MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 17 "Hard" hobgoblins

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  Chapter 17 "Hard" hobgoblins

  Robin did not directly participate in the battle, this kind of low-level battle is not worth his shot. You don't have much experience in killing a wolf man, so let's leave it to the iron guards.

  However, as the commander of the Iron Guard, he still gained experience in team combat. A warm current appeared in his chest out of thin air, and then quickly spread throughout his body.

  The battle is basically over, and the lord arrived at the battlefield belatedly. This time, several iron guards have been upgraded, but so far no iron guard has broken through to the second level of bloodline.

  Simon tied the chief hobgoblin tightly with a rope and brought him to Robin. Before the battle started, Robin told him to scratch his tongue so that he could interrogate the origins of this group of wilderness natives.

  The chief hobgoblin was **** like a zongzi, thrown at Robin's feet, his face was full of dissatisfaction, a pair of small yellow eyes glared at Robin angrily.

  Robin squatted down and asked, "Can you speak the common language of the mainland?"

  Although the languages ​​of the various races on the mainland have their own characteristics, if you dig deeper, you will find that the languages ​​of all races are actually similar. Historians have always believed that the ancient Titans promoted a common language on the continent, and this common language has become the basis for all languages ​​today.

  To this day, as the most well-deserved strongest race on the mainland, the lingua franca of the mainland actually refers to the human language.

  The hobgoblin lay sideways on the wet and cold grass, just staring at Robin, panting heavily, but didn't speak.

  Robin didn't care whether the other party could understand, and then asked: "Which tribe do you belong to? Why did you run to my territory?"

This time the hobgoblin finally spoke, and he opened his mouth and babbled a lot, both in the common language and their hobgoblin language, and Robin understood a few words, which seemed to mean "the great dragon king will kill you!"

   In addition, the hobgoblin repeated a word several times in an angry tone. Although Robin didn't understand, but based on his years of experience in cursing people, he guessed that the hobgoblin might be greeting his family.

  Robin frowned slightly, stood up, and stepped on the hobgoblin's face.

  Dragon King? Hearing this word, Robin's heart twitched instinctively. No matter in any era, a giant dragon is the embodiment of power and disaster. No matter what time you hear the word dragon, it is sure that nothing good will happen.

  When did a dragon come to the wasteland?

Robin's first reaction was not to believe it, because a dragon is not a trivial matter. If there is really a dragon in the wasteland, then the nearest Silver Frost City must have been on guard long ago. After all, the nobles in the city The master is much more informed than himself, and they are more afraid of death.

   It was only a few days ago that Robin went to Silver Frost City for shopping, and he hadn't heard any news about the dragon at all.

   What's even more strange is, how could a proud dragon accept low civilizations like hobgoblins as its followers? That's really a bit of a lost dragon, and I won't be able to say hello to other dragons when I go out in the future.

  However, the dragons have always lived their lives as they please. It is said that even such a weird thing as a dragon-veined goblin has appeared. It is hard to imagine how strong the taste of that dragon would be to attack a stinky goblin. So it's hard to say whether a giant dragon will take a group of hobgoblins and gnolls as his followers on a whim.

   Robin has to figure out this matter, it is related to the life and death of his territory, with his current level of strength, there is no way to compete with a giant dragon.

   "Your master is a dragon?" Robin raised his foot and continued to interrogate.

The hobgoblin thought that Robin was afraid, so he showed a smug look on his face with shoe prints on it, and said in a blunt common language: "Now let me go, I can plead with the Dragon King, only take off your legs, and leave you alone." little life."

  Robin is impatient. Seeing that the hobgoblin answered irrelevant questions, and a captive dared to threaten him, he was a little annoyed. He bent down and grabbed the hobgoblin by the neck, picked him up with one hand, and lifted his feet off the ground.

  The hobgoblin is 1.9 meters tall and weighs more than 200 pounds, but in Robin's hands, he is like a dehydrated fish, his feet are hanging in the air and his face is red from being pinched.

   "Let me ask you, is your master really a dragon?" Robin raised his voice, spitting in the hobgoblin's face, and asked viciously.

   Unexpectedly, this hobgoblin had quite a backbone, staring at Robin with a pair of bloodshot yellow eyes, and didn't say a word in a daze.

  The lord frowned angrily, swung his left hand round, and with a bang, directly gave the hobgoblin a big fight. Robin's slap was merciless, his hand could smash the table with his slap, and made hobgoblins roll their eyes.

   "Where is your tribe? How many people do you have in total? How many soldiers?" Robin tried to change the question,

  The hobgoblin opened his mouth and let out a low growl, but still said nothing.

  Robin's logic is very simple, if you don't say it, I will beat you until you say it!

  He started asking a question, slapped, asked a question, slapped.

   "Where is your dragon king?"


   "What are you doing in my territory?"


   "Why are you digging holes here?"


  The hobgoblin's cheeks were swollen visible to the naked eye, and his face was gradually turning purple from Robin's pinch, but he didn't let go of a word.

  Robin began to admire this tough guy a little bit. What gave him the courage to die rather than surrender? Is it the honor of being a hobgoblin warrior? Or loyalty to the "Dragon King"?

  Maybe this interrogation is ineffective and I should try another method. While thinking this way in his heart, Robin slapped the hobgoblin again.

  At this time, Simon, who was watching from the side, finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stepped forward and said, "Boss, you pinched him too hard, he can't speak."

   Robin suddenly realized that he seemed to be pinching a little bit hard, and his hands were neither light nor heavy.

  He let go of his hand quickly, and the hobgoblin finally felt the force of gravity again, and fell down on the wet grass.

   However, the hobgoblin had already rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and passed out. I don't know whether he was knocked out by Robin or strangled alive.

  Simon squatted down and put his index finger under the hobgoblin's nose. After waiting for three seconds, he raised his head and smiled at Robin: "Boss, he's still alive."

  Robin nodded, and suddenly felt that he was a nobleman after all. Why do interrogation of this kind of thing by himself is too cheap. Then he said to Simon:

   "Take this hobgoblin back for interrogation."

  Simon was very happy, like a child who got a new toy, and his joy was beyond words: "Don't worry, leader, I have ten ways to make him speak, ten!"

  Then, Robin turned and walked to the edge of the big pit, looking down the pit.

   At this time, there are still more than 20 goblins in the big pit hugging together and rustling. In the melee just now, some goblins ran away. The remaining ones don’t know whether they are timid or stupid.

  Robin asked the iron guards to arrest all these goblins, and then rushed back to the territory to continue their old job of slaves. From now on, the dirty work in the territory, such as digging out the toilet and washing the toilet, will be handed over to these green-skinned scumbags.

  He also tried to talk to the goblins, but these goblins couldn't understand human language at all, and they couldn't speak the common language, so they would keep screaming "Ok, Ok".

   Angry Robin wanted to slap them to relieve his anger, but when he saw their big green faces covered with snot, tears, and various unknown liquids, he abruptly put down his raised hand.

   Then, Robin walked around the big pit dug by the goblin. The "Dragon King" asked the goblin to dig the pit here, which meant that there must be something important under the pit.

  (end of this chapter)