "Yes."

It's normal to have a heart in your heart, and it's normal to be distracted. Yinzhen set up a tent somewhere, kissed that soft lips again, and groped in Yinyou's clothes, "Let's do it again."

"Beast, come and use your own hands," Yinyou panted, and bit Yinzhen's earlobe as if to vent his anger. The thing pressed against his belly made him frown. This person seems to be very energetic.

"It loves you more," Yinzhen pulled Yinyou's hand over with grievances, and touched it there, "It's hard."

Hard your sister! Yinyou gritted his teeth, seeing that the other party was sweating profusely, he softly called his five brothers to help.

In the hot summer, the fire is easy to burn.